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Polish Jews - they changed their Jewish surnames to Polish

17 Nov 2007 /  #361
put your little glasses back on,strut around in a grey uniform

that did make me laugh lol. thanks :-)

were they really,funny that, where did they go then?New York?

Why dont you check out the URL first before making comments. Lets deal with facts my friend:

they were expelled because our king didnt want to pay back the money he had borrowed to go and fight the french

You actually know more than you make out with. I'm impressed. Now try to read between the lines. Let me help you:

"our king didnt want to pay back the money he had borrowed" - This was their Modus Operandi in most of the European Kingdoms.

How could it be that Kings had to borrow money from the Jewish money lenders. Now we're not talking about your average jew money lender sitting in his pawn shop....We are talking money lending here to finance wars. That's how big these money lenders were and still are (modern day banking system based on intersest and fractional reserves). Kings and Queens eventually became answerable to them. In the beginning they were kicked out of countries, but thet came back like parasites, using the court of law to make the kings answerable to the judges. That's why we don't have monarchies any more, and those that exist are lame.
isthatu 3 | 1,164  
17 Nov 2007 /  #362
I try :)
Different points of view are what makes the world go round but whenever I come across lazy stereotyping,especialy age old junk that gets spurted out about some world wide conspiricy where we are all controlled by a tiny minority who happen all to be of the jewish persuasion,well, I just have to engage,as in the most part,this sort of rabid filth died out here in the UK years ago and can sometimes come across frankly as some sort of throw back to the olden days conjoring images of ,well,I dont know what as unlike some countries we dont realy seem to have such an obbsesion with portraying ourselves as the unwitting slaves of some hidden Kosher mafia . I dont think there is a single person in the UK who ever has his jewish ness brought up unless its David Badiel having the pee taken from him by frank skinner. I really do hope this sort of crap isnt being imported to our shores by generations of young Poles....of course its not thouh,most of them have a brain on their shoulders, your views are just an anachronism in the modern age and clearly demonstrate an insecurity on your part rather than anything else. I can think of a better name for you,instead of poland awake,call yourself Irme greisse(sp) as this would be far more fiting for your internet persona.

How could it be that Kings had to borrow money from the Jewish money lenders.

er,because Christains wernt allowed to become money lenders so jews were indentured to that profession. no between the lines reading needed Im afraid. Quick,if you look under your bed you'll find a gremlin.....
17 Nov 2007 /  #363
most of anti semits here are not Polish (check it in profiles)
17 Nov 2007 /  #364

you dont even have a profile....ha ha!!
JACEK 23  
17 Nov 2007 /  #365
N from the Monte,

Let me guess. I bet you were in the units that bombarded Dubrovnik and killed Catholic civilians in the area 15 years ago or have relatives that did - all because you were doing God's work. It is very ironic that a current or former resident of Montenegro, that proud statelet from the Balkans, which has made countless valuable contributions to the Western civilization since Dukljanin the Monk, has the gall to minimize the artistic achievements of the Jews via a quote from Wagner, Hitler's favorite composer. The Montenegrins have always been regarded as the least musically talented nationality in the Balkans. The Jews, on the other hand, are considered one of the most musically talented people in the world. If you don't know it, it proves my previous statement. If you pretend you don't know it, you are beyond contempt. Your country is the cloaka of Europe, that's why you probably left it, and don't you ever forget it.

Ti si, supcino, savrsen primjer one stare izreke: "Sta sve picka ne rodi!" Goni se u pizdu mile matere iz Cuca. (This is from my friend OBSERVER, who is a little more forceful than I am)
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6,148  
17 Nov 2007 /  #366
WAKEUP, don't you have anything else to do ?
JACEK 23  
17 Nov 2007 /  #367

Nisam se nikad libio da nitkove, lazljivce i budale posaljem u neku stvar, narocito kad oni prvi pocnu da psuju. To je svakako manji grijeh od onoga sto ti u rukavicama ili bez rukavica radis na ovom forumu u slobodno vrijeme.
17 Nov 2007 /  #368
No...I am doing this while i am watching Godfather on TVN.

By the way did you know that......

Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel,
Meyer "The Brain" Lansky: (Lanskytook on the task of uniting the Jewish gangs across the country)
Louis "Lepke" Buchalter
Joseph "Doc" Stacher;
Jacob "Gurrah" Shapiro;
Hyman "Curly" Holtz;
Louis "Shadows" Kravits;
Harry Tietlebaum;
Philip "Little Farvel" Kovalick
Harry "Big Greenie" Greenberg.

I can't say that they would have been religious....:-)
isthatu 3 | 1,164  
17 Nov 2007 /  #369
Oh I bet you come in your pants when Mo Green gets whaked........
Did you know that
Al Capone
Lucky Luciano
Don Corleonne
Pauli Gotti
were all Catholics
Erwache, great film your watching,shame you probably wont be able to follow the complicated machinations of those evil slimy catholics who obviously are representitives of all other your odd line of thought.
17 Nov 2007 /  #370
Well not many know that many of the key mafia bosses were (non-practicing) Jews. The underground world was and is a very lucrative business. Why should they not dominate that area too....? But that's another topic.
isthatu 3 | 1,164  
17 Nov 2007 /  #371
They dominated in certain areas, mostly in New York prior to the consolidation of the various Sicilian families ,just as the irish dominated the Police force but to say organised crime was dominated by them in the States is pure garbage,

but,Im fast coming to the conclusion that even with facts burned into your eyes you would still be blind....your loss,no one else's as Im darn tootin you have absoloutly zero power in this world and probably only get any sympathy from barmy militia types and sad old cranks.
17 Nov 2007 /  #372
Don Corleone is a fictional character......ha ha ha ha !!
isthatu 3 | 1,164  
17 Nov 2007 /  #373
Go to the top of the class and get a cookie for your observational skills..........Im sorry,I was trying to inject a little humour into this otherwise sad thread.......

BTW, the name Corleone may have been made up(as this is th name of a real town in sicilies LCN heartland),but his charector was not, the film may be fiction but only just.
17 Nov 2007 /  #374
even with facts burned into your eyes you would still be blind

what fact have you presented to the table...?
isthatu 3 | 1,164  
17 Nov 2007 /  #375
many of the key mafia bosses were (non-practicing) Jews

Yep,sorry,but again, no,no "Mafia" in the traditional sense of the word would be jewish, the mafia were a sociaty formed in Sicily to protect the land and catholic faith from invaders, the latter Mafia, or more correctlly the Black Hand were all Italian American. Jewish people may have been involved in organised crime but they certainly werent Mafia Dons.
JACEK 23  
17 Nov 2007 /  #376
Tsk, tsk, Wakeup,

Why are you watching a movie that had so many Jewish people involved in the making of it: James Caan, Abe Vigoda, Peter Zinner (Editor), Andrea Eastman (casting), Warren Clymer (Art Direction), Charles Grenzbach (Sound Recordist), Christopher Newman (same),Sass Bedig(Special Effects), Howard Block (Camera), Jim Meyerhoff (General Operator), Jack Stager(Still Photographer), Marc Laub (Segment Editor), Barbara Marks (Assistant Editor), Murray Solomon (Segment Editor), John Hammell (Music Editor), Gary Chazan (Assistant to Producer), Robert Mendelssohn (Executive Assistant)? And also a movie by Martin Scorcese, whose best friends are Jewish? All I can say is"TSK, TSK, TSK!"

And what is the list of Jewish gangsters meant to achieve? To show that Jews are not perfect? Shouldn't you think even worse of Italians because the Italian gangsters certainly outnumbered the Jewish by a large margin? Every nationality in America either had or still has gangsters, and that includes the Poles. Still, few Jews would think of painting with a broad brush all the American Poles just because some of them are punks.
isthatu 3 | 1,164  
17 Nov 2007 /  #377
Quoting: isthatu
even with facts burned into your eyes you would still be blind

what fact have you presented to the table...?

That your a twisted anti semite and I'll leave it at that
this christains had enough of dealing with you,you are blinded by a hate rational people cannot understand no matter how hard we try.
JACEK 23  
17 Nov 2007 /  #378
CORRECTION: The Director is F.F. Coppola. I'd had him in mind, but I'd just seen a Martin Scorcese movie - thence the Freudian slip.
17 Nov 2007 /  #379
movie that had so many Jewish people involved in the making of it

Well done....Thats another field they dominate....or are you to blind still to see it.

That is why Mel Gibson had to be shut up after he opened his mouth.

