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PiS to force every hard working, low earning Polish family to pay for TV

OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Dec 2015 /  #61
On the othe hand 10 zł (a mere $2.50) a month is chicken feed.

See how Polonius has utter contempt for hard working, low earning Polish families.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Dec 2015 /  #62
utter contempt

Pot calling kettle.... You of all people belonging to the pro-banking, pro-corporate, pro-elitist, look-down-on-the-little-guy club all of a sudden pretending to speak for and voice coincern for the common man is downright laughable. As if 10 zł a month will devastate the family budget of every gainfully employed person?! Just another gimmick to clobber the democratically elected government of Poland with. The P(rime) O(ffenders) for 8 years had cheated and stolen their fill and sold the country out to Brussels, Berlin, foreign capital, etc. and you still want more of the same?!
Ironside  50 | 12884  
5 Dec 2015 /  #63
See how Polonius has utter contempt for hard working, low earning Polish families.

As if you care a one bit for the downtrodden and hard done by, don't make me puke delph, your display of hypocrisy is sometimes sickening. .
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Dec 2015 /  #64
Of course I do, I just don't need to make a show of it like champagne socialists do.

I don't need to talk in public about what I've done for the less fortunate, nor should I.
5 Dec 2015 /  #65
I don't need to talk in public about what I've done for the less fortunate, nor should I.

Better not.All you have done for them is made them more miserable.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Dec 2015 /  #66
Better not.All you have done for them is made them more miserable.

Hahahaha. :D

I'm not Polonius that supports forcing them to pay compulsory taxation for something that they might not even have.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Dec 2015 /  #67
compulsory taxation

Wow, 10 złotys a month -- let's start building debtor's prisons or put them in stocks or chain them to pillories in the town square for passersby to revile and spit on. Stocks and pillory attendant might be a good extra job for Delph.
6 Dec 2015 /  #68
Wow, 10 złotys a month -

To you or I that probably is peanuts, but as Dolnoslask quoted earlier,
" Many pensioners that live near me can't afford wood to burn this winter, what happens to them "
So 10 zł for the poorest in society is going to hit them hard.
The least they could have done was to scrap this tax for pensioners.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Dec 2015 /  #69
compulsory taxation

A hard-nosed, pro-corporate hyena suddenly turned bleeding-heart liberal concerned about Poland's poor might seem incongruous. But only until one realises that it's just another excuse to clobber PiS and Poland's

democratcialy elected goverrnment. Any excuse, pretext, lie, hyperbole, innuendo, slander, gaffe, phrase or whatever that serves that purpose is at a premium in the losers' tag team.
terri  1 | 1661  
6 Dec 2015 /  #70
We have all forgotten about people, who for whatever reasons (e.g. being blind, being deaf, being disabled) cannot take advantage of watching TV or listening to the radio. What exactly happens to them? They have to pay electricity bills, but do not see or hear....so how can the argument that it is for TV/Radio apply to them?

If this is a tax - then call it so. A tax to pay for the inflated salaries of so-called 'stars'.
Ironside  50 | 12884  
6 Dec 2015 /  #71
We have all forgotten about people

Why not wait after the bill will be introduced, you are all worry about things you cannot know in advance. by the way it is supposed to be 10zl by a household that makes a difference isn't not.

(e.g. being blind, being deaf

If they are blind they can still watch TV and if their are deaf they can watch TV. :D
Sorry I couldn't resist to take a crack at this. :)
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
6 Dec 2015 /  #72
See how Polonius has utter contempt for hard working, low earning Polish families.

We have all forgotten about people, who for whatever reasons (e.g. being blind, being deaf, being disabled) cannot take advantage of watching TV or listening to the radio.

The least they could have done was to scrap this tax for pensioners.

The least I can say is that it is really fascinating to observe certain people here to be so caring about the poor, the chronically sick and the unemployed. The truth is that they care for the poor so much because it is a political party they despise which plans to introduce this reform. If it were the party whom they like, they would praise it very much for the move because:

1. the TV licence would go down from 21,50 to only 10 ZL monthly for every household (and not for every individual as detective D. wrote earlier in this thread).

