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Berlin terrorist attack -- Poland's ethnic homogeneity a true blessing

Wulkan  - | 3136  
26 Dec 2016 /  #151
In that photo she's got her arm up with her hand ready to push that bloke away.

If we didn't know you we'd say that you are exceptionally dumb but we know that you're just a compulsive liar.

Thanks for yet again proving that despite all of your frantic googling, all you have to respond to me pointing out that even you now know you've been caught lying is posting yet more off-topic ad hom trolling.

hahaha In your tiny little mind bro xD
mafketis  38 | 10868  
26 Dec 2016 /  #152
You claim that she invited refugees to Germany

If she didn't invite them THEN WHY ARE THEY THERE????

Really, this is disingenuous even for you. The migrant catastrophe is 100 per cent the fault of Merkel. Why can't you admit that?
26 Dec 2016 /  #153
If we didn't know you we'd say that you are exceptionally dumb but we know that you're just a compulsive liar.

So, you've given up on googling for quotes which would show that you aren't just lying when you claimed that Merkel invited refugees to Germany and instead have decided to post nothing but off-topic ad hom trolling; how surprising.

The migrant catastrophe is 100 per cent the fault of Merkel.

No it isn't: a fairly large chunk of the blame goes to liars such as Wulky, Cartman and Polly who claim that Merkel invited refugees to Germany and then refuse to produce any quotes which support their brainless lies.
26 Dec 2016 /  #154
The only proven liar here is you Harold.

If that statement were true, you'd have no trouble quoting me telling a lie. But the reality is that you're completely unable to do that, just as you are entirely unable to quote Merkel inviting refugees to Germany. So you try to cover that inability by posting off-topic ad hom trolling.

Harry isn't liar. He's just an idiot unaware of things he's saying.

Perhaps you'd care to quote Merkel inviting refugees to Germany? I keep asking people to do that but so far nobody has been able to. As you can see from his posts above, Wulky is starting to get very frustrated by his inability to support his latest lie by quoting Merkel inviting refugees to Germany.
johnny reb  46 | 7516  
26 Dec 2016 /  #155
liars such as Wulky, Cartman and Polly who claim that Merkel invited refugees to Germany

I heard her say it on t.v. ......."We invite the Muslim refugees to Germany with open arms".
"They will help our work force because our young German ladies are refusing to breed".
Yup, that is what Merkel said alright. :-)
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
26 Dec 2016 /  #156
Why? Id rather quote all the moronic ******** you type everytime. So much easier.
26 Dec 2016 /  #157
I heard her say it on t.v. ......."We invite them to Germany with open arms".

Oh dear, we have another post from the compulsive one which is as moronic as his claim about a dead man still living in Iran.


No results found for "We invite them to Germany with open arms".

that is what Merkel said alright. :-)

That is no more what she said than Obama got 110% of the votes in certain precincts. It's just another of the fantasies you litter this place when reality is not something you can accept, i.e. all day every day.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
26 Dec 2016 /  #158
Check this out. Leftists. In defence of Democracy ahahhahaha

mafketis  38 | 10868  
26 Dec 2016 /  #159
you are entirely unable to quote Merkel inviting refugees to Germany

If Merkel didn't want them there then why are they there?

They showed up against MErkel's wishes?

They just magically appeared?

She wanted them to come to Germany and issued assurances they would be welcome.

What did " "Deutschland ist ein starkes Land. Das Motiv, mit dem wir an diese Dinge herangehen, muss sein: Wir haben so vieles geschafft - wir schaffen das!" refer to? (Germany is a strong country, the motive with which we approach this must be "we've done so much - we can do this")

No it isn't: a fairly large chunk of the blame goes to liars such as Wulky, Cartman and Polly

You are becoming a parody of yourself. This is unworthy of you. Sad, sad little liar.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
26 Dec 2016 /  #160
If that statement were true, you'd have no trouble quoting me telling a lie

Yes, and I don't have the trouble with that.

In that photo she's got her arm up with her hand ready to push that bloke away.

Perhaps if you had children you could ask them to teach their old daddy how to use google search bar :-)
mafketis  38 | 10868  
26 Dec 2016 /  #161
In that photo she's got her arm up with her hand ready to push that bloke away

It's true! Marxists _are_ always trying to rewrite history to cover up their failures!

Excellent example! Thank you!
Wulkan  - | 3136  
26 Dec 2016 /  #162
Let's wait for Harold showing us next photo of this scene in which Merkel pushes that migrant away.
26 Dec 2016 /  #163
If Merkel didn't want them there then why are they there?

Because Germany is a better place to be than where they are from. It's the same reason migrants have always migrated.

refer to?

Germany meeting her obligations under international law and processing asylum requests so as to accept those in need of protection and to deport those who didn't, as is clear when her comments are read in full and not just selectively edited.

