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Polands new class of immigrant.

Wedle  15 | 490  
5 Dec 2011 /  #1
There have been quite a few threads about Poles in the Uk. I believe it is now time to discuss foreigners in Poland. In the last three years there have been a definite different representative of foreigner turning up to Poland in search of a new life. It would seem that the financial crisis has created the third wave of lesser immigrants/workers to Poland in search of opportunity they read about in the newspapers. The TWI (third wave immigrants) in Poland seem to made up of lesser off Brits and Irish, Pakistanis, Indians and Africans. We can also toss in the returning AmPols.

What are your observations and if you are a newbie, is Poland measuring up, is it as easy as your partner told you it would be?
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
5 Dec 2011 /  #2
We can also toss in the returning AmPols.

I don't think you can put Poles who moved to America became citizens, made some money and decided to move back to Poland in the same category as others.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
5 Dec 2011 /  #3
Lesser off British and Irish? Are you joking? Just think about that for a moment and see the folly in it!
OP Wedle  15 | 490  
5 Dec 2011 /  #4
Lesser off British and Irish

Lesser off than first and second wavers.

Are you joking?


Just think about that for a moment and see the folly in it!

I do not consider it folly it is fact. If you can't see it for yourself, either you are in a small community and not exposed to it or you are blind to it.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
5 Dec 2011 /  #5
Here to do what in a job sense?
OP Wedle  15 | 490  
5 Dec 2011 /  #6
I don't think you can put Poles who moved to America became citizens, made some money and decided to move back to Poland in the same category as others.

Most of the Poles that made money came in the first and second wave, now it is mainly waifs and strays
Wroclaw Boy  
5 Dec 2011 /  #7
Most of the Poles that made money came in the first and second wave,

What years were the first and second waves?
OP Wedle  15 | 490  
5 Dec 2011 /  #8
Here to do what in a job sense?

Even the expats that are turning up now are on lower packages, competing with the local market. Read some of the posts on this board, can I survive on 4-7,000 PLN a month gross.These people are not being offered expat packages they are the lesser offs.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
5 Dec 2011 /  #9
Why the reference to 4-7K?? Is that a lesser off??
OP Wedle  15 | 490  
5 Dec 2011 /  #10
What years were the first and second waves?

I would say
First wave 88-97
Second wave 98-07

Why the reference to 4-7K?? Is that a lesser off??

Lesser off than a previously acceptable expat salary.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
5 Dec 2011 /  #11
returning AmPols.

Over the last 10 years the number of Polish Immigrants in America has fallen by 35,000, and currently consists of 458 254 people. It's not a very drastic decrease many of these people were simply the elderly who came after WWII and passed away.

However in New York the combined number of Poles and people of Polish ancestry has risen from 213 447 to 230 778 people.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
5 Dec 2011 /  #12
What was previously acceptable? 10k? What's wrong with 6k? I find that acceptable here.
OP Wedle  15 | 490  
5 Dec 2011 /  #13
Over the last 10 years the number of Polish Immigrants in America has fallen by 35,000, and currently consists of 458 254 people. It's not a very drastic decrease many of these people were simply the elderly who came after WWII and passed away

Most of the Poles I know returning from the states, do so to look after their elderly Parents, although they have been returning yearly, buying property and laying down foundations for their return. I do not consider these the same type as the ones I mentioned in the post 1 that turn up without a pot to **** in, hoping to get a job in the first week.

10k? What's wrong with 6k?

6K could be better than 10K depending on the number of hours you work.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
5 Dec 2011 /  #14
The ones you are talking about were illegal recent arrivals who got deported with only the clothes on their backs. They shouldn't have even beer there. BTW when did your first, second, and third waves occur, what time frame are we looking at?
wwwpolyglotocom  1 | 21  
5 Dec 2011 /  #15
It seems like Polish people are on each continent all over the world. It must be Polish mentality just to go wherever we think a life might be slightly better for us. If we look on Ireland and Great Britain, the increase of Polish immigrants to these countries was in the period where the economy was on its highest level. As soon as the living conditions aggravated and financial crisis hit, Polish immigrants began to leave Ireland and GB and move to different countries. The same happens with immigrants coming to Poland. I believe that they are coming to Poland because there are looking for a better life and hope for the best.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
5 Dec 2011 /  #16
And what are the third wave working for, Wedle?
OP Wedle  15 | 490  
5 Dec 2011 /  #17
when did your first, second, and third waves occur, what time frame are we looking at?

