Największy dystans do Polaków w ostatnim sondażu wykazali mieszkańcy Szawli i Kłajpedy, gdzie Polacy stanowią znikomy procent.
According to the poll, the most reserved towards Poles are inhabitants of Klaipėda and Šiauliai, where Poles constitute a negligible percent of population.
Ponad połowa Litwinów nie chce Polaków za sąsiadów.
Actually, delphiandomine has point. Are there many people in Poland who refuse to learn polish and yet they live in Poland?
Is there any research confirming that Polish minority in Lithuania don't know Lithuanian/refuse to learn Lithuanian? Poles in Lithuania aren't immigrants, but autochthonous citizens - I would expect them to be bilingual.
Now there is an official project accordingly to which 70% of subjects in higher classes of the schools of national minorities would have to be taught in Lithuanian' but it could hardly be considered as a convincing argument as Lithuanian is a compulsory subject at schools and all school-leavers of the national minorities speak Lithuanian very good anyway.'28
National Minorities and Diasporas in Lithuania