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Polish Jews - they changed their Jewish surnames to Polish

16 Nov 2007 /  #331

its not what i was trying to say...I had many Jewish friends when I was a child, they were all middle class to upper middle class.

I am talking about the top class...those who rule countries and tell the PMs and Presidents what to do....
Polson 5 | 1,768  
16 Nov 2007 /  #332
those who rule countries and tell the PMs and Presidents what to do....

What do they tell them to do ?...give me examples if you don't want to tell 'everything'.
16 Nov 2007 /  #333
here you have list of companies, check presidents

Give me some time...I cant do it now. I will post it as a separate post as we are going off topic.
Lukasz 49 | 1,746  
16 Nov 2007 /  #334
WIG20 (presidents)

Agora - Sowa Marek

BankBPH - Wancer Józef

Bioton - Wilczęga Adam

BRE Bank - Lachowski Sławomir

BZWBK - Morawiecki Mateusz

CERSANT - Jędrzejczyk Mirosław

CEZ - Roman Martin (it is Czech comapany losued on our stock exchange)

KGHM - Skóra Krzysztof

LOTOS - Olechnowicz Paweł

PGB - Wiśniewski Jerzy

PEKAO- Bielecki, Jan Krzysztof

PGNIG- Głogowski Krzysztof

PKNORLEN- Kownacki Piotr

PKO BP - Juszczak Rafał

POLIMEXMS- Jaskóła Konrad

POLNORD - Ciurzyński Wojciech


TVN- Walter Piotr

TPSA - Witucki Maciej

GTC (I couldnt find)

BTW WakeUP ... I m 100% sure you dont live in Poland
dtaylor 9 | 823  
16 Nov 2007 /  #335
Give me some time...I cant do it now. I will post it as a separate post as we are going off topic.

from just wasting 10 minutes reading all your posts, i now am convinced that sterolization should be given to certain people at birth
16 Nov 2007 /  #336
What do they tell them to do ?

The pro-israeli lobby in the US and in every other country.

You have the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Morgans, Oppenheimers, Goldman. Lehmans etc....You don't need to be tiold that the elite of society have a big say in politics.

Our Governments are not working in the favour of the people:

Examples of decisions which are against the people:
1) War with Iraq...every body is opposed yet we still sent troops there.
2) Health Care privatization so there is no more free health vare like america
3) Dumb-down education and no free-higher education
4) Distractions such as easily available porn, prostitution, drugs, addiction to tv.
5) Increasing the indebtedness of people by handing out credit so they are enslaved to banking system.

the above is not all obviously.....but you can find the plan at the below link:

WIG20 (presidents)

If you read my post I said top 10 companies in 1 chosen industry. Choose 1 industry, not 20 companies across all industries.
Polson 5 | 1,768  
16 Nov 2007 /  #337
1) War with Iraq...every body is opposed yet we still sent troops there.
2) Health Care privatization so there is no more free health vare like america
3) Dumb-down education and no free-higher education
4) Distractions such as easily available porn, prostitution, drugs, addiction to tv.
5) Increasing the indebtedness of people by handing out credit so they are enslaved to banking system

Why do you say that it's the Jews who want all that ?
Plus, i'm not against all these decisions. For example, when it comes to health care privatization. The hospitals in Poland need more money. The doctors have bad salaries. Privatization is a solution, but with other solutions to keep hospitals affordable...

Lukasz 49 | 1,746  
16 Nov 2007 /  #338

WakeUp ...
just tell me where do you live ?
z_darius 14 | 3,964  
16 Nov 2007 /  #339
it is used to propogate that jews are the worlds biggest victims.

Some of them were quite small. One was no more than years old, my aunt told me. She was sent to Auschwitz, and my two uncles to camps in Germany. The reason was that my grandma was hiding a little Jewish boy (no more than 8 years old, she said) in the barn, but the Germans found out. The boy was killed right there, on the spot. Near a water well in the yard, perhaps 10 paces from the house. A shot in his head. Nobody understands why the whole family wasn't also killed. They just took 3 oldest of the kids to concentration camps.

That happened in a small village in Pinczow region. Pinczow was inhabited by Jews in about 80% before the War. Grandma told me they were poor people. When I still lived in Poland there were none left. Not one. There is a Jewish cemetery next to the Catholic one. We used to place flowers there on All Saints Day. On Jewish graves too. Some people frowned, as I remember: "it's a sin to go to a Jewish cemetery on a Catholic holiday", they said. But my grandma, a devout Catholic, wouldn't listen. She was a very simple woman, but she had in her more humanity for the living, and respect for the dead than some of the biggest barkers on this forum combined.

