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PiS to force every hard working, low earning Polish family to pay for TV

7 Dec 2015 /  #91
In a country with falling population, penalising unoccupied property is a bit harsh.

Removing the benifit of leaving property in an unfinished state would be fair, but it's not really that crucial to the tax yield.

More importantly,The tax cuts for the lower paid and the 500 per child are going to be very expensive (assuming they implement it) and hugh tax increases or cuts will be needed.

The tax threshold definitely needs increasing, it's disgracefully low, but it will require Socialist levels of tax on earnings that are by international standards, quite low.

I'd like to see how much effect this will have on economic growth, a decade of experimenting with socialism will result in another generation suffering from Polands weak economy.

Unfortunately some Brits in Poland are hopeless cases who don't do they country a credit, hence we encounter now and then such a thread on PF, a proof of ease with which they use back propaganda on behalf of people and causes they have a very vogue idea about.

You should be glad they are invested enough to care. I don't have to give a **** because I have moved back to the UK , with more of the Polish family moving for the economic benifit.

The new government has been priced in already. Zloty is down 20% which will appear in the cost of living. Weaker currency, higher taxes may even out for foreign investors, especially as avoiding taxes will be more lucrative.

Socialism won't work. But it will be nice to watch from the sidelines
terri  1 | 1661  
7 Dec 2015 /  #92
They have agreed the fees/charges for 2016. It is 22.70 pln a month.
My argument that it is not STATE television still stands, as all of the stations broadcasting are in private hands. So in effect you are paying towards the profits of private companies and not the state.
Ironside  50 | 12884  
7 Dec 2015 /  #93
They have agreed the fees/charges for 2016. It is 22.70 pln a month.

Who are they? it isn't a new tax, it is old TV -fees.

My argument that it is not STATE television still stands, as all of the stations broadcasting are in private hands

Nope there is TVP the state TV, even though you seems to be unaware of that.

You should be glad they are invested enough to care.

Why? Should I be also glad if stalkers took interest in my daughter? What kind of nonsense is that?

have moved back to the UK , with more of the Polish family moving for the economic benifit.

Good for you, I wonder way you have moved to a country that in comparison to Poland can be described as a nanny state or a socialist hub?

But it will be nice to watch from the sidelines

Just to beater PiS for alleged socialism.
I think that even though your hardware is in order you need to sort out your software as it seems to be riddled with viruses and doesn't work that well.
terri  1 | 1661  
7 Dec 2015 /  #94
You may be incorrect in your assumption. TVP is a private company. It is TVP S.A. - in private hands.
No one has signed an agreement with this private company - there are many links on Interia.pl showing exactly the same. Also, the Post office (who is responsible for collecting the tax) is in no way related to TVP S.A.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
7 Dec 2015 /  #95
TVP is a private company. It is TVP S.A. - in private hands.

It's a company with 100% of shares owned by the state treasury and the (the only one in case of TV) "public broadcaster".
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Dec 2015 /  #96
It is TVP S.A. - in private hands.

That's quite normal in Poland - many companies that are owned 100% by the state are technically independent companies. It's just a different way of doing things - just like BBC Worldwide is a limited company that exists to raise money from BBC assets. TVP S.A. is very much under the control of the government.

From memory, Frence Télévisions is also S.A despite being 100% owned by the French state.

They have agreed the fees/charges for 2016. It is 22.70 pln a month.

That's the current television licence.

So in effect you are paying towards the profits of private companies and not the state.

TVP isn't a private company. It's a S.A. with 100% of the shares controlled by the government. In terms of structure, it just means that TVP can monetise their programming without having to set up a separate company to deal with it.

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