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I'm so burnt out from american women and I love Polish ones

9 Dec 2006 /  #1
I have a very close friend from poland who once told Me "Go, Get Polish girl, Best girls, Polish" and it turns out he is right. We had some ladies from Poland working at my resort during the summer, and I have to say, I fell in love with EVERY single one. They were the most wonderful, vibrant, lovely, naturally beautiful woman I have ever met.

I will say it, and say it now. American woman (for many reasons, no doubt) are so cynical that it is considered a "job" to get them interested, then keeping them "interested" in you.

I'm considered a hansome man, succesful, and educated (and a pretty good sense of humor believe it or not) but man am I tired of american woman and there ******** expectations. I have not met one who does'nt think they can change their man, but when they realize they're wrong, they split.

I'm so burnt out from american woman, that the Polish woman seem to be a dream. Less burnt out and cynicle, free thinking and experimental, etc. etc. etc. I LOVE POLISH WOMAN. There is a new saying I heard recently "chivalry is dead.... and woman killed it" I must clarify and qualify this by saying, AMERICAN woman killed chivalry" They want so much yet give so little it's become a national issue (so I have read) American men a sick and tired and looking to the east, west, north, and south for woman who are not "ruined" Im done.
just a woman  
9 Dec 2006 /  #2

Very interesting:)
Jane Done - | 24  
9 Dec 2006 /  #3
For me is a little strange that you said ,,I love all polish women''. I think you siad it generally.
just a woman  
9 Dec 2006 /  #4
Jane this is a detail! he loves us:)
Eurola 4 | 1898  
9 Dec 2006 /  #5
Ultralight, got a friend? Or an uncle? Single, of course. :)
krysia 23 | 3058  
9 Dec 2006 /  #6
wish there were more guys like ultralight.
Patrycja19 62 | 2683  
10 Dec 2006 /  #7
have a very close friend from poland who once told Me "Go, Get Polish girl, Best girls, Polish" and it turns out he is right.

I am not saying that you are wrong, that is good that you feel this way.
but remember, there are polish women who are American.

American is Europe in the West. minus the Native American.

Were all Immigrants Starting at Christopher C .

I wont say, and generalize that American men have thorns up their butts either
that would be pretty rude of me to say.

you have to high standards, that is why American women dont appeal, and most
men have a Ideal Picture growing up of what they want in a woman, but, of course
if you chase the ones who are brought up in a more greedy atmosphere, and have
everything handed to them, you will get that response of, I am going to change my
man attitude.

and I really hate to bust your bubble, but, if you have been taken before by a woman
its probably cause you are to easy, and the gold diggers will seek you out.

Gold diggers can be any nationality, you had balls enough to put down American
women, so now grow some to actually be firm and assertive in your relationships.
otherwise, it is going to happen again and again. no matter what country.
krysia 23 | 3058  
10 Dec 2006 /  #8
There are differences in the upbringing between other countries.
Schools in America are different than in Poland, they have cheerleaders.
10 Dec 2006 /  #9
10 Dec 2006 /  #10
I totally agree with Pat. Besides, how much experiance have you had with Polish women. I am not saying that they are bad, they are people and if you think that they will always be smile and all - you are wrong.
10 Dec 2006 /  #11
if you have been taken before by a woman
its probably cause you are to easy, and the gold diggers will seek you out.

what if you're not ''easy'' at all, turned down girls all your life because you looked for true love and all you encounter were gold diggers, liars and cheaters? - purely hypothetical ofcourse! -

but I'm open to the suggestion that I'm doing something very wrong. :) and ofcourse, I have no right to speak about liars anymore. I kinda feel like a fallen angel as of late to be honest, not sure what to do, go with a cheater? forgive another liar? or keep waiting for miss right for another eternity?

all very serious questions. :) lol I belong in the dr. phil section I know. :)
Patrycja19 62 | 2683  
10 Dec 2006 /  #12
what if you're not ''easy'' at all, turned down girls all your life because you looked for true love and all you encounter were gold diggers, liars and cheaters? - purely hypothetical ofcourse! -

Arien, I am of course not dr phil, lol, but I see alot of men, here, go for what they
call the perfect woman, and they look like a painted face, boobs are fake, they have
a model shape, sorry but any girl that looks like that is high (extremely high) maintence
they dont cook, and they dont even know how to clean their own home.

