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Jews...and their Polish experience

1 Jun 2007 /  #331
Exactly. But I am still polish.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
1 Jun 2007 /  #332
true. but ive got a friend who takes size 9 shoe
1 Jun 2007 /  #333
It must be nightmare for him.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
1 Jun 2007 /  #334
he copes... as i imagine you do... indeed, as we all must...
espana  17 | 951  
1 Jun 2007 /  #335
i dont want to be rude but ,,,,why the jews wear this stupid had?
what they do when is to sunny? i think the mexican sombrero is better!!!!!!!


sorry hat
away guy  10 | 343  
1 Jun 2007 /  #336
,why the jews wear this stupid had?

Im not Jewish so i cant explain it , but it comes from back in the ages , the same goes for muslims and hindu's so many other religions have hats or scarves so do the Jews.
espana  17 | 951  
1 Jun 2007 /  #337
have a look if a jewish can explain me why?
1 Jun 2007 /  #338
I don't know!
I never spoke with one of them.

to be honest I always wondered about it. my country is a very warm country and they still wearing the tons of black cloths and the big black hats!

from what I do know. the black cloths they are wearing and the hats and all of this were some kind of a way to the other countries citizens to tear the jews apart from the community, and by time it became some of the customs. i'm pretty sure they have more than one hat. depends on how much they are orthodox.
1 Jun 2007 /  #339
i dont want to be rude but ,,,,why the jews wear this stupid had?
what they do when is to sunny? i think the mexican sombrero is better!!!!!!!

OK. But why do you have so negative attitude toward Jewish people? I live in Western Poland and I don’t have any contacts with Jews. I see many articles about polish-jewish relations in all-aroundtheworld media but how they do that without asking Poles? I simply don’t know them. How can I hate people that I never meet?
FISZ  24 | 2116  
1 Jun 2007 /  #340
OK. But why do you have so negative attitude toward Jewish people?

It isn't negative cheese. He's just asking about the black hats.

It's either a Fedora or a shtreimel ( Fur...worn after marriage)
1 Jun 2007 /  #341
I never understood it too.

maybe it's because I'm to young to understand hate and her reasons.
I never understand how someone that don't even know me can hate me over this fact.
and I'm jew even though I'm a completely atheist since I can remember myself...
I always thought religion attached to faith and nothing else.

:( :( :( :(

I think it's kind of a negative attitude...:)
1 Jun 2007 /  #342
It isn't negative cheese. He's just asking about the black hats.

Yeah, I know that. But it is "almost there".
espana  17 | 951  
1 Jun 2007 /  #343
one other question, why do the greeks break plates at wedding??? this is very expensive to be replacing all the plates after every reception!!
FISZ  24 | 2116  
1 Jun 2007 /  #344
when does "almost" ever count?

:) Ser....Register! Come hang out. I've seen a few posts from you. C'mon

one other question, why do the greeks break plates at wedding??? this is very expensive to be replacing all the plates after every reception!!

Do I have to do more research for you? Hopa!!!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
1 Jun 2007 /  #345
Grzegorz, well, that is really exactly the point I've been trying to make.:)

OK. Thanks.

I said Jews are the chosen people it says it in you own catholic bible !

Not really. Catholic Church says that Jews had been the chosen people before they rejected Jesus and then Chrisitians became "new Jews", so now Christians are the chosen people. Only some Protestants, especially in the USA believe that Jews are still the chosen people.
1 Jun 2007 /  #346
My question. What do you believ?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
1 Jun 2007 /  #347
What do you believ?

I'm a Catholic.
Crow  154 | 9535  
1 Jun 2007 /  #348
Only some Protestants, especially in the USA believe that Jews are still the chosen people.

Serbs believe that Slavs are choosen people. I noted that all Serbs think in that dirrection... Lusatian, Molise, Balkan... It`s probably conneceted with pressure thru history.
1 Jun 2007 /  #350
m Baptist ...

I am pirate. Of the something.

I never understood it too.

Sorry. But I dont know what fore.
asiia  - | 10  
6 Jun 2007 /  #351
not to offend anyone, but most Polish people in the US doesn't like/hates jews. I have a family there, and friends, and everyone dislikes them. So far I only found one person who has nothing against jews.

