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Changing Face in Poland: Skinnhead Puts on a Skullcap

Sokrates  8 | 3335  
27 Apr 2010 /  #31
You mean like they do in Palestine? Or like they do visiting Poland and beating up polish citizens?
f stop  24 | 2493  
27 Apr 2010 /  #32
top ten reasons: ohr.edu/judaism/humor/top10/orthodox.htm
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
27 Apr 2010 /  #33
You mean like they do in Palestine? Or like they do visiting Poland and beating up polish citizens?

That's called defending their right to exist and how should they deal with terrorists then?By throwing nice flowers at them and then singing songs from The Beatles and pretending you can really come to terms with crazy muslims?

Seriously, comparing a JEw to a Neo-nazi makes you more racist and stupid than any racist skinhead out there.

Oh yes, some Israelis DID beat up some unlucky poles and what? That's called being young, and stupid...there is another thing that needs to be considered: Karma. If Poles don't generally like Jews, why should Jews like them?
guzzler  1 | 88  
27 Apr 2010 /  #34
Yeah ,because you see Jews beating up everybody who isn't like them.

I thought you might like this, it may be better to laugh about it then take it all so seriously.

yglesias.thinkprogress.org/archives/2009/02/avigdor_lieberman_b oosted_by_pro_pork_backlash.php
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
27 Apr 2010 /  #35
Yeah, it was really funny.

How is beating up polish citizens when visiting Poland or smearing hotel rooms in crap defending their right to exist? Polish Jews are OK but israelis and american jews act like f*cking monkeys whenever they visit Poland, i see 0 difference between then and neo-nazis.

I am sorry, were you hit in the front of your head while still a baby? When did I say that the behaviour of some youths is related to Israel's right to exist? I clearly stated that those tourists are just being stupid and silly. Sure, it may be related to anti-Polish attitudes, but only inmature people would do that.

i see 0 difference between then and neo-nazis.

Someone who makes this comparison is clearly an antisemitic idiot. Good for me, I won't waste my time with people like you.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
27 Apr 2010 /  #36
Miguel, don't buy the propaganda. I have lived here for over half a decade and I have rarely encountered anti-Semitism. It's only when certain people stir it up. Let's face it, most nations have mixed feelings about Jews. I have a lot of respect for some Jewish people and some rabbis but Zionists are the demons of the Earth.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
28 Apr 2010 /  #37
Not sure if this has been posted already but I just read this article and found it fascinating:

WARSAW — When Pawel looks into the mirror, he can still sometimes see a neo-Nazi skinhead staring back, the man he was before he covered his shaved head with a skullcap, traded his fascist ideology for the Torah and renounced violence and hatred in favor of God.

Yeah I find this NY Times article fascinating too. Its fascinating that the NY Times just never lets up on its Anti-Polish Hate campaign against Poland and Poles.

In the true NY Times Left-Wing Anti-Polish fashion of bashing Poland with lies, slander and exagerrations and ONE-SIDED accounts of history, the NY Times never misses a chance to push its anti-Polish hatred and Bigotry on Poland whenever the issue of JEWS AND POLES come up. As usual, Jews are portrayed by the NY Times as pure as snow and 100% innocent and can do no wrong and the Poles are 100% bad and anti-semitic blah blah blah.

This is from the NY Times article by Anti-Polish Bigot Dan Bilefsky:

Twenty years after the fall of Communism, Pawel is perhaps the most unlikely example of the Jewish revival under way in Poland, of a moment in which Jewish leaders here say the country is finally showing solid signs of shedding the rabid anti-Semitism of the past. Before 1939, Poland was home to more than three million Jews, more than 90 percent of whom were killed by the Nazis. Most who survived emigrated. Of the fewer than 50,000 who remained in Poland, many abandoned or hid their Judaism during decades of Communist oppression in which political pogroms against Jews persisted.

Today, though, Michael Schudrich, the chief rabbi of Poland, said he considered Poland the most pro-Israel country in the European Union. He said the attitude of Pope John Paul II, a Pole, who called Jews “our elder brothers,” had finally entered the public consciousness.

Ten years after the revelation that 1,600 Jews of the town of Jedwabne were burned alive by their Polish neighbors in July 1941, he said the national myth that all Poles were victims of World War II had finally been shattered.

