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Polish Doctor in UK discriminiated and bullied against gets millions.

antheads  13 | 340  
17 Dec 2011 /  #1
These english NHS idiots probably relized polish doctors are the amongst the best in the world and tried to get rid of her over cups of tea. Pathetic. !

A hospital trust has been ordered to pay nearly £4.5m in compensation to a doctor who was hounded out of her job after deciding to have a baby.

A Leeds tribunal found Dr Eva Michalak, now 53, suffered race and sex discrimination at Pontefract General Infirmary.

It said colleagues mounted a "concerted campaign" to bring her employment to an end while she was on maternity leave.

grubas  12 | 1382  
17 Dec 2011 /  #2
Good for her and kudos to the judge.I am sure there is more Polish people who could claim discrimination in UK and get some compensation.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
17 Dec 2011 /  #3
I suspect there's a lot more to this story than meets the eye. Let's hope the ridiculous judgment is overturned in appeal (which it almost certainly will be) and the money is used for lifesaving operations.

Would you like to tell your kid that he or she has to stay on dialysis for another year because some overseas doctor has taken the hospital's entire budget because her feelings were hurt...
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
17 Dec 2011 /  #4
Yep, discrimination and racism are wrong unless they are against Polish people, kunt's logic...
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
17 Dec 2011 /  #5
discrimination and racism are wrong

Read the details of the case before mouthing off.And at th e same time why not learn about the employment tribunal system - the case is still at a relatively early stage.
EdWilczynski  3 | 98  
17 Dec 2011 /  #6
I am sure there is more Polish people who could claim discrimination in UK and get some compensation.

Oh yeah because Poland is the most open tolerant society in the modern world where racism and intolerance are just words in the dictionary. Right??

I have 10's of dozens of Polish friends and family living and working in the UK. Many of them holding very senior management positions in government departments and household names.

NONE of them have a problem or indeed have ever had a problem. They are well respected by upper management and their subordinates.

You want to talk about discrimination????

Ask my wife how many times she has attended interviews and been asked, do you plan to have any more children? What difference does that make to her ability to perfrom her duties. Well it would seem that the risk of a woman of child bearing age or a woman with children are seen as potential problems due to their propensity to take days off to look after little sick Tomasz.

Ageism, racism and sexism is alive and well in Poland and dont try to pretend its anything different.

These english NHS idiots probably relized polish doctors are the amongst the best in the world and tried to get rid of her over cups of tea. Pathetic. !

Ive had as many bad experiences with Polish doctors as I have with NHS doctors.

In fact the minute they realise I am English and my wife is Polish my familys health suddenly becomes a cash cows for them to attempt to milk.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Dec 2011 /  #7
a woman with children are seen as potential problems due to their propensity to take days off to look after little sick Tomasz.

Honestly, in Poland, they are problematic for exactly that reason. The tendency here to keep kids off school for the slightest thing (OMG RUNNY NOSE END OF THE WORLD) causes much of this, I think. And that's without mentioning the maternity culture whereby every pregnant woman wants to get signed off sick at the start of the pregnancy.
grubas  12 | 1382  
18 Dec 2011 /  #8
Let's hope the ridiculous judgment is overturned in appeal (which it almost certainly will be)

No it won't be,stupid.They already admited wrong doing and apologized to mrs.Michalak.
Mister H  11 | 761  
18 Dec 2011 /  #9
Yep, discrimination and racism are wrong unless they are against Polish people, kunt's logic...

Why is she a different race ? Different nationality, yes, but a different race ??

Discrimination is always wrong, but this amount of compensation is insane!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
18 Dec 2011 /  #10
Imagine a Jewish doctor compensated for discrimination in Poland... How kunts would call Poles criticizing court's verdict then ? Antisemites I guess :))
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
18 Dec 2011 /  #11
almost never agree with you but this time I do.

good for her.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
18 Dec 2011 /  #12
Like I said before the bizzare modding obviously came into play, this cow is a parasite, 4.5 million for a bit of hurt feelings,ffs! The slack b!tch has the nerve to talk about PTSD....pathetic parasite,WTF was she doing getting knocked up in her late 40s for anyway ?

This just proves one thing again, if you already have the money you get the big payouts and playing the race card,how pathetic is that....even more pathetic that some senile old judge bought it.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
18 Dec 2011 /  #13
boo and all those discussions here - you defend this or that just because he/it is Polish;all that looking down your nose being all haughty and impartial.

Now when the tables were turned on you - and there we go!

Even if that is only early stage of the case.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
18 Dec 2011 /  #14
this cow is a parasite, 4.5 million for a bit of hurt feelings,ffs! The slack b!tch has the nerve to talk about PTSD....pathetic parasite,WTF was she doing getting knocked up in her late 40s for anyway ?

well I suppose that is what her colleagues thought when they tried to hound her out of her job.
If you really think there's no racism against Polish in the UK, you are wrong.
Additionally, while these days a woman can choose to do any job she wishes, requests for maternity leave bring out the old boy network.
The majority of medical schools in this country had Jew quotas, and woman quotas, and requests for photo's with applications right into the late 80s.

