Except that small amounts of alcohol can actually increase both your sensory processing and reaction time.
Care to provide a credible link (as I did) to back up this wild claim? I won't hold my breath.
You don't know what you're talking about.
Well, actually sun shine, as a professional driver with 26 years experience, I'm afraid I do know what I'm talking about.
and I skidded on a safe bend
I good driver would have 'read the road', taken into account the crowd of people at the bus stop, and slowed BEFORE the bend, and therefore not skidded. Besides, there is no such thing as a 'safe bend'. In Britain, where the standard of instruction is much higher, a bend is considered a hazard and you learn to adjust your speed before you reach it.
because some idiot spilled sand on the tarmac and nobody cared to sweep it off.
yet the sand was still there until heavy rain two days later
Do I need to point out the obvious to you? I suppose I had better. You claim you skidded on sand and almost had an accident where you could have ploughed into a crowded bus stop, and that this sand was on the road for two days until rain washed it away. Your only course of action was 'to call those maintenance pricks'. It never occurred to you to clear the sand yourself? I mean you felt so strongly about the situation that you felt the need to report it, yet you did sweet FA over the next few days to prevent any further risk of accidents. Strange that! I wonder if I'm the only one who smells the Bull Sh1t here? Further more, I reckon that on a busy road like that, next to such a crowded bus stop, the volume of traffic would have cleared most of that sand away in two days.
On a 'clear black road' I saw the traffic light some 150 meters ahead, so I slowed down, not being sure if I will get the proper timing. Only the car didn't listen, I slid through on the red, because this particular stretch of the whole 400km was covered with thin ice. Now tell me I should've driven this distance at 20km per hour.
You seem to be drifting away from the point here. We are currently experiencing one of the warmest Novembers on record. It's just after 00.30 and the temperature is +9c. Black ice wasn't a factor in the 90 deaths over the weekend, alcohol was.
As for your comment, if the temperature was 0 or below, as a driver you should be aware of the risk of black ice and you should adjust your driving accordingly. But I guess that's a little beyond your ability.