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Lithuanians hate Poles?

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Jan 2012 /  #1

One-in-two Lithuanians don't want a Pole living next door
PR dla Zagranicy Peter Gentle 05.01.2012 16:40 A new survey finds that half
of Lithuanians would not like to have a Polish neighbor, in a new indicator
that relations between the two geographical neighbours have soured.

According to the opinion poll by GfK Custom Research Baltic, 51 percent of
Lithuanians expressed distaste at the idea of having a Polish neighbour,
with 27 percent saying "not under any circumstances," and a further 24
percent declaring that they "would rather not."
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jan 2012 /  #2
It's meaningless.

I'm almost certain that you'd see exactly the same results if you asked Poles about Russians living next door.
6 Jan 2012 /  #3
Actually not. Only one in three Poles has negative feelings for Russians. But only 22% of Poles describe their attitude to Roma as positive, and only 23% for Arabs and 24% for Romanians.

Most interestingly of all for this forum, only 28% of Poles describe their attitude to Serbs as positive!

Oh, and more Poles describe their attitude to the English as positive than to the Americans (and more have negative attitudes to Americans than to British).

Full report is here: cbos.pl/PL/publikacje/public_opinion/2011/02_2011.pdf

Mods: please feel free to spin report this out into a new thread if you think it deserves one.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
6 Jan 2012 /  #4
They have problems with their history books, I understand that all history books are biased in some ways but their books should be called fiction because thats what they are.

Other objections of ethnic Poles include alleged bias in the reclaiming of
property lost in the Soviet era,

In Lithuania property reclaimed 90% of owners (or their progeny )and only 15% Polish owners.
Havok  10 | 902  
6 Jan 2012 /  #5
I'm Polish and i don't like people like Harry. Whatever you are.
piktoonis  - | 86  
6 Jan 2012 /  #6
They have problems with their history books, I understand that all history books are biased in some ways but their books should be called fiction because thats what they are.

And which history books are not biased?

In Lithuania property reclaimed 90% of owners (or their progeny )and only 15% Polish owners

And what political party has highest influence in Vilnius region? As far as i know it is your beloved AWPL. Ask Tomaszewski where is land that poles can't get back.

To mods: This thread is intentionally created to cause hatred, please close it.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
6 Jan 2012 /  #7
To mods: This thread is intentionally created to cause hatred, please close it.

let us see how the thread develops
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
6 Jan 2012 /  #8
A new survey finds that half
of Lithuanians would not like to have a Polish neighbor, in a new indicator

What a silly thing to say and a pointless thread. Stoking the fires of hatred where there isn't any. And you aren't Polish or even European, so you should stick to affairs of your own country and not cause hatred here. Keep your bias and prejudice to yourself.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
6 Jan 2012 /  #9
One-in-two Lithuanians don’t want a Pole living next door

Part of it is their nationalistic ignorance, and second probably more to blame, the media showing drunk hooligans in their country or Poles not wanting to embrace their culture and language.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
6 Jan 2012 /  #10
Very true.
Meathead  5 | 467  
7 Jan 2012 /  #11
Part of it is their nationalistic ignorance, and second probably more to blame, the media showing drunk hooligans in their country or Poles not wanting to embrace their culture and language.

I fail to understand why anyone would live in a foreign country on a permanent basis and not embrace the local culture and language. If you wanna speak polish move to Poland!
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
7 Jan 2012 /  #12
I fail to understand why anyone would live in a foreign country on a permanent basis and not embrace the local culture and language.

But Meathead Lithuania isn't really a foreign country to Poland. It should be OK to speak and learn in Polish there besides which Lithuanian is a really complex and archaic language that is difficult to learn.
Meathead  5 | 467  
7 Jan 2012 /  #13
Poles need to learn to focus on Poland today and quit looking to the past.
Crow  154 | 9525  
7 Jan 2012 /  #14
Lithuanians hate Poles?

since the days of our great Commonwealth Lithuanians didn`t hate Poles and they never will. But, if Polish influence drop there in Lithuania, it must be that German influence grow. Its trend allover the major strategic points in Europe that were once traditionally considered to be natural Poland`s zones of influence. It is case on Baltic, Balkan, in Panonia. What is interesting in all this is that thanks to EU and NATO, official Poland actually helping to Germany to strengthen its domination.
blackadder  1 | 114  
7 Jan 2012 /  #15
days of our great Commonwealth

You're not Pole,there is no ''ours''
Every fourth Pole hates Serbs,only Roma and Arabs are more hated.That's your reality.Wake up.You got to change.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Jan 2012 /  #16
But Meathead Lithuania isn't really a foreign country to Poland. It should be OK to speak and learn in Polish there besides which Lithuanian is a really complex and archaic language that is difficult to learn.

Lithuania is a foreign country. Poles don't speak Lithuanian, they don't know much about Lithuania and generally speaking, their knowledge stops at "Lithuania, my home country". It may have been one country in the past, but it hasn't been for over 200 years.

And anyway, if Poles there are too stupid to learn Lithuanian, they should stop whining and start sending their children to school.
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438  
7 Jan 2012 /  #17
in that case, my Lithuanian ex must have belonged to the 49%, as dating a Pole goes slightly beyond simply living next door :)

Actually not. Only one in three Poles has negative feelings for Russians.

I'd say that this reflects the reality very well, except that I'm surprised at the 22% figure for Roma - I'm surprised they found so many respondents with a positive attitude towards them.

