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What Happened in the Danzig Corridor 1939? Poles Slaughtering Germans?

OP joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
12 Apr 2008 /  #61
"You are the salt of the earth, but when the salt loses it's saltiness, it is of no use!"

I don't deny that many Jews were killed in WWII, but fom what I have read, I see no evidence, physical or in written records, that the leading National Socialists ever planned, carried out or attemted a genocide of the Jews...there was undeniably a plan for a mass transfer of certain populations, but this is different than industrial murder...now, if you consider the mass slaughter of war a genocide, you may be correct.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
12 Apr 2008 /  #62
Keep reading joe,I dont agree with you but I do like you mate,I myself dalied with those ideas a good few years ago,let me tell you,it is a buzz feeling that you KNOW what the rest of the world is being lied to about,but,that doesnt make it the truth. The problems I see is that so much that was written perportadly as solid FACT in the imediatte aftermath of the war was complete and utter rubbish that there is enough leverage for conspiricy theorists to cling on to,not to mention the fact that the nurnberg trials were so far from good legal practice as to deserve their own bloomin trial for abuse of the justice system.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
12 Apr 2008 /  #63
It looks like there was a massacre of the German minority in town of Bydgoszcz two days after the German invasion of Poland.

A very large part of "Polish-Germans" were 5th columnists and in some places they got what they deserved.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
12 Apr 2008 /  #64
5th columnists??? They were Germans which were on the side of their country!

And what about the Silesians uprisings? Those Poles were patriots, yes?

What's good for the goose...
hairball  20 | 313  
13 Apr 2008 /  #65
This sounds like an entirely justified massacre to me.

Your sick in the head mate! NO "massacre" can ever be "justified", whoever carried it out.

Yeah...well...so was the whole polish campaign! :)

I hope you didn't really mean this b'boy?

yes, your moves in the 30s were exactly the same as US' in 2001-2002

I agree 100% with this and I even started a thread about it! URL

Yup...preemptive invasion against the communists/bolschewik hordes!
Sorry but we had to move over you as you were on the way...:(

Are you trying to change history here? Everybody knows that Hitler invaded Poland only after he agreed to devide it up with Stalin!

I see no evidence, physical or in written records, that the leading National Socialists ever planned, carried out or attemted a genocide of the Jews

Then your in denial joe.

there was undeniably a plan for a mass transfer of certain populations, but this is different than industrial murder

And this statment just proves it!
plk123  8 | 4119  
13 Apr 2008 /  #66
there was undeniably a plan for a mass transfer of certain populations,

dude a mass transfer of groups into the ovens is genocide.

Bratwurst Boy

why do you come here and stir this crap up?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
14 Apr 2008 /  #67
why do you come here and stir this crap up?

In a thread named: "What Happened in the Danzig Corridor 1939? Poles Slaughtering Germans?"

Isn't it interesting to hear a german voice too? I mean between you poles it gets quite boring...you were always right and of course always the poor victims blah blah blah!

If you want that then just say so....
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
14 Apr 2008 /  #68
OK OK, we actually started WW2, Hitler was our puppet, he didn't actually know what he was getting himself into, the poor darling...
<laughs diabolically, rubs hands with glee>
Marcus911  3 | 102  
14 Apr 2008 /  #69

OP joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
17 Apr 2008 /  #70
dude a mass transfer of groups into the ovens is genocide

Stop with the ovens crap already!
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
17 Apr 2008 /  #71
Yes,get your facts right,it was gas chambers THEN into the ovens or onto the pyres.
OP joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
17 Apr 2008 /  #72
Isthatu, stop with the 'gas chambers'!...to kill six million jews in industrial gas chambers and then take the bodies to be cremated in ovens would have required Hitler to pull all of his troops off the Russian front and elsewhere, and then assign them all the specific duty of killing Jews!...they would have had to work three shifts a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year!...Oh, and this, too: many Poles were in these camps also...were they sent to gas chambers and then burned in ovens?...or did Hitler, because of his deep love for the Poles, spare them this fate?...why no Polish tales of 'killing us in gas chambers'?
hairball  20 | 313  
18 Apr 2008 /  #73
why no Polish tales of 'killing us in gas chambers'?

Visit the museum at Oświęcim or Auschwitz as it's better known. The genocide that was commited there was quite indiscriminate, Jew, Pole, Gypsy, Russian, Jahova Witness or homosexual, they didn't care. They wern't Arian so they were gassed and burned in the ovens. There is plenty of photographic evidence to see at the museum that has survived.

Incidentally a large percentage of the "Jews" who were murdered in the camps were "Polish."

