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Polish vs american food

BornInTheUSA 2 | 41  
28 Jun 2007 /  #31
If you can find it, seek out Chef Paul seasonings. I get it from an expat store here in Amsterdam - really good, if you're not near the real thing. Cajun blackened fish tacos....yum!

(PS: Sorry for the "postcard" earlier)
7 Jul 2007 /  #32
Polish food is disgusting. The cuisine consists of: meat, cabbage and potatoes (::Bubba Gump's voice here:: Fried potatoes, boiled potatoes, roasted potatoes, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, stuffed potatoes, potato soup, potato stew (yes, there's a difference), potato bread, potato pancakes, potato noodles, potato scones...but no fries!)

Amy x
FISZ 24 | 2116  
9 Jul 2007 /  #33
You've obviously not had much Polish food.......
Amathyst 19 | 2700  
9 Jul 2007 /  #34
IM having spaggettie for my dinner :)

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