I will not travel to Germany ever to spend my tourist dollars there if they continue to produce garbage like this. I found this at thenews.pl/international/artykul152132_german-tv-in-polish-stereotype-row.html. Perhaps the Nazi krauts need a bit of sensitivity training. I wonder what would happen if in America something similar was produced about blacks?
It's not that bad. If the Polish actor playing this guy has no problem with it, why should you?
Still doesn't make it ok. If you pay a starving actor enough, they'll do anything- including selling their dignity. The point is this is being produced for German TV (hopefully on a hard to find cable station) and it shouldn't be. Would the krauts use Jewish stereotypes on their TV shows??
MediaWatch 10 | 942
29 Mar 2011 / #4
It's not that bad. If the Polish actor playing this guy has no problem with it, why should you?
Probably for the same reason why other ethnic groups would be angry if certain media used low-lifes (that sell out their own ethnic group) of their ethnic group to portray them negatively.
There is an uproar among Italian American groups in the US about the negative anti-Italian stereotypes that the show "The Jersey Shore" portrays of Italians, even though most of the people on the show are of Italian descent.
I wonder how African American groups would feel if there was a show that had unscrupulous African people on the show making fun of themselves as apes. Or how would Jewish American groups feel if there were some unscrupulous Jewish actors portraying anti-Jewish stereotypes of Jews being "rat like". Or how would Germans feel it they saw unscrupulous German actors portraying Germans as drinking the blood of there victims for fun or saying "I like killing Slavic and Jewish people for fun because that's how I feel better about my German myself".
Media using low-lifes of an ethnic group to define that ethnic group negatively is bigotry.
I'm hoping that the majority of Germans reject this show.
Hopefully main stream Germans are above this kind of anti-Polish propaganda.
Would the krauts use Jewish stereotypes on their TV shows??
Anything slightly anti Jewish is anti Semitic and racist. But it's ok to do it to Poles, since they're white even though the jokes make fun of their ethnicity and specifically target them. The thing is some ******** don't care if these stereotypes are not true, it's to make the people producing them and watching them feel better about themselves, superior.
Perhaps the Nazi krauts need a bit of sensitivity training.
jeez man, how can you be even serious about it. It wasn't meant to insult Poles.
MediaWatch 10 | 942
29 Mar 2011 / #7
Anything slightly anti Jewish is anti Semitic and racist. But it's ok to do it to Poles
This is very true.
I have always noticed that most of the times, people who like to dish out to the Polish people (or enjoy seeing it being dished out to the Polish people) hate it when you dish it back out at their ancestry.
Sadly there is a lot of "Schaudenfreude" out there. People feeling better about themselves at the expense of others.
I hope most Germans reject this anti-Polish show.
Maybe this question should be posed on a seperate thread but I have to ask the forum this question: is there a Polish equivalent to the Jewish Anti-Defamation League?
I have always noticed that most of the times, people who like to dish out to the Polish people (or enjoy seeing it being dished out to the Polish people) hate it when you dish it back out at their ancestry.
Of course. They think you'll just stand there and smile while they gloom at your expense. Proof of how insecure they are of their own ethnicity, looks (or lack of) or poverty. Something is "hurting" them.
29 Mar 2011 / #10
produce garbage like this.
And all this in Europe who likes to lecture US on political correctness and human rights.
is there a Polish equivalent to the Jewish Anti-Defamation League?
Not that I know of.
Not that I know of.
There should be(then it would stop)
MediaWatch 10 | 942
29 Mar 2011 / #12
jeez man, how can you be even serious about it. It wasn't meant to insult Poles.
No of course not. LOL
A TV show pushing the imagery of a people from a given nation having inferior intelligence, is always meant to be a positive portrayal of the country.
I know in the USA the Polish American community's more connected and has done a fairly good job of fighting anti-Polish sentiment.
Anyways, those i'diot Germans should not be producing or encouraging comedy like this. Honestly, I think the Polish media should monitor this and create their own negative, animal like stereotypes of Germans. Anybody up for Fritz, the cross dressing, sister molesting German neighbor? I'd watch that for a laugh :) It might be more like a documentary.
Anyways, those i'diot Germans should not be producing or encouraging comedy like this. Honestly, I think the Polish media should monitor this and create their own negative, animal like stereotypes of Germans. Anybody up for Fritz, the cross dressing, sister molesting German neighbor? I'd watch that for a laugh :) It might be more like a documentary.
