Polonius3 980 | 12276 20 Dec 2016 / #2551Russians?Who knows? Maybe some day, after cneturies of beign under the boot of tsars or commisars, they will wisen up. But there's no guarantee.
Ironside 50 | 12466 20 Dec 2016 / #2552Since when were you either of those things?Oi 'arry! He is Polish claiming otherwise makes you look like a clown.
Crow 154 | 9150 21 Dec 2016 / #2553I still want to believe in Duda. He spoke about Intermarium. I know, call me naive
dolnoslask 5 | 2808 23 Dec 2016 / #2554We had a visit from government minister in a city down here in the sticks , out of a population of 88,000 the KOD thugs managed to get only five people to demonstrate (bully) , It proves the fact that one libtard commie thug can make the noise of 10 people, take a look below.The Police are currently investigating the assault on the Femail ministeryoutube.com/watch?v=5kyE04L5avYNote the commets no one loves the koderasta down here.