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Jewish love towards Poles

SeanBM  34 | 5781  
24 Mar 2009 /  #361
Jewish love towards Poles.

This makes as much sence to me as,

Catholic love towards Poles.
Randal  1 | 577  
24 Mar 2009 /  #362
Do they need to?

Well, there is great difference between a few guys buying and wearing them and the Israeli military handing them out as part of their official uniform, you must agree.

let people know where 3-4 billion go a year

Huh? I thought there were only a few dozen of them.
Don't worry, I'm sure Fox or someone will be covering this tonight.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
24 Mar 2009 /  #363
Yawn... Going back to the original issue... Visit kosher sites, Ynet for example, type Poland into search engine and read the comments. Love is all over the place.
Randal  1 | 577  
24 Mar 2009 /  #364
And the Catholics are not to wear condoms!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Mar 2009 /  #365
If they're not careful, they'll be spreading more than love! Not so 'magic'
z_darius  14 | 3960  
25 Mar 2009 /  #366
And the Catholics are not to wear condoms!

Not true. Catholics are allowed condoms, except during sexual intercourse :)
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
25 Mar 2009 /  #368
Those t shirts have already been condemned by the military:


An army statement said the customised clothing was produced outside military auspices, but it pledged to stamp out the use of such imagery by soldiers.

"The examples presented by the Haaretz reporter are not in accordance with IDF values and are simply tasteless," the military statement said.

"This type of humour is unbecoming and should be condemned."

Sokrates  8 | 3335  
25 Mar 2009 /  #369
An army statement said the customised clothing was produced outside military auspices

ONLY because Haaretz made it public which shows clearly that without publicity there is consent that they're not tasteless or to be condemned.
1jola  14 | 1875  
25 Mar 2009 /  #370
The t-shirts are a minor issue in comparison to the statements by the military rabbi encouraging killing of civilians. To some that is a great surprise; to those familiar with Judaism it is not.
celinski  31 | 1258  
25 Mar 2009 /  #371
And the Catholics are not to wear condoms!

Who shall be checking?
25 Mar 2009 /  #372
ONLY because Haaretz made it public which shows clearly that without publicity there is consent that they're not tasteless or to be condemned.

It shows nothing of the kind. How do you know that these t-shirts would be condemned without all the publicity? You do not know that and can not know that.

My personal thoughts are that these shirts are strictly for complete morons, and badly trained morons at that. The targeting is completely wrong: that shot from that is very unlikely to result in two kills. While the woman might bleed to death, it’s more probably that she won’t receive a major injury: that shot is missing all the major organs and blood vessels. A head-shot would almost certainly kill them both but the pictured shot won’t. In fact the pictured shot probably won’t even stop the woman from using the AK47 that’s in her left hand or the bomb (or similar) which is in her right hand. I find it very unlikely that anybody with any claim to be a sniper would wear such a stupid shirt.

It is, however, interesting to note that the woman is armed with an assault rifle and what appears to be a small bomb. This means that she isn’t a civilian, she is a combatant and therefore a legitimate target whether pregnant or not. The fact that she is armed would suggest that were she not armed, the ‘sniper’ wouldn’t shoot her. At the very least the inclusion of the weapon creates a certain amount of doubt as to whether the ‘sniper’ would shoot her if she were not armed, she might not be a legitimate target. If it were certain that he would shoot an unarmed pregnant woman, there would be no need to show her as being armed.

Perhaps we can compare two people here: on the one hand we have an Israeli ‘sniper’ who might or might not regard an unarmed pregnant Muslim as a legitimate target, everybody is very correctly condemning this person; on the other hand we have a poster in this forum who says that unarmed Jewish women most certainly are “viable” targets, as are Jewish babies. Not one single Pole has condemned the poster who thinks that murdering babies is acceptable if those babies are Jewish. There’s a shock.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
25 Mar 2009 /  #374
and badly trained morons at that.

IDF is VERY well trained and runs quite smoothly despite conscription, if a soldier wears such a t-shirt it means that he's met with general consent and aproval or indifference, otherwise he'd be bashed by his CO the moment he'd be seen in something like that.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
25 Mar 2009 /  #375

Well there ya go. Haaretz is objective.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
25 Mar 2009 /  #376
At times, its very professional and tries to resist political pressures.
25 Mar 2009 /  #377
IDF is VERY well trained

So you would agree that an IDF sniper would know that a shot such as that shown on the t-shirt would not result in two kills. Good. That must mean that you agree that the t-shirt was meant to be taken seriously. Unlike your comment that Jewish babies deserve to be murdered, a comment which you have repeatedly supported and confirmed.
Randal  1 | 577  
25 Mar 2009 /  #378
It shows nothing of the kind. How do you know that these t-shirts would be condemned without all the publicity? You do not know that and can not know that.