2. the fact that no houshold is exempted would make sure that no one will be able to avoid this licence (or tax, as you call it).

Being blind does not automatically imply being deaf and being deaf does not automatically imply being blind. In fact, many of the public TV services are texted and certain public TV programs display speakers talking to the audience in this 'gesture language'.

But none of the foreign detectives following this affair of the new TV licence here have observed that pensioners are either envisaged to be exempted or to have their licence fee reduced (they have observed something to the contrary instead). Likewise, none of those detectives have observed that the main purpose of this new regulation is to make people who notoriously avoided paying the TV licence pay it from now on.

Personally, I stopped paying the TV licence after Donald Tusk (in opposition then) told us all here not to do so. Unfortunately, when Donald had come to power, he did not care to recall his famous words. As I result, I later got three or four reminders to pay, but did not pay since Donald said originally not to pay and then said nothing about starting paying again. Eventually I paid the TV licence for the 3 or 4 years in a lump sum when I was warned I would be ordered to pay it through a court order. And because it happened at the time when PO was still in power, I thought Donald was not worth my vote any longer since those liberal and progressive parties like PO were not able to make things done, but instead have been only engaging themselves in the discussions on what the new shape of the TV licence should be like for the last eight years. And that's, in short, the position of the dissatisfied voter of the progressive PO political party.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Dec 2015 /  #73
The truth is that they care for the poor so much because it is a political party they despise which plans to introduce this reform.

Actually, I would be dead against it regardless. TV is a luxury, not a human right. I don't believe there's any need to fund public TV at all - there are plenty of commercial broadcasters willing to use the frequencies for terrestrial TV after all.

Likewise, none of those detectives have observed that the main purpose of this new regulation is to make people who notoriously avoided paying the TV licence pay it from now on.

Isn't the main purpose to provide a huge amount of new revenue for PiS to use in producing pro-government propaganda?

As I said, there are perfectly good subscription-based ways to ensure that people that watching live Polish TV are paying for the licence. Can you provide me with a single reason why it's better to tax everyone as opposed to merely charging an extra subscription fee?

Personally, I was pretty disappointed as well that PO didn't take the chance and turn TVP into a fully commercial broadcaster with an eye to privatisation. There's perhaps a call for TVP Polonia to be funded from the budget for the Polonia, but that's about it.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Dec 2015 /  #74
public TV

The far-sighted PiS government plan to reculturate public TV and make it a broadcaster of mission in more than name alone. In other words, it should educate and raise the cultural level of the viewing public by providing more real culture, music, history, art, serious disucssion, etc. and less popculture crapola, more original Polish content and fewer licenced American sitcoms. The Prime Offenders were content to keep the proles down wtih cheap bread and circus.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Dec 2015 /  #75
In other words, it should educate and raise the cultural level of the viewing public by providing more real culture, music, history, art, serious disucssion, etc. and less popculture crapola, more original Polish content and fewer licenced American sitcoms.

See, you're already admitting that they intend to control everything that's on TVP rather than letting it be run by an independent editorial board with a broad remit. And to fund that, they need to tax hard working, low earning Polish families in order to do so.

Let's be serious - TVP is not going to suddenly turn into some highbrow broadcaster that challenges the public on a daily basis. It's going to promote what the government wants to promote - which means it will always have an agenda.

I found these quotes by Gliński about public TV and culture - worth reading.

In many countries today, ethical and moral norms are being reconsidered; national traditions, differences in culture and nation are being erased.

I don't read books by people who are betraying the Motherland.

The role of the government is not only to put honey into a cup, but sometimes to feed bitter medicine.

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Dec 2015 /  #76

He makes sense. Wherever it's been concocted, the multi-culti stew has been a social, cultural and culinary failure all the way .
6 Dec 2015 /  #77
And to fund that, they need to tax hard working, low earning Polish families in order to do so.

Perhaps PIS could put some of the money they raise from taxing people who shop at supermarkets towards funding TV-PIS?
terri  1 | 1661  
6 Dec 2015 /  #78
>>>>>>If they are blind they can still watch TV and if their are deaf they can watch TV. :D

Sorry I couldn't resist to take a crack at this. :)

What you MEANT to write was,...if they are blind they can still LISTEN...no one who is blind can see.
Sorry, couldn't resist....:-)
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Dec 2015 /  #79
Tax people for the air that they breathe........

