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Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy.

Ironside  50 | 12928  
29 Feb 2016 /  #1591
is watching PiS supporters accuse KOD of being what PiS actually is. It's an old communist trick.

Writing things like that and you're doing constantly here is amounting to what the kindergarten kids are doing calling names - you are stupid no YOU are stupid.

What you are doing here is so immature delph that is not even funny.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Feb 2016 /  #1592
Writing things like that and you're doing constantly here is amounting to what the kindergarten kids are doing calling names - you are stupid no YOU are stupid.

That's exactly what the PiS supporters here have been doing. Read through this thread - it's a torrent of abuse towards KOD, yet no-one seems to actually have any evidence of what they're accusing.

Either way, they always seem to get more abusive after these demonstrations. Is it fear?
Ironside  50 | 12928  
29 Feb 2016 /  #1593
Either way, they always seem to get more abusive after these demonstrations. Is

No being PiS supporter I'm not in position to answer your question. I can only share my feeling and thought on the subject.
Personally those hypocrites form KOD are annoying me big time. Yet, it is not fear I would be sorely tempted to disperse them with few well aimed hand grenades. ( talking about feelings not plans of course)

I guess seeing who is participating and who is behind KOD and all that boohoo, PiS supports are annoyed as well. Seeing righty that if they were to pull stunt like that they would be branded long ago as fascist trying to overthrown democratically elected government who should b e put to jail, and undercover policemen would be working already to cause a provocation which would allowed to refuse them a right to demonstrate and so on.....

The only reason that PO, KOD, Petru and all that corrupt cliques and old coy commies and their cronies are in the good graces in the EU is the fact they joined progressivism and lefties that is dominating in Europe at the moment. Those people are supporting their own ideological brethren even though they are only opportunistic fellow travelers on the power trip.

They'll fall like all those 'mighty' ********* with Junkier in tow.
goofy  1 | 39  
29 Feb 2016 /  #1594
KOD is a bunch of old SBeks and other tentatcles of the Post-Magdalenka system of shared power between Commies and TW Bolek, TW Litwin, TW Jurek and TW Alek and maaaany more.

Their chief leader is a known criminal that doesnt pay alimonies to the 9 women he has children with all across Poland.
goofy  1 | 39  
29 Feb 2016 /  #1596
I know that your mentality of a simple Party lover hates any dissent and other opinions, but id like to remind you that this is a thread about KOD etc, not about a case from coupleof years ago.

If you have any other news about Blaszczak etc I'd suggest you going to your local police station. ;)

Now coming back to Kijowski and his uncontrollable urge to spawn more brats that he cant pay for.

" Kijowski has a debt of 80 000zl in unpaid alimonies"

In other words, a bad unloyal husband, an aweful father that most liekly has never seen his children.. is one of the leaders of a typical lemming-lewak :)))))))

I'll stay with Kaczynski/Duda and Szydlo :)

as the old saying goes,

"Byłeś w ZOMO, teraz w KOD-zie - demokracja zawsze w modzie!"

" You were in ZOMo, now you are in KOD - democracy's always fashonable" :))))

pzdr dla kumatych
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Feb 2016 /  #1597
Violent uprising

Had Wałęsa not pulled his 1992 stunt, there would have been no bloody uprising. Once Soviet troops had left Poland, the government was under no obligation to honour the RT agreements. It's like police bargaining with a kidnapper, psychopathic criminal, terrrorist or blackmailer. They'll promise anything just to save lives and/or capture the culprit. Pledges made to a criminal regime of Soviet lackeys and Katyń deniers with oceans of blood on their hands would not have to be kept. By then a true verification of police and army brass would have been carried out and only reliable and trusted anti-communists loyal to Wałęsa would be on duty. A repeat of Yanaev's revolt would not have taken place in Poland. Also the "Salon" would have been only a shadow of its present self and there probably would not have been a SLD government and presidency.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Feb 2016 /  #1598
Now coming back to Kijowski and his uncontrollable urge to spawn more brats that he cant pay for.

It's pretty much irrelevant. He's already explained the situation (that he would pay if he could, and he will as soon as he gets the money to do so) and no-one is bothered by it. The only people getting hysterical about it are the ones that were told to do so by PiS, aka PZPRbis. Such attacks on people's family lives were a trademark of Communists.

In other words, a bad unloyal husband, an aweful father that most liekly has never seen his children..

Hahahaha. You're just making up stuff now, and more to the point, it shows what kind of person you are if you have to abuse the person rather than the politics. Then again, what else can one expect from a typical PiS supporting patriot that prefers to work for foreign powers against Polish interests? ;)

" You were in ZOMo, now you are in KOD - democracy's always fashonable" :))))

Remind us which ruling party in Poland appointed an ex PZPR public prosecutor to lead the human rights commission and who now takes part in attacks on Wałęsa. Ah yes, that would be PiS.