“Before 1989 there was a feeling that it was not safe to say, ‘I am a Jew,’ ” Rabbi Schudrich said. “But two decades later, there is a growing feeling that Jews are a missing limb in Poland. The level of anti-Semitism remains unacceptable, but the image of the murderous Pole seared in the consciousness of many Jews after the war doesn’t correspond to the Poland of 2010.”

All these Anti-Polish hate propaganda bits such as:

Poland's "rabid anti-semitism of the past"

Image of the "murderous Poles seared in the consciousness of many Jews after the war"

Stating as FACT that "Ten years after the revelation that 1,600 Jews of the town of Jedwabne were burned alive by their Polish neighbors in July 1941"

What a bunch of Anti-Polish hatred and bigotry by the NY Times

This thing about "1600 Jews being burned by Polish neighbors" has been debunked so many times as being a GROSS exaggeration (punned intended as the guy who wrote this book is a Polish Jew name Jan T. Gross who made a lot of money off of this book among Polish-haters)

When Poles asked Jan Gross why he said 1600 Jews were locked in a barn and killed by Poles when the barn COULD ONLY HOLD 300 PEOPLE, Gross in a cocky manner smugly smiled and said" I THOUGHT I WOULD ROUND OFF THE NUMBER!

What an Anti-Polish Bigot and Hate monger this Jan Gross is!

When an excavation of the death site of where this anti-semitic atrocity took place and evidence was coming about showing CONTRADICTIONS to what Jan Gross ALLEGED at Jedwabne, ALL OF A SUDDEN the rabbis and Gross's supporters CALLED OFF THE INVESTIGATION AND EXCAVATION of the Jedwabne incident because of "Jewish religious reasons". The evidence showing that Nazi German bullets were found in many of the Jewish bodies contradicted Gross's anti-Polish allegations, since everyone knows the Poles would never be armed by the Germans to do anything.

But of course the visciously Anti-Polish NY Times reports this Jedwabne incident like its a FACT. But what do you want from a newspaper that has pro-Soviet/Communist sympathies and hates those countries that stood up to communism?

What do you want from a newspaper that LIED about the atrocities the Soviets were commintting in Ukraine, Poland, the Baltic states and elsewhere in the 30's and 40's?

Also with all these Anti-Polish hate phrases by the NY Times of Poland

such as "Poland's rabid anti-semitism of the past"

WHEN WILL the NY Times ever explain WHY MOST Jews were INSANE enough to CHOOSE to LIVE IN POLAND for ONE THOUSAND YEARS if it was so Anti-Semitic??????

And if Jews felt they were being mistreated in Poland, WHY DIDN'T THEY LEAVE?????

The Silence from the NY Times on these important questions is deafening.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
28 Apr 2010 /  #38
If Poles don't generally like Jews, why should Jews like them?

Another dumb fvck who read one too many propaganda pieces, more like the reverse is true.

I clearly stated that those tourists are just being stupid and silly. Sure, it may be related to anti-Polish attitudes, but only inmature people would do that.

If a Pole did that, it’s proof of anti-Semitic behavior, if Palestinian dose that it's terrorism and you scream bloody murder but if a Jew dose it, it’s just silly. Who are you kidding? Do you even hear yourself?
Seanus  15 | 19668  
28 Apr 2010 /  #39
He's a joke! I'm not saying that they are all Zionists in the cabals but there are plenty. The IDF is borderline neo-Nazi, I have studied them closely. Robert Fisk covers them well.
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
28 Apr 2010 /  #40
Another dumb fvck who read one too many propaganda pieces, more like the reverse is true.

Care to list some of the propaganda devices I may be victim of? I don't even watch TV.

if Palestinian dose that it's terrorism

Explain how smearing a hotel's room with human feces is "terrorism". If a Pole ruined a hotel room in Israel, I would either think he was drunk or that he's another Polish redneck.

I have a lot of respect for some Jewish people and some rabbis but Zionists are the demons of the Earth.

You are not supposed to like most of Jews. You like "some" of them ,but you call Zionists the demons on Earth, even though you are most likely not to know what Zionism really is.