the media helps this too, just like they do with the model men, and we all know
when you get back to reality, if you walk around your neighbor hood, or go to
a store, tell me how many people you see that look like that on the street?

yeah if you go in a club, or bar, sure you will find lots of sexy people, thats where they
all meet, to meet someone, but, the bar can be the worst place, and the best place
to meet somone. my suggestion, be yourself, and dont look so hard, love finds you
most of the time.

when someone goes to a bar, and they are sitting back staring at the crowd, you can
immediately tell they are looking for long term, almost desperate look, they are no having
any fun cause they are to busy looking in the crowd instead of dancing and letting them
selfs have fun, joining in conversations, or making people laugh.

not saying you do that, but you werent your true self, trust is something people have
to build.

I think you are on your way, like I said, dont look for it, let it come to you, in the mean
time be yourself, dont flaunt material things, this will attract gold diggers, and
just try to be yourself. Dr P lol.

I see alot of men, here

Whoops. wanted to clarify this, as alot of men here in America. I cant speak for
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
10 Dec 2006 /  #13

I think that you've been reading too many books.
Patrycja19 62 | 2683  
10 Dec 2006 /  #14
I think that you've been reading too many books.


but, u can say what you want, I see it in real life, and then I see the Why me?
my husbands friend for one crys it all the time, my girlfriend loves him to death
and he wants someone who is his type, I seen who he likes, and so far he is
in his late 30s' almost 40 no kids, no life, no wife, lost his job many times, and
if he would have made the commitment with my friend, she would have showered
him, she adored him, he looks like bolo!

so bolo, make sure you do not have high standards, or you will end up like my
husbands friend. and he is nice guy, very attractive, but, lonley as hell!

my books are real life! I go more, but I dont want to bore you .
10 Dec 2006 /  #15
so bolo, make sure you do not have high standards, or you will end up like my
husbands friend. and he is nice guy, very attractive, but, lonley as hell!

so wait Pat!
So is Bolo suppose to cut his face up, so he is not too attractive anymore and start dressing down(althoug I don't know what he usually wears - sorry Bolo:)).

I am not an ugly dog either myslef - so are you saying that I should just give up on myslef and not take care of myslef???
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
10 Dec 2006 /  #16
but I dont want to bore you .

You already have.
10 Dec 2006 /  #17
he looks like bolo!

He looks like bolo? Can I have his phone number? Just kidding.
Amathyst 19 | 2700  
10 Dec 2006 /  #18
I personally think that men like a women who looks after herself, lets face it no bloke wants a two bagger, I advocate cosmetic surgery, because if we can improve on something that we are not happy with why the hell shouldnt we do something about it.

I like to dress up I like to make the best of myself, I too am in my 30is and single but enjoy life and if Mr right comes along then great but Im not settling for second best just to conform, being single doesnt mean that you are lonely, someone can be in a relationship and feel alone.

I believe that having standards is a good thing and bolo should stick to what he wants and not settle, being picky is a good thing I have friends who are desparate to get married and I think men can smell the desparation on them.

As for high maintenance, thats something a bloke made up!!


maybe youre just meeting the wrong women, I could say I think that all men a selfish lying pr*cks but that wouldnt be true - too much generalising going on, I have met some lovely guys and some really horrid ones, wouldnt life be boring if we were all the same.
10 Dec 2006 /  #19
Seriously, love is not easy to find and you can't make yourself love someone or make someone love you. If you've found real love when you're young, then you're blessed. But not everyone does. Some people would prefer to wait than settle for anything less. What happens if you turn the corner and find love and you're with someone else?
Amathyst 19 | 2700  
10 Dec 2006 /  #20
What happens if you turn the corner and find love and you're with someone else?

thats quite easy, dump the one that youre with in favour of the more desirable one..text is a good option in this case!
Patrycja19 62 | 2683  
10 Dec 2006 /  #21
He looks like bolo? Can I have his phone number? Just kidding.

lol. maybe that would not be a bad idea, hes very handsome, my friend who is very pretty
and basically, they were booty calls to each other, it was sad to see her cry, cause her
giving in thinking he will change his mind, and then he tells her at one time, I am not
looking for relationship, then says to me, I wish I had what you have. he cared for my
friend, but he knew how she felt, and maybe the idea scared him, but at the same
time, he would say things to her, then change his mind, it was hard to not be in the
middle of it because she would ask me all the time, "did he ask about me"?

many nights sitting with her while she cried it out, and many nights with him, hearing
his I wish I wish I wish, two very good looking people, and they couldnt come together
after we moved, she stayed single for a while, but now, she is with someone she dont
love. because she wont let herself. she wanted him and him only, Ive talked to her
about this, and it was like talking to a wall, she was trying hard, there was so much
tense situations, I was glad we moved.

