I returned to Cheesequake back in 2002 - it's so completely different now. Al the farms have been replaced with strip malls and developments. Glad I got out when I did...
How do you like living in the Netherlands?
It's pretty good - nice way of life, perhaps the best place I've ever seen to raise kids. A bit overpopulated (17M in an area roughly three times the size of Jersey) but it's taught me patience. Americans need a dose occasionally. ;) The women though - meh. Dated a few over the years, came close to marrying one, but somewhat selfish and untrustworthy.
But that's for another forum... ;)
well... as we chat i am being cooked crepes with blue cheese and spinich sauce oh yes indeedy... washed down with at least one bottle of exceeding fine red... from australia...
Hm - I've made a stir fry and am washing it down with an Old Speckled Hen ale, imported from England. :)
Hey - could have been worse. Could have been Heineken.