I am not an anti-jewish, I am against zionists and criminals who brew wars and poverty and make suckers like you blind to their actions. Good night!
JACEK 23  
17 Nov 2007 /  #380
Waky, Waky,

But you can't have it both ways. If the Jews are dominating the film industry, why are you watching American movies? They must be doing something right to attract hundreds of millions of viewers across the globe. Jews are disproportionately represented in the movie industries of European countries too. Remember Polanski, Forman, and many other moviemakers from Poland and Czheckoslovakia? Are they great directors because of their Jewish buddies? And why can you accept the fact that blacks dominate athletics without accusing them of sinister plots and without doubting their merits and talents but you can't accept the fact that Jews are doing their jobs based on their merits? My friend OBSERVER here, a Jewish guy, tells me that he never got a job for being Jewish. He wishes he could, but it simply doesn't work that way unless you have a relative that owns the business. But even then, the relative is not gonna keep you if you don't do the job right. The legal system in America is so sensitive to protectionism lawsuits today that any boss would think twice before giving a job to somebody just because they're of the same ethnicity.

Jewish domination in many fields is a result of the fact that they are one of the oldest tribes in the world and have had enough time to realize the power of education. If your culture and family dictate that you read, study, work hard, and make something of yourself, the results will show in a disproportionate number of successful people in almost any field. Are all those genius Jewish chess players there because of Jewish protectionism? Are all those genius Jewish violinists there because a Jewish impresario hired them over a more talented non-Jewish artist? Do all of those Jewish Nobel Prize winners have connections in the Swedish Academy? That's why I say that one of the ways to explain this irrational animosity is envy, plain and simple.
18 Nov 2007 /  #381
why are you watching American movies?

I never said they don't make good movies but I they are alwways promoting their own agenda, whether subliminally or in your face. They will only show you what they want you to see, until you are so brainwashed and desensitises, that if you start questioning why, you are labelled anti-semetic.

Its too hard to protest any sort of boycott against Zionist dominated areas because they are behind most of not all industries and aspects of current life.

Jews are disproportionately represented in the movie industries of European countries too.

Thanks for talking facts. But do you also acknowledge that they are disproportionately represented in EVERY INDUSTRY. Do you acknowledge this?

If yes, then ask yourself HOW 2% (there are only about 26 million jews worldwide, out of which probably only 5% (the zionsists) have any sort of controlling power, while the rest are sheep like you)) of the worlds population dominate every aspect of our life.

And if they do, do you not think that are our education, history, politics, and direction are according to their Agenda ?

Jewish domination in many fields is a result of the fact that they are one of the oldest tribes in the world and have had enough time to realize the power of education. If your culture and family dictate that you read, study, work hard, and make something of yourself, the results will show in a disproportionate number of successful people in almost any field.

Jacek, I AGREE with you here too. And this is absoutely riight. Education is truly the answer. So tell me why the education in the US and UK is so dumbed down ? Why are more and more kids not continuing higher education....

The truth is an environement has been created by our governments (they are directly responsible for this) where:

1) Education is dumbed down
2) Higher education is being replaced by vocational studying & kids leaving school to get jobs at Tesco.
3) Families are broken down by easy divorce laws and distractive vices
4) Such vices are alcohol, sex, drugs, which are tolerated and promoted in 'popular' media
4) The above are being introdcued to a younger and younger kids by the media.
5) Parents are not sending kids to higher education so they can assist the household income by working at Tesco.
6) Values such as religion, respecting parents, reading and learning.
As such our society is at the bottom, not able to rise up to the same level as our jewish neighbours.

Why have our govts failed us in the above.....? Why ? Surely it is their responsibility...Meanwhile we have greater economic growth, more and more billionaires (most of them jewish), and our stock market keeps rising. At what expense..?
isthatu 3 | 1,164  
18 Nov 2007 /  #382
Meanwhile we have greater economic growth, more and more billionaires (most of them jewish), and our stock market keeps rising. At what expense..?

er,is this meant to be an argument for or against?
Erwache,you still havnt answered my question,why is your forum name the same as on the nazi banners?
And lets try a little of your own brand of warrped logic on you Erwache;
POLand/ POL Pot,get it,do you see the connection now?well do you?or are you just a sheep?
Its clear you like to see yourself as some sort of rebel,what are you,about 21,when the whole world are drones and you are the only person alive to actually "see" it like it is..........never mind little one,in your many years to come you may shake the blinnkers of hate from your eyes and lead a far more productive life,if not,ho hum,your loss,just remember,throw out your TV,never go to the pictures,forget about music(unless its the Horst Wessel lied) dont even bother getting ill and never ,ever travel abroad or you might just break your embargo on all things jewish.....
18 Nov 2007 /  #383
meant to be an argument for or against?

