The true measure of civility in any society is how well it looks after its most vulnerable.
Read above. Its self explanatory. Chalk and cheese I would say.
At what point does the state step in and limit the parents authority? It is certainly a tricky one. The child is Polish, I suspect he held a Polish passport and I suspect and the parents had no affiliation with UK other than being here. There are all sorts of legal implications and then you have cultural differences. What is acceptable in Poland may or may not be acceptable in the UK, but schools and government departments are warned repeatedly about discriminating against culture. I experience this in school at any meeting with teachers when they blast on about how they support Polish culture. I doubt they really know what it even is. I don't and I've been with Polish people since 2005.
I have no doubt intervention would have saved the child and in that respect the child was desperately let down. The result of the public enquiry will bring to light the failings, and who is, and why they are to blame for the lack of intervention.
A couple of years too long and we will know.