The really bad part was, at one time, he was across at our neighbors, she was
watching him out the window, and he kept saying how he didnt want anything, but
would say those right words to get some, he was hitting on another girl, and so
he wanted to bring her to my home, which I felt was very ballsy, seeing that he knew
that my friend adored him, I wouldnt allow him in my house, afterwards a big fight broke
out, and it was another friend of hers who "is supposed to be her friend" sorry I am
confusing folks, but this is what happens every day, not just in my neighborhood,
anyway, now, she is with someone, and he asked about her, so he finally wants to
be with her, after all the hurt, crying, fights (caused over his flirting) and she dont
want him now.

she dont want to trust, she dont want to let herself love, alot of people get lucky to
have good relationships, some dont, but, Ive watched alot of my friends get hurt,
and some have found happiness , this was a case of standards, he also didnt want
to be in a relationship with someone who has kids, yes to each their own. but
you see alot of the same people who went to the bar, ten or so years ago, still doing
the same things, and still looking. sad.
10 Dec 2006 /  #22
nice story but:
It didn't happened to them because of their looks.They happened to be good looking. It happened to them becaue they were immature.
Patrycja19 62 | 2683  
10 Dec 2006 /  #23
I personally think that men like a women who looks after herself, lets face it no bloke wants a two bagger, <~ I am thinking this means ugly, so
all those ugly people should be the ones lonely right?

hmm beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose people do wonder why some
two baggers are with handsome guys at times, maybe these fellas seen more in
them then whats on the outside.

advocate cosmetic surgery, because if we can improve on something that we are not happy with why the hell shouldnt we do something about it.

have you see some of the results of cosmetic surgery?
it makes you look good when you are young, when you get old, then you have
the two bagger looks! makes ya age faster.

improving things can also come with risks. ,many have died having boob jobs, or
having tummy tucks, altering your body can be dangerous, I dont advocate that.

nice story but:
It didn't happened to them because of their looks.They happened to be good looking. It happened to them becaue they were immature.

good point.

Seriously, love is not easy to find and you can't make yourself love someone or make someone love you. If you've found real love when you're young, then you're blessed. But not everyone does. Some people would prefer to wait than settle for anything less. What happens if you turn the corner and find love and you're with someone else?

well, my personal opinion, love is something that grows during the relationship, you cant
automatically love, you can lust, cause you find them attractive, and want to
hop in the sack.
Amathyst 19 | 2700  
10 Dec 2006 /  #24
All surgery comes with risks, but if you have a good surgen, do your research then the risks are lowered - also a good surgen will do a good job and not make you look like you have hit Gforce - look at some of US's 50 something actresses who look fab, do you really think that they havent been under the knife?? Botox is the norm in the UK and 7 out of 10 men and women have it now.

two bagger is an unatractive person, okay not a nice term, granted.

if two people hit if off and get it on then fine, you cannot make someone like you it has to be a reciprical thing or its a non starter, the guy you speak about seems like he has committment issues and that will never change.
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
10 Dec 2006 /  #25
Botox is the norm in the UK

What's this ?:(
Amathyst 19 | 2700  
10 Dec 2006 /  #26
are you serious??

it freezes the muscles - usually used in the brow area and around the eyes
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
10 Dec 2006 /  #27
are you serious??

Amathyst 19 | 2700  
10 Dec 2006 /  #28
well now you know what botox is
10 Dec 2006 /  #30
the effect wears off in 3-4 months so the patient has to have another treatment over and over again and it's not cheap. Also there is the "too much Botox" effect which you can notice especially on Nicole Kidman's face - as if somebody pulled her skin up(she might have face lift as well) and the eyebrows go up too much creating the efffect of a surprised face expression.

I used to work in the industry. No, never had anything done. I have seen enough to be convinced that I will never, ever have anything done to my body. People go through so much pain, although I have to admit that I haven't seen too many complications.

It's the stress on the body and all the drugs they pump into you that is quite shocking.
So, if you want to do it, do your research beforehand.

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