Post 10

The same happens with immigrants coming to Poland. I believe that they are coming to Poland because there are looking for a better life and hope for the best.

The current wave I would agree with you, the previous waves many expats came to work for Int companies got married and stayed or used Poland as their base, while they went on contract to other countries.Now an interesting thing is the old boys who had success in Poland are starting to sell up and move to the UK or USA, its all about education for their children, the Polish International schools just can compete and the fees are the same.

And what are the third wave working for, Wedle?

Sometimes 6PLN an hour, they take what they can get.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
5 Dec 2011 /  #18
Never heard of that, Wedle. That's not to say it doesn't happen but I see tanks approaching my eyes.
OP Wedle  15 | 490  
5 Dec 2011 /  #19
The olympic stadium market is full of asians working for 5/6 PLN an hour. Its like the united colors of benneton.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
5 Dec 2011 /  #20
I meant British and Irish workers more.
OP Wedle  15 | 490  
5 Dec 2011 /  #21
We have has some on here saying they work on minimum wage, sometimes you gotta do what the market dictates, you know yourself if you are outside the big cities, thee is only really teaching English or competing with the locals.

I know this is off topic, it is worthy of a read:

Seanus  15 | 19668  
5 Dec 2011 /  #22
True but it's the first I've heard of them being here to earn 10PLN per hour.
6 Dec 2011 /  #23
Wendle makes an fantasy thread.

Whats special about 1997? More significant than entry to the EU ?
6 Dec 2011 /  #24
Whats special about 1997?

That's when Labour got in. Those who escaped early were the lucky ones.
OP Wedle  15 | 490  
6 Dec 2011 /  #25
Wendle makes an fantasy thread.

Whats special about 1997? More significant than entry to the EU ?

I will not respond to any further posts from non members. So smart ars* there was something very important for Poland and foreign business in 1997. 2004 was important for Poles not for FDI the companies were well established by that late period.

That's when Labour got in. Those who escaped early were the lucky ones

Maybe in some parts of the Uk, I am referring more to Poland, in January 1995 Poland introduced the current PLN, the GDP growth rate started to slow down significantly after 1997 and resulted in the Polish recession of 2001 & 2002 picking up again in 2003. FDI also slowed down in 1997 and many of the foreign investors put there expansion plans on ice, which resulted in less expats arriving ad more early bird entrepreneurs leaving as Poland moved towards the lean years.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
6 Dec 2011 /  #26
I will not respond to any further posts from non members.

Are you as pompous in real life, as you come across here?
OP Wedle  15 | 490  
6 Dec 2011 /  #27

Post 25
Wroclaw Boy  
6 Dec 2011 /  #28
Are you as pompous in real life, as you come across here?

Ohh look peter can actually remember his password when given the proper motivation.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Dec 2011 /  #29
The TWI (third wave immigrants) in Poland seem to made up of lesser off Brits and Irish, Pakistanis, Indians and Africans. We can also toss in the returning AmPols.

Still plenty of wealthy Brits and Irish turning up, though the ones who were here to make a quick buck have mostly vanished after getting their fingers burnt.

But yes, you're actually right. There's quite a few Brits turning up who can't string a sentence together, who wonder why they're unemployable and why it's much harder than they expected to make a living. There was one clown on here who was living in the middle of nowhere, who was ******** and whining about his living situation - but he actually turned down 2500PLN a month to drive a bus. He couldn't use English properly, he was absolutely skill-less - etc.

I'd say that anyone that moves here with a wife and baby hoping for a "better life" without plans or ability to make something of themselves is doomed to a miserable, pathetic existence.
OP Wedle  15 | 490  
6 Dec 2011 /  #30
Agreed 100%, also we must take into consideration many of the Brits/Irish/Americans et al who have been around a while in Poland have busted their balls to carve out a living, nothing comes easy in Poland especially if you have lack of disposable. I am convinced 100% it is so much easier for the Poles moving to the Uk/Ireland other nations, than other non Poles moving to Poland. Firstly most Poles salaries increase by up to 500% when working overseas, while foriegners moving to Poland must lower their expectations, with the exception of those on an expat package.

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