The anti-semitic drivels are nothing but just that; stupid drivels. Their authors will pretend a vast knowledge of anything related to Jews, while in fact they know squat and are fed the sickness of the like minded individuals. I don’t need to seek in books any confirmation of the Jewish plight and attempts of their extermination.

The information and proof is a part of my family’s history. You see, both my aunt and the two uncles survived. So did many others in that village. The Pinczow Jews didn’t. Some of them were little kids, so again, in that you are absolutely correct –many Jews were not such big victims. They were young and small.
JACEK 23  
16 Nov 2007 /  #340
No one has had the guts to answer the crucial issues of Christian/Catholic anti-Semitism that I posed. Anti-Semites always skirt the main issues and skip to the next paranoid claim of Jewish domination of everything. If you hate Jews and pray to the divinity that was Jewish and use the Bible that was handed down to you by Jews - what does that make you? You try to answer that question for yourself as soon as you can because, as you believe, the time will come when you'll have to answer that and many other difficult questions to the Father of Christ on Judgement Day. Why are you such cowards? Be brave enough in your evil and say: "No, I could care less what the position of my church is and has been since the Nostra Aetate proclamation of 1965. I wish that the Nazis had exterminated all the Jewish vermin and I hope someone finishes the job sooner or later."

Instead, you play these games of lies and half-truths, lists of non-Jews being paraded as Jews, pretending that you're insulted when someone calls you anti-Semitic, trying to justify your corrupt nature to yourself and knowing deep down that you can't. You look for like-minded fools on these forums because misery loves company. You don't have enough courage or intelligence to look deep into your own soul and psyche and find the reasons why you find it your main preoccupation in life to villify a tribe that is just as good or bad as any on this earth but has somehow managed to make significant contributions to the Western civilization far beyond their numbers despite irrational persecutions.

That explains why you wouldn't discuss the 2nd main issue of my post - that of hatred as mental illness. None of my Jewish friends hates any of the nations that oppressed and butchered them in the past - not the Germans, Russians, Ukranians, Arabs, and yes, not the Poles. They feel contempt towards the anti-Semites amongst them but fully accept the ones that are not. Your own soul will be saved when you can judge anyone (not just the Jews) on the basis of their individual merits, not their nationality or religion. Try it - it will make you free and fully human.
Lukasz 49 | 1,746  
17 Nov 2007 /  #341

Honestly I dont feel sory because of German "Christians" killing Polish citizens during WWII (3mln Jewish Poles killed and 3 mln other religon Poles killed). Whta is more I think that our deffinitions of anti-semit are different ...
Crnogorac 3 | 111  
17 Nov 2007 /  #342
If you hate Jews and pray to the divinity that was Jewish and use the Bible that was handed down to you by Jews - what does that make you?

Exceptionally tendencious, however I believe that this is a conscious provocation for which you realize it has no relation with reality.
17 Nov 2007 /  #343
The boy was killed right there, on the spot. Near a water well in the yard, perhaps 10 paces from the house. A shot in his head.

I understand your feelings, this is natural. But then why is this is still going on in Palestine. Israeli snipers shooting kids, and journalists. This is a fact. If they were so humane why are they doing to the Palestinians what was done to them. WHY ?

And with regards to authenticity don't even try to compare your Grandma's story with every day news.

My Grandma also has stories about why they were disliked while they were living in her village. But I prefer to stick to historical facts.

Generalization.2 years ago in France, a Jew were kidnapped, bad treated, and killed. The reason : he was Jewish, so he must be rich. The truth was that he was very poor. Cruel story.

False flag operations to highlight the victims plight for the ignorant sheep.

See also below:

Jewish GW Student Admits Putting Swastikas On Her Door:

What are you actually trying to say...your philosophical talk has no value. Pls talk to me with facts & figures instead of psycho-analyzing the situation to divert attention.

None of my Jewish friends hates any of the nations that oppressed and butchered them in the past - not the Germans, Russians, Ukranians, Arabs, and yes, not the Poles.

So tell me why did our President A. Kwasniewski make a formal apology to Jews for Holocaust ? If your Jewish friends did not want that apology then who was it addressed to ?
Polson 5 | 1,768  
17 Nov 2007 /  #344
Okay, so in your opinion, Jews want to rule the world. What is your solution ? Have you Hitler's phone number ?...
17 Nov 2007 /  #345
I am a Jewish Pole who emigrated to Isreal 19 years ago

You were very lucky to have escaped to Israel while we suffered under communism, queuing up for basic needs.

Was it your special position in society which allowed you to leave the country ?

