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The number of Anti-English Poles...

KirkhamWesham  2 | 4  
2 Jun 2010 /  #1
Has anyone noticed the large number of anti-English Polish guys in the UK? I had come across a few down South that stated that they hated England and English people. I moved up North and again I find a fair number of Polish guys that also hate England aswell as the English people. At my workplace there were 2 Poles that came out with anti-english remarks in Polish. An English guy picked up on what they said and squared upto one of them.

Don't get me wrong, the majority of them are decent and are great to have a laugh with but there is also a large handful that need their heads sorting out. The Polish women however are all very decent. The majority of them are attractive, love to be flirtatious, love to smile and I have no problem with any of them. It's just a proportion of guys that have a problem.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
2 Jun 2010 /  #2
The hole or the doughnut?
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
2 Jun 2010 /  #4
You have a choice to focus your time and energy on the hole or the doughnut.

There are a handful of idiots in every nation.
1jola  14 | 1875  
2 Jun 2010 /  #5
Foreigners bit*ching about their host country is very normal. This forum is your best bet to observe this live.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Jun 2010 /  #7
What exactly is it that Poles dislike about the English or Britain and criticise?
In PRL a common image of the 'God save the Queen' Englishman was someone prim and proper to the core, strolling through the City in a bowler hat and with umbrella and rollled-up Times or shooting patridge in the Highlands, who would religiously stop whatever he was doing for afternoon tea, earthquakes or volcanic eruptions notwithstadning... I reckon the bachelor-night Brits descending on Kraków and Wrocław in recent years have helped change that stereotype.
nincompoop_not  2 | 192  
2 Jun 2010 /  #8
One of the most common reasons is English 'dishonesty' which you call being polite. Another one - lack of the language leaves people doing some jobs they perceive well below their qualifications and that's another reason to be bitter and blame others.

But you can't talk about 'numbers' because these are few exceptions of people who won't learn because they don't want to.
2 Jun 2010 /  #9
One of the most common reasons is English 'dishonesty' which you call being polite. Another one - lack of the language leaves people doing some jobs they perceive well below their qualifications and that's another reason to be bitter and blame others.

well that girl Ksysia knows english very good and she had good job in UK but she claims that she had to give up it because of mobbing (due to she's polish)
OP KirkhamWesham  2 | 4  
2 Jun 2010 /  #10
Nobody is discriminated against at my workplace. Everyone does equal jobs. In fact, it seems to be the Polish that are offered overtime before anyone else. I wouldn't say there's any valid reason to have the mindset they have. The only thing I can think of is that they've met one or two English people they dislike and then lump the rest of England with them.
2 Jun 2010 /  #11
The only thing I can think of is that they've met one or two English people they dislike and then lump the rest of England with them.

Yeah, and that's how it works... Its really easy to stop trust ppl if you come across some bigot... then you start to believe that everyone are like that and just pretend to be nice.

But generally polish ppl very like english ppl. There vere some surveys that showed that english are among the most liked by poles nations... it might change a little during last two years when polish media start campain against imigration by publicising cases of crimes of hate on poles and quoting anti-imigration (antipolish) statment by british ppl. Still I think most ppl dont urge this campain...

There is also a kind of ppl who just have low self-esteem and try to make it higher by being superior for others... just ignore them, they are idiots!

PS Sorry for my awful language... I hope its intelligible... :)
Trevek  25 | 1699  
2 Jun 2010 /  #12
It's just a proportion of guys that have a problem.

Exactly, if they were at home they'd be anti-something else. Wherever they are the grass is always greener, so they p1ss on it.
nincompoop_not  2 | 192  
2 Jun 2010 /  #13
well that girl Ksysia knows english very good and she had good job in UK but she claims that she had to give up it because of mobbing (due to she's polish)

The only nasty remark about me happened back in 2002 when some really stupid finance woman asked, knowing that I will hear this, 'what is this Polish girl doing here working on this programme?'. When two years later she became acting programme manager, a month into the job she asked me to her office and announced - there's no job for you any more. We are freezing XXXX funding, you can pack your desk.

I complained, she got bollo...ing from the chief and three months later she was told to pack her desk and go quietly or face disciplinary. I had my karma moment when I heard about it.

Any other job I've done since - not a sniff of stupid behaviour.