If your not brave enough to visit Poland because it might infect your "Arian" heratige, you could always visit the camp at Bergen-Belson 22km from Celle in Northern Germany. They didn't "Gas" them there, just worked them to death, but again there is plenty or photographic evidence that has survived!
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
18 Apr 2008 /  #74
Isthatu, stop with the 'gas chambers'!...


to kill six million jews

Your figure,not mine,best estimates ar between 5.2 and 5.4 million

in industrial gas chambers and then take the bodies to be cremated in ovens

It is nowhere claimed that all the victims were killed in Gas Chambers,possibly les than half died this way,the rest either were shot in mass executions by Einzatzgruppe or died of various diseases /malnourishment while confined in inhuman conditions in ghettos or worked to death in industry.

many Poles were in these camps also...were they sent to gas chambers and then burned in ovens?...

Yes....short answer..longer answer..many Poles were just shot as,in all there were less of them/they were not quite as offensive to nazi racial purity laws..but very nearly.

why no Polish tales of 'killing us in gas chambers'?

because the dead dont generally tell tales do they joe...unless you know something the rest of us dont...
OP joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
19 Apr 2008 /  #75
If your not brave enough to visit Poland because it might infect your "Arian" heratige, you could always visit the camp at Bergen-Belson 22km from Celle in Northern Germany. They didn't "Gas" them there, just worked them to death, but again there is plenty or photographic evidence that has survived!

I'm no Aryan...'Aryanism' was just another pagan offshoot from the school of 'theosophy' propounded by the late pig, Madame Helena Blavatsky...this so-called Aryanism was just another deluded form of racialism...myself I'm a Polack, or rather a Polish-American...I have no love for the National Socialists...however, considering the real amount of human slaughter and misery that took place during WWII, I see no need to embellish this with Kaballistic lies about '6 million' and 'gas chambers' and 'ovens'...there is no evidence that 6 million Jews ever lived in Germany, Poland and other territories occupied by the nazis...and there is certainly no evidence of 'gas chambers': please, shoe me one piece of forensic evidence of 'gas chambers' or 'gas ovens' or whatever names they give to these things which never existed...one piece, please...even the most fantastic stories written by so-called Jewish 'survivors' don't give any description of these gas chambers...they only exist in novels and in propaganda...many Jews died in the concentration camps,

especially after 1944 when the Germans were losing the war, and couldn't provide adequate food and medical supplies to the camps...these were labor camps...do I justify the use of slave labor?...no, I don't...but even most Jews don't believe these 'gas chamber' lies...I once had a Jewish Aushwitz survivor for a landlord...he mentioned nothing about 'gas chambers'...in fact, if you want a real historical irony,

the first usage of 'gassing' to murder people on a significant scale was actually developed by a Jewish Bolshevik, who came up with the idea of loading 'enemies of the state' into the back of a transport or police van, in a sealed compartment, and piping the carbon monoxide into the back to kill the prisoners...this took place in the Soviet Union in the 1930's.

The mobile gassing truck was invented and tested by Isay Davidovich Berg, head of the NKVD Economics Division in the Moscow region. In 1937, a second highpoint in the Great Purge, prisoners were sentenced to death in conveyor-belt fashion, packed into trucks, taken to the places of execution, shot in the back of the neck, and buried. In the economic sense, Isay Berg found this method of liquidation inefficient, time-consuming and cost-intensive. He, therefore, in 1937 designed the mobile asphyxiation chamber, the gassing truck (Russian: dushegubka, p. 297). The doomed were loaded into a tightly sealed, completely airtight Russian Ford; during the drive the deadly exhaust from a gasoline engine was directed into the section containing those sentenced to death. Upon reaching the mass graveside, the truck dumped the corpses into the burial ditch.

hairball  20 | 313  
22 Apr 2008 /  #76
there is certainly no evidence of 'gas chambers': please, shoe me one piece of forensic evidence of 'gas chambers' or 'gas ovens'

There isn't much left to see at Aushwitz because the Nazi's tried to "hide" their crimes, but there is enough!
Pictures here including "plans for a gas chamber," and Sonder Comander pictures of prosses. birkenau+gas chamber pictures

forensic evidence of 'gas chambers'

But the camp at Mjdanek in Estern Poland survived intact because of the speed of the Red Army advance. Pictures here.... Majdanek pictures

I once had a Jewish Aushwitz survivor for a landlord...he mentioned nothing about 'gas chambers'

But that doesn't mean they weren't there!

Your "forensic evidence" is in the hair products that were made from the hair of gased victoms and when tested contained cyclon B, the gas used in the chambers.
OP joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
24 Apr 2008 /  #77
There isn't much left to see at Aushwitz because the Nazi's tried to "hide" their crimes, but there is enough!

