it's been arrived at democratically. It's been voted on by MEPs who've been voted into their positions by their own national electorates
paraphrasing a longish quote:
It's not that bad, we can easily get this legislation overturned in the very democratic and representative EU.
All we have to do is vote for MEPs that will vow to overturn this legislati... uh no, wait... democratically elected MEPs can't propose or repeal EU legislation.
Okay, that just means we'll have to hope that enough countries in the EU vote into power political parties that have pledged to overturn this legislation, then they can stack the European Council with ministers that will do just htat.
Except... the European Council can only propose legislation, that then needs to be approved and introduced by the European Commission, and... the European Commission is comprised of ministers that swear an oath of loyalty to the EU. They will only approve legislation that they believe is beneficial to the EU* itself.
So our chances of getting this legislation or any dictatorial, censorious, oppressive legislation like it overturned is about.... NIL (cue Ode to Joy....)
*By which I'm pretty sure is mean EU institutions and not member states and/or the citizenry...