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London's POSK smeared with anti-Polish grafitti

peterweg  37 | 2305  
26 Jun 2016 /  #31
Seriously, was that it?

No way was that written by anyone educated in the UK.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
26 Jun 2016 /  #32
And obviously no Poles in London....

There are plenty. But in your usual evasive manner you still haven't told us what the connection is. All you offered up was an image of the Polish alphabet which is obviously straight out of a book for children. Certainly an odd item for a childless homosexual male to have but it still doesn't explain who defaced POSK or support your amateur guess that it has everything to do with internal politics back in Poland.
jon357  73 | 22613  
26 Jun 2016 /  #33
No way was that written by anyone educated in the UK

Quite. This is a fairly hot topic at the moment on other websites and Twitter.

s obviously straight out of a book for children

Bieggers, you are so funny sometimes...
26 Jun 2016 /  #34
Why is calligraphic style presumed Polish .. an not Arabic Kufi, or Asian -thai-Chinese, or Hindi? "Polish Handwriting" just because it is neat and calligraphic.

I would have thought a Muslin or Jew wrote the neat handed graffiti base don it's appearance alone

Though I did also think that the English used in other examples did not seem a first language of Englis.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
26 Jun 2016 /  #35
lol yes from the 1930s.
Photos of many European countries in those days wouldn't do the present inhabitants any favours would they?
Stop being goady and admit there is no such thing as 'the Oswald Mosley Party'...and if there was it has nothing to do with the graffiti at POSK.
dolnoslask  5 | 2806  
26 Jun 2016 /  #36
"Certainly an odd item for a childless homosexual male to have "

What the hell has this got to do with the seriouse topic we are discussing here
jon357  73 | 22613  
26 Jun 2016 /  #37
Stop being goady and admit there is no such thing as 'the Oswald Mosley Party'...and if there was it has nothing to do with the graffiti at POSK

Spot on.

What the hell has this got to do with the seriouse topic we are discussing here

Also spot on. Same with the Oswald Mosely pics - no connection to the issue, no possible connection.

It really does look like it's about internal Polish political matters and nothing to do with the Brexit referendum or Polish migration within the EU.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
26 Jun 2016 /  #38
It really does look like it's about internal Polish political matters...

Hmm, no. You actually answered it best just before this.

...no connection to the issue, no possible connection.

Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
26 Jun 2016 /  #39
London's Polish Socio-Cultural Centre

Disgraceful. Surveillance cameras? I bashed a kids ears once when I caught him spraying the neighbouring block - and faced off big dad when he came looking for some:)

Of course, Brexit will not stop Poles going to the UK - probably numbers will increase in the short term. Before article 50 is signed, 100 million Eastern Europeans could travel if they wanted. In fact, I wish they would, to send the message.

They will hunt these people down

Exactly. In the meantime, back in ole Polska, kids spray racist filth, and the police do the square root of FA.
jon357  73 | 22613  
26 Jun 2016 /  #40

Looks like you're being so mischievous that you're mixing quotes now. Naughty boy...
Bieganski  17 | 888  
26 Jun 2016 /  #41
Not at all. I just used your own words to point out correctly that you have made no connection regarding either the suspect(s) or motive.
ender  5 | 394  
26 Jun 2016 /  #42
Same with the Oswald Mosely pics - no connection to the issue, no possible connection.

Much more reliable theory then yours. Every Poles leaving in UK has been abused at least once by some racist English, I know even Slovak been called Polish C..nt, you want me record his statement and post it here? Shut it jon, we've been manipulated for too long to not see what you doing and that stinks man.
26 Jun 2016 /  #43
Every Poles leaving in UK has been abused at least once by some racist English

I mix with a lot of Poles here in the UK, and not one of them has ever mentioned to me that they have suffered racial abuse, and believe me they would say if they had.

I am certainly not saying it doesn't happen, but you are just stirring the pot now.
jon357  73 | 22613  
26 Jun 2016 /  #44
you have made no connection

The connection is clear. Don't be disingenuous boy.

And CCTV (London is the most camera'd city in the world) will doubtless clear it up.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
26 Jun 2016 /  #45
Much more reliable theory then yours.

Absolutely. British nationalists most certainly know their own history and would definitely revere a racist xenophobe like Mosley especially given his popularity back in the day which lead to him gaining political office.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
26 Jun 2016 /  #46
Every Poles leaving in UK has been abused at least once by some racist English,

well they are not bad at it themselves are they? let's be honest.

