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My trip to Krakow and its ups and downs.

Kevend  1 | 8  
3 Sep 2011 /  #1
I just came home from Krakow, I spent 5 days there with some friends for a cultural holiday, Visitng the sites of Auchwitz/Birkenau, the Jewish quarter and ghetto, and the salt mines. Generally the city is a very beautiful place, very tidy and we had a good time, Until the last night we were there, myself and a friend of mine left a club and walked past two polish men who were rather large, hassling three polish girls, two of these girls were talking to myself and my friend telling us these two men were trying to take their sister away and she was willing to go, but they didnt want to leave her. So after about 10 minutes they got a bit violent and started to push me, my friend wanted to leave and was worried but I insisted we stayed to see if these girls were okay.

Eventually the two men left with the girl, and the 2 remaining girls were with us wanted to get a drink. We went with them towards some club just generally talking until we met their friends, 6 Polish guys with shaved heads which as first didnt alarm anything, until they spoke. The first words they said being 'We dont like black people'. At this point we realised this was not a good idea, I spoke to the girl and one of them approached me and told me 'You leave now... **** off', my friend grabbed my arm and asked to leave, when a 2nd man approached and pushed me away from the girl, The girl began talking in polish, pushing one of the men away from me, and I then began to walk away.

However I wont hold this 1 night against Krakow, I generally had a nice time, and we met some Polish people who were rather friendly who bought us shots and expressed how they liked speaking to English people as it helped them become better at using it, And we met some Polish men who liked to get drunk and display how they were racist and didnt like us. If I recommend Krakow, I would do so but make a point of saying to avoid going out at night and if you do, to stay very close to your place youre staying at.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Sep 2011 /  #2
Quite a few big Polish guys with shaved heads can be racist, yes. Such idiots are found in the UK too. Most people wouldn't have an issue with you being black but drink can change people.
pawian  226 | 27453  
3 Sep 2011 /  #3
This whole story is a a complete fake which I don`t believe. Here is a proof:

=Kevend]Generally the city is a very beautiful place, very tidy

Someone who wrote this has never been to Krakow. It is obvious he/she is posting false information.
OP Kevend  1 | 8  
3 Sep 2011 /  #4
It is tidy compared to Liverpool, my home city. And it is a beautiful place culturally, which is what I said. Regardless, the story is true.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Sep 2011 /  #5
I did detect some flaming efforts by mentioning you were black but this is the internet where you just never know.
OP Kevend  1 | 8  
3 Sep 2011 /  #6
Im not black, I didnt say I was black, and I never claimed I was or said so, Thats just what the first thing these random Polish guys said to us.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Sep 2011 /  #7
I don't believe that for a moment. Stop trolling! They wouldn't say that without a good reason.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
3 Sep 2011 /  #8
Maybe it was a linguistic error, and what the skinhead MEANT to say was "we don't like scousers"....
in fact maybe some troublemaking bored English teacher in Krakow has been teaching their students all the wrong things? They could have even published a phrase book!! YOu know, like the Hungarian phrase book in Monty Python.....
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
3 Sep 2011 /  #9
'We dont like black people'.

It is tidy compared to Liverpool, my home city.

an obvious mistake in defining the accent. the guy had u down as west midlands and obviously said 'we don't like black country people'
OP Kevend  1 | 8  
3 Sep 2011 /  #10
Well they would, because they did. why would I bother signing up to a random forum for a troll? I came across this forum because I was googling if racism in krakow was a big thing and if they didnt like tourists, And it brought me here. I wrote this because I wanted to know if it was a big thing or not. Denying it never happened is clearly ignorant since it happened to me first-hand. They told us they didnt like black people and were talking about 'black people stealing in london' during the riots, When I explained it was everyone, not just black people looting, they refused and insisted it was blacks only. There was no mistake of language or accent. They said they didnt like black people and they meant they didnt like black people.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Sep 2011 /  #11
So a few guys don't like black people, so what? Many more in the UK held the same view.
modafinil  - | 416  
3 Sep 2011 /  #12
Thats just what the first thing these random Polish guys said to us

Bloody typical - bringing in race even when not the issue...probably a PF member ;)
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
3 Sep 2011 /  #13
So after about 10 minutes they got a bit violent and started to push me, my friend wanted to leave and was worried

They told us they didnt like black people and were talking about 'black people stealing in london' during the riots

u are about to enter a bout of fisticuffs, but instead choose to debate on ethnicity of rioters.

things have changed since my day.
Wroclaw Boy  
3 Sep 2011 /  #14
a standard night out in any major city, whats the big deal?
OP Kevend  1 | 8  
3 Sep 2011 /  #15
I had no intentions to have any fight with anyone, I didnt expect Poland to be country with racism considering everything thats happened there I'd of thought they'd be more tolerable, hence why I was trying to find out online if it was. Not denying the fact the UK has racism when we clearly do, we have the BNP and EDL ect, although I dont agree with them they are still there. I just find it a bit weird that Polish people in Krakow dont like British people or tourists? Yet Polish people flood my country for work.

