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Don't let Poland become like my country, France.

time means  5 | 1309  
25 Jan 2012 /  #331
what else

Cheese. There are loads of top notch cheeses made in England.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
25 Jan 2012 /  #332
I can't think of anything more overrated than French food, though.

Apparently the reason why French food has more sauces than British food is that some time ago the raw ingredients in Britain were a much higher quality and the food was so good it didn't need sauces to mask the taste. When the vogue for French food infected the aristocracy, the sauces appeared.

Polish cheese... do you mean the pseudo dutch stuff?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
26 Jan 2012 /  #333
how about some lovely potato stew?

Are you offering? What a pleasant surprise.

but unlike our weird neighbours in France, I don't make a habit of it...;)

We, in the Irish isles, eat lamb and rabbit too. Whats the difference between them and chowing down on a nice bit of cheval?

Its a bit hypercritical to refuse to eat some meats, as they are cute and loveable, whilst eating another cute and loveable animal.

There is room for all gods creatures, beside the mash potatoes and sautéed vegetables!
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
26 Jan 2012 /  #334
hypercritical to refuse to eat some meats, as they are cute and loveable, whilst eating another cute and loveable animal.

Rabbits are fair game, horses are not, IMHO. We ran over a rabbit the other night and it was delicious..;)
22 Jan 2014 /  #335
It's disappointing to read such a biased comment.
While it is understandable that certain faiths and cultures appear to be threatening, the writer of the question and responses seem to lump all non-white people into the same category - a clear division of 'us whites' against the non-white onslaught attacking Europe.

I am a non-white European. My family has lived in Europe for several generations. We have been law-abiding and respectful so are most of the white and non-white people I associate with.

I identify as European and feel European. I am a Christian. The only thing differentiating me from the writer of the article is the colour of my skin, not my sense of identity, values or religious background, yet the writer of the article seems to state that his main concern is that France has too many 'black' faces. If the writer of the article were to see me in the street he would make a swift judgement about me on the basis of my appearance, not on the basis of who I am. Someone in this thread even mentioned non-whites born in Europe. A white person and a non-white person born in Europe feel the same way about their homeland. They have the same sense of identity and belonging. If you were to expel me from Europe where should I go? Should I go and live in a continent or country I know nothing about just because of my appearance or genetic 'ancestry'?If we are to judge a person's sense of belonging on the basis of their physical characteristics or genes how far should we go? Should all dark-haired whites be expelled from Northern Europe because their appearance does not match the Northern European stereotype? Should all fair-haired and blue eyed Italians or Spaniards be told to leave their country of birth because they don't look Southern European? This would be ridiculous, yet this is how prejudiced white people often talk about those who they consider as 'not belonging' on the basis of their appearance. If such people didn't have black people to be prejudiced against, they would turn on each other and argue about who had a greater right to belong in Europe - the Celts, Gauls, Anglo-saxons, Normans or Scandinavians - who was there first? It is tribal mentality, which in the past manifested itself as tribal warfare in Europe and gradually evolved with history into racial prejudice against 'outsiders'. 1000 years ago an 'outsider' was someone who came from the next village or town, as the world has shrunk an outsider is now someone who comes from the next continent.

The problem with people who think in this way is that they always segregate people on the basis of race, ethnicity or 'origin' with little thought for other factors. They fail to dig deeper. I sometimes think that these are people who have probably had very little exposure to people of other ethnicities in interpersonal contacts and have some kind of internal paranoia or fear which they can only externalise through stereotyping and segregating people - putting people into little boxes or labelling them. It is almost as if they see someone of a different race as a separate sub-human species, not as individual human beings - a black homogeneous mass, a swarm that thinks and behaves in unison.

