As far as I'm concerned, Polish and indians are the 2 biggest destroyers of the british economy, their sheer numbers and underground criminal freeloading of the UK is what is killing this society.
That society you're so worried about is killing itself. Poles (an others) are just picking up whatever pieces are still left to be picked.
Recently, a neighbor's grandson came from UK for a visit. He's Canadian and runs a construction business. One word lead to another so I said: I hear there are some problems with Poles in the UK. His response was:
Poles are not a problem. The fat as.ed Brits who never say a day of work are. Poles come and work.
Well, that was some opinion. Maybe he was right, maybe he was wrong. But then I heard increasingly more of similar comments, some by very public, widely respected people, such as Mark Steyn who writes:
When William Beveridge laid out his blueprint for the modern British welfare state in 1942, his goal was the "abolition of want." Sir William and his colleagues on both sides of the Atlantic succeeded beyond their wildest dreams: to be "poor" in the 21st-century West is not to be hungry and emaciated but to be obese, with your kids suffering from childhood diabetes. When Michelle Obama turned up to serve food at a soup kitchen, its poverty-stricken clientele snapped pictures of her with their cellphones. In one-sixth of British households, not a single family member works.