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Poland Housing prices in July 2010

SeanBM  34 | 5786  
19 Dec 2010 /  #61
I met

I am sick of people on here, who live in Poland, have facts to back up their arguments and have met people involved in the business here.

I prefer Milky's opinion instead.
20 Dec 2010 /  #62
I prefer Milky's opinion instead.

I always knew you were flaky... lol

seanBM I will be in Bialka Tat from the 27th to Jan 2, if you are going to be there, pm me and I will send you my mobile. If not all the best for the festive season.
20 Dec 2010 /  #63
Harry, do you not know that there is a massive property bubble in Poland.

Well M, I bought my place for 172,000zl and the place two floors above mine just sold for 475,000zl (asking price was higher) and it isn't in as good condition as mine and doesn't have a parking space, so I looks like I've pretty much tripled my investment. Plus I had a place to live for the best part of a decade.

Such a pity that you didn't buy when you first got to Poland M. But of course you'd have had to get a real job in order to buy a place.

I am sick of people on here, who live in Poland, have facts to back up their arguments and have met people involved in the business here.

But M does live in Poland. Unfortunately the fact is that he simply can not afford to buy anything, not even in Lublin. This is because he hasn't got a job and instead sends his wife out to work.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
20 Dec 2010 /  #64
just sold for 475,000zl (asking price was higher)

If you don't mind me asking, what size is it?

sends his wife out to work.

If he were a polygamist would it be considered a franchise? ;)
20 Dec 2010 /  #65
If you don't mind me asking, what size is it?

Two rooms, about 50 metres.

If he were a polygamist would it be considered a franchise? ;)

Frankly the only way M is going to ever be able to buy a flat in Poland is to marry like a Mormon.
Wroclaw Boy  
20 Dec 2010 /  #66
I bought my place for 172,000zl and the place two floors above mine just sold for 475,000zl (asking price was higher) and it isn't in as good condition as mine and doesn't have a parking space, so I looks like I've pretty much tripled my investment.

I cleared 30% capital appreciation not to long ago on a house i bought and sold too.

Property bubble or not it improved my bank balance.

As i keep saying there will be winners and losers, Milky lost plain and simple.
20 Dec 2010 /  #67
I cleared 30% capital appreciation not to long ago on a house i bought and sold too.Property bubble or not it improved my bank balance.

There are some good buys out there for cash buyers or those that can get financing, you just got to scratch the surface and find those hidden gems.
20 Dec 2010 /  #68
Milky lost plain and simple.

Not really, M hasn't actually lost anything: property prices have simply never been low enough for a person who doesn't work to be able to buy a property.
Avalon  4 | 1063  
29 Dec 2010 /  #69

There are some good buys out there for cash buyers or those that can get financing, you just got to scratch the surface and find those hidden gems.

Someone has just dicovered one of my hidden gems. 120m2 for 300,000PLN. Viewed on Monday, they offered the full asking price and we sign the preliminary contract on Friday. Nice end of the year for 2010.

I was expecting the buyers to offer 50-60% less but they obviously do not read Milky's posts.
milky  13 | 1656  
30 Dec 2010 /  #70
There is an idiot born everyday, might as well exploit them before anyone else does.
You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.
Avalon  4 | 1063  
30 Dec 2010 /  #71
So, you accuse these people of being idiots, because, they need to buy somewhere to live. As for "fools", you seem to have managed to claim that title on your own, with your stupid, unfounded claims regarding a price crash that has never happened. Exploitation is unnessary, I happen to be a very good builder and people like my projects.

Perhaps what annoys you is the fact that as an Englishman living in Poland, I can produce buildings, sell them and make a living out of it. What's your excuse?
milky  13 | 1656  
30 Dec 2010 /  #72
Well if you make money out of a ponzi scheme,fair play. At least, as you claim,you're on the winning side. You're a real hero...
Wroclaw Boy  
30 Dec 2010 /  #73
Not really, M hasn't actually lost anything: property prices have simply never been low enough for a person who doesn't work to be able to buy a property.

Well no he hasnt lost anything in fact, but the poor bast@rd is kicking himself that he didnt buy in 2005. Hell im kicking myself that i didnt pull in every single resource and buy, buy, buy, in 2005 i would be a millionaire now and im not talking Zloty.

Well if you make money out of a ponzi scheme,fair play.

He builds apartments M, nothing ponzi about that.
Avalon  4 | 1063  
30 Dec 2010 /  #74

Well if you make money out of a ponzi scheme,fair play. At least, as you claim,you're on the winning side. You're a real hero...

The building was "legallised" (Finished in accordance with building regulations, just in case you did not understand) a year ago. So how can it be a Ponzi scheme if it exists?, you make yourself look more stupid with every post. As to being a "hero", yes, to the people who have bought a well built, new home, I suppose I am. I create dreams, unlike you, who seem to enjoy destroying peoples hopes of having a decent place to live.

