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Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy.

11 Jan 2016 /  #811
Because the electorate have a choice and can vote with their feet. A 2 hour flight, a job paying 5 times as much in a free,low tax, non socialist country is every Pole's salvation.

Poland is a retirement home for good Catholics. The PiS government seem desperate to drive away investment with their magic socialist money tree. As a consequence, Polish affluence will be another decade away, if ever.

The young can emigrate, destroy that and the will start to give a f*** about Polands comedy politics.

the value in actually engaging with their electorate in the way that American politicians do.

Less than 50% of Americans bother voting because they realise it's pointless. Engaged? Nope.
Librarius  - | 90  
11 Jan 2016 /  #812
magic socialist money

What a contradiction in terms.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
11 Jan 2016 /  #813
There's a whole lost generation here


My own theory is that there's something with the educational system that is alienating the youth voters.

The 18-30 demographic has _always_ been apathetic and ostentatiously apolitical in Poland (at least since the communist period). This might be partly because communism debased politics just as it debased everything else it touched.

The only exception I've ever seen was during the PiS government when they appointed Giertych as Minister of Education and he wanted to ramp up the patriotrism and pope-centered nature of the high school required reading list. People who had finished high school a few years earlier were actually concerned about was going to happen to future high school students. I'll always be grateful to Giertych for awakening the political consciousness of young educated Poles even if it didn't last very long.

pushing more "Polishness" and history onto the youth might make them even less interested

For sure, if you want to turn young people against something, force them to learn about it in high school When I was in high school we had to take a class "Americanism vs Communism" (yes, that was the title) and it essentially turned us all into socialists for a time (I got over it after a few years). When I took it was also taught by an evangelical Christian who spent a lot of time hyping up his religion and it turned me against that too.
G (undercover)  
11 Jan 2016 /  #814
I'll always be grateful to Giertych

Did you jump with him at the KOD comedy ?

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Jan 2016 /  #815
KOD comedy

Giertych appears to be a classic turncoat -- buoyed up by frustarted poltical ambition. He did try to re-Polonise the school curriculum in 2005-2007 but when PO won in 2007 he began cosying up to those in power. Once a good right-wing national conservative (the Giertych fmaily were known Dmowski-ites), he is now seeking a poltical foothold among frustrated liberal-leftist trough-defending losers and pro-foreign-interest types. It makes one wonder whether he harbours any genuine beliefs and values of his own or is merely a political opportunist.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
11 Jan 2016 /  #816
Did you jump with him at the KOD comedy ?

I like this one better


Though this one is okay too


Giertych appears to be a classic turncoat

More projection?

He did try to re-Polonise the school curriculum in 2005-2007

To the .... displeasure of people that actually had to attend Polish schools

Once a good right-wing national conservative (the Giertych fmaily were known Dmowski-ites)

Stop beating around the bush, LPR was a proto-fascist party (down to the thuggish youth brigade). That's who PiS chose as a coalition partner, a proto-fascist. Remember that, why expect anything different this time around?

It makes one wonder whether he harbours any genuine beliefs and values of his own

Who cares? If he stays out of politics I wish him no ill (I'm a very forgiving sort). I don't see him reviving his career anytime soon. If he does try to actively revive his career then I'm pretty sure I'd be against him.
G (undercover)  
11 Jan 2016 /  #817
So KOD crowd are proto-fascists ?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Jan 2016 /  #818
--Ensuring that 14 of 15 TK judges are appointed by and serve the interests of the trough-defending camp with 1 recommended by everyone else.

CORRECTION: The abbreviation PO/KOD inadvertently dropped out of that sentence. It should read:
--Ensuring that 14 of 15 TK judges are appointed by the PO/KOD side and serve the interests of the trough-defending camp with 1 recommended by everyone else.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
11 Jan 2016 /  #819
So KOD crowd are proto-fascists ?

Is it an arm of LPR?

Ensuring that 14 of 15 TK judges are appointed by the PO/KOD side and serve the interests of the trough-defending camp

Yes, they're defending the trough against PiS, no wonder PiS hates the constitution - it puts limits on their ability to plunder....
G (undercover)  
11 Jan 2016 /  #820
I guess the guy has changed from proto-fascist to a democrat once he chose to be PO's operative ?
mafketis  38 | 11137  
11 Jan 2016 /  #821
Who cares? If he stays out of politics (besides occasionally adding comic relief) then I have no interest in him. If he tries to reenter politics as a Neo-Dmoswki-ite then I'll be against him. Will you? Or does JK have to tell you what your opinion is first?
G (undercover)  
11 Jan 2016 /  #822
If he stays out of politics

LOL ! He was on the PO's lists during last elections.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
11 Jan 2016 /  #823
also the famine and mass emigration....
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Jan 2016 /  #824
Yes, they're defending the trough against PiS, no wonder PiS hates the constitution - it puts limits on their ability to plunder....

That's exactly why we're against PiS. Anyone with a brain can see that it's very much a Party that provides great career opportunities for the loyal, regardless of actual talent or knowledge.

Still, these demonstrations are achieving great press coverage abroad, which in turn is piling the pressure on PiS. I read today that Duda is now suffering from mild depression because of just how negative the public are towards him.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
11 Jan 2016 /  #825
I read today that Duda is now suffering from mild depression

Poor baby, it's not too late for him to find his balls and backbone..... or is it?
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Jan 2016 /  #826
It transpires that his daughter is studying law at UJ, and of course, his former colleagues think he's a disgrace. Should've thought about that before you decided to completely ignore the law, eh Duda?
G (undercover)  
11 Jan 2016 /  #827
He should send her abroad to study. With all these sick feckers, no one knows how far they might go...
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Jan 2016 /  #828
She might fail the year, oh no!