As for points made by Ksysia, I have no idea where she found herself but none of the people I know/came across would come up with this BS. Unless you are from Mitcham:).

some people need time
OP KirkhamWesham  2 | 4  
2 Jun 2010 /  #14
By all means am I lumping every Polish person with these idiots. The majority of English folks get on with the Polish if there's respect both ways. I used to go to house parties with some Polish when I lived down South and a few Poles cheered on England in the 2006 World Cup so there's no doubt in my mind that both get on.

PS Sorry for my awful language... I hope its intelligible... :)

I understood what you were saying, needs a little work but you speak better English than I speak Polish.
Those articles being sent over to Poland made to look like the UK is on an anti-Polish campaign is just garbage. I would guess that the majority of Polish that have returned home will tell you that they have experienced nothing of the sort. Many have even settled here in the UK, which they wouldn't be doing had they faced problems here. Our problem lies with immigrants from the middle east.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
2 Jun 2010 /  #15
Foreigners bit*ching about their host country is very normal.

Depends on who the foreigners are - everyone I know whose moved abroad have loved their hoste countries...so much they have no intention of coming back...I think its a class thing personally...

As for points made by Ksysia, I have no idea where she found herself but none of the people I know/came across would come up with this BS

Ksysia is proun to talking rubbish...One our first year Graduate Engineers is female and Polish..she certainaly doesnt have any problems..she sweet and sociable and she's referred to by her name not her nationality..

Those articles being sent over to Poland made to look like the UK is on an anti-Polish campaign is just garbage.

No its not.... there is a lot of ani-Polish sentiment generally because of the numbers they arrived in and because most people hear an Eastern European accent and assume its a Pole.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
2 Jun 2010 /  #16
I am one of them! been living in the uk for over 7 years and the only thing that keep me in this shi.. antipolish country is money.

british are most arrogant,fake cinical people i have ever met.plus they are bunch of liers racist antypolish narcistic egoistic bas.... and they think that they are superior race...

in 2006 i got in the trouble with work and aplayed for jsa.been unemployed for 3 months.for the decision i was waiting over a year!!!despite i had all documents.

even in this shi...y country goverment institutions have institutional antypolish policy and thats fakt!
every institution i came across whenever nhs or council-smae story....documents missing,ble ble ble...even for stiupid JSA polish people need a solicytor or they get fu..

thank you
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Jun 2010 /  #17
even for stiupid JSA polish people need a solicytor or they get fu..

How much money do you think Brits get from the Polish system, hmm?
nincompoop_not  2 | 192  
2 Jun 2010 /  #18
even for stiupid JSA polish people need a solicytor or they get fu..

seriously, that's a lot of balls!

I know someone who had to go on JSA, luckily for 2 months only but he called and said: listen, they refused! And they did indeed.

However, the very next day he got another letter saying - yes. I had a look at both letters and what's happening is that DWP keeps sending two letters - one, refusal, and the other - positive decision. One of them is about contribution based JSA and the other one - income based.

I know of another person who, being here for 3 or 4 years, was stupid enough and didn't fulfil the WRS requirements. Within the first 12 months she's changed jobs and thought she doesn't have to inform HO about it. She's got a baby now and fights for child benefit or something else which she's being refused based on the fact she didn't follow the process and is not a 'habitual resident' here.

I know of another person who came a year or 2 years ago and didn't think had to register at all.

There's a great misunderstanding of rules and processes that need to be followed and because of that people find themselves in troubles. Also, a number of Polish so called 'accountants' have no idea what they are doing and are not up to date with legislation, charging people for filling in paperwork re: CHB/WTC - you name it - and then blaming the system.

I simply disagree with you.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
2 Jun 2010 /  #19
aplayed for jsa.been unemployed for 3 months.for the decision i was waiting over a year!!!

You got free cash, yet you hate the people that gave you the free cash? Because they didnt open the cheque book at your whim?

Let me tell you this, if you were on the scratcher for circa 100 days, you got more out of the system than you put in. But I digress, the average Brit is a w*nker.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
2 Jun 2010 /  #20
There's a great misunderstanding of rules and processes that need to be followed and because of that people find themselves in troubles

i was waiting one year!!!!
in the mean time they managed to "lost"my documents 3 times and after a year when i called to jobcentre and suddently they said that they have no record of me claiming at all.

wrote 7 complains in total,until the case reached Independent Case Examiner,they admited and paid me whooping 200 pounds compensation.
want more stories?
2007 i lived in fuc...ng neasden.come back home and there are some black bulgars.hit me in the head with hammer.called police,ambulance ect.got some stiches.