...no story.
It was the reporter who broke the story that informed the Palestinians about the t-shirts when he wanted to get their take on it. That's seems more like muckraking generating of news than mere reporting on it, to me. What was the point? What else did he expect their predictable position to be? He just ended up further fanning flames.
Poloniaboy  - | 1  
3 Apr 2009 /  #379
It's amazing to me. I'm new here. my family lost members in auschwitz and in katyn. My relatives died in the same places as your relatives. What was it they were dying for? Some would say because it was their duty as soldiers to fight for an independent Poland. Others would say that they will just press on with the way they have lived for so many hundreds of years with the attitude of, "that this too shall pass". My family came to America speaking of the horrors of the way they were treated in Poland. Personally I would love to come back and see the streets in Bialystok where they walked and lived and then meet a Polish National who was on his way to Auschwitz or Katyn and join him or her on that trek. I am confident that by the time that trip was over, we would be holding each other in our arms, crying over relatives we've probably never met and remembering what crimes were done in Poland by German as well as Soviet Forces. Let's stop bickering over the age old battle over the cross and the star. Let's focus on we together can do to make Poland a great and beautiful country rich in heritage and proud of her history and look to the future with great anticipation. I love my Polish Brothers and Sisters in Poland and wherever the may be scattered. A great nation with a great future.
Randal  1 | 577  
3 Apr 2009 /  #380
Don’t judge all Polish by the stuff you see written here.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
3 Apr 2009 /  #381
No kidding ? Anyway I remind everybody about my #369. Do that.
1jola  14 | 1875  
3 Apr 2009 /  #382
Don’t judge all Polish by the stuff you see written here.

Don't judge Randal by the posts he makes here either. He is not Polish and has no clue about Poland but insists on giving his opinion on everything Polish, like:


Does one see a lot of kilts worn in Poland?
I wish someone would explain to me this apparent fascination girls have to men in skirts. Is this interest just due to the mere novelty of it? The easy access? Some deep-seated perversion?
I myself do not own a skirt but I may have to get one if the Polish ladies like them so!

Kilts in Poland??!! Probably worn by your imaginary Nazis.

Let's stop bickering over the age old battle over the cross and the star.

Welcome Poloniaboy. It won't take you long to identify the few foreign instigators here. Their purpose is to make anti-Polish posts, often relating to some Polish-Jewish issue which they are ill prepared to discuss, and then baiting for what they will term anti-semitic responses. They are trolls, but they are our trolls, and we have to deal with them.

I hope you will not fall into the trap on either side.
3 Apr 2009 /  #383
Their purpose is to make anti-Polish posts, often relating to some Polish-Jewish issue which they are ill prepared to discuss, and

There's no need for anybody else to make anti-Polish posts: you and Sokrates take care of that all by yourselves. He posts about what a proud Pole he is and how it's perfectly acceptable to murder babies provided that those babies are Jewish, while you post about how Jews can not be Poles and then go on to blame Jews for all the crimes committed in communist Poland. How could anybody else make Poland look any worse?
sjam  2 | 541  
3 Apr 2009 /  #384
Sokrates and others like to quote from .polonica.net so you'll get the picture on some of the Poles on PF :-))

Compare to Nazi anti-semitic image from 1930's

Nazi propaganda: The Eternal Jew

broken link removed
3 Apr 2009 /  #385
Telling everyone that they are the "chosen" people (contrary to everone else) and denying assimiliation into the host countries might have something to do with that....

Ha, the Huns again!

Licking the ass of the Arab but still afraid of the intelectually supperior jew!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11987  
3 Apr 2009 /  #386
still afraid of the intelectually supperior jew!

There is no reason to be afraid!


IQ average

Germany 102

IQ average

Israel 94

The Jews profited for centuries from and used a highly sophisticated, far advanced non-jewish environment they found in Germany or in France, or now in the US....alone for themselves they are below average.

"Intellectual superior"....suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure

PS: And the most "intelligent" of you Jews are the Ashkenazi...the one with age old roots in central Europe, Germany....wonder why! :)

For the rest of your post...you are a openly admiring Communism and call Napoleon a "great humanists"...so all know already that you have more than just some screws loose!
Randal  1 | 577  
3 Apr 2009 /  #387
Kilts in Poland??!! Probably worn by your imaginary Nazis.

Wow. You really went digging for that old quote, you pathetic leg-humping Nutzi. Lol..
Besides, my asking that question could hardly be called "giving my opinion on everything Polish", now could it, you moron.

Please, keep a lid on the insults.

you post about how Jews can not be Poles and then go on to blame Jews for all the crimes committed in communist Poland. How could anybody else make Poland look any worse?

Quite right, Harry.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
3 Apr 2009 /  #388
I am so happy you made this post. This is objective and sincere. Do not be swayed away from your rational, objective view and your love of the future. Now and the future is all we have. It's our responsibility to make them better ones.
1jola  14 | 1875  
3 Apr 2009 /  #389
Wow. You really went digging for that old quote, you pathetic leg-humping Nutzi. Lol..

Wonder how long it will be before they ban you, and I am not a Nut nor a Zionist.

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