Economic growth at the expense of decline of society: broken families, increased violence, unaffordable education and health care. Sounds familiar....

what is the point of econcomic growth when kids are going to school hungry? The govt here should be ashamed....and then they want charities and the people they failed to sort this out.
isthatu 3 | 1,164  
18 Nov 2007 /  #384
break your embargo on all things jewish.....

still no answer erwache?
Polson 5 | 1,768  
18 Nov 2007 /  #385
Why should they not dominate that area too....?

Thats another field they dominate

Stop believing someone's trying to dominate the world ! What makes you become this paranoid ?? Tell the teacher, he/she can call your parents to have a talk :)
18 Nov 2007 /  #386
Erwache,you still havnt answered my question,why is your forum name the same as on the nazi banners?

Why do you keep calling me Erwache ?

I have no idea what Nazi banners you are referring to....honestly...? Pls direct me and I will change my name if I have to.

Stop believing someone's trying to dominate the world ! What makes you become this paranoid ?? Tell the teacher, he/she can call your parents to have a talk :)

From the beginning people who have told the TRUTH have always been labelled crazy. By the way I am not 21...but when I was I used to think like you sheep.

Ask yourself HOW 2% (there are only about 26 million jews worldwide, out of which probably only 5% (the zionsists) have any sort of controlling power, while the rest are sheep like you)) of the worlds population dominate every aspect of our life.

Goodnight my sheep!!! There are no shepherds who can guide you!!!
biglarry - | 13  
18 Nov 2007 /  #387
I am a specialist in psychopathology, and I am deeply concerned about wakeup's condition, which is displaying all the symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia. I hope you have good doctors in Poland.

If you're an expert in anything it's nothing to do with the psyche...

Why doesn't the respondent identify himself/herself, and why is he/she doubting my credentials? It looks like the webmaster might be giving their opinion here, which is unheard of in any forum that I've participated in. Are you a psychiatrist too? If so, can you offer a different clinical diagnosis based on wakeup's posts, especially the last one, in which he blames 5 million Jews (or 'Zionists', as he euphemistically calls them) for controlling the entire world. That's a classic case of pathological persecution complex or paranoia, which I encounter every day in my private and hospital practice, only the persecutors vary from case to case. There are good medications on the market these days for this condition.
joepilsudski 26 | 1,388  
19 Nov 2007 /  #388
Jewish is not a nationality

Jewish can mean whatever 'Jews' wish it to mean, and this is part of the problem...they
'define' themselves at their own convenience.
Polson 5 | 1,768  
19 Nov 2007 /  #389
Ask yourself HOW 2% (there are only about 26 million jews worldwide, out of which probably only 5% (the zionsists) have any sort of controlling power, while the rest are sheep like you)) of the worlds population dominate every aspect of our life

You're paranoid. Even if it's true, what's the problem ? Are they going to kill us all ? I don't care what they do, they do their job.

you sheep

You duck.

I am a specialist in psychopathology, and I am deeply concerned about wakeup's condition, which is displaying all the symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia. I hope you have good doctors in Poland.

I think you're right BigLarry ;)
joepilsudski 26 | 1,388  
19 Nov 2007 /  #390
Jews don't control the world...this is, indeed, a paranoid mindset...that having been said, the reasons why people are suspicious of 'Jews' are these: 1) they are less than

1% of the world's population, yet they have inordinate control of finance, media & they
have nuclear weapons...2) their religion (based on the Talmud/Kaballah) professes that they are seperate from the rest of the human race, with the rest of us 'goyim' fated to

serve them...3) they define themselves as they see fit, changing names & history as it
suits their, LET ME NOTE: these are tactics of the 'Jewish' rabbis/leadership & do not reflect the views/beliefs of many Jewish people, who just like

non-Jews, are victitized by 'leaders' who crave domination and worship money/power.

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