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Berlin terrorist attack -- Poland's ethnic homogeneity a true blessing

johnny reb  46 | 7394  
23 Dec 2016 /  #121
It's Christians' duty to convert the world to Christianity...

But not chop the heathans head off if they don't or retaliate by suicide bombing innocent people.
The question should be, "Why are not the 'nice' Muslims stepping up to condemn & DO SOMETHING on their own to quell the problem ?"

Have you ever seen a protest march down the street of Muslims protesting this violence ?
Ever wonder why not ?

How many heathens have you converted?

It is not my place to brag about such things. :-)

They tend to be the minority

They tend to be the sleepers that awake when needed.
You will only get it once someone that is close to you dies from terrorism mafketis.
Hopefully it won't be your entire family.
Poland is witnessing what is going on around the world and slowly understanding why it is not a good idea to accept them into Poland.

Not only are they a burden to the economy but also the long term culture.
Crnogorac3  3 | 668  
23 Dec 2016 /  #122






Keeping in mind that Germany has been under occupation by American forces since 1945.
johnny reb  46 | 7394  
23 Dec 2016 /  #123
So you are now saying it is the United States military fault for this mess instead of Merkels ? lol
OP Polonius3  980 | 12276  
23 Dec 2016 /  #124
Christmas markets, clusters of wooden huts selling Yule-related goods as well as grilled sausages and hot mulled wine, are a popular holiday attraction in European cities. Following the attack, police across Europe tightened security at such markets and other public gathering places. This and earlier terrorist attacks as well as the refugee crisis in general have greatly eroded the authority of German Chancellor Angela Merkel who opened her country's doors to nearly one million asylum-seekers in 2015. When things started getting out of hand, she tried to use the EU to impose refugee quotas on other countries which had not invited the migrants. The infliux of Middle Eastenr and North African hordes has increased terrorist incidents and common crime as well as creating Muslim only no-go zones which even police are reluctant to enter.
Crnogorac3  3 | 668  
24 Dec 2016 /  #125
So you are now saying it is the United States military fault for this mess instead of Merkels ? lol

This is precisely what I am saying. Germany and Japan are nothing more than US colonies since 1945 until today, with US bases on their territory and are mistakenly considered as independent states. Angela Merkel is only a puppet on a string and represents the same "international elites" whose candidate Hillary Clinton lost the elections and who also suffered a major blow with Brexit.

America and Israel for their own selfish interests initiated the mass exodus of Arabs and Muslims from the Middle East in the first place and are directing them on purpose towards Europe. Their benefit for this is two-fold, one it paves the way for the creation of Greater Israel (Eretz Israel) or biblical Israel and two it destabilises Europe.


Russia today is the leader in the fight against radical Islamic terrorists and is the only country with the military might that can protect Europe from these evils. It is the only power that can guarantee the sovereignity of nations. We are seeing now a New Europe taking shape with the expected victory of Marine Le Pen in France this will be the end of those such as "Mutti" Merkel.

The Polish representative seems to be the only sane and rational participant in the studio compared to the tottally brainwashed libtard Germans.
kondzior  11 | 1027  
24 Dec 2016 /  #126

"Thank you, Merkel"
Crow  154 | 9178  
24 Dec 2016 /  #127
The Polish representative seems to be the only sane and rational participant in the studio compared to the tottally brainwashed libtard Germans.

Thank God for that. Seams that there is hope that Samuel Huntington and likes of him won`t see Poland separated from rest of Slavic world. We Slavs are specific. People deeply devoted to our own values, culture and everything. Respect to foreigners but, we shall decide for us.
kondzior  11 | 1027  
24 Dec 2016 /  #128
Crow, Poland was Eastern Orthodox (which meant had church which took the Baptism from Constantinople not Rome cause it was before the schism anyway) for brief time in first part of X century Comrade; since then its for better and worse it is Catholic Slav in essence country but trying hard to be Latin and western one and failing to be admitted to the club since 966 AD. Hence the current color revolution attempt featuring bunch of ex commies and liberals financed by EU and Sorors vs Our Populist national socialist party which kinda loves Red states USA and really hates Russia. Will end up as usual with one party calling for brotherly intervention and it will be as always Putin and Ruskie
Crnogorac3  3 | 668  
24 Dec 2016 /  #129


Excellent article regarding Poland's geopolitical situation.
Crnogorac3  3 | 668  
24 Dec 2016 /  #130
Poor Germans are squealing under the "effects" of the American occupation of their country. No German chancellor since WWII is allowed to make even one move let alone to become elected without US approval. The CIA spying scandal when Merkel was basically forced to apologise for being spied on proves this clearly.



