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Do many Polish people in America hate Americans?

6 Aug 2009 /  #181
Polish people are international leach....they think they are better than other nationalities..they hate foreigners in their country and want to be accepted in another country..why dont they go back home to Poland..just the same way they want other to leave their country..They still waiting for US visa waiver so that they can come here illegally and make live miserable just like the same way they made the UK...

i am speechless when thinking about them......
most of them hate Jews,Africans..predominantly racist..there is no good news about most of them,..some Polish people are nice but most i no are crazy and creeps..
14 Oct 2009 /  #182
I was talking to a Polish 19 year old the other day, and we weren't even discussing anything about his country to start with. I was actually talking about Japan and Nanking, and he was so callous and unable to empathize with anything, despite his own fierce anger against past Russian behavior towards the Polish.

I have nothing against Poland, Polish people, to clarify...but what started out as my talking about the importance of Japan realizing that their invasion was not a self-defensive war devolved into his diatribe against America, and against *me,* personally, just because I am American! He could not, refused to, understand that I do not share some "official" American ideas about foreign policy and government, and this is what he said Polish people thought of America IN GENERAL:

"You just show "the American style" =P There is nothing special about loosing few people, even if they are your close relatives if you can spare this way at least one being more than the taken lost. I don't think there is any difference between loosing your mother and some stranger. But when compared saving your mother and 100 stranger, I prefer strangers. Because there are simply more of them. And I'm not saying that because such idiotic things like altruism and so on. I simply prefer to narrow down looses than save own mother. Because there is no point in saving one person, when houndred dies.

There is no such think like individuality - we are pack animals. Single human being has no value compared to mass. You can think you are unique, individual... but there are thousands, if not millions of people who heve exactly the same point of view, behave the same and talk the same. You are NOT unique. That's what I hate about Americans - they are so damn sure about being someone special. Not only as a nation, but also each other.

Polish looses come from fighting, resistance, German and Russian exterminations and so on... yet the Russians are savages from steppes and they have good oportunity to show that. I'm not saying that if looses were equal it would be good. But taking into consideration disproportion between them, Chiniese almost didn't feel what have happend. They country was ruined after war, of course, but definitly not depopulated, even a bit. It's like that Polish saying - "There is billion of Chiniese. You can't kill everyone". And how can I bother about raped Chiniese women, if Russians raped and killed everything what have two legs and was not fast enough to flee? :confused:

Maybe if Americans have some war at their own land, they would understand few things. Yet the biggest problem you ever had was Civil War. Compared to things which happend in just XIX in Europe, it's size of the pin's head. Yeah, just tell me how "extremaly big looses" Union and Confederats have taken. And I will find you dozens of equal wars in Europe, Asia and (modern) Africa without any problem.

To Chinese - their mentaly is completly different than any other nation. And when I say completly, it's exactly what I mean. Since the sole beggining of their civilisation they created hive-like society. So for them there is no real trauma about their loses. Especially when they think about their victory against Japan at the continent.

To everything against America and Americans - great sum up
It's not just my sense of hate to anything connected with America and American style. It's part of overall Polish attitude. You are simply one of most hated nations here, in Poland. And that's at least strange, taking into consideration that each other "hated nation" did a lot of things for centuries to earn the "hated" status. And US simply exist. Yet, maybe your actions didn't have straight impact on Poland, but still are at least pain in the ass when sum up.

Humans maybe don't have hive-mind, yet at least here, in Europe, each nation has it's own, straigh like hell point of view on everything. Everything. Maybe not the same for whole nations but at least similar enough to be consider as "nation's ideas"

And I refere to you like you represent Americans, because it maybe be unbearable for you, but you all are the ******* same. Not just the same. ******* same. Each of you, whenever I have occasion to meet or talk via internet, show the same attitude, the same thinking and the same ignorancy to everything, which is at least base value in other countries than US. Like nationalism; thinking about people as masses, not individuals; your "golden liberty" as it could be called in Poland... I feel sick whenever I finish talking with American. Literally. Yet I'm keep trying to prove myself that maybe it's not just my stereotype, that maybe there are some other people in US. And each time you fail the test..."

I think this speaks for itself. I have definitely met some Polish people who do NOT agree, but is this true?
krysia  23 | 3058  
14 Oct 2009 /  #183
Why is he here then if "America is sooo bad"? Prolly sitting here illegally. I know some Poles who are here and laugh at the US system, the people, they hate this and that, they say things are better in Poland and yet they are in no hurry to go back.