Let me ask your stance....ARE YOU POLISH first or Jewish first ? Do you consider Israel as your promised land ?
Polson 5 | 1,768  
17 Nov 2007 /  #346
ARE YOU POLISH first or Jewish first ?

Jewish is not a nationality.

You were very lucky to have escaped to Israel while we suffered under communism, queuing up for basic needs.

Was it your special position in society which allowed you to leave the country ?

Many Poles left Poland during the communism era, not only Jews.
17 Nov 2007 /  #347
Jews want to rule the world

No. Its the Zionists who have this plan.

I have nothing against real Jews who pray alongside Christians and Muslims as they did peacefully for centuries in Jerusalem.

Check out Theodore Herzl. He is considered the founder of Israel:

"But we wish to give the Jews a Homeland. Not by dragging them ruthlessly out of their sustaining soil, but rather by removing them carefully, roots and all, to a better terrain. "

The above shows the seeds of the plan were already sown in late 19th C. And this plan was at the cost of millions of lives:

Bolshevik Revolution
Fall of Ottoman Empire
Then in 1946 the state of Israel was born
And in 1988 Bernstein was lucky enough to escape communist Poland to Israel


are you his lawyer ?
Polson 5 | 1,768  
17 Nov 2007 /  #348
are you his lawyer ?

I'm not a lawyer, but i can try to be one when it comes to defend some persons who are discriminated wrongly.

isthatu 3 | 1,164  
17 Nov 2007 /  #349
"But we wish to give the Jews a Homeland. Not by dragging them ruthlessly out of their sustaining soil, but rather by removing them carefully, roots and all, to a better terrain. "

The above shows the seeds of the plan were already sown in late 19th C. And this plan was at the cost of millions of lives:
Bolshevik Revolution
Fall of Ottoman Empire

OK,lets look at this......
for a start,you have basic things out of order;
Bolshevik Revolution
Fall of Ottoman Empire
Then in 194"7" the state of Israel was born...

OK so the family fight between the cousins of Victoria,which was actually a combination of a weapons race for dreadnoughts between Britain and Germany(who wanted to "defend" her expanding Empire) and the machinations of a Serb radical who shot that Rock Group from Glasgow in Sarajavo causing the invasion of Serbia with the follow up that many intertwinning and complex mutual assistence treaties were put into place that is WW1,was all planned by "the jews" was it...who then knew that...crikey,the superpower that was the old Russian Empire was going to collapse in a fight against an enemy fighting on 2 fronts who may easily have been defeted,leading to a revolution;was all planned by these same "jews"? and then secular Muslims who wanted to modernise turkey after its defeat at the hands of Christian Aussies and Brits and hordes of Muslim Arabs (giving the muslim Arabs a very strong position in the area...obviously ideal for mass jewish settlement...) was planned by the very same "jews"?......and then,they must have caused the depresion,those greedy money hungry jews just love having no money around obviously,which led to hitlers rise to power and his persecution and robbery of millions of jews was planned by the very same "jews"...?....who then,went to palastine,bombed the Brits in terror attacks and then went past blocades(obviously a jewish double bluff..) to form the state of isreal against the worlds wishes was all planned by thesae very same late 19th C "jews"?? REALLY, did they have a crystal ball? Wouldnt they have been better ,with such foresight,placing lots of bets on the G Gees?

You sad anti whatever conspirecy theorists would do yourself better by getting an obbsession with UFOs and little green men, far less people would LTFAO at you then........
JACEK 23  
17 Nov 2007 /  #350
Provocation? Reality? What planet have you fallen down to earth from (or rather, what Montenegrin mountain boondocks have you descended from)? Jesus was not Jewish? The apostles were not Jewish? The early Christians were not Jewish? The Old Testament and much of the New were not originally written in Hebrew? I bet you thought they were written in Old Slavic or Russian. And you call yourself a Christian, you ignorant lying birdbrain?

Wakeup and smell the roses!

I'm truly sorry that your cognitive mechanism is not equipped to process a few complex sentences, ideas, and facts. Yes, my paragraph that you circled but didn't understand contains many salient facts. I know that you're primarily capable of understanding anti-Semitic falsifications that you take for facts and figures. I have already twice pointed out how you can find out for yourself that the lists on this forum are inaccurate, but even that simple instruction is beyond your intelligence. Having a serious discussion with an anti-Semite is like trying to prove to a Middle Ages monk that the earth is round or that humans evolved from lower species. Both activities are futile, so I'll respectfully bow out.
17 Nov 2007 /  #351
Jesus was not Jewish? The apostles were not Jewish?