While the payout does seem excessive, there's no need to be abusive about someone whose real situation at work we know nothing about. It sounds as though she became ill through stress.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
19 Dec 2011 /  #15
I'm sure I met the husband a

Even if that is only early stage of the case.

It is indeed a very early stage of the case. These payouts are almost always reduced to much less.

I'm sure I met the husband afew years ago through friends and an old address book confirms it. I don't remember his wife being Polish though.
Richfilth  6 | 415  
19 Dec 2011 /  #16
While the payout does seem excessive...

This is the only element that makes it a news story in my opinon. The fact that she's a woman, or Polish, or a doctor, has no bearing as far as I'm concerned. She was hounded out of her position by jealous or petty management for whatever reasons they had, which were wrong, and that's that. I'd hope a single white male would get the same compensation if he was bullied out of his truck driving job, but we all know that won't happen.

But to compensate someone to that amount; more than they would earn in their professional lifetime (and that's 45 years of 100,000 pounds per annum) is utterly ridiculous, and I hope that gets adjusted by the appeals court at some time in the future.
hythorn  3 | 580  
19 Dec 2011 /  #17
there is a lot of bullying of white European doctors in the UK in hospital departments where the Clinical Lead is black or asian

they really seem to get off on pushing Central European doctors about
19 Dec 2011 /  #18
they questioned her competency because she trained in her home country.

Of course, no Polish university student has ever cheated in any exam....

Ageism, racism and sexism is alive and well in Poland and dont try to pretend its anything different.

If I could be bothered, I'd apply for a couple of hundred jobs three times: three very similar CVs but one accompanied by a photo of a white man, one by a photo of a black man and one by a photo of a man wearing a yarmulke.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
19 Dec 2011 /  #19
Do it and sent it to the Gazeta Wyborcza lol
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
19 Dec 2011 /  #20
Of course, no Polish university student has ever cheated in any exam....

Whether or not the woman in Pontefract cheated will probably never be known (though given that the standards of Polish University exams compromise everyone who takes part in an exam system where cheating is rife, it can never be ruled out) to cheat in medical exams is inexcusable. It puts lives at risk.

As the old American joke goes, "What do you call a doctor who came last in his year? Doctor. What do you call a lawyer who came last in his year? You don't."

And what explanation can there be for this guy passing his medical exams plus completing clinical training?

October 26, 2007 MIELA: BUNGLING POLISH DOCTOR SUSPENDED FOR A YEAR NORFOLK A bungling Polish doctor who failed a basic life support test hospital porters have to pass was suspended for just a year today (Fri). Robert Miela was so bad at his job he 'mimicked' knowledge as if he was watching a medical drama and 'dried up' when asked the most basic questions.

Ironside  50 | 13053  
19 Dec 2011 /  #21
Whether or not the woman

Well, if that would be a case here I sure they would bring it forward soon enough. Seems there are others factors in play than her professionalism.

Diverting from the thread topic a bit. The system of education in Poland should be bend to eradicate instances or culture of cheating at exams.

The problem is the most Poles seems to see nothing wrong with this.
19 Dec 2011 /  #22
Do it and sent it to the Gazeta Wyborcza lol

Gazeta Wyborcza is a newspaper. That some Polish people are racist is most certainly not news.

Whether or not the woman in Pontefract cheated will probably never be known (though given that the standards of Polish University exams compromise everyone who takes part in an exam system where cheating is rife, it can never be ruled out) to cheat in medical exams is inexcusable.

How many Poles do you know who have never ever cheated in an exam?

Interesting to see that the lady in question was originally claiming £9 million.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
19 Dec 2011 /  #23
Diverting from the thread topic a bit. The system of education in Poland should be bend to eradicate instances or culture of cheating at exams.

I agree - examination and other assessments need to be 100% uncompromised - not least because it casts suspicion on the qualifications of those who didn't cheat.
broken nurse  
30 Jan 2012 /  #24
I understand Dr Michalak completaly as I am in very similar situaton but unfortunatelly I do not have English husband and I am desperated for any help as I afraid that I will be to much depressed to carry on agains them. I am just humanbeing why some people are so cruel?????
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
30 Jan 2012 /  #25
I am in very similar situaton

Are you in the union?
Ant63  13 | 410  
2 Feb 2012 /  #26
I understand Dr Michalak completaly as I am in very similar situaton

A new epedemic sweeps across the Polish community in the UK.
4 Feb 2012 /  #27
I understand Dr Michalak completaly as I am in very similar situaton but unfortunatelly I do not have English husband and I am desperated for any help as I afraid that I will be to much depressed to carry on agains them.

You've got a claim under Protection from Harassment Act 1997. Please contact tomekklarecki@wp.pl.

If someone works for ISS at one of Travelodge hotels in the UK (or knows other people who do), and is paid £ 1.41 per room, and wants to receive compensation for being paid below National Minimum Wage, PLEASE CONTACT Tomek Klarecki at tomekklarecki@wp.pl.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
4 Feb 2012 /  #28
. Please contact

If someone works fo


Are you from a Trade Union or a lawyer? Or something else entirely? The webmail address doesn't really suggest much.

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