Anyway this has nothing to do with POSK, you are just shyte stirring now

No Beiganski we do not 'revere' Mosley any more than you revere pogrom leaders..:D
Bieganski  17 | 888  
26 Jun 2016 /  #47
The connection is clear.

The only thing that is clear is that you haven't made any connection.

All you have offered up is conjecture based on a wild guess that three letters just so happen to stand for an obscure think tank along with your personal handwriting analysis using a children's learning book.
jon357  73 | 22613  
26 Jun 2016 /  #48
No Beiganski we do not 'revere' Mosley any more than you revere pogrom leaders..:D

Spot on. Just excuses.


So bizarre to see a juvenile who has never been to Europe trying to take a thread about Polish graffiti in London off-topic by going on about long dead pre-war politicians.

Mods - perhaps rename the thread? Since the text of the graffiti does not in any way suggest that it is anti-Polish...

Rather sad really, however I as say, CCTV should clear it up.
dolnoslask  5 | 2806  
27 Jun 2016 /  #49
"like Mosley especially "

Who got his but kicked into touch in cable street by a few Irish guys what a joke he was. he should of gone the way of el duce.
ender  5 | 394  
27 Jun 2016 /  #50
he should of gone the way of el duce

He did not. He was respected British politician long after WWII
' in the 1959 general election at Kensington North. Mosley led his campaign stridently on an anti-immigration platform, calling for forced repatriation of Caribbean immigrants as well as a prohibition upon mixed marriages. Mosley's final share of the vote was 8.1%'

'In 1961 he took part in a debate at University College London about Commonwealth immigration, seconded by a young David Irving.'
'he was nominated as a candidate for Rector of the University of Glasgow'
Bieganski  17 | 888  
27 Jun 2016 /  #51
...trying to take a thread about Polish graffiti in London off-topic...Mods - perhaps rename the thread?

Typical presumptuousness and as usual you made no case.

So, since you are so confident this is "Polish graffiti" and isn't anti-Polish then why would it be written in English if meant to send a message back to Poland in response to internal politics?
jon357  73 | 22613  
27 Jun 2016 /  #52
hat a joke he was. he should of gone the way of el duce

Indeed. A vile character.

A (Polish) friend on another site just agreed the graffiti wasn't written by any Brit, and suggested it may be by a Russian. An interesting idea however the internal political graffiti theory still rings true.

The two universally known English words are neither here nor there, however the handwriting isn't British, and none of those who tried to shift the blame onto unknown Brits can explain 'OMP'.
ender  5 | 394  
27 Jun 2016 /  #53
I am certainly not saying it doesn't happen, but you are just stirring the pot now.

Maybe they not familiar with very popular English farewell See You Next Tuesday. Unlike English we hardly lament or complain.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
27 Jun 2016 /  #54
See You Next Tuesday.

There We Are Then...:D
ender  5 | 394  
27 Jun 2016 /  #55
the internal political graffiti theory still rings true.

right because 'je...ać OMP' is so much longer then 'f...ck you OMP' See you next Tuesday?
jon357  73 | 22613  
27 Jun 2016 /  #56
right because

No Pole in London has ever heard or used the phrase 'f*ck you', right?

So what's 'OMP,' then?

Sad you're trying to shift the blame to a British write.
ender  5 | 394  
27 Jun 2016 /  #57
So what's 'OMP,' then?

And you are just saying that your friendly mod removed my post about shortcut from Urban Dictionary OMP: Oop Messy Poop. And trust me there is not many Poles knowing that meaning till now. You bit insolent don't you think?
Bieganski  17 | 888  
27 Jun 2016 /  #58
the internal political graffiti theory still rings true.

Well, since it is obviously amateur detective hour here on PF I'll use your own methods of investigation (i.e., guesswork) and conclusively show without any need for further proof or explanation other to say that I am completely correct that it is indeed the case that the cursive lettering style is nothing more than the wide variety used by graffiti artists the world over and the letters OMP are nothing more than the graffiti tagger's initials similar to those in the following example:
dolnoslask  5 | 2806  
27 Jun 2016 /  #59
" OMP are nothing more than the graffiti tagger's initials similar to those in the following example:"

That's exactly what my wife said when she saw the writing, graffiti style., I didn't recognize the writing as Polish.
ender  5 | 394  
27 Jun 2016 /  #60
Who is Moderator today? I would like to thank for removing definition of OMP from Urban Dictionary. I can bet that he is English. I've seen plenty of times youtube vids showing English racism having been removed or how quickly racist news are removed from British news portals to fall for it jon.

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