Putting an end to polish stereotypes in the media is one thing and correcting factual errors is another. Polonia has been very effective dealing with the latter however...
Well I don't know about recently, since older generation Polish Americans I know, including my relatives, say the difference is night and day, between the frequency and viciousness of these media subhuman intelligence jokes against Polish people, when comparing them to the 1960's-1970's and today.
Although once in a while there is an anti-Polish joke slur in the media today, the frequency of the anti-Polish slurs is nothing in comparison to the 60's and 70's when the media, mainly only a few TV networks, had much more influence over larger sections of the American population with its anti-Polish joke slurs. The Hollywood/TV media complex also hated Polish people much more in those days then today.
Today they have bigger fish to fry including people they don't like in Muslim countries, although some of the Hollywood loonies still hold onto their anti-Polish prejudices.
Also credit should also be given to those Polish American anti-bigotry groups and individual Polish Americans who complained to the presidents and key decision makers of these media corporations for their anti-Polish slurs, although these Poles could have always used more help.
Here a powerful senator apologized for bashing Polish people with subhuman intelligence jokes in 2008. He did so after Polish Americans spoke out against him and many NON-Polish Americans and MEDIA sympathized with Polish Americans on this issue
This senators anti-Polish slurs didn't exactly help his reelection efforts in a state with many Polish Americans LOL
Also remember that any media person or public official can always be slammed by us little guys on the internet for their anti-Polish prejudice. More and more of these public people are becoming mindful of that.