Thanks god his dumb genes has not been passed to some poor children.

Much like your own genes.
mafketis  38 | 10868  
26 Dec 2016 /  #164
Because Germany is a better place to be than where they are from.

So why is that Germany's problem?

Germany meeting her obligations under international law and processing asylum requests so as to accept those in need of protection and to deport those who didn't

Since when is it an obligation under international law to accept hundreds of thousands of completely unvetted migrants?

And they rejected Mr Christmas Market Killer months ago. Why was he still in Germany? Why is any Tunisian or Moroccan or Pakistani claiming 'refugee' status still in Germany?

It's almost as if "international law" in refugee matters is hopelessly out of date and ethically bankrupt.

What would you tell the relatives of those killed by the Chritmas Market Trucker (or the Polish citizen he killed)?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Dec 2016 /  #165
headline in liberal paper

This guy really isn't worth debating with because all he wants to do is latch on to some tiny technicality and obsessively ride the hell out of it. Like saying Poland is not a Catholic country because only 30% of 40% attend mass every single Sunday. The whole world knows Merkel has provided the main inspiration for the the Muslim invasion saying (in September 2015) that Germany could take 800,000 in that year alone. "We can do it!" was the punch line understood by all and sundry as an effective invitation. But the master baiter demands an eplicit quote such as: "I, Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, hereby invite Middle Eastern and African refugees to Germany."

In the past I have stupidly allowed myself to be baited by his nonsensical statements, obsessions and provocations and now am firmly convinced he is best ignored. Why cater to his sick ego?!
mafketis  38 | 10868  
26 Dec 2016 /  #166
But the master baiter demands an eplicit quote such as: "I, Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, hereby invite Middle Eastern and African refugees to Germany."

He's very spergy when it suits him and has no sense whatsoever of scale (or of right and wrong all too often).

Sad, sad, little liar.
26 Dec 2016 /  #167
Since when is it an obligation under international law to accept hundreds of thousands of completely unvetted migrants?

1951. Perhaps you should make a little effort to educate yourself about the basics of topics before attempting to discuss them?

Sad, sad, little liar.

What's sad is the way you respond to your ignorance being pointed out with nothing other than abuse. You used to be one of the reasonable posters but now you're nothing more than than Wulky, Cartman and Polly.
johnny reb  46 | 7516  
26 Dec 2016 /  #168
you should make a little effort to educate yourself about the basics of topics before attempting to discuss them?

Yes you should Har.

Peggy Noonan - writing in The Wall Street Journal -
"Recently I spoke with an acquaintance of Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, and the conversation quickly turned, as conversations about Ms. Merkel now always do, to her decisions on immigration. Last summer when Europe was engulfed with increasing waves of migrants and refugees from Muslim countries, Ms. Merkel, moving unilaterally, announced that Germany would take in an astounding 800,000. Naturally this was taken as an invitation, and more than a million came."

An "Open Door Immigration Policy" falls under the definition of an invite wouldn't you say Har ? lol

It sure sounded like an invitation to a million people but then again, Har would argue that point......... as he wipes the egg off his face.
26 Dec 2016 /  #169
Good to see you're still quoting people other than Merkel, let's us know you've pretty much given up trying to quote her, just like you very quickly gave up trying to support your laughable lie about a dead man who still lived in Iran.
mafketis  38 | 10868  
26 Dec 2016 /  #170

Where precisely does it say "a country is obliged to accept hundreds of thousands of unvetted people claiming to be refugees"?

You used to be one of the reasonable posters

I'm THE reasonable poster. I look at each issue on its own rather than take my cues from any other 'authority'. The preponderence of evidence is that

PiS is a bad government,

Merkel's refugee policy is an unmitigated disaster that will bring ever more suffering to German citizens until most of the arrivals since September 2015 are out of Germany where they belong.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
26 Dec 2016 /  #171
His mind is too tiny to comprehend fact.

No, he is just dragging this threat off topic on purpose, because he doesn't like what people post here. That is the only reason he is minutely fooling you all by debating finer philosophical points of what the phrase 'invite' means? Did Merkel fulfil all necessary formal requirements that would satisfy all students of sophistry that she in fact issued an invitation to those people? After that you would have an easy peasy discussion was it in fact a formal or informal invitation.

However long before all that this thread would be closed for cleaning and forgotten for months or years even and that is exactly what Harry wants.

Sometimes I despair, you're here for years, you all know Harry's way but you are none the wiser, he plays you like a fiddle.

You need to remember that he is a nasty, petty human being, he adopted the evil cause but he is a very clever fellow. There is no need to underestimate him or his tactics.
mafketis  38 | 10868  
26 Dec 2016 /  #172
You need to remember that he is nasty, petty,

yep, he is that and a cheesburger.

this thread would be closed for cleaning and forgotten for months or years even and that is exactly what Harry wants

Then open up a new one.
johnny reb  46 | 7516  
26 Dec 2016 /  #173
dead man who still lived in Iran.