after 6 months i found from solicitor that i am entitled to compensation,all i needed was police statement.i went to police station nad asked to provided me statement for compensation reason.and this chap asking me:"was this incident in december at the flat this and that at 11 o clock?"

i said yes,then he replayed with smile that he has no record
same with my council flat aplication,end on end on i can go for days

But I digress, the average Brit is a w*nker.

its not about brits wan.... its about you have institutional antypolish policy in many goverment institiusions.and this reminds me nazi germany policies towards jews

"You got free cash, yet you hate the people that gave you the free cash? Because they didnt open the cheque book at your whim?"

what free men?!!!!! insurance 40 quid a week for last 7 years,council taxes income taxes
nincompoop_not  2 | 192  
2 Jun 2010 /  #21
seriously, I have no idea - really NO IDEA - how come you people get in so much trouble always
and I say 'you people' on purpose as I can't identify with my compatriots
Been here over 11 years, went through a number of issues and dealing with offices - never had a problem once. Always managed to sort out things that needed sorting out.

I've learnt long time ago in Poland, which I applied here in the UK, nothing, but nothing should be done by mouth/telephone etc.

When I start drill down stories I hear from other Polish people, I come often to one conclusion - people have no idea how the system works, what they should do, what they should take care of, what they should ask for.

And that's when problems start. Not understanding simple mechanism.
As for your council housing application. Wow!
No comments here because it's one of my pet hates. Seriously. And I could go on and on about it.
Ironside  50 | 12873  
2 Jun 2010 /  #22
its not about brits wan.... its about you have institutional antypolish policy in many goverment institiusions.and this reminds me nazi germany policies towards jews

well, nobody is forcing you to be in place that you are hated so much, scramble your belongings and go elsewhere. Mind you if you are hated in the new place - maybe there is something wrong with you..
2 Jun 2010 /  #23
I think that my fellowcountrymen are more likely to be rats in place they live and earn good money than be poor but respected...
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
2 Jun 2010 /  #24
its about you have institutional antypolish policy in many goverment institiusions.and this reminds me nazi germany policies towards jews

Tell me, which three european countries opened their doors to the new eastern european EU members immediately upon accession? Which twelve shut their doors?

You got free cash, applied for council housing and are unhappy because they didnt supply it to you straight away?
gregy741  5 | 1226  
2 Jun 2010 /  #25
You got free cash, applied for council housing and are unhappy because they didnt supply it to you straight away?

hahahaha council flat!!!!!!
applied in 2004 in hammersmith and fulham...well no much chances(single,young healthy)but hey!!!
checked in 2007-everything ok i am on waiting list....checked 6 months ago-written of becouse i did not supplied them with tennancy aggrement back in 2004.and the rules state that to be entitled for council you have to have fixed accomodation.

but why they did not asked me for this in 2004?and why everything was ok for 6 years and suddentlu is not?
Revoke Free cash?!!!!!!!
nincompoop_not  2 | 192  
2 Jun 2010 /  #26
well no much chances(single,young healthy)but hey!!!

my friend is British (well, N. Irish) and he doesn't stand a chance (forget he'd even want to try)
how do you think he feels about it?
Ironside  50 | 12873  
2 Jun 2010 /  #27
applied in 2004 in hammersmith and fulham.

are you proud of it ? Nobody have to provide you with council flat, why you are complaining are you an Nigerian stud?
gregy741  5 | 1226  
2 Jun 2010 /  #28
my friend is British (well, N. Irish) and he doesn't stand a chance (forget he'd even want to try)
how do you think he feels about it?

I understand them but why british people allowed asiatic mafia to take over DWP????
It shocking!!! if you go to any goverment institution that deal with any sort of benefit you find hundrets indians queing for council flats benefit ect.most of them do not even speak basic english!!!!firs thing they do once arrive in the uk in council flat aplication!!!!

men are tradind woman claiming-tipical indian family
i do not give a s... is not my country but UK will colapse sooner rather than later
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
2 Jun 2010 /  #29
firs thing they do once arrive in the uk in council flat aplication!!!!

So did you. You applied in 2004. You have been in the UK for six years. You got the dole for a couple of months. Eventually, you will get a free gaff. And still, you complain.

The mind boggles.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
2 Jun 2010 /  #30
no complain----this thread is about polish people antibritish feelings,just trying speculate about the reason behind this
if this thread is about good things in UK I would go for hours as well....i am happy with my life here,job and even wheather.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles...Archived