The nazis didn't try to 'hide' anything...when the Soviets took over Poland, at Aushwitz specifically, they refused to allow western access, so that they could use the 'gas chamber' propaganda to advance their own purposes...there is not one bit of hard evidence to prove anyrhing about gas chambers...if there was real evidence of these things, the Soviets would have thrown open Aushwitz to the world for propaganda purposes...by the way, to give you a clearer idea about my research on this matter, and on my general views on German National Socialism, I have just finished reading the diary of Wilhelm Keitel, Hitler's military 'Chief of Staff' during the whole war...the booK, edited by Wilhelm Gorlitz, and translated by David Irving, is a scathing indictment of the madman Hitler by Keitel, his top military bureaucrat and whipping boy...it is clear from this diary that Hitler was a meglomaniac who led Germany to it's destruction because of his ego and 'sense of destiny'...of course, Hitler took the coward's way out, but Keitel had to face the Nuremberg kangaroo court, and was hung by the neck...after I finished this, I reread part of a book called 'The Final Battle', about the fall of Berlin by English writer Cornelius Ryan, who also wrote 'The Longest Day'...now Ryan, who covered the whole war in Europe, start to finish, gives no evidence of any gas chambers, except to repeat hearsay rumours of 'cyanide pellets' being crushed and placed into 'shower heads' that supposedly released the gas into 'shower rooms'...this story is ridiculous...the whole gassing lie is a product of Jewish, Soviet and later some Western propagandists...the nazis were bad enough...why embelish the tragedy with lies, unless there is an ulterior motive, like, maybe, money and political leverage?...also,International Red Cross estimates of TOTAL deaths at Aushwitz are 47,000.

But the camp at Mjdanek in Estern Poland survived intact because of the speed of the Red Army advance. Pictures here.

Hairball, there are no gas chambers in these pictures...no one denies the existence of camps.
JuliePotocka  5 | 188  
27 Apr 2008 /  #78
Say WHAT!? My family members at Auschwitz NEVER DENIED the gas chambers or ovens there!!

The Nazis attempted to dismantle much, as they moved out, and burned buildings to the ground. Remnants were found. I also used to employ a gentleman in the '90s, who was used to prove or disprove the gas chambers there. He told me they ushered him into a replica, and he told them that no way would any residue show up, nor on any reconstruction!

THAT is what much of the "new alleged facts" are based upon, and of course they aren't going to show any truth.

12 million Poles died, on top of the Jews imported from other places. Not all died in the camps. Polish leaders and intellectuals were dispatched at Katyn!

Let's stay with facts, not the distorted crud people are parading out there...as I recall my great-cousin Alka's tatoos on her wrist. I trust what she said, combined with my best friend from grade school. Her parents were Orthodox Jews, survivors from Auschwitz - I was told much, by all of the above people.

What we see today is NOT what necessarily what existed back then!

By the way, on that page someone posted...if they didn't have the gas chambers, then why is there a photo of a can of ZYKLON GAS!? That is what was used in the gas chambers, where it released upon exposure to air, Hydrogen Cyanide.

Ergo, that page DOES show evidence of gas chambers: lower right

I rest my case for the 18 million dead...
OP joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
3 May 2008 /  #79
Isn't it interesting to hear a german voice too? I mean between you poles it gets quite boring...you were always right and of course always the poor victims blah blah blah!
If you want that then just say so....

The incidents in the Danzig corridor obviously happened and are historical fact...also, after the war Poland aquired land at the expense of Germany...I just feel that people should be aware that there were atrocities on all sides during WWII...I believe that the Germans were deceived by the National Socialists and especially Hitler, who, I believe from what I hav researched, was unstable mentally,

maybe due to drug consumption, maybe due to meglomania, maybe due to certain
'occult' influences on him...he led Germany to destruction...but to blame the German people for the actions of a man like this is absurd...the Germans paid a heavy price for this insanity, as did the Poles, the Ukranians, and Russians...the insanity of the 'isms' as I call them nazism, communism/bolshevism, satanism.

By the way, on that page someone posted...if they didn't have the gas chambers, then why is there a photo of a can of ZYKLON GAS!?

No...Zyklon B was used as a defumigant, that is, to remove lice, bugs, bacteria from camp inmates clothing...there is no evidence that Zyklon B was ever used for 'gas chambers' as there were no 'gas chambers'...a gas chamber is an airtight sealed room or enclosure...this is necessary so that the gas used does not escape...there is not one bit of evidence that the Germans ever used/constructed such a thing...none...also, remember that before the first Gulf War ('Operation Desert Storm' in Iraq), Saddam Hussein was accused of using Zyklon B to gas Kurds in Norther Iraq...this was another lie...Kurds were gassed at Halabja by some sort of nerve gas, but it was not 'Zyklon B' and it is unclear whether the attacks were carried out by Iraqis, Iranians or whomever...but, you see, Saddam was the 'new Hitler"...always a 'new Hitler'...one was enough...let us examine other mass murderers named Trotsky AKA Bronstein, Beria, Kaganovitch, Zinoviev, Lenin etc....I won't forget Uncle Joe, either.
3 May 2008 /  #80
I don't deny that many Jews were killed in WWII, but fom what I have read, I see no evidence, physical or in written records, that the leading National Socialists ever planned, carried out or attemted a genocide of the Jews...