Oh yes, I seem to forget. Zionists want to control the world and kill the goyim to drink the blood of their kids. Me and my memory.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
28 Apr 2010 /  #41
Who are you to tell me what I'm supposed to like and not like? I'm very aware of what Zionism is and the drive to lure Jews back.

Zionists worked with the neocons and worked in a shadow government behind the scenes. Do you deny this?
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
28 Apr 2010 /  #42
Care to list some of the propaganda devices I may be victim of?

Let me rephrase this, you’re not a victim of propaganda, you are the propaganda, Jewish crime is just silly – indeed.

If a Pole ruined a hotel room in Israel…,

I can see the headline already ‘Neo-Nazi Skin Head form Poland……. They suck the anti-Semitism with their mother’s milk’ Btw it’s not like I pulled this **** out of my a**, this phrase had been used before.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
28 Apr 2010 /  #43
Poles don't generally like Jews, why should Jews like them?

I agree with you.

If you read Anti-Polish newspapers like the NY Times its ALWAYS OK to put the Poles on the DEFENSIVE when talking about Polish-Jewish relations.

Poles are always the bad guys and Jews are always the good guys according to the New York Times.

If "Jews feel that Poles generally don't like them" why were they crazy enough to CHOOSE to live in Poland for ONE THOUSAND YEARS?????

When will the Polish-Hating New York Times ever answer that question???????

According to the Anti-Polish Bigots at the New York Times, Poles are doing anti-semitic things to Jews 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. And for all of Poland's history!!

Your also right about the double standard. If a Pole did or said something silly to a Jewish person, it would be viewed as part of Polish Anti-Semitism blah blah blah. But when somebody Jewish engages in that behavior against Poles its dismissed as just "childs play" or something like that.

Don't these Lefty Newspapers and media that always slam the Poles as always being "anti-semitic devils" while Jews are 100% angels all of the time, realize that there are also Jews who are bad? Don't they realize that there is bad and good in ALL groups of people? Or do they believe Jews are superior to that??
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
28 Apr 2010 /  #44
Zionists worked with the neocons and worked in a shadow government behind the scenes. Do you deny this?

Why do people want Jews to be perfect and not be involved in some kind of fishy stuff at some point of their lives? Who says ALL Jews are perfect? So what if some Jews have done ****? I am an agnostic and I love wine. Does that mean all agnostics love wine as well? Same difference, in regard to the zionists and their actions. By the way ,a zionist is ANYONE who supports Israel and its existence. Nothing else. I know zionist arabs, blacks, whites and so on.

you are the propaganda,

Your arguments get more and more abstract, you know that?

If you read Anti-Polish newspapers like the NY Times its ALWAYS OK to put the Poles on the DEFENSIVE when talking about Polish-Jewish relations.

Look, I think no one really cares about what the NY says. Newspapers are constantly and shamelessly manipulated. Read them, burn them afterwards, but don't go and hit your head against the wall because your creepy country gets ridiculed by people that probably don't even know that Europe is a continent, not a country whose capital is Paris.

Don't they realize that there is bad and good in ALL groups of people?

That's what anti-zionists and anti-Jews should understand.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
28 Apr 2010 /  #45
I'm talking about basic fairness and not beating Palestinians, MC. Why the talk of perfection? I'm talking basic human rights on OCCUPIED TERRITORY. Are you aware of the Israelites behaviour in the Bible? Does Moses ring a bell? Let me guess, you stand by Operation Cast Lead? Stop trying to trip me up, lad, I've already told you that I support the campaigns of the rabbis. Ahmedinejad knows what they are about but he hates Zionists.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
28 Apr 2010 /  #46
Your arguments get more and more abstract, you know that?

Can you explain it to me one more time, if a Jew is a perpetrator of a hate crime he is silly, if anyone else does it he’s a bigot and you tell me you’re not spreading propaganda. Call it PR, call it damage control, call it what you will a Jew that dose that is just as racist as the next guy, period.

That's what anti-zionists and anti-Jews should understand.

But not the Zionists or Jews they can’t do wrong, is that what you are saying? Jewish logic for you.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
28 Apr 2010 /  #47
Look, I think no one really cares about what the NY says. Newspapers are constantly and shamelessly manipulated. Read them, burn them afterwards, but don't go and hit your head against the wall because your creepy country gets ridiculed by people that probably don't even know that Europe is a continent, not a country whose capital is Paris.