That's been the case in Poland for ages. The opłata klimatyczna is charged in healthful climates, resort areas, etc. where fresh air is in abundance. And that was long before PiS was even set up.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
6 Dec 2015 /  #80
The opłata klimatyczna is charged in healthful climates, resort areas, etc. where fresh air is in abundance.

Shocking pollution in Zakopane when I was there last...... just saying :) And if you sneak off the path you don't pay the "tourist" tax. I pay enough direct taxes so refuse to pay that one on principle.

OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Dec 2015 /  #81
The opłata klimatyczna is charged in healthful climates, resort areas, etc.

Nevermind the fact that the air is often filthy in such areas. Jelenia Góra, I'm looking at you.
6 Dec 2015 /  #82
The truth is that they care for the poor so much because it is a political party they despise

I've barely commented on the political threads here Ziemowit, and I've certainly never said that I despise PiS, so please get your facts straight.

I commented on Dolnoslask's post where he stated that pensioners living near him can't afford to burn wood this winter, but I notice you conveniently omitted that part of my quote.

People living in poverty are going to be affected by this new tax whichever way you look at it, and pensioners shouldn't have to suffer.

The fact that PiS want to introduce this new tax is irrelevant to me. I wouldn't agree with it whichever political party were proposing it.

It's no different in the UK, it is always the the poorest and most vulnerable in society who are worse off, irrespective of who is in power.

Have to admit that introducing a new tax that all households have to pay irrespective of whether they have audiovisual appliances in their home is a bridge too far in my opinion. If I were living in Poland I would be objecting to it, regardless of whether I could easily afford to pay it. It's the principle.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Dec 2015 /  #83
If I were living in Poland I would be objecting to it, regardless of whether I could easily afford to pay it. It's the principle.

Indeed, hence why I'm taking part in protests against this rotten government that is punishing hard working, low earning families to pay for selective welfare measures.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Dec 2015 /  #84
selective welfare measures.

Those measures will benefit the low-earning, hard-working Poles you are shedding crocodile tears over! Get a life!
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Dec 2015 /  #85
How can a compulsory, unavoidable tax benefit hard working, low-earing Poles?
gregy741  5 | 1226  
6 Dec 2015 /  #86
it will give them sense of unity..ja
peterweg  37 | 2305  
6 Dec 2015 /  #87
I assume this is going to apply to uninhabited property as well?

Its property tax, the sort of thing that destroys governments. The political naivity of Polish voters and parties is amazing.

The 500pln per child promise will be.. interesting.

Wait til the childless people realise that the money has to come from somewhere.. somewhere like them..

Pensioners, PiS voter base, are going to get a shock
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Dec 2015 /  #88
I assume this is going to apply to uninhabited property as well?

No-one knows yet - but the two proposals are either a tax on the electricity bill or a tax applied to the tax return.

Wait til the childless people realise that the money has to come from somewhere.. somewhere like them..

Indeed. Wait until business owners get taxed more and wages fall as a result. Wait until VAT has to be raised to 24%. Wait until everyone starts crying and whining because PiS promised them lower taxes and more benefits!
Ironside  50 | 12884  
7 Dec 2015 /  #89
The fact that PiS want to introduce this new tax is irrelevant to me

Need to be motioned that PiS set in motion bill to increase tax-free income considerably but as it has not yet come to pass there is noting to diddle doodle about, the same goes for that public TV tax. Unfortunately some Brits in Poland are hopeless cases who don't do they country a credit, hence we encounter now and then such a thread on PF, a proof of ease with which they use back propaganda on behalf of people and causes they have a very vogue idea about.
jon357  72 | 23354  
7 Dec 2015 /  #90
I assume this is going to apply to uninhabited property as well?

Heavily taxing the owners of uninhabited properties (and taxing them double if they're left in stan deweloperskie) would solve a lot of problems and render the 10zl tv tax an irrelevance.

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