Have you considered learning to read?
z_darius  14 | 3960  
3 May 2008 /  #81
I see no evidence, physical or in written records, that the leading National Socialists ever planned, carried out or attempted a genocide of the Jews...there was undeniably a plan for a mass transfer of certain populations, but this is different than industrial murder.

There was a plan like that, called Madagaskar Plan, which was originally a British idea.

As for your ignorance about the existence of any proof that the Nazis planned, attempted or carried out the genocide of the Jews, well... just by denying that you sowing a complete lack of credibility. we might debate about the numbers of victims but facts are facts and they are know to all - except for you, it appears.

Was it planned? - Aktion Reinhard

Was it attempted?

Maly Trostinets

What would you call the above? Detention centers?

If still in doubt, get some information from /Karski-How-Tried-Stop-Holocaust/ the attempt that you deny happened.
JuliePotocka  5 | 188  
4 May 2008 /  #82
"You can lead a horse to water - but you can't make him drink." This applies to this thread deeply.

Darius, he doesn't wish to get it...but in the names of my Ancestors, the dead shall NEVER be FORGOTTEN, no matter who they were, what they were. They were human beings, they lived, they MATTERED.

What the person above is in denial about, can never erase any of that.
southern  73 | 7059  
4 May 2008 /  #83
Poles Slaughtering Germans?

Very good to be true.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
4 May 2008 /  #84
Poles slaughtering Nazis maybe, not Germans. How can so many lazy and thoughtless comments be made? The wrong Jews suffered. Ashekanazi Jews had the audacity to fund both of the evil factions, the commies and the Nazis. These are the people that Poles should have slaughtered, these greedy sods who make money from the misery of others.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
4 May 2008 /  #85
Isthatu, stop with the 'gas chambers'!...to kill six million jews in industrial gas chambers and then take the bodies to be cremated in ovens would have required Hitler to pull all of his troops off the Russian front and elsewhere, and then assign them all the specific duty of killing Jews!...they would have had to work three shifts a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year!...

Problems with math in primary school, huh?

In 1939 Wehrmach alone consisted of 4,722,000. The numbers were growing and reached 12,070,000 in 1944. If German pulled 1/2 of their Wehrmacht forces in 1942 (9,580,000) to kill and cremate 6 million Jews then it would roughly 1.5 Jews per each brave Wehrmacht soldier.

If they started at 8 am, they would be done (including the disposal of the ashes) somewhere around 5pm, just in time to get home for dinner. But of course not every brave German soldier could afford his very own incinerator, so some bodies would have been buried in mass graves. Enough of those have been documented.

But then, you'll probably argue that Jews simply tripped and fell into the pits. Germans merely covered the body filled pits with earth to prevent disease and such from spreading to other Jews.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
4 May 2008 /  #86
....provided the Wehrmacht had nothing better to do instead!
southern  73 | 7059  
4 May 2008 /  #87
If German pulled 1/2 of their Wehrmacht forces in 1942 (9,580,000) to kill and cremate

The job was not done by Wehrmacht.Wehrmacht was not a criminal organization.It was conducted by Einsatzgruppen and some SS(like Totenkopf).SS controlled concentration camps like Auschwitz,Treblinka etc.
lesser  4 | 1311  
4 May 2008 /  #88
Wehrmacht was not a criminal organization.

They committed many crimes as well. Incidentally yesterday I started to read a book about SS written by Polish-German in communist Poland. Author at the start claims that Wermacht and SS often worked together, perhaps later he will provide some details.
finT  12 | 167  
4 May 2008 /  #89
Hmmmm , fascinating, so what did happen in the Danzig Corridor in 1939? Thank God they didn't have the internet then!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
4 May 2008 /  #90
Incidentally yesterday I started to read a book about SS written by Polish-German in communist Poland. Author at the start claims that Wermacht and SS often worked together, perhaps later he will provide some details.

A polish-german communist...ah ja!

War is dirty...sh*t things happen.
But it wasn't the assignment of the Wehrmacht to round up Jews for example...they had a real job to do.

I read the number of german war criminals is around 200.000!
(The Wiesenthal center said so I believe - during start of operation "Last Chance")
Even if it's an awful lot, that also means that the far majority of Germans/german soldiers was not guilty of any crimes at all!

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