All I'm doing is pointing out the New York Times' manipulation of the truth and history and how it slanders, lies and bashes Poland. So I don't know why you would say something about "hit your head against the wall......."

And my "creepy country" is the United States which I'm proud of.
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
28 Apr 2010 /  #48
I'm talking about basic fairness and not beating Palestinians, MC

Ever read about Palestinian men teaching their children how to use guns, how to hate Jews. Isn't that worse than some stranger beating your kid?

I'm talking basic human rights on OCCUPIED TERRITORY.

The UNO gave that piece of land to a folk whose ancestors had lived there 2000 years ago, and for many centuries. The Jews did something with that land. Arabs lived there for some centuries and never cared much for it. That land belongs to the one that values it.

e you aware of the Israelites behaviour in the Bible? Does Moses ring a bell? Let me guess, you stand by Operation Cast Lead? Stop trying to trip me up, lad, I've already told you that I support the campaigns of the rabbis. Ahmedinejad knows what they are about but he hates Zionists.

OH will you claim that the Bible is a historic book? If so, when did that stuff happen? like 3000 years ago. Weren't men supposed to be more primitive? What are you, European? British? Has your people behaved accordingly? Don't throw a stone at another folk if yours isn't pure.

The campaigns of the rabbis? There are a quite a few Rabbis that are against Israel. Those are the ultra-orthodox.

if a Jew is a perpetrator of a hate crime he is silly, if anyone else does it he’s a bigot

I was talking about the Jewish kids behaving badly in Poland. It's the same for me, as when a Polish youngster behaves wrong in England or in Israel, why not.

Jewish logic for you.

You could use some of it. I dare to say Jews have accomplished more than whatever nation you represent.

slanders, lies and bashes Poland

Yeah but who cares? Not even Poles would say Poland is perfect. As far as I am concerned, American media bashes everything, even Americans.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
28 Apr 2010 /  #49
MC, when you have been crushed and trampled and diplomacy clearly doesn't work, you'd resort to that too. Those peace talks are a slap in the face and enrage even me. I understand their call to arms completely. My people and, indeed, most people would do the same faced with limited options. I just feel bad that innocent Jews have to suffer but that's the way it goes.

Balfour sold it and he had no right to do so. The UN is the NWO puppet and had no right to pass it off. Why is it called occupied territory, please tell me? Why is even America angry now about what Netanyahu is proposing?

The Bible is a historic book, you buffoon. Oh, so it's all very well to invoke a claim based on ancestral ties but then ignore the whole significance of the Bible? The Old Testament is followed by the Jews, you clown.

Yes, some Rabbis can see what Likud are doing. Kadima are just as bad.

I don't defend what Britain did. Balfour is a Scottish name, Blair and Brown are Scottish too. These fools have caused a lot of trouble. God Bless, Salmond and Galloway are also Scottish and see the lunacy that exists.

Saddam was hardly making the best use of his oil but it took how long to take him out? He was left for future better timing to remove him.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
28 Apr 2010 /  #50
I was talking about the Jewish kids behaving badly in Poland.

I’m sorry but spreading you own sh*t on the walls of your hotel room a place you call home for the duration of your stay is not normal behavior or behaving badly, unless you do the same thing at home. Than again I’ve never been to Israel so who’s to say, none the less one would only do such thing out of hatred where I come from.

I dare to say Jews have accomplished more than whatever nation you represent

Not quiet, you’re on par with the nation you’re in, or at least what your profile say in regards of your treatment of Palestinians. Did you go there to study from the masters and their latest tactics? Btw. I wouldn’t call it an accomplishment, Genocide perhaps but accomplishment-never.
guzzler  1 | 88  
28 Apr 2010 /  #51
The UNO gave that piece of land to a folk whose ancestors had lived there 2000 years ago, and for many centuries. The Jews did something with that land. Arabs lived there for some centuries and never cared much for it. That land belongs to the one that values it.

