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The number of Anti-English Poles...

Wroclaw Boy  
4 Jun 2010 /  #151
i hope polish ******* you up one day

they do and have for years, what ever that seven star abbreviation is supposed to mean i can pretty much guarantee ive been there and done it, Paweł.

Sorry Gregorz.
4 Jun 2010 /  #152
Why did you go to a govt hospital? I always used private ones and the prices were not bad. I would only go to a govt hospital when the private doctor I had worked there also and it was cheaper that way. Five days is criminal.

It was private doctors misdiagnosing that put her in hospital in the first place. And of course private hospitals won't take certain uninsured cases (why should they when they can take several thousand for procedures like birthing which don't even require a doctor). As an aside, i've since upped our insurance: apparently what I give the Polish government can't come close to covering any needs we might have.
zuczek  3 | 52  
4 Jun 2010 /  #154
I cannot believe an Emergency Room doctor would refuse to care for you unless you had ZUS...if you actually had an emergency condition...not some cold or flu. Unless you just got someone who was a real *******. I would bet most of them would treat you and work it out later. I dealt with lots of good doctors in Warsaw even within the public system.
nincompoop_not  2 | 192  
4 Jun 2010 /  #155
that happened; I know it's hard to believe but it's true.
I've known one thing tho - all English (teachers usually) encountered similar problems before and after 2000
So i do feel sorry for foreigners, Brits mostly, in Poland because I think Polish system doesn't provide equivalent of British services. Be it medical or anything else.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
4 Jun 2010 /  #156
dont feel sorry,at least some punishment from god for wrongdoings is in place here...
finally some justice :)
i have been waiting for 2 weeks already for dentist appoitment-still nothing...one more week and i will have another reason to whine at brits on this forum
Ironside  50 | 12928  
4 Jun 2010 /  #157
dont feel sorry

what are you about? some kind of troll are you?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
4 Jun 2010 /  #158
I've known one thing tho - all English (teachers usually) encountered similar problems before and after 2000

I get the feeling that Brits especially don't understand the Polish system too well of needing to have ZUS paid to access healthcare - they know the UK system of universal insurance and assume that it works like that here, too.

The terrifying thing is how utterly easy it is to defraud the NFZ - all I have to do is show them a printout from mbank, showing that I transferred money to ZUS for the relevant period. Anyone could forge this!
allacces1  3 | 20  
4 Jun 2010 /  #159
As far as I'm concerned, Polish and indians are the 2 biggest destroyers of the british economy, their sheer numbers and underground criminal freeloading of the UK is what is killing this society.

I can't wait for these 2 groups to be removed from this country if many of them don't leave voluntarily.

Since large numbers of poles and indians started coming here the demand for social services is overwhelmed and they seem to either breed like rabbits or migrate in serious numbers killing off any countries they migrate to like locusts.

These parasites should be removed from this country ASAP!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
4 Jun 2010 /  #160
As far as I'm concerned, Polish and indians are the 2 biggest destroyers of the british economy, their sheer numbers and underground criminal freeloading of the UK is what is killing this society.

And of course, the 88%-ish of white British citizens don't get involved in criminality and benefit fraud. I mean, all the scum we see on Jeremy Kyle are immigrants, aren't they?
Wroclaw Boy  
4 Jun 2010 /  #161
I can't wait for these 2 groups to be removed from this country if many of them don't leave voluntarily.

Youre right there you cant wait as its not going to happen, ever.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
4 Jun 2010 /  #162
As far as I'm concerned, Polish and indians are the 2 biggest destroyers of the british economy, their sheer numbers and underground criminal freeloading of the UK is what is killing this society.

That society you're so worried about is killing itself. Poles (an others) are just picking up whatever pieces are still left to be picked.

Recently, a neighbor's grandson came from UK for a visit. He's Canadian and runs a construction business. One word lead to another so I said: I hear there are some problems with Poles in the UK. His response was:

Poles are not a problem. The fat as.ed Brits who never say a day of work are. Poles come and work.

Well, that was some opinion. Maybe he was right, maybe he was wrong. But then I heard increasingly more of similar comments, some by very public, widely respected people, such as Mark Steyn who writes:

When William Beveridge laid out his blueprint for the modern British welfare state in 1942, his goal was the "abolition of want." Sir William and his colleagues on both sides of the Atlantic succeeded beyond their wildest dreams: to be "poor" in the 21st-century West is not to be hungry and emaciated but to be obese, with your kids suffering from childhood diabetes. When Michelle Obama turned up to serve food at a soup kitchen, its poverty-stricken clientele snapped pictures of her with their cellphones. In one-sixth of British households, not a single family member works.

crusader  1 | 39  
4 Jun 2010 /  #163
Poles are not a problem. The fat as.ed Brits who never say a day of work are. Poles come and work.

