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My Krakow Trip - Including Blackmarket, 2nd handstores, Drugs?

19 Apr 2015 /  #1
Dzien dobry!

In about a month, I'm going to visit Krakow for the first time. I just have like 5 days to get my **** done, so ill ask for some help here ;-).

There are rumors that there is a so called black market in Poland, where you can buy weapons, drugs, and stuff.. its logical that its not located near the main market places, and so would be thankful if you could give me some advice. ;-)

Second Question of this thread is about the 2nd hand stores, i heard that they're a lot cheaper than the usual stores which are spread all over Europe. im looking for nice and pretty things to buy, like jewellery or just clothes. Are there some shops which are pretty common and used my the Krakow citizens? Some kind of familiar shop, which is not only hunting tourists?

Last: How are Drugs over there? I'm a Stoner and would like to buy some Hash,i guess its a bit cheaper than in my country. Do you have any tips, how to get in contact and DO NOT get ripped? I know there will be a lot tourists with familiar interests, so i can assume they always try it.

:-) answer please
jon357  72 | 23482  
19 Apr 2015 /  #2
There are rumors that there is a so called black market in Poland

If you mean the Russian Market, it was in Warsaw and was closed down a decade ago. Some small markets round Krakow, however no longer dodgy in that sense and guns are not sold there (and never to young westerners). No drugs either - the market is small in PL.

Second Question of this thread is about the 2nd hands tores, i heard that they're a lot cheaper than the usual stores which are spread all over Europe. im looking for nice and pretty things to buy, like jewelery or just clothes. Are there some shops which are pretty common and used my the Krakow citizens? Some kind of familiar shop, which is not only hunting tourists?

Lots of them - you will see plenty, however not in the touristy bits of town and not trendy unless you wan to buy a nightie that someone died in.

Last: How are Drugs over there? Im a Stoner and would like to buy some Hash,i guess its a bit cheaper than in my country. Do you have any tips, how to get in contact and DO NOT get ripped

More low-medium quality weed than hash which is rare (though the authorities have just seized several tonnes at a port). Generally sold prepackaged in little 1 gram baggies (and underweight) though very rarely if ever by street dealers. Look at one of the weed fora (webehigh etc) for (rather out of date and somewhat inaccurate) information - though at least one site gives tips for Krakow. I read what they said and was skeptical. Asking around in one of the scuzzier student clubs might be your best bet.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
19 Apr 2015 /  #3
LTMJ, so, you're coming to Poland and want some advice on the black market in weapons and drugs. Well, there are such markets, usually inhabited by very nasty violent criminals who would eat a naive tourist alive and spit out the bones. There are also police and courts who would not find it amusing that a foreigner got straight off a plane and went looking for illegal merchandise. My advice is to come to Poland, enjoy the country, and forget about the other stuff. It won't kill you to do without for a week.
OP LoveTheMaryJane  
19 Apr 2015 /  #4
Thank you guys for the quick answers!

I guess ive taken a wrong look at poland... and its not that important for me to buy illegal merchandise over there, it was like... secondary ;-)

So street dealers are pretty rare to find? is the drug market ruled by africans or more russians/eastern folks? so i know for whom ill have to watch out.

Sure thing is that i will bring Fuma by myself.. but who knows if that will last the hole week? and why not try out the polish stuff? maybe ill just look out in parks and look for stoners...

ty both so far! xx
jon357  72 | 23482  
19 Apr 2015 /  #5
So street dealers are pretty rare to find?

Yes, extremely rare if ever.

is the drug market ruled by africans or more russians/eastern folks?

Not that many of either in Poland and I've never come across either selling it. If you want to buy from African people, pop on the train to Berlin where it is very easy, relatively open and safe and not as illegal. In Poland it tends to be people living on housing estates and known to their local buyers, they are very discreet since the profits are low and the risks very very high.

and why not try out the polish stuff? maybe ill just look out in parks and look for stoners...

Do check out some of the fora on it - google it and there 'may' be some tips. but be careful - possession of even a crumb can land you in big trouble and the days when you could smoke it in front of a cop who wouldn't recognize the smell (I've seen that in Warsaw) are long gone).

Try student clubs as I mentioned - or just enjoy the local vodka!
OP LoveTheMaryJane  
19 Apr 2015 /  #6
alright. thank you jon, youre great!

What do i have to expect about the prizes? 5 days in a Hostel, minus Arrival and Departure. I thought about taking like 100€ with me. that is like 400 zl isnt it?
jon357  72 | 23482  
19 Apr 2015 /  #7
You can find a bed in a hostel dorm for 30-50 zloty or a private room for about 150, maybe less depending on dates/location. A good idea to book in advance on something like hostelbookers.com.