Miguel that is not a very good argument to justify the Jewish procession of Israel, I am sure you are aware America and the UK had a very strong influence in procuring acceptance by the UN. Did you know that around the time of the First World War,Britain offered Uganda as a Jewish homeland and it was rejected. Israel has been in a state of war for nearly seventy years, I dread to think what the future hold for all of us all. And what it must be doing to the people of Israel and Palestine.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
28 Apr 2010 /  #52
Ever read about Palestinian men teaching their children how to use guns, how to hate Jews. Isn't that worse than some stranger beating your kid?

No, Palestinians are perfectly justified in killing Jews, Jews stole their homes, i'm all for killing thieves.

The UNO gave that piece of land

UN had no rights to that land, you can't give away something thats not yours, UN justified jewish invasion and theft of the land rightfully belonging to other people, you are now justifing jewish theft and murder of the local population in the name of their racist, fascist agenda.

I was talking about the Jewish kids behaving badly in Poland. It's the same for me, as when a Polish youngster behaves wrong in England or in Israel, why not.

You're a cretin, use the search function, 90% of all jews regardless of age act racist towards Poles when in Poland.

Yeah but who cares? Not even Poles would say Poland is perfect. As far as I am concerned, American media bashes everything, even Americans.

We the Poles care you little inbred moron.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
28 Apr 2010 /  #53
Oh yes, I seem to forget. Zionists want to control the world and kill the goyim to drink the blood of their kids. Me and my memory.

No, Zionists don't want to drink Goyim blood...They are much too enlightened for such barbarous acts.

However, they do want your internal organs like kidneys or liver so they can sell them on black market.

And, occasionally, they massacre Palestinians and bomb/bulldoze their homes, orchards and businesses, schools, hospitals...But in doing that they are only fighting terror.

IDF @ work
28 Apr 2010 /  #54
Not all skinheads are nationalist, rassist or whatever .... But hey, who cares about a subculture its origins, developements and values are too hard to comprehend. There's a diference if you are called SHARP or bonehead - but the skinheads screaming "Sieg Heil" are more offending to the publics eye, than those carrying Israels flag in a protest.
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
28 Apr 2010 /  #55
The UN is the NWO

LOL The new world order. Zeitgeist much? Conspiracy theories don't make you any smarter. Let me break it down for you:

The UN is a puppet of the NWO
The NWO is a creation of the Jews
The UN is always ranting against Israel

Does that make sense? If the UN were the NWO's puppet, they'd love Israel. If the media were controlled by jews, most of people would LOve israel. Clearly, that isn't the case.

The Bible is a historic book, you buffoon

Why isn't it used to teach history then? The bible is a religious book. Can you point at the exact year Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden? Or perhaps you can prove that David was the big king described in the bible. Although there was indeed a King named David, his kingdom wasn't that spoken about in the bible.

Genocide perhaps but accomplishment-never.

Explain how it is a genocide? Are Israelis interested in killing all Palestinians? Once again, if they wanted to do so, chances are they would have already done that. Besides, there is no race called palestinian, there is no Palestinian folk either. Palestinians are Arabs, namely Arabs with an identity problem. Yasser ARafat was the most famous palestinian and he was born in Egypt, to Egyptian parents.

Israel has been in a state of war for nearly seventy years,

True, but not only Israel is guilty for that. Blame the intolerance of the Arabs around Israel for that as well.

i'm all for killing thieves.

That's quite a statement coming from a Pole. Moreover, it's a brutal one. To kill a thief, not even the most brutal muslim country would kill a thief, but you would. That speaks tons of you.

racist, fascist agenda.

If Jews were indeed racist, they wouldn't allow Arabs and other people live in Israel, where they have as many rights as Israelies themselves.

Do you even know what fascism is,kid?

90% of all jews regardless of age act racist towards Poles

There is a similar statistic about Poles being racist against jews.

We the Poles care you little inbred moron.

What should "Inbred" mean? Oh, will you claim you're of pure blood? Psst, tell that to H1tler or to your tatar ancestors. Being white doesn't make you any smarter than me, as I can tell.

but the skinheads screaming "Sieg Heil" are more offending to the publics eye, than those carrying Israels flag in a protest.