Agrees wholeheartedly with your Canadian friend.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
4 Jun 2010 /  #164
Polish and indians are the 2 biggest destroyers of the british economy,

Funny, most of the Indians I know in UK are hard-working and have shops, degrees and high paying professions.
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
4 Jun 2010 /  #165
As far as I'm concerned, Polish and indians are the 2 biggest destroyers of the british economy, their sheer numbers and underground criminal freeloading of the UK is what is killing this society.

How about Pakis, Arabs and Turks?
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
4 Jun 2010 /  #166
The number of Anti-English Poles

Huge. But oh dear if anybody dare say sth about the Poles.


M-G (nonsense thread again)
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
4 Jun 2010 /  #167
In one-sixth of British households, not a single family member works.

OMG.. lol. That can't be right.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
4 Jun 2010 /  #168
It's not suprising because there are less jobs in the UK. Less jobs= more dole.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
4 Jun 2010 /  #169
I get the feeling that Brits especially don't understand the Polish system too well of needing to have ZUS paid to access healthcare

and make sure that it's paid on time for the three months before you enter hospital. otherwise u get a large bill.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
4 Jun 2010 /  #170
Just stop the nonsense, pls. Poles are generally accepted, so they should accept anyone who accepts them too.


M-G (accepts everyone)
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
5 Jun 2010 /  #171
I get the feeling that Brits especially don't understand the Polish system too well of needing to have ZUS paid to access healthcare - they know the UK system of universal insurance and assume that it works like that here, too.

It is time to learn than that there is no such thing as a free lunch, as the nation of Adam smith should know, but apparently does not, very well:)

When William Beveridge laid out his blueprint for the modern British welfare state in 1942, his goal was the "abolition of want.".

Sounds like the gospel truth, laziness is a mortal sin, what has happened to this so called protestant work ethic? It has become a quaint memory, a bit like the British Empire. And Britain after another period of labour misrule is once again the sick man of Europe! Even the Italians for all their shambolic administrative and political systems has a higher standard of living and a larger economy than Britain. It is hard to believe that even though they have less people their economy is larger! Ideally a final solution should be found for Britain's work shy. But watch this space, the new welfare minister is Ian Duncan Smith, watch the dumb regional idiots protest as lays down the law.
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
5 Jun 2010 /  #172
The fat as.ed Brits who never say a day of work are

We have Ex-English living in the States. For instance English nurses or secretaries are very highly regarded. I've never heard someone say the English are lazy.

And of course, the 88%-ish of white British citizens don't get involved in criminality and benefit fraud. I mean, all the scum we see on Jeremy Kyle are immigrants, aren't they?

The difference being is that it is their country. The English can deal with the English, but the English cannot deal with is all the poverty and unemployment of Eastern Europe.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
5 Jun 2010 /  #173
For instance English nurses or secretaries are very highly regarded. I've never heard someone say the English are lazy.

If someone actually has a job and is working then certainly they are not lazy, and many are highly regarded in their professions, Brits or not.

The fact that you never heard someone say something only means that you haven't heard someone say it.

A couple examples for you:




hope this helps
Trevek  25 | 1699  
5 Jun 2010 /  #174
In one-sixth of British households, not a single family member works. They are not so much without employment as without need of it.

Quite probable. It's called "the benefit trap". At one point (may still be) it was so problematic getting a job because it disentitled you to certain benefits and it cost you more to have a job than not. Example, if you signed on a temp agency and then had no work you were still classed as employed because your name was on their books. Likewise, if you got a short term job then you had to sign off and the procedure for signing back on again took so long that you were in a worse situation.

I imagine things have changed for the better since then, but such things stay in the psyche and parents who grew up that way influence their children. A bit like the villages in Poland where there are whole families living on the grandparents' pension, no work, no future... but still a crowd of men standing outside the village shop drinking beer.

I get the feeling that Brits especially don't understand the Polish system too well of needing to have ZUS paid to access healthcare - they know the UK system of universal insurance and assume that it works like that here, too.

But do they get their information translated into English for them in Poland, the way non-English speakers get theirs in UK?
nincompoop_not  2 | 192  
5 Jun 2010 /  #175
highly unlikely
except for hotels and restaurants :)

Over 96% declared to be Polish in Polish Census in 2002. Brits didn't make the list and Americans came 13th.