100 Euro is possible but you'll have to be careful. A beer is about 10zl (cheaper in some places) and you can eat for about 20z-30 zloty.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
19 Apr 2015 /  #8
It's not a good idea to bring dope into Poland. If you are caught, you will find yourself in a world of pain, and your

embassy will not be sympathetic; quite the reverse. Don't get me wrong, I have no gripe with cannabis. I used it a lot in my youth, when I didn't need short-term memory as much as I do now, but Poland is a dangerous place for you if you don't know what you are doing. Take care, drink beer.

Jon. 10 for a beer? I'm glad I don't get out more.
OP LoveTheMaryJane  
19 Apr 2015 /  #9
How is the tolerance from the people living there about cannabis? not the police, i mean the normal living citizens of krakow. are there also so much against cannabis?

Well, the Hostel is booked already. Im just asking about the normal daylife, eating, drinking,maybe buying some souvenirs. so 100€ = 400 PLN is not enough?
jon357  72 | 23482  
19 Apr 2015 /  #10
How is the tolerance from the people living there about cannabis? not the police, i mean the normal living citizens of krakow. are there also so much against cannabis?

For most people it's outside their experience. They've heard about it but probably never thought of smoking it. It's an alcohol culture, even among the young.

Well, the Hostel is booked already. Im just asking about the normal daylife, eating, drinking,maybe buying some souvenirs. so 100€ = 400 PLN is not enough?

On the low side, especially if you're paying for accommodation out of it. Very possibleto get by for a few days if you're careful, but best bring a bit more, just in case.

It's not a good idea to bring dope into Poland.

Especially through an airport now they can pull people for a random full body scan if they want and often pat you down after the metal detector even when they don't. There is a fairly reliable way, though it's unappealing to many...

I'm not sure about Krakow Airport however it's risky in any airport nowadays. People do it all the time, though they are taking a big risk. Plus, if you use it in Krakow, you'd need to be soooo careful. The penalties are high.
OP LoveTheMaryJane  
19 Apr 2015 /  #11
i dont drink alcohol, so going out partying is not for me. Im not traveling by plain, we will arrive by bus.
jon357  72 | 23482  
19 Apr 2015 /  #12
Less of a risk. I think they can bring the doggies on to search though I don't know if that happens often. Or even if they regularly stop the coach - other posters may know more.

Just be very very discreet if you do decide to bring it, don't smoke if there are people around and keep it in your hand rather than in luggage when crossing the border so you can swallow if the doggies do come for a sniff....

Also be careful carrying it when you're out and about. If you're young and male, you're in the demographic most likely to be stopped by police for a random check. They don't normally go through your pockets (unless they suspect you've got something) but if you're going to bring it, be careful...
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
19 Apr 2015 /  #13
I think they would only bring on the doggies if you were coming from eg amsterdam
jon357  72 | 23482  
19 Apr 2015 /  #14
That's my feeling too. They bring them on the train after the Berlin Love Parade. For coaches, I'm not sure if there's a routine border stop at all now since I haven't crossed the border by bus since EU entry however I can well believe them being at Krakow coach station for an Amsterdam coach especially after the weekend, looking for Poles coming back with a bit.

Foreign tourists are less of a target than Poles (so much hassle) however I can believe anything about the police in PL.
OP LoveTheMaryJane  
19 Apr 2015 /  #15
Well i would unfortunately say that im the typical stoner. piercings, long, messy hair, usually high very often... i dont worry about smoking in krakow, more the arrival is what fears me.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
19 Apr 2015 /  #16
well you know, if you are worried , tidy up a bit.
hate to tell you but smoking weed is not that cool or 'different' - everyone is at it, even people with short hair,
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082  
19 Apr 2015 /  #17
Second Question of this thread is about the 2nd hand stores, i heard that they're a lot cheaper than the usual stores which are spread all over Europe. im looking for nice and pretty things to buy, like jewellery or just clothes

It's not true. No one is waiting for (you on white horse) with half price. Even if golden ring found on the street, the first seller consume whole profit.
jon357  72 | 23482  
21 Apr 2015 /  #18
Jon. 10 for a beer? I'm glad I don't get out more.

In nice places in Krakow, perhaps around the Rynek, yes. 23zl for a mojito in my favourite one. A bit cheaper in more studenty bars or the open air ones in parks. Much cheaper in places down an alleyway that shut at 10pm with three old men and a dog in.

Well i would unfortunately say that im the typical stoner. piercings, long, messy hair, usually high very often... i dont worry about smoking in krakow, more the arrival is what fears me.

The arrival should be fine - just have some way of losing it quickly if there's any problem (which there probably won't be)
13 Aug 2015 /  #19


watch your Caps Lock please...

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