So much for the multi-kulti paradise utopia. Will thousands more innocent Germans have to die before they get their act together or will even that not be enough?
Lyzko  42 | 9529  
24 Dec 2016 /  #131
We all realize deep down why Merkel as well as her followers continue supporting her clearly failed and failing multi-cultural policies! Germany along with Germans, particularly of Merkel's generation, still are living down the Hitler period, laboring under the as yet unpunctured delusion that the more immigrants to Germany, the better.

Although it's arrogant, not to mention unrealistic, to expect to change a homogeneous European mindset, Germany no more "deserves" such tragedies than any country in her position.

The solutions are clearly not simple, yet as well know, retaliation only begets more retaliation.
kondzior  11 | 1027  
24 Dec 2016 /  #132
At this point I think Poland could safely invade Germany "Deus Vult" style and role them up like a carpet, especially as the population would be graceful for the salvation. What a touching moment it would be, the tanks they sold us themselves would be coming home.
Lyzko  42 | 9529  
24 Dec 2016 /  #133
Sort of like a '68 Prague Spring in reverse, you mean?
Hmmm. Well, these days, looks as though anything's possible:-)
OP Polonius3  980 | 12276  
25 Dec 2016 /  #134
Christmas market

Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydło has announced that the widow and orphaned son of heroic trucker Łukasz Urban would receive a special pension.
Crnogorac3  3 | 668  
25 Dec 2016 /  #135


Merkel now has Polish blood on her hands. It was her suicidal policies and ofcourse those that she obediently and blindly serves that are directly responsible for this mindless massacre that could have been prevented and avoided. The fact that the ISIS jihadi murderer was able to cross half of Europe without being apprehended and ended up in Milan just days after carrying out the terrorist attack in Berlin only exposes the complete fail & shambles of the so called "German security system". Also the mainstream media tried to cover up until the last moment the nationality and the motives of the savage attacker.

johnny reb  46 | 7394  
25 Dec 2016 /  #136
Like the title of this thread says, "Poland is blessed."
It's not just Germany, take Liberal France for example, who invited these invaders with open arms, is now are seeing WHAT this is really all about.

A French Mayor will be tried on hate charges for complaining about the fact that white Christians are being replaced with foreign born Muslims in his town.

Robert Menard, an ally of Marine Le Pen's National Front party, said that the number of Muslims in his city was a "problem".

And PROBLEM was putting it politely.
"In a class in the city centre in my town, 91 percent of the children are Muslims."
Obviously, this is a problem.
(A breeding ground for future terrorists)
"There are limits to tolerance," Menard told French news channel LCI back in September.
London is also experiencing this in their classrooms.
On France's first school day, he also warned that the country was witnessing "the great replacement" of white Christians with Muslim immigrants.

"I just described the situation in my town," Menard told AFP.
"It is not a value judgment, it's a fact. It's what I can see."
The trial is set for March 8 in Paris.
HATE CHARGES for stating the facts ? !
White Christians are not and do not want to migrate to Muslim countries so why do the Muslims insist on migrating to white countries to produce like rabbits ?

Would it be because that is what the COW/Koran instructs them to do to spread Islam.
That creates a conflict to the Christian Bible where in Genesis 11 (The Tower of Babel) tells why our God the Father confused the languages to scatter them all over the world so there could not be of one language to dominate God's creations.