I think the main reason is that polish people go to the us to clean, and they usually clean at jewish homes, and from what I've heard jews are very dirty, and don't treat poles well.

Also there are tons old russians who claim to be jewish, but they scammed the gov't when they came to the us saying that they didn't have their birth certificates (not sure how they entered the us, but back in the days there were some ways obv.) and now even though they're 60, in the papers it says they're 70-75, and now they have all those privilages Americans, who worked in the US their entire life, don't have.

Don't ask me how I know that, I have my resources.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
6 Jun 2007 /  #352
what I've heard jews are very dirty, and don't treat poles well.

I don't have anything against Jews, But many don't treat anyone right. Esp. the Hacidic jews. They will try to swindle you because they don't want to spend any money...very cheap. It's not just the Polish they treat badly.

....but All Jews aren't this way in America Asia. I have a few jewish friends that aren't anything like this. It all depends on the way they were raised.
witek  1 | 587  
6 Jun 2007 /  #353
They will try to swindle you because they don't want to spend any money...very cheap.

are you talking about a Krakus? Krakus to centuĊ›.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
7 Jun 2007 /  #354
I don't have anything against Jews, But many don't treat anyone right. Esp. the Hacidic jews.

I will like to add that this Hasidic movement was established in the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth in the XVII century. Don't ask me why I decided to share this knowledge because I don't know. :)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
7 Jun 2007 /  #355
Don't ask me why I decided to share this knowledge because I don't know. :)

Maybe you're a Jew... spying here...
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
7 Jun 2007 /  #356
So why do some Jews wear black clothes? In part this came about because the medieval church and state demanded that Jews wear black at all times. The European countries generally decreed so-called “sumptuary” laws (The Latin word sumere refers to spending or consuming). These laws required each social class in the feudal system to wear clothes appropriate to their rank. Hence, the upper class wore gaudy clothes of many colors and ornamented profusely. By law, Jews were non-persons and had to wear black clothes so they could be identified at once. The Jews also had to wear a yellow armband or star or other mark. This was abandoned in the eighteenth century but re-instituted by the European killers during the years 1933-1945.

Black clothes are also known to Jews as a symbolic expression divrai yirah shomayim, which means “fearing heaven”. To some Jews life is very serious and the Jew is always conscious of his relationship to G’d. Therefore black is worn so as to avoid frivolity and also place distance between the wearer and everyone else.

Orthodox Jews also wear a prayer belt called a g*rtel in German or Yiddish. This belt is to indicate that the wearer separates his upper body from his lower body as the head is the location of all that is inspired while our bottom serves lesser purposes.

Many orthodox Jewish men also wear a black hat and some wear a streimel , i.e. a fur lined hat. The hat style may vary according to the European origin of a Chassidic sect. Therefore, Lithuanians may wear a different head covering than Galicians, although all will wear a skull cap all day.The wearing of the skull cap, also known as a kippa or yarmulka, shows respect for G’d, who is thought to live in heaven above us. Hence we separate ourselves from the divine presence by wearing a hat or cap at all times.

Hope this answers some of your questions regarding "why do jews"
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
19 Jun 2007 /  #357
The 'Ashkenazim' or 'Eastern' Jews are descendants of the Khazars/Kagans, a Central
Asian people who for a number of centuries were a powerful tribal nation in the area of
what is now the southern Ukraine/North Caucasus region...they converted to 'Phairasism' or rabbinical Judaism in the 8-10 century AD...they learned the 'Religion

of the Elders' from Talmudic rabbis who lived in Babylon...the Phairisees were driven out
of Palestine in the 2nd century AD...they returned to Babylon, which was the place of their original exile...they set up Talmudic schools there...Babylon/Iraq was close to the

nation of the Khazars, who were primarily traders & warriors...the Khazars were located
in between the Byzantine Empire (Christian) & the Babylonian Caliphate (Muslim)...the
Khazars learned 'Judaism' from the 'travelling rabbis' of Babylon as a political expedient, and as a strategy to hold off these two large & sometimes hostile neighbors...it worked for about 3 centuries, until the Rus came down from the north & with the help of the Byzantines, defeated them...they then moved westward & northward into Hungary, Romania, Poland & Lithuania...this is the origin of the 'Eastern' Jews...they have no tribal connection to the Judeans or 'Judah'...this gives lie to Israel's 'Biblical right' to Palestine... eventually, their religion (Phairasism or Talmudism) morphed into the Kabalistic sects such as the Hassidim...they are a very 'driven' tribal people who have been at the center of some of the most violent events of the 20th century...just a bit of historical background.
witek  1 | 587  
19 Jun 2007 /  #358
The 'Ashkenazim' or 'Eastern' Jews are descendants of the Khazars/Kagans,

you are wrong

Ashkenazi Jews descend from the medieval Jewish communities of the Rhineland, "Ashkenaz" being the Medieval Hebrew name for Germany. They migrated there from the Middle East between the 5th- 10th century.