So you cant read? Seems like the Polish education system is something thats not been repaired unlike Warsaw, You see the word 'black' and decide to ignore everything else written after it then go on a stampede of racist rants.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Sep 2011 /  #16
You naively expected no racism? Quite gullible! Everything that's happened there???

More tolerable or more tolerant?

Would you like stag parties with abusive gits in your lovely city? I know I wouldn't.

Flood your country? That's because they are allowed to under EU Law. Simple!
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
3 Sep 2011 /  #17
I just find it a bit weird that Polish people in Krakow dont like British people or tourists?

you've caught the backlash after cheap flights and stag dos. it's said that some folk in some cities are fed up with weekend tourists.

there are also a$$holes who spoil for a fight. it seems u bumped into this group.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Sep 2011 /  #18
Exactly, Wrocław. What, you expect Poles to be angels while Brits regularly pick fights? I feel much safer here in Poland than back in the UK. While I believe that quite a few hold racist beliefs here, they tend not to openly air them. Many Poles are quite indifferent at times.
Zloty  6 | 16  
3 Sep 2011 /  #19
Well, I do hope that this is a troll because I live in Krakow and I'm, well, not white.
OP Kevend  1 | 8  
3 Sep 2011 /  #20
I wasnt on any stag do or lad's holiday, I went with friends for the purpose to visit Auchwitz and Birkenau. When it comes to learning from mistakes you'd think living in a place where millions of people were mass murdered just because they were different, you would take that in? It put a bit of a depressive feel on the rest of my visit.

comment removed

I think I'll leave now I've found my answer. Polish people in their own country are quite happy to have 2 drinks then begin acting 'macho' and chavvish to any foreigner who talks to a polish girl knowing you have a home advantage, while thinking its cool to act like a racist in a country who if the British didnt help, would of been gassed off the face of the planet. Then come to England and feed of the state because your own economy cant even be supported by its own people.

I think I'll avoid any 3rd world country from now on and stick to west Europe.

I may have caught a 'backlash' of the stereotypical 'brit thug' lads holiday but I'd like to think that because I wasnt wailing around the streets of krakow pissed off my head, screaming some football song, I'd be treated politely. Hell, I even defending some Polish girls against some guys who could quite possibly of tried to rape a girl. and thanks I get was to be greeted by some skinheads who told me to **** off and leave, Kind of hypocritical to say Polish natives of krakow hate drunken troublemakers, when ironicly it was the Poles who were looking for trouble.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
3 Sep 2011 /  #21
No this isnt no trolling thread

Yes it is and you're a ******* troll merrily baiting people with your remarks and made up claims.

I think I'll avoid any 3rd world country from now on and stick to west Europe.

Not a troll eh?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
3 Sep 2011 /  #22
However I wont hold this 1 night against Krakow

Dude, hold this one night against yourself. You were spending night with some drunk plebs and complain it was not nice enough ? You should be happy that you got back in one pieace. Learn from your own experience because next time you may not have that much luck.

I just find it a bit weird that Polish people in Krakow dont like British people or tourists?

They did until English plebs started going there in large numbers.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Sep 2011 /  #23
Take what in? What are you talking about? Nazis murdered Jews and the territory was merely incidental.

Kraków is a 3rd world city? What BS! Have a look round English cities and there you will see plenty of trash and ugliness.
OP Kevend  1 | 8  
3 Sep 2011 /  #24
You can believe what you want. If I was born in Krakow or something similar happened in my country or my city, I'd like to think that I'd become a bit more polite to people and not hate a group of people over their colour.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
3 Sep 2011 /  #25
I think I'll avoid any 3rd world country from now on and stick to west Europe.

Good. Bye.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Sep 2011 /  #26
You are judging a whole city based on some drunken, bald-headed twats. They are the laughing stock of many Poles. You seem to think Poles = Nazis. What's with that?
pawian  226 | 27453  
3 Sep 2011 /  #27
=Kevend]I think I'll leave now I've found my answer. Polish people in their own country are quite happy to have 2 drinks.
I think I'll avoid any 3rd world country from now on and stick to west Europe.

So you are a troll after all and your story was made up.

I just guessed it from the very beginning.

Kevend, did you ever expect you would run into such intelligent guys here in PF ? ):):):):):)

Now, get lost. We have wasted enough time on you.
OP Kevend  1 | 8  
3 Sep 2011 /  #28
The story and everything I said at the start was 100% was true and happened to me, but the moment people started saying i was trolling and i was 'making it up' i lost interest in trying to reason with anyone since it became more about if I was black or not, than what had happened. But apparently if a group of Polish skinheads get drunk and try for a fight, its alright since we were English.

You wonder why i gave up reason.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Sep 2011 /  #29
What does one little story prove? Skinheads fight, it's what they do. Did that come as a revelation to you? Remember, Kraków is home to some of the toughest and most hateful hooligans in Poland.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
3 Sep 2011 /  #30
i lost interest in trying to reason with anyone

You know where the door is...

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