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London's POSK smeared with anti-Polish grafitti

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Jun 2016 /  #1
London's Polish Socio-Cultural Centre in Hammersmith has been smeared with anti-Polish graffiti. "Polite" requests such as "F*ck off Polish" and other niceties greeted people there on Sunday, GW reports. This was the first such attack since the centre was built 50 years ago. Poles are being told "enjoy your stay in Britain while you can". Typical British hospitality? Like after the war, After Poles had shot down more Gerry planes than the Brits and spilt their blood for Britainia, they were urged to go home to Stalinist Poland.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
26 Jun 2016 /  #2
Some posters here questioned me as to why my parents didn't go back to support Poland after the War, They had absolutely no concept that my fathers service In the British army , and my grandfathers involvement in the war against the Bolsheviks would have meant certain death on return.

The Polish community has lived at peace side by side with he British people for over 50 years, look at the hate that has been unleashed now.

My father once said in time people would forget what hatred brings upon nations, beware son there will be war again.
jon357  72 | 23350  
26 Jun 2016 /  #3
Very bad news. Hopefully there's CCTV footage to track down those who did it.
26 Jun 2016 /  #4
Typical British hospitality?

Far from it, this would be upsetting for a lot of Brits to see as well as Poles. It is a tiny minority that do things like this, and they are not representative of the British people as a whole.

Some posters here questioned me as to why my parents didn't go back to support Poland after the War,

I don't think posters necessarily meant anything by it Dolno, unless unpleasant remarks were made, but maybe those who asked don't know enough about Polish history possibly.

The Polish community has lived at peace side by side with he British people for over 50 years, look at the hate that has been unleashed now.

It's not just the Poles who are suffering, a Welsh Muslim who voted to stay in the EU, was told to pack her bags and go home.

I hope that these people will be caught and severely punished, so as to deter other idiots from doing the same.

My father once said in time people would forget what hatred brings upon nations, beware son there will be war again.

I think there is a lot of truth in that. People never seem to learn and history has a habit of repeating itself.
Ant63  13 | 410  
26 Jun 2016 /  #5
would have meant certain death on return.

Not making excuses for the appalling behaviour but your questioners are hardly likely to know this really. I knew simply because I grew up in a village with several Polish families. If only we could know everything, but then it would be a boring old place, this world.

beware son there will be war again

He's probably right and ultimately the EU will have a lot to answer for.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
26 Jun 2016 /  #6
This latest hostile act of Polonophobia can't be condemned strong enough. I've pointed out this problem before and this outrage shows that it truly out of control on the streets of Britain.

And what's even more troubling is the absolute silence from Britain's political leaders especially in London on this crime.

Look for instance at the numerous twitter feeds of London's mayor (@SadiqKhan; @MayorofLondon; @LDN_gov) as well as the London Assembly (@LondonAssembly).

As of this post you'll find dozens of PC PR posts on gay pride and not a single word let alone one of condemnation regarding this latest example of hate crimes against Poles residing abroad. Not even a single assurance that the Polonophobic bigots behind this hate speech and property damage will be hunted down with the greatest urgency and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
26 Jun 2016 /  #7
Bieganski, They will hunt these people down I was subject to this type of hatred at work, the police took it very seriously to the point they deliberately dragged the perpetrator into the police station at 3am in the morning.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
26 Jun 2016 /  #8
Very unfortunate. Just shows you that much of the Exit campaign was based on xenophobia and lies.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
26 Jun 2016 /  #9
@dolnoslask - I'm very glad to hear that and hope you haven't had any problems since. As you know from your own unfortunate experience though it really is a serious issue.

I believe that bigots feel emboldened enough to try to get away with expressing their completely unjustified intolerance towards Poles simply because there is very little to no vocal condemnation of it from the wider public especially those in elected offices.

It's no exaggeration to say that amongst all immigrant groups to any country there isn't a better class of citizen one could ask for than a Pole. And this makes Polonophobia completely unacceptable.
26 Jun 2016 /  #10
While our Politicians behave like children in a school yard, making uncouth attacks on the opposition. We can expect a reflection in mainstream society. As for London, it is probably the most inclusive city in the World. so this criminal act is NOT a reflection of the good people of London. Warsaw also has it own problems with ' hate crime.' More has to be done across the board to promote tolerence and acceptence of all people irrespective of thier race, coluor, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, ancestry, age, veteran status or disability.
jon357  72 | 23350  
26 Jun 2016 /  #11
The handwriting looks more Polish than British. Far more.