Poland has been blessed with a very hard language to learn and a one country religion which is saving their culture from these invaders.
Keep Poland Polish as it is to late for the rest of the EU to save their cultures and colour.
Like Menard told AFP. "It is not a value judgment, it's a fact. It's what I can see."
Crow  154 | 9178  
25 Dec 2016 /  #137
Will end up as usual with one party calling for brotherly intervention and it will be as always Putin and Ruskie

that definitely most probably if official Poland fails to move Poland out from isolation from rest of Visegrad Group and align its politics with Serbia. Only alignment with Serbia guaranties survivor of what we now understand as Poland. No, not because of some metaphysical strength of Serbia and Serbs but simple because Serbia now entering in balance with world powers. Poland`s alignment with Serbia may move Poland in same vortex and that way provide internal balance within Poland. So to remind, alignment with Serbia means that Poland have to be military neutral on global world powers and to annul its Kosovo recognition. These two steps, as sublimation of stance on global politics of country, for Poland`s politics are necessary if Poland wants to preserve internal unity and survive as state in world that globalize.

Crow, Poland was Eastern Orthodox (which meant had church which took the Baptism from Constantinople not Rome cause it was before the schism anyway) for brief time in first part of X century Comrade; since then its for better and worse it is Catholic Slav in essence .......

Interesting. At first, when came the split within Christianity, most of Serbs was Catholic. Then, Pope failed to support Serbia`s sovereignty and independence from back then Hungary and our Emperor Dushan I the Mighty Nemanjic moved to accept Orthodoxy. With it, most of Serbs followed. Accepting Orthodoxy, at the moment when Byzantine was extremely weak, Serbians came to be dominant ruling ethos among Orthodox Christians. So, both, Greeks and Latins from Rome wanted to be good with Serbians. Came our golden age. But then, Ottoman Turks appeared on horizon and Greeks and Rome refused to support us, gave us middle finger, for our attempt to play as independent player- we inferior-humans Slavs (Sarmatians), which were good for manipulation and as cannon fodders rather then equal partner.

Excellent article regarding Poland's geopolitical situation.

yes, very good. Thank you


but how can Poland care of her own sovereignty if failed to respect Serbia`s` sovereignty, while Serbia represent only country that can provide balance in Poland`s Geo-political realm.
26 Dec 2016 /  #138
Merkel's invitation to refugees

If she had made such an invitation, you'd be able to quote it. But you can't, because she didn't invite them. You are very simply lying, just as you lied about a registered Republican being a Democrat, about an American being an Iranian, about a dead man still living in Iran, about Trump never asking for donations from the public, about Obama getting 110% of the votes in certain precincts, etc etc etc.

Maybe she did say that, on another occasion...

No maybe, she did say that, on camera, during a press conference. But she didn't make the invitation you and your fellow fantastists claim she made. If you want to prove me wrong, quote her.

In your tiny little mind.

Always good to see you posting personal abuse, let's us all know that you've realised you've lost the debate.
mafketis  38 | 10866  
26 Dec 2016 /  #139
If she had made such an invitation, you'd be able to quote it. But you can't, because she didn't invite them

What she did was bad enough....

she didn't invite them

Then why are they still there?
Lyzko  42 | 9529  
26 Dec 2016 /  #140
Clearly globalism has not been the success which was hoped for by the Social Democrats. The nagging question though remains as to what Europe intends to do about the situation.

Thus far, I have yet to see any "reasonable" solutions. Nor, I imagine, has anybody else!
mafketis  38 | 10866  
26 Dec 2016 /  #141
I have yet to see any "reasonable" solutions.

The reasonable thing would not have put Euroe in this situation in the first place! _That_ would have been very reasonble.

Having decided to give that a miss, most of the solutions now will be ugly and/or "unreasonable". The only question is who is going to bear the brunt of the ugliness and unreasonableness.

1. European citizens

2. European governments

3. Non-European migrants

There is no other option.

European governments are pretty clear that European citizens are to bear the brunt of terror attacks (Nice, Berlin) and sexual exploitation (Rotherham) and a surge in petty and serious crimes (Sweden, Germany etc).

Increasingly European citizens are not that enthusiastic...
Crow  154 | 9178  
26 Dec 2016 /  #142
In the light of this thread dedicated to terrorism, let me just inform you how is current Bosnian Muslim leader and son of formerly Bosnian leader who led Muslims during Civil War in former Yugoslavia, now under investigation of USA CIA because of his connections with Muslim Brotherhood. So, one more Serbian warning in case with deep connection of Bosnian Muslim leadership with Muslim terrorist network proves to be right. Before that, also these days, again on Serbia`s warnings, we learned how German police arrested group of Muslim terrorists from Kosovo who planed terrorist attack in another German town. Seams that western Europe now pays for its collaboration with Muslim extremists who now turning against their sponsors, while at the same time, Serbians, who were victims of western European dirty schemes, greed and media propaganda, no matter all, offering their support against terrorism.