the Khazar theory has been adopted by anti-Semites who argue that if Ashkenazi Jews are Khazar and not Semetic in origin then the Jews would have no historical claim to Israel.

no modern mainstream scholars support this theory.
20 Jun 2007 /  #359
Witek and Joepilsudski, you're both right in some ways. Jews are devided to 3: Ashkenazi Jews (Most of the jews of europe), Sepharadi Jews (Jews of Spain & Portugal. -> most of them have immigrated to the Balkan, and then to Israel) and Mizrakhi Jews (Jews of Asia & Africa). Their look is determind by their origins. Ashkenazic Jews often have light skin/hair/eyes. Most of the Jews are of Ashkenazic Ethnicity (Especially of Russian and Polish origins), and how did the Ashkenazic get to Europe? 2000 years ago Jews were exiled from Israel by the Romans. Many of them were sent to what is known today as Italy as Slaves (and immigrated to Germany from there), some immigrated to Spain,Germany and France, and others crossed Asia, through the Caucasus to Russia. About the Khazars - Khazaria was a kingdom in the Southern Ukraine/North Caucasus area, true. They were known as people with a Red hair and blue eyes, most of them anyway. Some Jews who had to leave Babylon moved straight ahead to Europe - through Khazaria. Some of them stayed In Khazaria, and after hundreds of years the king of the Khazars started to believe in the Jewish Religion, after talking to A Rabbi, A Priest and A Sheikh. At the beginning, most of the Elite of the Khazaria did "gyor" (became Jewish), and a few years later most of the Khazars became Jews. After the Kingdom fall, many of them changed their religion to Christianity, some of them moved north/east to the lands of Russia and some of them moved west to Poland, Ashkenaz, Lithuania etc'. Some of the Ashkenazic Jews are actually Sepharadic (some of the Romanian Jews, Dutch Jews, Belgian Jews, German Jews and Russian Jews), because when the Jews were exiled from Spain & Portugal, many of them moved east to other European countries, while most of them moved to the Balkan. By the way, from Genetic tests that have been made in Israel, a gene that is very common in Turkish-race people was found at *some* Ashkenazic Jews. Some say It's a proof of Khazar origins. The term "Ashkenazic" is originally from the word "Ashkenaz" - that refers to Germany, but most of the Jews of Europe are called Ashkenazic, doesnt matter if their origins are of German Jews are not, and thats because of the way they pray at the Bet-Knesset. The "Nusakh Tfila" (way they pray) has been created in Ashkenaz, Germany.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
20 Jun 2007 /  #360
Yes, some of the religious rite probably came from the Balkans & Germany...I was concentrating on the Ashkenazic tribal origin...Arthur Koestler's book on the Ashkenazim

covered this in a scholarly fashion...the Khazars migrated into Hungary & Romania also...
an interesting note to this history is a tribe called the 'Red Kagans' who were also of
Central Asian/Turkic origin...there is a web site devoted to them...there flag or 'symbol
of Heraldry' was what is now called the 'Star of David'...it is, in fact a sun symbol...the
'Magen David' was never associated with Judaism until it's use in Czechoslavakia (it was
found as a marker on some tombstones) in the Middle Ages...it has no Torah/Biblical mention...the 7-9 branch Menorah was always the symbol of the Phairasees/Jews...it was passed on by the Kagans/Khazars who morphed into the Talmudic tribes of Russia,

Poland etc...there are ancient Eastern European coins that have this marking, too...the
Khazars were apparently metal workers...I find all this history fascinating, and I guess
my point is that the Ashkenazim have played games with history and used it to justify a 'right to the land' that this tribe's ancestors never lived in, Palestine... it is a scam.

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