He did before he died ya dumb ass.

you're still quoting people other than Merkel,

Your reading comprehension sucks Har.

Ms. Merkel, moving unilaterally, announced that Germany would take in an astounding 800,000. Naturally this was taken as an invitation,

Here is another one Mr. egg on your face.
Speaking at an annual summer press conference in Berlin on July 28, a defiant Merkel ignored critics of her refugee policies and insisted there would be no change to her open-door migration stance. She also said she bears no responsibility for a recent spate of violent attacks in Germany. "We are doing everything humanly possible to ensure security in Germany," she recently said but added, "Anxiety and fear cannot guide our political decisions." Merkel said the goal of jihadists was to "divide our unity and undermine our way of life. They want to prevent our openness to welcoming people. They want to sow hate and fear between cultures and also among religions."

That is what ya call an invited Mr. Egg on his face.

Har you have a hard time admitting you are wrong don't you.
Now run along as class is dismissed on this one.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
26 Dec 2016 /  #174
Then open up a new one.

What is your problem? I wasn't even talking to you. I find it funny when you argue with Harry. He is the real deal - neo-Marxist. You're not but you would side with him ( as you're siding with soviets in Poland)or sold your own grandma if t hat would serve your self-interest.

Har you have a hard time admitting you are wrong don't you

He thinks that bringing all those 'refugees' is a good idea.
All those who oppose the mass migrations are racists, fascist or whatnot.
Criminal acts committed by them is not an argument. After all Germans (any country) have their own criminals is not as if those people invented crimes.

The acts of terror are an exception to the rule. After all only a slim percentage of those people commit acts of terror.
He won't admit that he is wrong because he thinks that he is right. He believes that we're either tribal fools or racist and xenophobes that are looking for pretext to attack 'the others'.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Dec 2016 /  #175
given up trying to quote he

OK, here's the quote: "I, Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, hereby invite Middle Eastern and African refugees to Germany."
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
27 Dec 2016 /  #176
Shouldn't Harry be awarded a "MAN OF THE YEAR" title by the PolishForums for an

'unrivaled and unequivocal insistence that Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel has never been inviting the Middle Eastern and Northern African refugees to Germany' ?

Then a picture of his would be published and displayed on the opening page of the PF throughout the whole year of 2017 that is until the next year's "Man of the Year" is chosen.
27 Dec 2016 /  #177
Where precisely does it say "a country is obliged to accept hundreds of thousands of unvetted people claiming to be refugees"?

The United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, Geneva, 28 July 1951, as modified by the Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees, New York, 31 January 1967. Feel free to educate yourself, unless you're happy wallowing in ignorance in the same way that your countrymen, Cartman and Polly, do.

Your reading comprehension sucks Har.

Sadly for you I read quite well, which is why I catch your pathetic lies such as a registered Republican being a Democrat, about an American being an Iranian, about a dead man still living in Iran, about Trump never asking for donations from the public, about Obama getting 110% of the votes in certain precincts, etc etc etc. And now we can add to the list your lie about Merkel inviting refugees to Germany, unless, of course, you'd like to quote her doing that. Oops, I phrased that badly; obviously you'd love to quote her saying that, as is shown by your googling and quoting people other than Merkel, but you're unable to quote her, just as you were unable to tell us more about the dead American who you claimed still lives in Iran, and it's driving you nuts.
mafketis  38 | 10868  
27 Dec 2016 /  #178
The United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, Geneva, 28 July 1951, as modified by the Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees, New York, 31 January 1967

So that reads: "a country is obliged to accept hundreds of thousands of unvetted people claiming to be refugees", is that what you're saying?

You can find the exact quote because it doesn't exist and Merkel was under no legal obligation to allow hundreds of thousands of unvetted migrants into Germany.
27 Dec 2016 /  #179
So that reads

I'd refer you to Article 1 section A:

For the purposes of the present Convention, the term "refugee" shall apply to any person who:

Do let me know if you can't understand what the word 'any' means.

no legal obligation to allow hundreds of thousands of unvetted migrants into Germany.

Given that the convention says "any", there would be a legal obligation to let in thousands of millions of people who claimed to be refugees if they turned up.
mafketis  38 | 10868  
27 Dec 2016 /  #180
Given that the convention says "any", there would be a legal obligation to let in thousands of millions of people who claimed to be refugees if they turned up.

In that case the law is clearly in violation of article 91 of the German constitution in that the presence of billions of people in Germany would constitute a threat to the free and democratic legal order. Therefore the whole thing is null and void and we are right back where we started.

Merkel had no obligation to tell hundreds of thousands of unvetted migrants they would be welcomed in Germany.

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