My point here is- why official Poland still recognize Kosovo independence and that way directly work on the behalf of terrorism and taking part in partition of Serbia. What is Polish interest in this? What? Why, for the sake of God? Why?
26 Dec 2016 /  #143
Then why are they still there?

Why are non-European migrants still here? Presumably because y'all prefer this place to the place you're from.

why official Poland still recognize Kosovo independence and that way directly work on the behalf of terrorism and taking part in partition of Serbia.

Because Poland remembers when Poland was just a small part of Russia and so Poland knows that Kosovo being an independent free state was no more any 'partition' of Serbia than Poland declaring her independence in 1918 was a partition of Russia.
johnny reb  46 | 7394  
26 Dec 2016 /  #144
y'all prefer this place to the place you're from.

Speak for yourself Auzzie.
Perhaps if that was true they would ACLIMATE to this places culture then.
Instead they bring with them what they ran away from like Sharia Law and the Arabic language for starts.
They then set up their own neighborhoods called no go zones, shop their own stores, sign up for free government subsides, blast their prayer down the streets over loud speakers, all that have nothing to do with the host countries laws or culture.

Their mission is to overtake and spread Islam throughout the world, not acclimate to it.
And by golly they are succeeding in just about every country in the EU except Poland.
Hats off to Poland to see the burden they bring to destroy Poland's culture.
Keep Poland Polish !
mafketis  38 | 10866  
26 Dec 2016 /  #145
Why are non-European migrants still here?

Why are the million or so Merkel jugend still in Germany? Why was the Berlin mass killer still in Germany? How many more potential mass killers are German taxpayers paying for?
johnny reb  46 | 7394  
26 Dec 2016 /  #146
How many more potential mass killers are German taxpayers paying for?

Denmark has discovered that dozens of its citizens fighting for Islamic State have continued to receive cash benefits.
According to local media the government somehow expects jihadists to pay the improperly distributed funds back.
At least 36 people who are known by authorities to have left Denmark to allegedly to join the ranks of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) continued to receive welfare payments, according to the Ekstra Bladet newspaper.

Poland is paying attention to all this don't think they are not.
Hell even London has plans in the near future for check points.
They haven't had those since the early 1990's when the I.R.A. was blowing things up.
Poland ethnic homogeneity is a true blessing to keep these undesirables out of their country.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
26 Dec 2016 /  #147
. But she didn't make the invitation you and your fellow fantastists claim she made.

headline in liberal paper "Angela Merkel welcomes refugees to Germany"

you've realised you've lost the debate.

In your tiny little mind.
26 Dec 2016 /  #148
"Angela Merkel welcomes refugees to Germany"

Those are the words of Mihret Yohannes, the journalist who wrote that article. Quote Merkel welcoming migrants to Germany.

In your tiny little mind.

Why not quote Merkel saying what you claim she said instead of just posting yet more off-topic ad hom trolling? Oh, it's because even you now know that you can't quote her saying something she didn't say and so all you have left is off-topic ad hom trolling.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
26 Dec 2016 /  #149
Quote Merkel welcoming migrants to Germany.

How about picture? Actions say more than words.


even you now know that you can't quote her saying something she didn't say and so all you have left is off-topic ad hom trolling.

In your tiny little mind.
26 Dec 2016 /  #150
How about picture?

No, a quote will be just fine thanks. You claim that she invited refugees to Germany, so provide us with a quote in which she does that.

Actions say more than words.

In that photo she's got her arm up with her hand ready to push that bloke away. I do understand that you're never welcomed or invited anywhere, but perhaps if you look up the word 'welcome' in a dictionary you'll understand the meaning.

In your tiny little mind.

Thanks for yet again proving that despite all of your frantic googling, all you have to respond to me pointing out that even you now know you've been caught lying is posting yet more off-topic ad hom trolling.

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