And the 'OMP' mentioned in the graffiti is a Polish think tank, the Centre for Political Thought. Looks like Pole on Pole vandalism, and as I say, hopefully the perpetrators will be caught.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
26 Jun 2016 /  #12
I reckon that graffiti was done by a Polish person hoping to make some trouble.
jon357  72 | 23350  
26 Jun 2016 /  #13
It's possible. That or graffiti about Polish internal politics. If you look at the handwriting (and above all what it says), it's obvious really.

But the media picked up on it today due to the vote
Bieganski  17 | 888  
26 Jun 2016 /  #14
^ Right on cue with the victim blaming.
ender  5 | 394  
26 Jun 2016 /  #15
'OMP' mentioned in the graffiti is a Polish think tank

I find another explanation. How about Oswald Mosley Party
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
26 Jun 2016 /  #16
"I reckon that graffiti was done by a Polish person hoping to make some trouble."

Please let us all pack this in , their are people who are taking advantage of this situation to to create division, we are all members of PF for a reason , that is a common interest in Poland, why dont we work together build unity, lets not argue but work together to build solidarity and friendship.
jon357  72 | 23350  
26 Jun 2016 /  #17
their are people who are taking advantage of this situation to create division

It isn't even that. It's internal Polish graffiti. Nothing to do with the vote.

to create division

Like this individual:

^ Right on cue with the victim blaming

Hopefully CCTV footage will establish who did the graffiti. It is already a police matter.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
26 Jun 2016 /  #18
It isn't even that. It's internal Polish graffiti. Nothing to do with the vote.

Jon please expand I don't get what you are saying
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
26 Jun 2016 /  #19
lets not argue but work together to build solidarity and friendship.

yes well I will drink to that......
jon357  72 | 23350  
26 Jun 2016 /  #20
please expand

It's the initials of a centre-right political think tank in Poland about which some politically active Poles have strong views. Also the initials of another Polish organisation.

Given that the handwriting is Polish, it looks like it was all about that and not some 'go home Poles' thing written by our own extremists. Otherwise, what could the graffiti mean?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
26 Jun 2016 /  #21
Thanks Jon , can you post a link to the Graffiti , Thanks
jon357  72 | 23350  
26 Jun 2016 /  #22
This is it, the uncensored version:

  • image.jpeg
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
26 Jun 2016 /  #23
WAs that all of it Jon?
I would say it was patently obvious this was not done by a British person. How would ur average Brit even know what OMP was? or indeed have that handwriting style?
Bieganski  17 | 888  
26 Jun 2016 /  #24
Like this individual:

Who were the ones in this thread who out of the blue and without any evidence whatsoever began blaming Poles for the vandalism done at POSK?

Oh, that's right, it was these British nationals who are deflecting blame away from their nationalist brothers and sisters back home:

The handwriting looks more Polish than British. Far more.


I reckon that graffiti was done by a Polish person hoping to make some trouble.

And your absurd explanation for the graffiti:

Polish internal politics.

Right. Sure.

OK Sherlock, here is a link to London-based POSK's website regarding their history and mission:


Here in particular is a copy of POSK's Articles of Association when they were incorporated:


And here is a link to the website for Krakow-based Ośrodek Myśli Politycznej (OMP):


Notice that all links provided are in English for your benefit.

Now, armed with this information, by all means dazzle everyone with your instinctive and effortless crime solving skills and instantly crack this case wide open for everyone and long before the Metropolitan Police ever would.

Go on, everyone on the forum is waiting.
jon357  72 | 23350  
26 Jun 2016 /  #25
How would ur average Brit even know what OMP was?

Quite. How would they know, why would they care?

Here's a Polish orthography chart for those unfamiliar with handwriting here.

  • image.jpeg
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
26 Jun 2016 /  #26
It was just a suggestion Bieganski....but you do see what I mean now don't you?
jon357  72 | 23350  
26 Jun 2016 /  #27
I don't think he's much interested in the truth and in any case is unfamiliar with either the organisation whose doors were graffitied in Polish handwriting or any organisation in Poland that the graffiti may refer to.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
26 Jun 2016 /  #28
Yeah, a Polish cultural center in London a thousand miles away from a conservative think tank in Krakow is going to be a hotbed for Polish internal politics. Is there a war on for membership? LOL.

But since you claim to hold the truth then lay it out for everyone.
jon357  72 | 23350  
26 Jun 2016 /  #29
Yeah, a Polish cultural center in London a 1,000 miles away from a conservative think tank in Krakow

And obviously no Poles in London....
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
26 Jun 2016 /  #30
Beiganski perhaps it is news to you that there are thousands of Polish living in London?

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