MediaWatch 10 | 942
29 Mar 2011 / #14
I know in the USA the Polish American community's more connected and has done a fairly good job of fighting anti-Polish sentiment.
You are right.
Most of the times, if you send a letter to Polish American newspapers, Polish American groups (Polish American Congress Anti-Bigotry committee, Polish Falcons, Kosciuszko group, Polish American Journal, Post Eagle, Ampoleagle, PoloniaToday, etc.) or websites they will publicize anti-Polish defamation.
Its good to give info on who, what, where and when and then the contact information of the media source eminating the anti-Polish defamation so that Polish people can complain to them.
This generally has worked in the US. The internet naturally has made it easier for Polish American groups to be connected and work together. Its the main reason why there has been less of the anti-Polish slurs like "Polish death camps" in the newspapers.
It would probably be a good start to google Polish American groups and newspapers. There are Polish groups in Britain too.
Although Polish American groups I'm sure would want to help in this situation, since this is anti-Polish defamation is originating in Europe/Germany, it might be good to first contact Polish-German groups or Poles in Poland familiar with Germany, or fair minded Germans to see what could be done about this.
I know in the USA the Polish American community's more connected and has done a fairly good job of fighting anti-Polish sentiment.
you know, in the old days they were pretty ineffectual. They would complain and the "dumb polak" jokes kept coming along with the Stan Kowalski's on TV and film . It's better now no thanks to these organizations, although they do try, but rather that the media has laid off the Poles. I don't know why exactly but I have my suspicions.
Marek11111 9 | 807
29 Mar 2011 / #16
Joseph Goebbels would be proud of it.
you know, in the old days they were pretty ineffectual.
What are these suspicions? I am sure Pol-Ams have some power. It's an established community.
I think the Polish American community had some recent success with fighting the "Polish death camp" slur that New York Times uses. That was done mainly through the power of the internet.
Clearly in Germany the Polish community may not have so much political power as they should.
Putting an end to Polish stereotypes in the media is one thing and correcting factual errors is another. Polonia has been very effective dealing with the latter however.....Only recently has the frequency/viciousness of these jokes abated and I think it's directly related to Poland's improving relations with the Jewish community.
So I guess we'll see more anti-Polish jokes in the media since Poland's not paying the jews it's restitution. Yes?
we'll see but the trend from what I can tell is a much-deserved relaxation of anti-Polish potrayals on TV and film...we'll see. You know they have the power. It's practically all in their hands.
I hate to agree but it's true. Jews still complain that it's anti-semitic to suggest they own the media in America. So I've always wondered, has Russia ever paid off the American jew? You don't hear too much slander against them but I hear they treat Jews like s'hit.
hague1cmaeron 14 | 1366
29 Mar 2011 / #22
I find the clip quite funny actually. Farmer wants a wife, we have the show here in Australia. I don't believe that it was meant to be sinister in any way, and yes to a degree there is a grain of truth in the clip in that there are still pockets of rural poverty in Poland. Ultimately it’s the Poles that have the last laugh with all the billions of Euros coming from Germany Poland's way.
MediaWatch 10 | 942
29 Mar 2011 / #23
Putting an end to polish stereotypes in the media is one thing and correcting factual errors is another. Polonia has been very effective dealing with the latter however...
Well I don't know about recently, since older generation Polish Americans I know, including my relatives, say the difference is night and day, between the frequency and viciousness of these media subhuman intelligence jokes against Polish people, when comparing them to the 1960's-1970's and today.
Although once in a while there is an anti-Polish joke slur in the media today, the frequency of the anti-Polish slurs is nothing in comparison to the 60's and 70's when the media, mainly only a few TV networks, had much more influence over larger sections of the American population with its anti-Polish joke slurs. The Hollywood/TV media complex also hated Polish people much more in those days then today.
Today they have bigger fish to fry including people they don't like in Muslim countries, although some of the Hollywood loonies still hold onto their anti-Polish prejudices.
Also credit should also be given to those Polish American anti-bigotry groups and individual Polish Americans who complained to the presidents and key decision makers of these media corporations for their anti-Polish slurs, although these Poles could have always used more help.