PiS are standing exactly where ZOMO was standing, and more to the point, they're happily using the State to fight their enemies. Disgusting.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
29 Feb 2016 /  #1599
Once Soviet troops had left Poland, the government was under no obligation to honour the RT agreements.

That's called retro-active legislation and it would have retarded Poland's growth for several years. You really have no idea how much the economy had been hollowed out, do you? Governments that reneg on agreements (no matter how onerous) are on no one's list of investment opportunities.

The economic misery in the early 90s was pretty profound and would have been worse if Poland gained the reputation of a bad faith actor that went back on its word.

Plus... there's the expert problem. The party was full of hacks, and some vicious animals and some apolitical very competent people who had joined for career purposes. Excluding them from the post communist system would be really, really dumb.

there probably would not have been a SLD government and presidency.

Had the post RT governed reneged on its agreements Poland would have probably gone the path of Belarus or early 90s Slovakia (the latter turned back from the precipice but the former never has).

Kwaśniewski was a decent president (for all his .... wpadki) probably the best post 1989 president (in terms of being a working politician).

Yes the whole transfer from the PRL to the RP was messy and and problematic and lots of things would have been nicer but trying to fix that now is just incredibly wrongheaded the problems facing Poland now have nothing to do with who did or didn't work with the SB in the 1970s.
goofy  1 | 39  
29 Feb 2016 /  #1600
Remind us which ruling party in Poland appointed an ex PZPR public prosecutor to lead the human rights commission and who now takes part in attacks on Wałęsa. Ah yes, that would be PiS.

You mean the same Walesa that was woriking for the SB???!
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Feb 2016 /  #1601
You don't have any proof. Wałęsa is innocent until proven guilty.

The fact that you think he's guilty is neither here nor there.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Feb 2016 /  #1602
transfer from the PRL to the RP was messy

Yes it was, and the way it played out after the dust had settled was that an ex-red/pinko salon emerged (now it's called KOD or the Michnik camp), called the shots, lived off the fat of the land and left the bulk of the nation in hardship and poverty. And PZPR bigshots got pensions many times greater than the average Poles they had victimised. Is that PO or KOD style justice in your book?

orrent of abuse

Ever KOD march is a hate parade spewing a torrent of abuse against the democratcially elected government. That old crooked-nosed b*tch Krzywonos led the hate session in Gdańsk and called Kaczyński a "kurdupel". She had good reason to spew such bile. Tusk had given her a special old-age pension of 6000 zł in recognition of her PiS-bashing. That's not the normal income of a retired tram driver. Ręka rękę myje!
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Feb 2016 /  #1603
spewing a torrent of abuse

That old crooked-nosed b*tch Krzywonos

And that, people, comes from a PiS supporter.

By the way Polonius, Krzywonos was there, took part in the strikes and was beaten by the authorities. Where were you?
goofy  1 | 39  
29 Feb 2016 /  #1604
By the way Polonius, Krzywonos was there, took part in the strikes and was beaten by the authorities.

You mean

Krzywonos stole teh moeny, got drunk and had sex with two lads outside the Shipyards?

True heroes of Solidarity:
- Anna Walentynowicz (SP)
- Andrzej Gwiazda and his dear wife
- jacek kaczmarski

NOT krzywonos, kuron, michnik or bolek
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Feb 2016 /  #1605
Krzywonos stole teh moeny, got drunk and had sex with two lads outside the Shipyards?

You're absolutely disgusting. You're a child living in the UK, yet you think it's appropriate to abuse one of the heroes of Solidarność in such a way?

If anyone is reading this and is still in doubt why KOD matters, this is exactly the kind of hateful bile that we're demonstrating against.
goofy  1 | 39  
29 Feb 2016 /  #1606
KOD-fail in the USA
Brawo Imigracja!!!

OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Feb 2016 /  #1607
Beautiful, Goofy. Such a thing can only draw attention to what's happening in Poland further, especially if the police had to be involved.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Feb 2016 /  #1608
position in society to influence others.

You meant to say "to brainwash others". Only the very naive could believe
all that one-sided KOD codswallop. But, as they say: Głupich nie sieją sami się rodzą!
Wulkan  - | 3136  
29 Feb 2016 /  #1609
It's an old communist trick.

So now they are communists, not fascists any more? make your mind up.

this is exactly the kind of hateful bile that we're demonstrating against.

So not defence of democracy anymore?
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Feb 2016 /  #1610
So now they are communists, not fascists any more?

Never called them fascists. I've always been clear that PiS = PZPRbis.