While I will admit to hearing the occasional positive comment about blacks and Asians from Poles, I have never heard a Pole say anything positive about the Roma.

let us see how the thread develops

One does not need to be a psychic to guess how this will turn out ;) A S*rbian thread, or a J*w C*nspiracy thread, as always (insert imaginary "rolleyes" avatar here).
7 Jan 2012 /  #18
While I will admit to hearing the occasional positive comment about blacks and Asians from Poles, I have never heard a Pole say anything positive about the Roma.

Possibly Poles are starting to realise that they are not supposed to dislike people just because of their ethnicity?

Or it could be that they have positive feelings for Roma but never speak about those because it is a 50/50 shot that the person they are speaking to feels the opposite.

Or it could be that not everybody tells the truth in surveys.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
7 Jan 2012 /  #20
I'm Polish and i don't like people like Harry. Whatever you are.

He's Australian isn't he? That would explain a lot.
7 Jan 2012 /  #21
Yes, things like why I don't need a residency permit to live in Poland....
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
7 Jan 2012 /  #22
Stoking the fires of hatred where there isn't any.

You mean Polonius3 faked that survey ?
Ironside  50 | 12928  
7 Jan 2012 /  #23
I fail to understand why anyone would live in a foreign country on a permanent basis and not embrace the local culture and language. If you wanna speak polish move to Poland!

If you do not understand something you either ask questions or study it. One thing you not do is posting your opinion based on your ignorance of the issue involved.Provided you are not a troll.

And which history books are not biased?

Can you read?

And anyway, if Poles there are too stupid to learn Lithuanian, they should stop whining and start sending their children to school.

Mods ? I call that flaming !
As for you delph you should move to Lithuanian, they are in a deep need of your services as you can see. Go and preach your PC business and how they should embrace minorities or is that all aimed exclusively at Poles?

He's Australian isn't he? That would explain a lot.

Somehow I doubt that.
Gruffi_Gummi  - | 106  
8 Jan 2012 /  #24
I'm almost certain that you'd see exactly the same results if you asked Poles about Russians living next door.

Poles, interestingly, have generally negative attitudes toward Russia, but positive feelings for Russians.
piktoonis  - | 86  
8 Jan 2012 /  #25
Can you read?

And what do you think? We communicate in written form not in verbal :D

Actually, delphiandomine has point. Are there many people in Poland who refuse to learn polish and yet they live in Poland?
Crow  154 | 9525  
8 Jan 2012 /  #26
You're not Pole,there is no ''ours''
Every fourth Pole hates Serbs,only Roma and Arabs are more hated.That's your reality.Wake up.You got to change.

Well, i see that you aren`t familiar with historical facts or you just provoke. `ours` here goes because Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth represent important phase in Serbian history. Commonwealth supported Serbian efforts for the liberation from Ottomans and on the other side, history recorded direct Serbian contribution to the Commonwealth.

As for your comment that `Every fourth Pole hates Serbs` i doubt that. Still, if there any Pole who hates Serbs i can only say that those must be the same `Pole` who passionately love Greater Croatia and share Croatian devotion to the Germanics.

It is you who needs to feel shame among Poles, not me. It is Croatian elite and Croatia who serving blindly to the German interests works against Poland.
porzeczka  - | 102  
8 Jan 2012 /  #27
Największy dystans do Polaków w ostatnim sondażu wykazali mieszkańcy Szawli i Kłajpedy, gdzie Polacy stanowią znikomy procent.

According to the poll, the most reserved towards Poles are inhabitants of Klaipėda and Šiauliai, where Poles constitute a negligible percent of population.

Ponad połowa Litwinów nie chce Polaków za sąsiadów.

Actually, delphiandomine has point. Are there many people in Poland who refuse to learn polish and yet they live in Poland?

Is there any research confirming that Polish minority in Lithuania don't know Lithuanian/refuse to learn Lithuanian? Poles in Lithuania aren't immigrants, but autochthonous citizens - I would expect them to be bilingual.

Now there is an official project accordingly to which 70% of subjects in higher classes of the schools of national minorities would have to be taught in Lithuanian' but it could hardly be considered as a convincing argument as Lithuanian is a compulsory subject at schools and all school-leavers of the national minorities speak Lithuanian very good anyway.'28

National Minorities and Diasporas in Lithuania
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
8 Jan 2012 /  #28
It is you who needs to feel shame among Poles, not me

He is a Croat not a Pole, much in the same way you're a Serb and not a Pole,

personal remark removed
southern  73 | 7059  
8 Jan 2012 /  #29
Every fourth Pole hates Serbs

Any source for that?

the same `Pole` who passionately love Greater Croatia and share Croatian devotion to the Germanics.

You will find them displaced all over Germany dreaming of Breslau.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
8 Jan 2012 /  #30
in the times of the Soviet Union they had no need to learn Lithuanian language - all they needed was Russian - easy peasy - before the war they were Poles in Poland and hat little to no Lithuanian neighbours within Poland (there was in the range of 100 000 Lithuanians in pre-war Poland - why bother with learning a difficult language Lithuanian is) - even further back they also had no need to learn the Lithuanian as the state was Imperial Russia and it imposed it's language where it could - and the area was not as mixed as you would think it was - actually it was the Lithuania proper that was mixed in parts (Lauda) and not so much Wileńszczyzna

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