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Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy.

dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
14 Dec 2016 /  #2521
Poland is not politically mature yet if you understand me

I would agree, I have no real problem with either of the main party's, they both seem to make mistakes and have their own problems when it comes to credibility on the global stage.

it'll turn into a complete facist dictatorship

That won't happen unless an external devious extreme external powers such as Russia or the EU force their style of marxist dictatorship in Poland.

I can't see facism catching on any time soon in Poland , but be aware there are still dark forces left over from communist times eager to support all that is left wing and marxist.

nor leftie liberal

We don't have a lefty liberal communist party in Poland but I think that KOD is the seed from which a worryng new extreme left wing party will grow.
jon357  72 | 23361  
14 Dec 2016 /  #2522
it'll turn into what the Blueshirts wanted in Ireland, Catho-fascism.

This is exactly what some of them want.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
14 Dec 2016 /  #2523
Poland is in danger of turning full circle and is gradually becoming a police state with a totalitarian government.

no it's not, it has not very competent government doing incompetent clueless things that te country will easily survive, Poles don't do totalitarian and even martial law (the worst of the PRL) wasn't as bad as normal operations in East Germany or Romania...

Poland's apathy will keep it from crazy extremes.

there are still dark forces left over from communist times eager to support all that is left wing and marxist.

uhhhh how long have you been living here now? I'm over 20 years and those "dark forces" don't exist beyond the fevered imaginations of a few rabble rousers like Rydzyk or Kaczyński.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
14 Dec 2016 /  #2524
"dark forces" don't exist

Dunno where you live city?

I was warned about who to watch out for when I first moved here in the village, and true enough there are those that have some level of influence who are very much unhappy about the fall of communism and the old days and how that has impacted on their LivelyHoods (Cheating and scamming)
15 Dec 2016 /  #2525
there are those that have some level of influence who are very much unhappy about the fall of communism and the old days and how that has impacted on their LivelyHood

Yes, there's one of those here, but everybody just laughs at him.
19 Dec 2016 /  #2526
what PO was trying to do by illegal ways, PiS tries to make a LEGAL STANDARD.

I strongly oppose any government that tries to hide itself from "uncomortable" questions of **various** journalists. I don't care from which option these journalists are. They may be from TVN, Polsat, TVPInfo, Tv Narodowa, TV Lewicowa, whatever.

These days, governments in so called "democratic" countries love to spy on everyone and know everyting about their citizens, yet they love to hide behind venetian mirror. That's why I oppose recent try of PiS and I fully support recent demonstrations.

No responsability, no accountability, endless posibilities to steal - this is what crooks from governments love to do. Just like they did in Hungary.Just google how does look journalists' access to parlaments in various democratic countries...Only crooked and corrupted countries like Italy or recently Hungary are doing things like that. Its not about KOD, about coup, about thiefs from PO or PiS...its about STANDARDS !

Supporters ofPiS:

I really dont care about your frustrations,its nobody else's fault that you earn 300 euros/ month.
""PiS because they will give me something, and this is what government is for. "" I bet that 70 % of Poles would signin under this, thats why we have what we have now. nationalist socialists
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
19 Dec 2016 /  #2527
Demonstrations are ...

Hilarious and pathetic. Hahahahha. Those few manipulated people always make me laugh.
Paulina  17 | 4465  
19 Dec 2016 /  #2528
Only crooked and corrupted countries like Italy or recently Hungary are doing things like that. Its not about KOD, about coup, about thiefs from PO or PiS...its about STANDARDS !


Those few manipulated people always make me laugh.

Pro-Putin Russians laugh at those anti-Putin protesters in Moscow too. They find them hilarious and pathetic too. (Oh, and they consider them to be traitors either manipulated or bought by the West). So you're in "good" company.

You're probably a fan of Putin too? :)
Crow  154 | 9463  
19 Dec 2016 /  #2529
Poland is safe and that is most important. That`s what I see from Serbian media. That`s most important.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Dec 2016 /  #2530
rabble rousers like Rydzyk or Kaczyński.

You forgot Kijowski, Petru, Schetyna and Komorowski. The latter is advocating physical force, but only a punch-up. Wałęsa proposes defenestration and has
said opposition should help government officials jump out of the URM's upper-storey windows.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
19 Dec 2016 /  #2531
Sure i am. I am "good" with all that can be good for my country. Im sure that good relations with The West and with The East are just like that.

I see no reason to polarize. We can cooperate with all. We dont have to call Russians enemies just because Hamburgerica hates them (is scared of them).
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Dec 2016 /  #2532

Femi-Facsism and Homo-Fascism are even worse!
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Dec 2016 /  #2533

Putin is now probably rubbing his mits with glee at the sight of hostilre mobs ont eh streets, blocking parliament, holding the PM and MPs hostage and trying to prevent them leaving the parliamentary grounds. The sight of such anarchy and general instability is grist to his mill. After all, he secretly hopes NATO will deicde that such a volatile and politically unstable Poland may not be the best place to deploy troops and hardware along the eastern flank. Way to go, KOD!
Crow  154 | 9463  
19 Dec 2016 /  #2534
See, Putin have imagination, for sure. But, its not Putin who isolates Poland from Hungary and Serbia, lure Poland into political instability. Think about that.

Anglos shake Poland right now.
Crow  154 | 9463  
19 Dec 2016 /  #2535
Before Duda came to power, official Poland recognized partition of Serbia, while police in Poland used to beat Polish children during pro-Serbian demonstrations in Poland. That`s how started political instability in Poland.

