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​Edward Rowny - General, Ambassador, Author, Scholarship Founder, Polish American, Passes into Ancestry

Bieganski  17 | 888  
19 Dec 2017 /  #1
Although Zbigniew Brzezinski has been the household name on both sides of the Atlantic of famous Polish American strategists, another lesser known but equally key Polish American player in military and diplomatic circles was Ambassador Edward Rowny who passed away this week at the ripe old age of 100. Ambassador Rowny attended Brzezinski's funeral last spring according to the NY Times.

He was a highly decorated WWII combat veteran rising to the rank of three star general in the US Army. He was a military adviser to five American presidents most notably the Reagan administration during nuclear arms treaties with the Soviets. And history teaches us which side prevailed thanks to great Polish American men like Ambassador Rowny.

Born in the US in 1917 his Polish parents and grandparents instilled in him a great love for Poland which he remained committed to throughout his long and productive life.

Most notably in 1992 (by then aged 75) Ambassador Rowny was instrumental in having the remains of Polish pianist, composer, politician, statesman, and former Prime Minister Ignacy Jan Paderewski returned to Poland from the United States.

In 2004 he established the Paderewski Scholarship Fund for Polish students to study in America.

He remained very active in Polonia organizations until the end of his life.

In the spring of 2017 Poland's ambassador in Washington DC threw a birthday party for him.

General Edward Rowny's 100th Birthday Jubilee

On April 3, General Rowny turned 100 years old. To mark this occasion Ambassador Piotr Wilczek organized a birthday celebration at his residence. In addition to the General's family and friends, among those in attendance were Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur, Co-Chair of the Congressional Poland Caucus.

Source: washington.mfa.gov.pl/en/news/general_edward_rowny_s_100th_birthday_jubilee_?channel=www

Ambassador Rowny's obituary was carried in America's main stream media like the Washington Post and of course Poland's media which made pointed references to his Polish heritage and active involvement in Polish interests in America.

Lt. Gen. Edward L. Rowny, hard-line arms control adviser to five presidents, dies at 100

Source: washingtonpost.com/local/obituaries/lt-gen-edward-l-rowny-hard-line-arms-control-adviser-to-five-presidents-dies-at-100/2017/12/18/52df060c-e45c-11e7-ab50-621fe0588340_story.html?utm_term=.f2f55339eb66

Zmarł generał Edward Rowny, wybitny amerykański strateg polskiego pochodzenia

Source: polskieradio.pl/5/3/Artykul/1963936,Zmarl-general-Edward-Rowny-wybitny-amerykanski-strateg-polskiego-pochodzenia

Doradca prezydentów, który "pomógł wygrać zimną wojnę". Nie żyje generał Edward Rowny

Source: tvn24.pl/wiadomosci-ze-swiata,2/nie-zyje-general-edward-rowny,799769.html

What an inspirational Polish American fully deserving of admiration. A true credit to Poland and Polonia.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 Dec 2017 /  #2
his Polish parents

Mother wasn't even Polish, but American. And to make matters worse, he was brought up by his grandmother, not his parents.
OP Bieganski  17 | 888  
20 Dec 2017 /  #3
You're trolling an obituary of a newsworthy figure in both America and Poland.

Can you sink any lower?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
20 Dec 2017 /  #4
After doing some more research on this guy, it transpires that his "love for Poland' was anything but. In fact, he was the one that supported the arms race between the US and the Soviet Union, which was at least partially responsible for the terrible state of the Polish economy in the 1970's and 1980's.

Millions of Polish citizens suffered because of the fear that he instilled in the Warsaw Pact.
OP Bieganski  17 | 888  
20 Dec 2017 /  #5
Yeah, sure.

Pure propaganda spoken like an old unrepentant washed-up acolyte of the discredited ideology of communism.

Trust me, Poles are glad to see it gone and it's never coming back. And all Thanks to Polish American strategists like General Rowny!
PIgski  - | 12  
20 Dec 2017 /  #6
Millions of Polish citizens suffered when Poland was betrayed by its Western allies in WWII, ruled by a Soviet puppet state which forced it into its Warsaw Pact.

Millions of Polish citizens rejoiced when that pact collapsed, and Soviet troops left Poland at the end of the Cold War, which was won by the contributions of people like Zbigniew Brzezinski and Edward Rowny.

Only a dyed in the wool communist would disagree.
Taxpaying voter  
20 Dec 2017 /  #7
Trust me, Poles are glad to see it gone and it's never coming back.

Do you ever even glance at any news about Poland?
gumishu  15 | 6227  
20 Dec 2017 /  #8
oh yes, communism is coming back in Poland - all UB-eks are rejoicing ... sorry protesting

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / ​Edward Rowny - General, Ambassador, Author, Scholarship Founder, Polish American, Passes into AncestryArchived