I guess we all know that there are racist skinheads and not-racist ones. As to Skinheads supporting israel, I have yet to see one of those...
28 Apr 2010 /  #56
As to Skinheads supporting israel, I have yet to see one of those...

Though most leftist movements and their black blocks in demonstrations sympathisize with Palestinians "struggle" nowadays, there still exist intelectual leftist and when they protest in favour of Israel you will see skinheads within. Of course given the picture the media propagates, its hard to find some pictures using google.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
28 Apr 2010 /  #57
How blind you are, MC. The UN has to be seen to be taking a stand. For evidence of that, look at Srebrenica in July 1995. Morrignon promised their safety but stepped aside when the Serbs wanted in. Rumour has it that Mladic had great cigars ;) ;) They have allowed atrocities in Kosovo against Serbs. Organs, massacres etc. The Security Council issues Resolutions which are not even enforced most of the time against Israel. Israel views them with impunity and has broken them all too often without penalty. Try to understand the game, MC. A lot of media is controlled by Jews, the vast majority actually. Rupert Murdoch and Robert Maxwell had very close ties with Israel.

Wow, if you are going to quote me then please pay attention to my words. Do you see the difference between economic and economical? There is one. I said historic and not historical, true? check this out

There is a readily identifiable group known as the Palestinians. Blame the map makers for not seeing Palestine on a map.
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
28 Apr 2010 /  #58
The UN has to be seen to be taking a stand.

What kind of stand could the UN take? Did they take a stand against Russia being evil towards Chechenyans or Georgians? Did they take a stand against the USA and their violence against Irakis? What will they do against the Chinese and the Dalai Lama? The UN is a mickey mouse organization that can only criticize but won't do anything about conflicts.

A lot of media is controlled by Jews, the vast majority actually. Rupert Murdoch and Robert Maxwell had very close ties with Israel.

The media where? I have lived in quite a few countries and haven't seen Jewish people running the media corporations in them.

I know your type. You see Jews everywhere. In The goverment, in the media..actually in all establishments you blame for your life full of poverty and misery.

Here is something for you. Rupert is not a Jew: jewornotjew.com/profile.jsp?ID=398
yehudi  1 | 433  
28 Apr 2010 /  #59
You mean like they do in Palestine? Or like they do visiting Poland and beating up polish citizens?

And what it must be doing to the people of Israel and Palestine.

However, they do want your internal organs like kidneys or liver so they can sell them on black market.

The IDF is borderline neo-Nazi

Zionists are the demons of the Earth.

A simple story about a skinhead turning into the very person he used to hate – sounds like a good human interest story. But on Polish forum this creates a frenzy of nasty comments about Israel, Jew and Zionism and calls by Sokrates to kill Israelis. You're a sick lot of losers.

Meanwhile here in Israel, the weather today is balmy. The beaches are full of happy bathers (arabs too). The streets of my town are full of shoppers, and the parks have kids playing. The Israeli economy is doing well. The wheat in the fields is being harvested and there's a nice smell of orange blossoms in the air. I drove out to Jerusalem last night for dinner and had a lovely time. Lots of tourists around. The view of the full moon over the hills around Jerusalem was beautiful. Thank G-d, life here is great.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
28 Apr 2010 /  #60
The UN should take a stand that they feel broadly reflects the international community. For example, against breaches of their own Genocide Convention. They did this but in a very inefficient way.

Russia perceived, rightly or wrongly, that Chechnya was their territory and pursued it. The International Court of Justice or other such organ could have gotten involved. It was all part of a broader war on terror and America can say nothing as they spearheaded/pioneered it.

People far beyond the UN made the decision to enter Iraq and they are not to be messed with. Hans Blix and Scott Ritter were not even consulted properly as hawks in the US Administration have already made up their mind. The UN is a farce in this way, putting people on the payroll, only to ignore them down the line.

Conflict is in the interests of certain players and that's why they will do nothing against the Chinese. To act now would be to imply that there were new findings on the status of Tibet but the conflict is very old. What rationale could they have?

My point is that they have to act in some cases they deem to be appropriate.

I didn't say Rupert was a Jew but he is close to the Jewish fraternity. Poverty and misery? You've got the wrong person there, I'm afraid.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Changing Face in Poland: Skinnhead Puts on a SkullcapArchived