After all, they even have their own version of Trybuna Ludu to brainwash the masses with. (well, except that circulation is laughable and barely anyone is ever seen reading it)
Wulkan  - | 3136  
29 Feb 2016 /  #1611
Never called them fascists.

Oh so you are some sort of unique KODer because most of them call them fascists.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Feb 2016 /  #1612
Trybuna Ludu

We all know you prefer the Trybuna Koszerna, Michnik's hate-spewing rag.

heroes of Solidarność

President advier Prof. Zybertowicz suggests after viewing the last KOD march that all that may be another part of Russia's hybrid warfare. "Marching in support of a paid informer who destroyed people's lives," according to him, could only serve Moscow. It's a known fact that Poland and other countries are peppered with the Kremlin's agents of influence, including poltical parties, KOD ranks, the Sejm, state administration, treasury companies and possibly even the Church. The constant attacks on the government by the street cabaret's never-ending hate speech, the simmering, further polarisation of society and destabilisation of the poltical scene can only scare away potential investors and does not serve Poland as a whole. Then whom does it serve? It's something to think about.

The typical trough-defender's' reply is that it will end only when the governemnt.....
If it isn't one thing, they'll think up something else.
It calls to mind aother ultimatum: If only Poland allowed an extraterritorial rail-line and motorway across the Polish Corrdor..... Toujours la même chose!

OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Mar 2016 /  #1613
President advier Prof. Zybertowicz suggests after viewing the last KOD march that all that may be another part of Russia's hybrid warfare.

Of course he would say that. Meanwhile, the biggest oil company in Poland is in the hands of an ex-PZPR member.

I don't think you need to be a genius to work out that it's just yet another crude PiS smear against the opposition.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
1 Mar 2016 /  #1614


We could just cut and paste this for a whooooole bunch of different recent threads....
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Mar 2016 /  #1615
ex-PZPR member

But you only single out some ex-PZPR members as baddies. What about Balcerowicz who detsroyed Poland's industrial assets, Kuioń who destroyed the Polish Scouting Movement, Tusk's Justice Min. Ćwiąkalski and Educaiton Min. Kudrycka and on could go on and on. If they served their PO masters they are OK, but....

One-sided Delphic objectivity!
You've heard what people call KOD -- Komitet Obrony Koryta, and maybe the saying: Dawniej był ochotnikiem ORMO teraz głosuje za platformą. A new one going round is: Dawniej miałem ksywę TW, teraz jestem redkatorem GW.
1 Mar 2016 /  #1616
Well well the below link is to a bbc news night documentary. The British public are being spoon fed one sided information from the leftists, no wonder my fellow Brits here are so confused.

Britain would do well to bring in media laws similar to the ones in Poland.


Enjoy, you might spot a PF member.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
3 Mar 2016 /  #1617
one sided information

The sly and crafty manipuators of the GW camp get ready play in the West's leftstream media whose reports are bounced back to Poland creating the impression that the whole world sides with Michnik and

KOD. GW's false start with the Vencie draft was another propagandistic attempt to influence public opinion against the Polish government. If the volume of decibels, the frequency with which lies are repeated and the size of throngs of followers on the streets were the sole criteria of righteousness, than Hitler's successors would still be in power.
milky  13 | 1656  
4 Mar 2016 /  #1618
Maybe demonstrations don't work anymore. Remember the mass demos against the Bush invasion of Iraq. PIS will manipulate the numbers and ignore public opinion both internally and externally. They've taken the key from the front door.
4 Mar 2016 /  #1619
Poland needs to stay away from other countries when it comes to war.
When you go to war just to please US globalists and neocons you get a bad image. It doesnt benefit Poland.
Then this aggression is used against you (including minor players like Poland).
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 Mar 2016 /  #1620

The only ones doing the smearing are KOD. And yet they can march in all their frustrated fury till they're blue in the face but the caravan of good change will forge ahead. The caravan is totally unconcerned about the interests of the small but vociferous privileged post-RT clique that beleive they've got a fore-ordained right to rule and benefit and to hell with the rest. The caravan is concerned about righting the wrongs and neglect of the past 26 years and finally spreading the benefits to the Polish nation as a whole. Morawiecki is the man, in fact it has been rumoured he may well be the one to eventually replace Kaczyński as PiS leader.


The frustrated, hateful trough-defenders have displayed their total lack of class and hooligan orientation by turning the opening of an exhibiton dedicated to World War Two hero Genral Władysław Anders into a shouting match. The trouble-makers, sporting those tell-tale KOD badges, hurled insults at Maria Anders and her father and attacked the government for their financial support of Father Rydzyk. Anders stood her ground and told the hecklers: "If you are not interested in the exhibition pertaining to my father, then you shouldn't be here."

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