He is just another Polish complainer thinking that America owes him something, but not all are like him.
sledz  23 | 2247  
15 Oct 2009 /  #184
It was nice of him to write us a novel though:)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Oct 2009 /  #185
Wipe yoself off, you dead ;) ;)

LOL, where's the love these days? People must wonder why I appear to be laughing. The faces are just priceless.
9 Nov 2009 /  #186
Screw ya'll, i'm polish and proud of it! I love america, and Americans. There's just some, like lazy beaners i hate
scrappleton  - | 829  
9 Nov 2009 /  #187
Well, I read these threads all the time and I'm sorry for them. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. However, I think it's kind of sad that Europe tries to turn the US into some kind of Nazi-like entity given the lives and money we've spent there.. but hey that's cool.

This only stresses the importance of the US being isolationist going forward.. and I mean for the next 40 - 50 years a least. Maybe even to the point of getting out of NATO. Russia is not in it.. nobody is attacking them obviously. Isolationism is not a panacea, but pretty damn close.

A.) It's very cheap to be this way. People will hate you anyway but at least you aren't subsidizing people who hate you.

B.) It's probably a lot safer to isolationist.

C.) Cut off all immigration even from Europe.

What's more, if you're American I would not travel in Europe any more.. unless it's strictly business. You know instantly you're not liked and it's also very expensive there now. Go to the Caribbean, Mexico, Costa Rica, Hawaii... (possibly Ireland or Italy but that's all in Europe). You'll be targetted if you go other places including Poland and it won't mean a damn if your last name ends in 'ski.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Nov 2009 /  #188
They can hate all they want, they'll never be as cool as many Americans!! America defined cool!! Most Europeans don't have a clue what it means to be cool. In their hearts, most Europeans know that America is streets ahead on this one.

Just look at rock bands, America produced most of the hip ones.

Drowning by Crazy Town. Just one of thousands of happening American songs

What, Poles don't appreciate Americans for trying to make ends meet? I've met some wacky Americans on my travels but at least they have stories to tell and some originality.
nincompoop_not  2 | 192  
9 Nov 2009 /  #189
polish people are international leach....[...]there is no good news about most of them,..some polish people are nice but most i no are crazy and creeps..

someone pass the bucket please...
you are as good as the people you know...and since you know 'crazy and creeps'...
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Nov 2009 /  #190
Timotei is right above. There are many entrepreneurs in Europe but we just don't do it like America does.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
9 Nov 2009 /  #191
This only stresses the importance of the US being isolationist going forward.. and I mean for the next 40 - 50 years a least. Maybe even to the point of getting out of NATO. Russia is not in it.. nobody is attacking them obviously. Isolationism is not a panacea, but pretty damn close.

That might not be a bad thing. If it were to include a re-jigged American Foreign Policy, thus reducing the amount of interaction the US has with so many countries, you might take the heat off of yourselves. America, as well intentioned as it may be, doesn't make many friends abroad, based on support of regimes picked by America, nor does it have a great track record at picking winners (as of late, that is).

The great thing about isolationism is that it forces you to do more with less, or become creative in what you have got. The problem with isolationism is that when you go abroad to purchase those materials that you don't have, you may not get the best price (that best price may be reserved for good trading partners).

C.) Cut off all immigration even from Europe.

If you are going to do this, then you may want to get your birth rate up by incentives to those already confined in your borders, as the current birth rate doesn't support the type of growth the US Economy needs.
scrappleton  - | 829  
10 Nov 2009 /  #192
The problem with isolationism is that when you go abroad to purchase those materials that you don't have, you may not get the best price

I mostly meant isolationist in terms of military, foreign aid, etc.

We rarely have to go abroad for materials.. domestic producers here will get a fair price instead being dumped on. The rise of electric cars (10 years) will eventually push OPEC's influence out.

Also, I'm not saying don't trade with Canada. At least it's fairly reciprocal. Canada is only 30 million or something.. I would cut off trade with the EU though. Too much red tape.

then you may want to get your birth rate up by incentives to those already confined in your borders, as the current birth rate doesn't support the type of growth the US Economy needs.