Here a powerful senator apologized for bashing Polish people with subhuman intelligence jokes in 2008. He did so after Polish Americans spoke out against him and many NON-Polish Americans and MEDIA sympathized with Polish Americans on this issue
This senators anti-Polish slurs didn't exactly help his reelection efforts in a state with many Polish Americans LOL
Also remember that any media person or public official can always be slammed by us little guys on the internet for their anti-Polish prejudice. More and more of these public people are becoming mindful of that.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11912
29 Mar 2011 / #24
The most funniest thing here are people who know NOTHING about German media but feel insulted by Kraut Nazis immediately.
God people....grow some balls.
Even the Turks can laugh about themselves...yes....and the Germans!
This "Pole sucht Frau" is really a mocking of another show "Bauer sucht Frau", now THAT is pure mocking of Germans.
Bauer sucht Frau
You should try "Switch" sometimes, a show where the whole TV get's mocked and laughed at.
Doesn't matter if German, Pole or Turk, Hitler or whatever.
*rolls eyes*
PS: You are hypocrites anyhow...if it would have been "Russian sucht Frau" or "Ukrainian sucht Frau" or any other people Poles don't like you would be all clapping hands.
And of course there are never any jokes made about Germans in Polish/American TV....sure...never!
You need some more self-confidence, the humor will follow!
How can you feel attacked in your pride by such a thing? Your pride is quite fragile, isn't it...
God people....grow some balls.
Even the Turks can laugh about themselves...yes....and the Germans!
This "Pole sucht Frau" is really a mocking of another show "Bauer sucht Frau", now THAT is pure mocking of Germans.
Bauer sucht Frau
You should try "Switch" sometimes, a show where the whole TV get's mocked and laughed at.
Doesn't matter if German, Pole or Turk, Hitler or whatever.
*rolls eyes*
PS: You are hypocrites anyhow...if it would have been "Russian sucht Frau" or "Ukrainian sucht Frau" or any other people Poles don't like you would be all clapping hands.
And of course there are never any jokes made about Germans in Polish/American TV....sure...never!
Perhaps the Nazi krauts need a bit of sensitivity training
You need some more self-confidence, the humor will follow!
How can you feel attacked in your pride by such a thing? Your pride is quite fragile, isn't it...
And of course there are never any jokes made about Germans in polish/american TV....sure...never!
Hear hear, BB! People shouldn't take themselves so seriously. Hell, nobody complains when Allo' Allo' is shown on TV, which takes the p1ss out of the Brits, the French, the Italians and especially the Germans. It was even a hit on German TV.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11912
29 Mar 2011 / #26
LOL yes! I still like the original version better than the germa dubbed! It's hilarious!
I wonder who of you will do more for the betterment of German-Polish relationships and understanding!
I will not travel to Germany ever to spend my tourist dollars there if they continue to produce garbage like this.
...The part of the rustic Pole is played by comic Wojciech Oleszczak, originally from Slupsk, but resident in Germany for many years.
"I want to be an ambassador of Poland, using humour to unite the nations," he has said in the past.
Likewise, his manager holds that his character, Marek, is not a negative creation.
"Marek is not intended to offend Poles, because he is not a symbol of a Pole. He laughs at himself and the characters that he created."
"I want to be an ambassador of Poland, using humour to unite the nations," he has said in the past.
Likewise, his manager holds that his character, Marek, is not a negative creation.
"Marek is not intended to offend Poles, because he is not a symbol of a Pole. He laughs at himself and the characters that he created."
I wonder who of you will do more for the betterment of German-Polish relationships and understanding!
delphiandomine 86 | 17823
29 Mar 2011 / #27
I'd say Polish-German relationships are just fine.
It's only dumb Polacks (who aren't Polish, but who are definitely sub-human) who are getting offended by this, as per usual.
It's only dumb Polacks (who aren't Polish, but who are definitely sub-human) who are getting offended by this, as per usual.
aphrodisiac 11 | 2427
29 Mar 2011 / #28
I will not travel to Germany ever to spend my tourist dollars there if they continue to produce garbage like this.
well, you gonna miss a lot, since Germany is a very interesting country, but suit yourself.
Here are some videos of Polish stereotypes produced by Poles and with Poles in it:
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11912
29 Mar 2011 / #29
well, you gonna miss a lot, since Germany is a very interesting country, but suit yourself.
Better that way anyhow....I think he would only be grumpy all the time and look everywhere so long as to get his brought with him stereotypes verified. Only then he will be happy.
We need such tourists like warts....
aphrodisiac 11 | 2427
29 Mar 2011 / #30
so true;)