1. THE WORD JUDAISM COMES FROM JUDEA. It means "the practices of Judea".
2. Jew comes from Judea, just like Hindu comes from Hindustan(India).
3. Jewish is (or atleast should be) a religious term for "The followers of Judaism" so "the followers of the practices of judea". If Jesus did not follow those practices, he should no longer be recognised as Jewish but Judean.

4. By following Jesus, you are going against Judaism that was followed in those days.
5. Anybody that claims to be "of the Jewish race" is not Jewish but Judean. Having a racist religion is forbidden in Judaism (the proper one, the kind accepted by Jesus Christ and Christians).

6. "the religion of Abraham" is what Jews, Christians and Muslims are suppose to follow. Not thier own versions. So whichever religion is most like the religion of Abraham is the religion which Jesus followed.
Crnogorac 3 | 111  
17 Nov 2007 /  #352
JESUS CHRIST, speaking to the Jews in the Gospel of St. John, VIII:44

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is not truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it. - then answered the Jews - "
17 Nov 2007 /  #353

Thanks for correcting the order of events.

Looks like you've been reading your high school History books which i threw away a few years ago.

Remember sheep follow blindly. And all leaderships need sheep. Otherwise it would be cahos if all the sheep started thinking for themselves and disbelieving official history.
joepilsudski 26 | 1,388  
17 Nov 2007 /  #354
No one has had the guts to answer the crucial issues of Christian/Catholic anti-Semitism that I posed. Try it - it will make you free and fully human.

Christians reject hatred of peoples as such...we hate far as divinity being Jewish,
this is a teaching of the rabbis, and is a statement so full of pride & absurdity, that I would suggest you reread your own words...this is as absurd as the notion that Jesus Christ 'was a Jew'...the word 'Jew' was non-existant at the time of Jesus Christ...I would also note this: Jesus Christ was not a 'Christian' either, but the 'church' or 'assembly' he

founded later took that far as 'anti-semitism', this is a misnomer, but the other term you use 'Jew-hatred' is an accurate one...all hatred is indeed, both a spiritual & mental illness, and can only be healed through repentance before God & His gift of reason and understanding...on the issue of Christian 'Jew-hatred', there is no excuse for

the indulging of any hatred for other human beings, but there are reasons for it, both rational and irrational...certainly, if you study the history of the Jews in Europe, you will find that they have been victims of hatred, and also practicioners of it, as the murder of

millions of Russian & Ukranian Christians by the Athiest/Bolshevist Jews in the 1920's &
30's clearly demonstrate...Christians should clearly understand that the powers that rule this world, whatever nationality they spring from, have no love of God, and will slaughter Christians, Jews or Muslims whenever their need for power/control moves them.

Provocation? Reality? What planet have you fallen down to earth from (or rather, what Montenegrin mountain boondocks have you descended from)? Jesus was not Jewish?

You need to study your Bible & research Biblical must learn who Abraham was (in contemporary terms, an Iraqi), you must differentiate the term 'Israelite' from 'Jew', and you must understand that their wre no 'Jews' existing

during the time of Jesus...there were Pharisees, Scribes, Saducees & most importantly,
they were collectively called 'Iudeans' or 'Judeans'...this word is innacurately transliterated into the English language as 'Jew'...the actual term 'Jew' is a translation of the French word 'Giu', from about the 18th Century...why is this important?...because the

modern 'Jew' and Christian alike are confused about these terms, and in effect, turn the
church of Jesus Christ into a 'Judeo-Christian' chimera...the present day religion of the
'Jews' is the direct descendant of the teachings of the Pharisees, who Jesus condemned...tribaly/racially, the old Judeans were a mixed lot, and there 'religious' practices were also a mixed lot.
JACEK 23  
17 Nov 2007 /  #355
To Wakeup:

You're playing vacuous semantic games. The word 'Jewish" denotes both the mebers of an ethnic group and of religious denomination. The Jews themselves have a calendar that goes back over 5,000 yrs and the Torah (basis for Old Testamant), which was written at least 2,500 years ago. That means that the Jewish identity has been in existence at least that long. One can be Jewish ethnically but not religiously and the other way around. Jesus was ethnically Jewish and a member of a Jewish religious sect that eventually grew into Christianity. That's not the rabbis' propaganda; that is an established historical fact that only rabid ideologues with an anti-Jewish agenda are trying to contradict. Even though I'm not Jewish, I know that the subject of Jesus is non-existant in the synagogues. Jesus is not a divinity for the Jews, just a historical figure from their own tribe.