More to the point, it shows your way of thinking if you think that political assassinations are on the agenda. Fortunately, no-one within KOD thinks like you.
G (undercover)  
11 Jan 2016 /  #829
So far we've had only one.
11 Jan 2016 /  #830
Duda is now suffering from mild depression because of just how negative the public are towards him.

He's not only depressed about that, he's depressed about his future career prospects, no more moonlighting at private universities to earn nearly a hundred thousand zloty a year on top of his generous salary from the taxpayer, no more chances to defraud the taxpayer for flights to work and back; instead just a few court dates and a rather different type of taxpayer-funded accommodation. Perhaps somebody could cheer him up by letting him know that lawyers usually have a slightly easier time in prison because other prisoners want to benefit from their professional knowledge?
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Jan 2016 /  #831
Indeed. Greggy and the rest of the PiS activists here are so hung up on the demonstrations that they really don't understand what KOD is actually doing. Needless to say, the evidence against Duda is mounting.
G (undercover)  
11 Jan 2016 /  #832
Needless to say...

Bronek is going to win in the 1st round...
smurf  38 | 1940  
11 Jan 2016 /  #833
Do any Irish sorely regret that state of affairs?

A ;large slice of the blame lays with your buddies the RCC; when schooling was finally made available to Catholics in Ireland it was the Catholic Church who did so much very, very good work to get that to happen. However, they were against the teaching of Ireland as they say it as being regressive and they, wrongly, believed that if the population were ediucated only in English then their job prospects would be far better.

The thing about Israel was it was to re-establish an identity, with us lot, we know our identity, whatever language we speak we'll never lose that, thankfully :)

Sadly I believe that British occupation of Ireland has a great deal to do with loss of language and identity in Ireland.

Yes and no. the thing is they didn't really crack down on Irish speakers as a target, they just targeted people who opposed them, be they English or Irish speakers.

You must take into consideration too that in large parts of the country Irish wasn't really the main language of the people. In places like Dublin, a viking city, Irish was never the main langiuage, there was even a period where you would hear more French than Irish. But that's a longer story. It's like we say at home, if you can trace your family back 5 generations within Dublin, you're English.

also the famine and mass emigration....

Of course.

Poland was occupied for 123 years

Ireland for 600+ years, it's a surprise we survived at all really. Some linguists say that during those 123 years Polish stagnated. And they have a point. Languages in Europe at that time were more 'formal' and Polish is still quite a formal language, so if we were to say that while German, Russian etc continues to evolve, Polish kind of stood still for 123 years. It's certainly back with a bang now though and great that Poles never stopped speaking it.

It would be of vast advantage to mankind if all the inhabitants of the earth spoke the same language.

And it's difficult not to disagree with that.
I'm Irish no matter what language I speak.
I think the only way to 'save' Irish is to either a) stop teaching it and let people become patriotic about it....like the Manx & Cornish languages, or b) Switch every thing to Irish, media, all govt documents etc.

I think a would work, b would be a disaster.

I hope the mods see that I'm replying to points made and this doesn't gettin binned.

On topic, I attended the Katowice KOD protest again and I think the numbers there were larger than the last. Certainly there were a good deal more younger people than the last time.

I wonder how long before we see any changes to what's on our TV screens? Surely it'll take 3-6 months before anything tv programmes of worth come out?
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Jan 2016 /  #834
Certainly there were a good deal more younger people than the last time.

Yes, it's encouraging as to what's happening. But we need to remember that Poland is not just Katowice, Warsaw, etc etc - we need demonstrations in every large and small town across the country.

I wonder how long before we see any changes to what's on our TV screens?

Stuff is changing already - journalists/hosts are getting fired and replaced very quickly. They're even replacing hosts on meaningless breakfast TV, which shows that it really is jobs for the boys.
G (undercover)  
11 Jan 2016 /  #835
On topic, I attended the Katowice KOD protest again and I think the numbers there

Mmm looks like at least 50 thousand people.
11 Jan 2016 /  #836
Stuff is changing already - journalists/hosts are getting fired and replaced very quickly.

And instructions are already being issued as to who is and is not allowed to be invited to appear on current affairs programming.
smurf  38 | 1940  
11 Jan 2016 /  #837
But we need to remember that Poland is not just Katowice

Yea tbh if I was with the Ruch Autonomia I'd be workin my arse off to push for autonomy coz of all the bolloxology going on in Warsaw.

The campaign would be something like this
"look at those idiots in Warsaw, we should go out on our own here lads"

They're even replacing hosts on meaningless breakfast TV

I'm waiting for these 'patriotic' shows. I wonder how good/bad they'll be and how many, if any, liberties are taken with the truth for 'dramatic purposes'?

There's this new show in Ireland at the moment called "Rebellion" it being 100 years since the Easter Rising, and it's being panned by everyone because it's not historically accurate enough for people. But I suppose they wanted to make it more dramatic so poeple would watch it. Can't win in a situation like that.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
11 Jan 2016 /  #838
Who cares?

Crawl back under your rock.

how negative the public are towards him.

Sure, you are talking rubbish as per usual.
Geez all those expats in Poland are indeed a leftie pure trash with limited IQ and no manners. After reading this thread and similar for the last month that conclusion is inevitable.
11 Jan 2016 /  #839
leftie pure trash with limited IQ and no manners.

Keep up the constant flow of insults please! The utter inability of the PISed-up fanatics to respond to facts with facts and the way they can only rely on lies and insults does nothing but strengthen the position of the defenders of law and democracy in Poland! More please, more!
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Jan 2016 /  #840
The beautiful thing is that English is an international language and PF also has an excellent place on Google, so anyone looking for information about KOD will come on here and find a torrent of abuse, lies and insults from PiS supporters and conclude that KOD must be right.

Poor Ironside.

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