People of all ethnicities and backgrounds do not like what certain extreme and aggressive fractions of certain religions are doing in Europe. Not all Muslims are black or Arab and not all Christians are white. People who break the law, terrorists, extremists and lunatics come in all colours, shapes and sizes. There is no black or Arab conspiracy to take over the UK, France or Germany. Certain extremists may have plans to propagate their extreme views - regardless of their colour. People who abuse migration, benefits, are dishonest or take advantage of the 'system' and disrespect a country's customs or laws also come in all colours and ethnicities. Many people behave badly when they are abroad with little regard for the local culture. German and British tourists do not behave like Spanish people when they retire in Spain - they impose their language, culture, diet and traditions on the local towns - some parts look like a mini England or Germany. French people are French when they travel abroad - they hold onto their own traditions, food and religion. Those of you currently living in other countries probably still speak your own language when you can and hold on to aspects of your own identity - the one you grew up and not the one your host country sees you through. When Africa and Asia were colonized, the Europeans did not 'fit in' with the Africans or Asians. They did not respect the local cultures, values, laws and traditions. They imposed their cultures, religions and values forcibly on others. This kind of mentality manifests itself in all ethnicities and nationalities. it is not inherent to non-white people. All people are guilty of it. It is a very human thing because sometimes if you are forced to emigrate to another country, it is not because you want to but it is because you have to for economic or political reasons. Such people often feel threatened and unwelcome in their new host country and to maintain a sense of security, sanity or 'self' they often hold on harder to aspects of their own traditions not to feel completely 'lost'. It is a well-known fact that people who live in a diaspora are often more traditional than those who continue to live in the country of origin.

The writer of the article did not seem to consider that some of the white people in Poland might be bad citizens or be a danger to their own society. He concluded that as long as Poland kept people of colour out everything would be A-OK. Does that mean law-abiding people of colour as well? No acknowledgement that it is not the ethnicity that was the problem but merely the mental attitude of some individuals. He had little regard for the fact that Poland might have social problems of it's own. His comments would have been more acceptable and valid if the had showed some discernment and showed himself capable of a reasonable unbiased argument why he did not like the way representatives of certain religions, cultures or individuals were behaving. He degraded a very important issue into a primitive, emotive argument as to how 'whites' were being persecuted by 'non-whites' and how white-skinned people were disappearing because they were being swamped by people of colour.

People with such views are dangerous because they cause divisions where people could work together to keep extremists under control. Instead of cooperating with like-minded people of all ethnicities to build a safer, more law-abiding society, they break things up into petty black contra white arguments, thereby causing hatred, bitterness, suspicion and creating a negative image of what might otherwise be valid arguments. Whilst as a European I share some of his concerns I would never support or cooperate with a person who has treated me as an 'outsider' in the continent I was born in, because he did not like the look or colour of my face. I would not want to associate with a person who has such unbalanced views and has so little 'natural justice' in their heart. He is a bad example of what a 'white person' is. He fits right into the negative stereotype of a French person with prejudices, probably a supporter of the French National Front and by so doing reduces the potential audience he might have had for his otherwise valid points.
Crow  154 | 9525  
22 Jan 2014 /  #336
Don't let Poland become like my country, France.

i truly hope it won`t happen with Poland. While my people love Poland very much, today`s France looks so distant and exotic- practically like Arabia.
mahamat Poland  1 | 2  
22 Jan 2014 /  #337
What is the point of multiculturalism if the dominant culture will be the last one standing and will just result in mono-culture once again. Like many economists say. Multiculturalism is a complete fail and cannot work due to the vast differences of culture so undoubtedly there will be conflict. Media/schooling has quite a bit to do with this because the second someone says anything about preventing genocide in their country they are immediately labeled as a nazi. And yes genocide.

The systematic and widespread elimination or attempted elimination of an entire national, racial, religious, or ethnic group.

RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Jan 2014 /  #338
I am a non-white European.

No such thing. Ethnic Europeans are white and indigenous to this continent. You are not and never shall be. That's the reality of the situation. You might not like it, alas, there is f*ck all you can do about it. Ever see a white Chinaman? A black Korean? A white Nigerian? No, me neither. Yet we Europeans are expected to welcome the world and it's mother and accept them as our own. Fortunately, it seems a lot of Europeans are waking up to the multiculturalism and diversity is our strength myth.