But all of this is beyond the point. What matters is that a minority tribe has been irrationally singled out by a better part of the monomaniacal human community to take the blame for all their frustrations. It says more about the Jew-haters than the Jews. The Russians have been the historical bane of the Poles, but I don't see an enormous amount of hate towards the Russians. Maybe it's because you knew that you couldn't do anything to the Russians because of their size, so you beat up on the convenient minority with the historical help from the pulpit and the politicians. It's also known as hipocrisy and cowardice. Still, despite all this, the Jews have made contributions to the world that are hundredfold as large as those of the Poles. Is envy maybe part of the Jew-hatred? I wouldn't at all discount it.
17 Nov 2007 /  #356
You're a Jew yourself, aren't you? In fact, I wouldn't be "proud" of my contributions as a Jew. They've corrupted the world, that is their contribution.
isthatu 3 | 1,164  
17 Nov 2007 /  #357
Quoting: isthatu

Thanks for correcting the order of events.

your welcome.

Looks like you've been reading your high school History books which i threw away a few years ago.

Yes ,from your bizzare ramblings one can quite easily imagine you did throw your books away.

Remember sheep follow blindly. And all leaderships need sheep. Otherwise it would be cahos if all the sheep started thinking for themselves and disbelieving official history.

Yes and Baah to you too, whos line are you following,nothing you have said bore any origionality,just the same tired old conspiricy theories and rascism.

You're a Jew yourself, aren't you? In fact, I wouldn't be "proud" of my contributions as a Jew. They've corrupted the world, that is their contribution.

This would be funny if your name wasnt Heinrich...put your little glasses back on,strut around in a grey uniform then vomit the minute you see what your silly paranio leads too.
17 Nov 2007 /  #358
What matters is that a minority tribe has been irrationally singled out by a better part of the monomaniacal human community to take the blame for all their frustrations.

Could it, JUST could it be that they have been singled RATIONALLY ? Could it be that the rest of the world that is right and they are the wrongdoers?

Look at how many lands and kingdoms they have been kicked out of. They have been kicked out throughout history and hated by the people of the countries they sucked dry...

This is why they were expelled from most European Kingdoms before the middle ages. Ask yourself why ?

Below is a URL from Jewish persecution source:
P.E. Grosser & E.G. Halperin, Anti-Semitism: Causes and Effects,
New York: Philosophical Library, 1978


p.s. and don't forget it began with the EXODUS from Egypt around 1200 BC.

Is envy maybe part of the Jew-hatred?

Envy of what? Most people (not me though) are too busy to be envious or think about it; they are worrying about their jobs, paying off their debt, drinking, shopping, or watching football.
Crnogorac 3 | 111  
17 Nov 2007 /  #359
Still, despite all this, the Jews have made contributions to the world that are hundredfold as large as those of the Poles. Is envy maybe part of the Jew-hatred? I wouldn't at all discount it.


"The Jews' sense of Beholding has never been of such a kind as to let plastic artists arise among them: from ever have their eyes been busied with far more practical affairs, than beauty and the spiritual substance of the world of forms.

The Jew, who is innately incapable of enouncing himself to us artistically through either his outward appearance or his speech, and least of all through his singing. has nevertheless been able in the widest-spread of modern art-varieties, to wit in Music, to reach the rulership of public taste.-"
isthatu 3 | 1,164  
17 Nov 2007 /  #360
Why do you choose to call yourself POLANDAWAKE? Isnt that rather too close to DEUATSCHLAND ERWACHE for any Pole with a minute sense of thier own history to even contemplate using?

Could it, JUST could it be that they have been singled RATIONALLY ?

maybe those akward quariling slaves east of civilised europe were singled out rationaly.
oops,sorry,of course thats ludicrus,silly me

This is why they were expelled from most European Kingdoms before the middle ages. Ask yourself why ?

were they really,funny that, where did they go then?New York?
This country,they were expelled because our king didnt want to pay back the money he had borrowed to go and fight the french,easier to whip a bunch of peasants into hate than it is to pay your debts I suppose.And for every european country they were expelled from there was another willing to take them in.

p.s. and don't forget it began with the EXODUS from Egypt around 1200 BC.

Is that the one with Charlton Heston in?Your point being? The Poles started as a tribe of swampys around 900AD,The rest of the world started as Monkeys in Africa along time before that. Just what is your point my dear? I ask again,were you traumatized by seeing Yentl at a young age,or maybe chocked on a gifilter fish sarnie.

Ha, someone quoting Wagner as a source of inteligent debate about the Jewish peoples,ha bloomin ha ha
Which Wagner is it the one Hitler idolized for being slightly more rabid than der sturmmer?

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