poor you,blinded by incenses and hocus pocus....
somehow you want to extend respoinsibility of JPII to all controversial moves of the Catholic Church through the centuries
No,but I dont see anyone rushing to be the next nazi party leader or head of international communisim? If your the boss of a corrupt organisation with a history of evil deeds you take on some of the responsibility.
Admit, that you were wrong... Simply do it.
No,why should I,In my opinion I am not,and I dont fear any mumbo jumbo about hell or pergatory,Im wormfood brother,untouchable.
Btw Mother Theresa made more for poor people that you will ever do (if you will do anything at all..), so WTF?
blah blah blah. What did she do? Tell me? How many people that she met are no longer poor? none. Read up on things and make your own mind up,dont blindly believe what a bunch of transvestites tell you.