This I don't agree with. You don't need a large birthrate when the Chinese have been handed the bulk of the jobs. More people here to do what? Sit around and collect unemployment. Many believe it will be a 'jobless recovery'.. ergo a lot of surplus labor. There is no need whatsoever for any type of immigration probably for the next 10 - 15 years.
cornelia  - | 3  
10 Nov 2009 /  #193
Yes, I would agree with this, being American and having travelled extensively.
Also, remember,m the USA is a huge nation and many Americans have beautiful holidays touring different parts of USA. For example, New England, where I live, is vastly different from the Southwestern states, and Hawaii and Alaska are like different worlds.

Many Americans do not fit the stereotype, but, who fits his/her stereotype?

I am American, work hard, and thin, hate fast food , am a vegetarian since childhood, love to travel, and wish to see Poland very badly. My ancestors are Irish and German, but I am American.

I so enjoy these forums. Thank you to all who reply.

ShawnH  8 | 1488  
10 Nov 2009 /  #194
We rarely have to go abroad for materials

True for the most part, but energy is a big one. Below is a list of top 12 imports and fastest growing imports into US for 2007. There would have to be some emphasis on replacing some of these items in the US Economy.

·Crude oil... US$237.2 billion (12.1% of US total imports, up 9.5% from 2006)
·New and used passenger cars ... $134.1 billion (6.9%, down 1.1%)
·Other automotive parts and accessories ... $73.4 billion (3.8%, up 5.1%)
·Medicinal, dental and pharmaceutical preparations ... $71.7 billion (3.7%, up 11.3%)
·Computer accessories, peripherals and parts ... $63 billion (3.2%, down 6.7%)
·Other household goods ... $56 billion (2.9%, up 8%)
·Cotton apparel and household goods ... $50.9 million (2.6%, up 4.4%)
·Other petroleum products ... $48,380,630 (2.5%, up 9.4%)
·Telecommunications equipment ... $44.3 billion (2.3%, up 10.2%)
·Computers ... $40.9 billion (2.1%, up 21.2%)
·Television receivers and other video equipment ... $39.8 billion (2%, up 11%)
·Electric apparatus and parts ... $35.6 billion (1.8%, up 5.9%).

Growing 12
·DVDs, CDs, tapes, and disks ... US$3.3 billion (up 160.6% from 2006, up 130.1% from 2003)
·Nickel ... $4.7 billion (up 47.1%, up 333.2%)
·Other military equipment ... 2 billion (up 39.9%, up 179.6%)
·Nuclear fuel materials ... $5.5 billion (up 39%, up 91.3%)
·Feedstuff and foodgrains ... $2.9 billion (up 33.6%, up 84.4%)
·Other precious metals ... $11.1 billion (up 33.5%, up 206.1%)
·Drilling and oil field equipment ... $8.1 billion (up 31.7%, up 351.1%)
·Tin ... $553.3 million (up 27.1%, up 193.7%)
·Food oils and oilseeds ... $3.4 billion (25.9%, up 126%)
·Complete civilian aircraft ... $13.3 billion (up 25.3%, up 8.7%)
·Antiques, artwork, stamps and other collectibles ... $10.9 billion (up 25.2%, up 75.4%)
·Electric energy ... $2.7 billion (up 25.2%, up 104.2%).

Read more:

Also, I'm not saying don't trade with Canada.

You are getting soft....

This I don't agree with. You don't need a large birthrate when

You are correct sir...

The total fertility rate in the United States estimated for 2008 is 2.1 children per woman,[5] which is roughly the replacement level.

according to
TheOther  6 | 3596  
11 Nov 2009 /  #195
domestic producers here

Not many left, though. :(
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
11 Nov 2009 /  #196
Where there is a need.....
TheOther  6 | 3596  
11 Nov 2009 /  #197

I hope there is a way. You can produce as much as you want; if you don't have consumers who have enough money in their pockets to buy your products, you're going down the drain anyway. With unemployment rising to new heights people are not willing to spend, I'm afraid.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
11 Nov 2009 /  #198
What I think Scrappleton is getting at is back in the 50's (well, before globalism, anyways) the US was a country that made what it needed. Relatively little was imported (save for some foodstuffs?). Back then, there was less of a gap between the haves and the have-nots. The middle class was thriving. Now with globalism, the middle class is under attack, and is shrinking. With a stronger middle class, well paying jobs were more abundant, more people could afford stuff. Now with those well paying jobs off shore, you see more McJobs, Wal-Mart cashiers and the like. They are less able to afford some of the big ticket items than in the past.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
11 Nov 2009 /  #199
Now with globalism, the middle class is under attack

