People are quite economically clueless
Well dude, people are economically clues not only in Poland or not only particularly in Poland. On the other hand who can blame them. Poland's economy is for the most part post-communist economy, if they see taxes are going for benefits of a chosen few they are happy if money are distributed more evenly.
Is that makes an economical sense in the long run - no. Same as it doesn't make sense to keep commie judges in courts or commie officers in the army. It doesn't make any sense to not return all that private property that had been stolen by the Soviet into the hand of the rightful owners.
In short post-colonial, post-communist problems any other society would have the same or similar problems if it would undergone what Poland's people had been through.
Also let not pretend that democracy would work if a ruling class would announce to the plebe what is what and expect them to obey. Well, you might be used that this kind of 'democracy'.
But what's the poin
The point in having children is to have them. That is a natural thing for all creature big and small. However no matter how inaptly you put it I get your point and well met Z. You have a point here, the point nobody can deny.
I see it this way - PiS is there to make a way for another force that will actually address fundamental issues of the Polish society, politics and state.
No matter how little they're doing, they at least try to do something for t he country.
THAT is a big step forward.