So if you think in terms 'top 5 foreign languages in Poland', English won't be one of them :)
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
6 Jun 2010 /  #176
The English aren't lazy, they're just not going to work for a bare minimum wage. It's the same in the States, the illegal immigrants are employed because it's cheaper and increases the companies profitability. Since no one is working and getting a decent wage that provides a disposable income, one wonders who is going to buy the products that these companies put out. The moral of the story is that these businesses are cannibalizing their own markets. A flawed business model.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
6 Jun 2010 /  #177
M-G (accepts everyone)

that is a big fat lie if ever seen one !
nott  3 | 592  
6 Jun 2010 /  #178
The English aren't lazy, they're just not going to work for a bare minimum wage.

Chicago is a tad far from here... Thing is, that the English themselves say the same. There was that program on BBC, couple of years ago, comparing Polish and English builders. Poles worked 10 hours a day, always busy, the English 8 hours, half time on the phone. Similar job took them some twice as long. English quality was crap, Polish OK.

My personal impressions were the same. I was astounded by the English 'relaxed' attitude at work. I have learned something since...
Trevek  25 | 1699  
10 Jun 2010 /  #179
Just to let you all know, my English cousin and her small daughter had to register for benefits in England having moved in with her partner (my cousin's partner, not her daughter's) and moved to a flat in a rough housing estate. She's been waiting 6 months with no money.

That's how the Brits treat their own. So, going by the nature of this thread, the anti-Polish racism would add about another 10 years onto the waiting time. So, be warned.

Maybe read a few articles in this magazine...
kollie  - | 6  
16 Sep 2010 /  #180
I am English and worked in a department that had 4 Polish workers there at the time. My experience with them was very mixed. A couple of the girls were really lovely and wanted to intergrate and improve there English and worked very hard and to the best of their abilities. But the other two were really quite horrible to be around talking in Polish all day making everyone else - and it wasn't just Brits - feel uncomfortable they hardly did any work and would pass the buck if there was something they just didn't want to do and when they did speak English they would go on about how bad the NHS is or the school system or dentist etc. Don't get me wrong I have come across many Brits with the same attitude but the thing that got me was whenever anyone pulled them up their responce was always the same "but in Poland............" now if I chose to go and work in Poland or any other country I would abide by there office rules and ways and not use "But in England..............." everytime I was pulled up on something and I certainly wouldn't complain bitterly everyday about my host country.

There are comments on here about British builders being lazy but I have also heard stories about lazy Polish builders. Just because I met a few horrible Polish people doesn't mean I think the rest of Poland or the Polish nationals that are here are the same. So why should you tar all English builders with the same brush?

Yes I have my reservations about the number of Polish workers in the UK after all we're only a small Island and we are struggling to cope but as long as they are hard working, pay there taxes and are respectful to others not just Brits then I don't have problem just don't come here and start bad mouthing our country when you haven't even tried to get to know its people or its way.

The fat as.ed Brits who never say a day of work are
We have Ex-English living in the States. For instance English nurses or secretaries are very highly regarded. I've never heard someone say the English are lazy.

The difference being is that it is their country. The English can deal with the English, but the English cannot deal with is all the poverty and unemployment of Eastern Europe.

Thank you! Someone who is talking sense and not being racist! I am sick of all the racist comments on here about Brits considering you are living in our country don't you think you should show some respect like we would in your country? What do you want us to say huh? Yes all Brits are lazy fat lay abouts who do nothing all day! some of us are actually very hardworking and do actually do do a good job. I'm sorry to the Poles that have come across any Anti-Polish Brits but we are not all the same I would bet my life that not all Poles are hardworking like some people on here would have you believe. Every country has its fair share of good and bad! For gods sake! The Poles on here ******** about the Brits are just giving other Poles a bad name same with the Brits although there a many more Anti-British remarks than there are Anti-Polish remarks so maybe you should think about that. We are a very tolerant nation who is trying to claw its way out of a recession at the same time we are strugling to support our own people living on the poverty line we can't do it all we just don't have enough social housing, NHS resources, school places, jobs to go around. Its not just Poles waiting for years to get social housing it is also many Brits and if you want somewhere in any area of London you can expect to wait a very long time whatever nationality you are. Again we are only a small Island! How much do expect us to take before it all full's apart? And if you hate Britain so much why are you here? This is not a racist question I would really like to know why you would live somewhere that it seems like you loath and detest so much.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles...Archived