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My trip to Krakow and its ups and downs.

modafinil  - | 416  
3 Sep 2011 /  #31
You wonder why i gave up reason.

Yeah. Judging them all on your experience of a few. Your'e not racist are you. You're better than them 3rd worlders.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
3 Sep 2011 /  #32
But apparently if a group of Polish skinheads get drunk and try for a fight, its alright since we were English.

that works both ways.

i've been in plenty of barroom brawls. all in england. it's what some folk do, whatever the country.

u got caught out and that's all there is to it. try middlesbrough or newcastle on a saturday night ffs
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Sep 2011 /  #33
Compared to the likes of Nottingham and Bristol, Kraków is a safe haven. Those guys didn't beat you. Some in England have no hesitation about punching you.
f stop  24 | 2493  
3 Sep 2011 /  #34
It was a legit forum question. He wanted to know if what happened to him was an isolated incident, or routine.
And looking at the replies, we can clearly see that there are many unstable people everywhere. ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Sep 2011 /  #35
Ah, but he started getting abusive afterwards. His beef is with them, not with Kraków and he even said as much. Leave nationality out of it. I often feel like telling people I'm Jamaican, just to see their reaction. I hate this, 'oh, you're Scottish' reaction. What's that supposed to mean, exactly? So they can slap a nice sticker on me?
Leopejo  4 | 120  
3 Sep 2011 /  #36
Ah, but he started getting abusive afterwards.

Who wouldn't, after the kind of answers he received?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Sep 2011 /  #37
What, so you think getting abusive is the right way forward?
Leopejo  4 | 120  
3 Sep 2011 /  #38
It's an understandable way forward.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Sep 2011 /  #39
It is in some way, yes. However, the fact remains that Kraków is a pretty safe place to drink in the centre.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
3 Sep 2011 /  #40
knowing the city and not getting involved in other folk's problems might make the night a little more enjoyable.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Sep 2011 /  #41
Precisely. Many Poles tend not to take too kindly to getting involved, noble as the intention was.
OP Kevend  1 | 8  
3 Sep 2011 /  #42
Indeed, i was genuine in wanting to know if this thing was a common event in krakow, since I really enjoyed my stay there, but I dont really wanna go back if i'm gonna end up getting a bottle to the back of my head just for having a black friend with me, or for me speaking English, or for me just having a drink and being assumed Im a 'british tourist whos annoying some Pole'.

And ye, the answers i got about me being black or not then the racist comments didnt exactally make me wanna be polite back.

Maybe I was wrong to get involved but Im not a dick, if a girls in trouble, and im asked to help, I will. Next time i'll just ignore it.
3 Sep 2011 /  #43

Are you aware that you talk with two Englishmen and a Scotman? If you drew conclusions like those in the post #21 based on what your fellow countrymen replied to you... then it seems you've just shown your true colors.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
3 Sep 2011 /  #44
Next time i'll just ignore it.

good. u never know if it's part of a scam or not.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Sep 2011 /  #45
You should as gratitude is definitely not the strong suit of many people here. Best keep yourself in one piece.
3 Sep 2011 /  #46
if the British didnt help, would of been gassed off the face of the planet.

That's intresting statement. Could you elaborated what kind of help was it?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Sep 2011 /  #47
Yeah, that surprised me too.
3 Sep 2011 /  #48
Hi Guys

I have being reading the BS that has come out of Keved, I visit Krakow almost on a weekly basis and never had any trouble(apart from being referred to as English when I am Irish). The comment that Poland would have being gassed off the planet were it not for the british, were it not the brits that abandoned Europe after the war and led to the division of Europe for 50 years.

Any way, I just had enough of reading crap, saying that Poland is third world country and not safe to visit, but I guess any CHAV can travel these days, thanks to the greatest Irish company called Ryanair.

When in Krakow, I always go to bars that do not have stag do's in them.
f stop  24 | 2493  
3 Sep 2011 /  #49
Any way, I just had enough of reading crap, saying that Poland is third world country and not safe to visit

then you might want to step away from this forum, until it's renamed "Only good things about Poland".
irishguy11  6 | 157  
3 Sep 2011 /  #50
i don't mind reading people's opinions if they are true, but it just sounds like this guy has a chip on his shoulder because of meeting a couple of guys. I don't mind some one saying any thing bad about something if it is based on fact.

I would say that the roads are not the best and krakow airport is a bit of a disappointment. But then I find 95% of the people that i meet are grand.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Sep 2011 /  #51
Balice is fine, I like it. Small and easy to navigate around. An airport shouldn't be a palace with marble ;0
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
3 Sep 2011 /  #52
the guy had a bad experience,could have happened in any city I suppose, never mind what did or didn't happen 60 years ago.
f stop  24 | 2493  
4 Sep 2011 /  #54
but it just sounds like this guy has a chip on his shoulder

I don't think he is the one with the chip. He described the good points of the trip, then the incident.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
4 Sep 2011 /  #55
Come on, f stop. 3rd world? Gassing? Implying that it was the Poles that killed the Jews in the Holocaust. Racist? He slung a lot of mud around and I'd be offended if I were a Pole. He doesn't seem to grasp how dickish Brits seem when boozed up.
irishguy11  6 | 157  
4 Sep 2011 /  #56
okay maybe not a chip on shoulder, but it sounds as if he is making a bigger deal than it was( with his reference to how England helped Poland, why throw that in), you get people that are arrogant in every city in every town.
f stop  24 | 2493  
4 Sep 2011 /  #57
c'mon, look at his itenerary, Seanus. Then, when he wanted some balance, he encountered lowlifes. Most of the time, on a vacation, it takes a moment of feeling like a victim to write off a whole city. To his credit, he's not doing that. Or, at least he was not doing it in the first post. Damn, I like this band:

Ironside  50 | 12928  
4 Sep 2011 /  #58
I don't think he is the one with the chip. He described the good points of the trip, then the incident.

You better f stop talking rubbish.
Read all that stuff he wrote and tell me that is all nothing and his expressions are understandable.

Let's assume for a moment that he isn't troll. He make acquittance with some girls, he stick with them in hope that he will get laid. Some guys who these girls hanged out with after few minutes noticed what this is all about, and told them to get lost, they did. No harm done.

Now, OP is a prick and arrogant cowardly prick.
He could go for brawl but he didn't. Instead he runs away like a *****. Thats what is bothering him - there is a big ego in a big craven.

That is the reason for all this hateful crap he is sprouting.
f stop  24 | 2493  
4 Sep 2011 /  #59
You better f stop talking rubbish.

I better?? Now, you can talk to yourself.
LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431  
4 Sep 2011 /  #60
Remember, Kraków is home to some of the toughest and most hateful hooligans in Poland.

Yes and what's more kevend have you ever heard of White Trash ? It is everywhere in Western and Eastern Europe , SA and in the US.

It is unfortunate but one cannot judge a whole city and country when meeting skinheads...

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