May's EU elections should be fun. I predict that nationalists will make huge gains.
22 Jan 2014 /  #339
Ever see a white Chinaman? A black Korean? A white Nigerian?

I was at school with a couple of white Nigerians, apparently the family's been there for a couple of hundred years and they take the approach that as they've been there for longer than Nigeria has, they're both Nigerian and staying.
jon357  72 | 23482  
22 Jan 2014 /  #340
white Nigerians

There are white Jamaicans too.

And Beethoven would be considered mixed race.
22 Jan 2014 /  #341
There are white Jamaicans too.

Here's one of Jamaica's best cricketers:
Crow  154 | 9525  
22 Jan 2014 /  #342
Fortunately, it seems a lot of Europeans are waking up to the multiculturalism and diversity is our strength myth.

Oh, how nicely defined brutal truth. i would`t tell it better
f stop  24 | 2493  
22 Jan 2014 /  #343
Such a sad view.. while rest of the civilized world works hard at breaking down racial and social barriers, there are still so many people that consider a mixture of white, brown, black and yellow people living in harmony, the end of the world. No wonder people with the views like the OP are pertified with fear...

There is absolutely no scientific bases to think that white, or any other 'race' is superior to another. Racial superiority was used to justify european imperialism in the past, and it has created an enormous amount of human and social damage. It is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous.

And considering how many good causes there are worthy of supporting, like discrediting religious fanatics everywhere, that getting on the "keep white race pure" bandwagon shows a very limited world view, to say the least.
enkidu  6 | 611  
23 Jan 2014 /  #344
Well I don't know...
I think I am colour-blind. I am not interested if my neighbour is black, white or green.
I lived for a few years in London in a place known as "little Pakistan" (E17). In a rented room in a shared house.

All my neighbours were Muslims. And you know what? I don't really see any difference.
Some people are good, some bad. Some are jerks and some angel-like.

I really don't think that hallal takeaway would spoil my own oh-so-white culture.
Jaszek5  - | 4  
23 Jan 2014 /  #345
As a veteran of the Mideastern conflict, I can see why people are scared of islam overtaking Europe. islam and there people are very scary. They do not assimilate to any culture-they hate anything that is not islam-they even hate themselves(different sects of islam)

Europe has a rich and beautiful culture that goes back hundreds and thousands of years. muslims have the ability to destroy a culture in a couple of generations-look at Syria and Northern Africa.

I live in the southwest suburbs of Chicago. I see what islam has done to suburbs like Bridgeview and Burbank. Totally destroyed. Worthless land that is on the brink of bankruptcy because "muslims" will suck the life out of a society by going on food stamps, getting free healthcare, free housing all the while they condemn the US in their mosque services every Friday.
Barney  19 | 1724  
23 Jan 2014 /  #346
I live in the southwest suburbs of Chicago

You are not European, you arrive in some other country as part of an army and expect everyone to love you, whats wrong have you run out of blacks and Jews to hate?
23 Jan 2014 /  #347
whats wrong have you run out of blacks and Jews to hate?

His problem there is that every black and Jew he's ever met was either able to kick the shi1t out or him or actually did kick the sh1t out of him.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
23 Jan 2014 /  #348
Jean-Jacques Rousseau on Freedom. The French should take his belated advice, thou it was originally directed at Poles.

Wolność jest pożywna, ale trudno strawna, trzeba bardzo zdrowych żołądków, by ją znieść. Śmieję się z tych upodlonych narodów, które podburzane ośmielają się mówić o wolności, nie mając o niej pojęcia, i pełne wszystkich wad niewolników wyobrażają sobie, iż wystarcza buntować się, aby być wolnym.
f stop  24 | 2493  
23 Jan 2014 /  #349
Ahh.. Rousseau... we are all slaves to our artificial possessions...
"The first person who, having enclosed a plot of land, took it into his head to say this is mine and found people simple enough to believe him was the true founder of civil society. What crimes, wars, murders, what miseries and horrors would the human race have been spared, had some one pulled up the stakes or filled in the ditch and cried out to his fellow men: "Do not listen to this imposter. You are lost if you forget that the fruits of the earth belong to all and the earth to no one!"

― Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract and The Discourses
Julien_fr  7 | 15  
23 Jan 2014 /  #350
I've been living in Poland for 3 months now.
For the first time of my life I feel like living in Europe.

I come from Paris and this city, as beautiful as it is, became a Hotel. But not a luxurious one, if you know what I mean.

I still love my country but I am very sad how it became ... and it's getting worse, year after year.

Polish people can be proud.
If you wave a french flag in France, some people will call you nationalist or patriot. How sad.
Long live to Poland and its people and I hope the country will still remain strong.
Wroclaw Boy  
23 Jan 2014 /  #351
I come from Paris and this city, as beautiful as it is, became a Hotel. But not a luxurious one, if you know what I mean.

No, i dont know what you mean, please expand.

Polish people can be proud.


Long live to Poland and its people and I hope the country will still remain strong.

In what sense?
Polson  5 | 1767  
23 Jan 2014 /  #352
I've been living in Poland for 3 months now.

Oh, true, so, how's it been? Where are you again?

became a Hotel. But not a luxurious one, if you know what I mean.

Pas sûr de comprendre/Not sure I got this.

I still love my country but I am very sad how it became ... and it's getting worse, year after year.

What is the problem to you?

If you wave a french flag in France, some people will call you nationalist or patriot.

Being a patriot is not wrong, even in France. Being a nationalist, on the other hand, may cause trouble.
And where did you get that waving le drapeau bleu-blanc-rouge in France was seen as...inappropriate?

Fais-tu au passage une quelconque allusion à "l'affaire" Dieudonné par hasard ?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
23 Jan 2014 /  #353
I am very sad how it became ... and it's getting worse, year after year.

yes well payback time isnt it Julien? I doubt all those Algerians were all that happy at France taking over their country back in the day, but there you go! not to mention the rest of Frances's 'possessions worldwide.

has it not occurred to you that Poland is white (that is what you wanted to say right?) because there is no colonial background........
and if it was that strong then how come a vast majority of people between 20 and 50 have left?
Wroclaw Boy  
23 Jan 2014 /  #354
As a veteran of the Mideastern conflict, I can see why people are scared of islam overtaking Europe.

as a veteran of the middle eastern conflict you are a brainwashed drone. All the Muslims that i have met have been absolutely lovely people.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
23 Jan 2014 /  #355
same here WB, have had genuine friends who were Muslim, observant and non observant, and they were great.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
23 Jan 2014 /  #356
Come to Birmingham, Alum Rock, have walk here and see how friendly local muslims are here :-)
Wroclaw Boy  
23 Jan 2014 /  #357
Come to Birmingham

You live in Birmingham Wulkan?

have walk here and see how friendly local muslims are here

People are the same all over, influenced by their environment.
szczecinianin  4 | 317  
23 Jan 2014 /  #358
has it not occurred to you that Poland is white (that is what you wanted to say right?) because there is no colonial background....

The fact that hardly anyone wants to move to Poland isn't really something to be proud of.
jon357  72 | 23482  
23 Jan 2014 /  #359
Come to Birmingham, Alum Rock, have walk here and see how friendly local muslims are here :-

Don't assume the mostly Pakistani immigrants you meet in your area behave the same way as other people who are Muslim, from, say Lebanon or Indonesia. A whole lot of factors make people how they are. A Christian from Poland doesn't necessarily behave the same way or hold the same values as a Christian from Uganda.
Wroclaw Boy  
23 Jan 2014 /  #360
The fact that hardly anyone wants to move to Poland isn't really something to be proud of.

Thats not what she meant Szczecin.

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