Still, I suppose that if you can never own anything, why should anyone else. Keep on with that attitude and you may be able to afford a tent one day.
milky  13 | 1656  
30 Dec 2010 /  #75
destroying peoples hopes

The bursting of the property bubble will bring "hope" to the people, and anyway as a Thatcherite, you don't care about the people ,greed is good eh...
Wroclaw Boy  
30 Dec 2010 /  #76
The bursting of the property bubble will bring "hope" to the people

Hey Milky tell us some more about the 3rd Reich and how the current global economic situation is similar to that of Germany pre 1935. That was a good one me old mate. Ohh the pipes the pipes are calling..
Avalon  4 | 1063  
30 Dec 2010 /  #77

The bursting of the property bubble will bring "hope" to the people, and anyway as a Thatcherite, you don't care about the people ,greed is good eh...

Do you just blunder through life being wrong all the time?. If you bothered to read previous posts, you would see that I established my company in the UK, well before Maggie was elected. I do care about people, that is one of the reasons why I left the UK, I knew where the multi-culteral, socialist experiment was going to lead and I did not wish to be a part of it.

I retired in 2002 and only built here in Poland because I was bored and wanted to show my Polish friends and neighbours how it can and should be done so your accusation of greed is very far from the truth.

I am a master builder, unlike you, who is a master bater. I contribute and invest, whilst you seem to be a waste of space. Several people on this forum have seen my work and know me personally so I have nothing to hide. If you new anything about property it might be worth a discussion, but, all you seem to do is atttack people such as myself because we disagree with the unfactual statements you make.

Get a life, better still, get a job and buy a flat, it might even make you happy, instead of bitter and twisted.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
30 Dec 2010 /  #78
120m2 for 300,000PLN.

That's cheap as chips.

How many bedrooms was that?

Fair play.

Well if you make money

Could you not afford that?
Not even a good one double bedroom apartment at 50 metres square?
That'd work out at 31250 Euro (@4zloty to 1 Euro).
Do you work at all?
Avalon  4 | 1063  
30 Dec 2010 /  #79

That's cheap as chips.

How many bedrooms was that?

Thats 3 full sized bedrooms. It is a loft flat so the area measured is only from 2.2 mtrs high. The actual floor area is somewhere in the region of 160m2, excluding 12m2 balcony and an external storage shed + 2 parking spaces. How can it be "as cheap as chips" when I am just an "exploiting developer"? You see what a pratt this Milky is!!!!. He is a socialist, everything should be "given" to him, nobody is allowed to make a profit, even, if it means that they are creating jobs and decent housing for people on low incomes.

As well as blaming the bankers, people ought to realize that the Milky's of this world are just as much of a problem, they all want something for nothing.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
30 Dec 2010 /  #80
actual floor area is somewhere in the region of 160m2, excluding 12m2 balcony and an external storage shed + 2 parking spaces.

What no swimming pool? ;)

I take it all back, chips are more expensive.

Lake views, by any chance?
Avalon  4 | 1063  
30 Dec 2010 /  #81

Lake views, by any chance?

Of course, but not enough for Milky, only 3 lakes visible, free swimming which might appeal to his socialist nature, the walks and the bike trails in the forest are also free, so, that would make him happy, but, I doubt it. He would want to chop down the forest to heat the apartment, even though it does not have a fireplace. Central heating from an individual boiler is so "common", the communial heating system provided by the communists is far superiour.

The only thing that would really appeal to him is if I gave the apartment to him for nothing and paid him 5,000 PLN a month to live there.

Even this would not be good enough, too far from his wife's job.

Milky is not Mark
milky  13 | 1656  
31 Dec 2010 /  #82
too far from his wife's job.

Mr Developer, explain?
Avalon  4 | 1063  
31 Dec 2010 /  #83

Mr Developer, explain?

Whats to explain?. You never give any facts or explanations for your inane comments

"whats the property bubble like in Poland?"
You are like a "Duracell Battery", you go on and on and on and on and on......
but, you never provide any facts.

Why don't you enter your thread on "whats the most stupid questios asked about Poland",
it has to be par for the course.
milky  13 | 1656  
2 Jan 2011 /  #84
Well done mr developer,however the rational view at the moment is that you'll get half that amount very soon, so sell quick,before you go bankrupt. Im not sure the Polish taxpayer(unlike the irish) will pay the bill for your gambling,don't forget about those new EU laws.....
Avalon  4 | 1063  
2 Jan 2011 /  #85

What a pratt you are. You have been wrong for the past year and you still don't get it. Its my own money, the apartments "exist", why would I need a bailout?. If the few I have left do not reach my asking price, I will rent them out, not a gamble, just common sense.

It seems you have no knowledge of business, stick to working for the public sector and carry on moaning.
I think you should be more worried about the new EU laws than I, they will dictate your lifestyle for the next 10 years until the money is repaid.
milky  13 | 1656  
3 Jan 2011 /  #86
you're a gambler,thats a fact.
Avalon  4 | 1063  
3 Jan 2011 /  #87
You are correct. Every time I drive on Polish roads I am taking a gamble. I bow to your superiour knowledge.
milky  13 | 1656  
3 Jan 2011 /  #88
while his under-educated wife tries to earn enough

3 Jan 2011 /  #89
Don't tell me: you are one of the people who consider private universities in Poland to be every bit as good as state universities.
Wroclaw Boy  
3 Jan 2011 /  #90
you're a gambler,thats a fact.

Every business man is a gambler, you need to take risks, speculate to accumulate - milky.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010Archived