It's all in the name of shareholder value, and the only ones really benefitting from globalism are the big corporations. We will never get those cozy 1950's back and minimum wage jobs will probably be the norm for many in the future.
scrappleton  - | 829  
11 Nov 2009 /  #200
Now with those well paying jobs off shore, you see more McJobs, Wal-Mart cashiers and the like. They are less able to afford some of the big ticket items than in the past.

Sure the hard numbers look bad right now, but thankfully we can correct it by not having as many kids and demanding goods made here. You'll see, it will come to fruition. Everybody doubts us and the fact is we can get back to being self sustaining. This present pain serves as an eye opener thus it's very good to go through.

There's a guy in Santa Cruz making electric motorcycles, and he's had more orders than he can handle for 09'.


The middle class was thriving.

It thrived back then because we didn't have the Asians to contend with.. we had a huge export market.

What I think Scrappleton is getting at is back in the 50's

To a degree... We were a nation of shopkeepers back then. Just like anyone can lose weight and quit bad habits there's nothing to say we can't go back to producing for ourselves. Once babyboomers start retiring or dying actually that self entitlement "greed is good" me me mentality will die as well. Babyboomers are the ones that always look down on people who work with their hands. Big assanine mistake. Craftsmen should be lauded not laughed at.
beckski  12 | 1609  
11 Nov 2009 /  #201
minimum wage jobs will probably be the norm for many in the future.

Many businesses including Walmart (home of the working poor) and sweat shops such as Star Crest (aka Slave Crest), only offer many employees part-time work. These tactics enable companies to save bundles of money, by depriving numerous employees very needed necessities of life, such as health care and retirement benefits.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
11 Nov 2009 /  #202

Very true, but there are still some folks out there (as seen on PF recently...) who would say that it is the god given right of the corporations to exploit their employees like slaves. The free market solves all our problems, or not? ;)
martez  1 | 7  
13 Nov 2009 /  #203
I share the point with some guy here saying that Americans don't travel a lot basically because of huge expenses of traveling to different continents and just not having enough time to travel.

I can believe this is one of the reasons Americans do not travel abroad. See United States is a huge country. Combine state of NY and NJ together and you will get a size of Poland. For example if you live in Poland it is much easier to visit Germany, England, Austria or whatever rather than moving your butt from one continent to another! Hey, I would like to travel to other countries myself but guess what I can't afford it for now.

I would like to see some numbers of how many Europeans travel to US and how many Americans travel to Europe.

Another thing - ignorance. Go to Greenpoint in NY and see people living there half of their lives barely speaking any english, not knowing anything about US the country they live in -aren't they ignorant? But of course they still think that they are the smartest nation in the world.

I am Polish and I came across many smart and many stupid americans and I can say the same about poles.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
13 Nov 2009 /  #204
Americans don't travel a lot basically because of huge expenses of traveling to different continents and just not having enough time to travel.

Americans travel a lot... but within the states...
they just don't do international traveling a lot...
martez  1 | 7  
13 Nov 2009 /  #205
that was my point
pgtx  29 | 3094  
13 Nov 2009 /  #206
Go to Greenpoint in NY and see people living there half of their lives barely speaking any english, not knowing anything about US the country they live in -aren't they ignorant?

i found a few in Chicago... but the same story is with Mexicans and Indians... ah well...
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
13 Nov 2009 /  #207
Americans travel a lot... but within the states...
they just don't do international traveling a lot...

Only 10-15% of Americans own a passport. Thats a fact.

I find American bashing quite absurd. Each and every european has a family member living in America. In fact, each european country has numerous illegals living in the states. If you are educated and have a bit of savvy about you, America is the best country to reside in.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
13 Nov 2009 /  #208
Only 10-15% of Americans own a passport. Thats a fact.

true... not many Americans i know own one...
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
13 Nov 2009 /  #209
It will be interesting to see if there is a surge in passport applications once the teleprompter in chief starts making mince meat out of the country. :)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
13 Nov 2009 /  #210
Most likely not. Where would we go?

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