The bursting of the property bubble will bring "hope" to the people, and anyway as a Thatcherite, you don't care about the people ,greed is good eh...
Do you just blunder through life being wrong all the time?. If you bothered to read previous posts, you would see that I established my company in the UK, well before Maggie was elected. I do care about people, that is one of the reasons why I left the UK, I knew where the multi-culteral, socialist experiment was going to lead and I did not wish to be a part of it.
I retired in 2002 and only built here in Poland because I was bored and wanted to show my Polish friends and neighbours how it can and should be done so your accusation of greed is very far from the truth.
I am a master builder, unlike you, who is a master bater. I contribute and invest, whilst you seem to be a waste of space. Several people on this forum have seen my work and know me personally so I have nothing to hide. If you new anything about property it might be worth a discussion, but, all you seem to do is atttack people such as myself because we disagree with the unfactual statements you make.
Get a life, better still, get a job and buy a flat, it might even make you happy, instead of bitter and twisted.