And who support Serbians within Poland? Patriots. Right winged Catholics and others. So, defending Serbians they defending their Poland. It also means that Russians now aren`t involved against Poland. Polish patriots knows that. Russia traditionally have respect for Polish-Serbian deals. Russia demonstrate it on the example of Hungary, too.
Crow  154 | 9463  
19 Dec 2016 /  #2536
Tusk was behind Poland`s decision to recognize Kosovo. He then admitted to Polish students that he did so due to Poland`s obligations to NATO. See, Kaczinsky opposed to Tusk and defended Serbians. He traveled to Russia to talk about Serbia, among else. Serbia is probably last connecting point of balance between Poland and Russia.

See. Tusk admitted already. He worked on the pressure from western Europe, USA Clinton`s and puppet Obama. Only blind and idiots don`t see simple truth.

But, we most humiliated and most contemptible, we are most loyal to Poland. Those who attacking us, those same attacking Poland.
Paulina  17 | 4465  
19 Dec 2016 /  #2537
Sure i am.

A fan of Putin?

Im sure that good relations with The West and with The East are just like that.

Really? PiS seems to have problems with both the West and the East... lol

We can cooperate with all.

With the devil too? lol

Putin is now probably rubbing his mits with glee at the sight of hostilre mobs ont eh streets

You think he wasn't doing that during all those demonstrations about Smoleńsk with torches and when he watched the devastation of Warsaw during the Independence Day marches?

The sight of such anarchy and general instability is grist to his mill.

PiS caused this anarchy and instabilty by breaking the law and the Constitution.

Right now I don't care what Putin is rubbing, tbh, what I care about is whether my country will be a democratic, successful country and not some semi-authoritarian corrupt state ruled by incompetent, primitive idiots who can't tell democracy and rule of law from their toilet paper.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
19 Dec 2016 /  #2538
PiS seems to have problems with both the West and the East... lol

Rather with eastern the soviet(Russian_) neo-imperialism and western neo-Marxism. I would say that being enemy of both is kind of good.

he watched the devastation of Warsaw during the Independence Day marches?

What devastation? are you Sienkiewicz or Sikorski by any chance? PO done it as all and sundry already know.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Dec 2016 /  #2539
rule of law

Some claim that that the law of rule is possible only when the post-PZPR/post-KOR clique are in power and their backers and stoogres alone enjoy the fruits of transformation. That became especially clear when KOdists and ex-SB guys were marching shoulder to shoulder in defence of "democracy". For the Polish "rabble" (the majority of the nation) the choice is between a dead-end job in Poland or washing dishes or hammering nails in the UK.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Dec 2016 /  #2540
Putin have imagination

Piutin is a sh*t, a pint-sized megalomaniac and mini-Hitler. And he won't last forever. Even the long-suffering, long-under-the-boot, incredibly patient and lethargical Russians will rise up and sweep it all away.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Dec 2016 /  #2541
complete facist dictatorship

What then would you calll the Tusk-Kopacz regime? A construct based on ex-SB and ex-KOR types turned shady businessmen, Soros-style economics and supportive professional dynasties and entertainment-industry types, scamsters, banksters and assorted wheeler-dealer con artists. And that to you is preferable to a government of the people, by the people and for the people? As a Catholic you most certainly are for the salt of the earth, not snooty, self-styled, look-down-on-your-fellow-man elitists!
mafketis  38 | 11137  
20 Dec 2016 /  #2542
Some claim that that the law of rule is possible only when the post-PZPR/post-KOR clique are in power

That does seem to be the case, doesn't it? For a lawyer, JK seems to hate the idea of having to follow the law.

their backers and stoogres alone enjoy the fruits of transformation

That is just demented. No one with their eyes open can deny that Poland has benefitted enormously over the last 20 or so years, or would you prefer to go back to 1996 living standards?

And that to you is preferable to a government of the people, by the people and for the people?

If you can think that PiS is out to help anyone but themselves and their cronies, then you be crazy!
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
20 Dec 2016 /  #2543
that PiS is out to help anyone but themselves and their cronies

Haven't they introduced the 500+ program to help families with children?
20 Dec 2016 /  #2544
the 500+ program

Remind me how that's being funded.
20 Dec 2016 /  #2545
i'm not a "catholic" Polonius, but I know more about religions and antropology than more than 80 % of so called catholica in .pl

will it make me welcome in new Poland or will I get considered as a "enemy element", "burgouiose element" or example of unneccsesary burgouis science.

How will i fit in brave new world ? ;-))

Will I get taxed with special tax because i'm different than visions from Kaczynski's and his cat's heads ?
20 Dec 2016 /  #2546
its funded from the money of people that dared to work harder, know better and be stronger than the rest.

usually, these kind of people dont count on the government to rise and feed their kids, maybe thats why they will be considered as "strange" in brand new catho- socialist Poland....

"ostatni gasi swiatlo", like they say.
"Wodzu prowadz nas na Kowno ! "
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
20 Dec 2016 /  #2547
but I know more about religions and antropology than more than 80 % of so called catholica in .pl

So what draws you to poland smart arse, are you another superior know all being from another land here to educate and dictate to us poor Poles.

I think you are probably another economic looser now trapped in Poland, who cant make it in the lands where the economic big boys play.

But carry on even poor substitues are needed to fill the gaps left by our migrating graduates .
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
20 Dec 2016 /  #2548
I think you are probably another economic looser now trapped in Poland,

Who are the previous ones, Dolno, any ideas?
20 Dec 2016 /  #2549
us poor Poles.

Since when were you either of those things?

migrating graduates .

An outflow that's going to be increased by the illegal actions of the 18% regime.
Crow  154 | 9463  
20 Dec 2016 /  #2550
Even the long-suffering, long-under-the-boot, incredibly patient and lethargical Russians will rise up and sweep it all away.

so you believe in Russians?

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