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Polish Bishop criticises Smolensk cult

jon357  72 | 23492  
18 May 2017 /  #1
Bishop Tadeusz Pieronek, a former secretary-general of the Polish Episcopal Conference and very highly regarded here in Poland has said publicly what most people here think.

He accused Kaczynski and the PiS junta of trying to create a "quasi-religious 'cult' " around his late brother Lech Kaczynski.

He said the monthly (yes, monthly!) processions through Warsaw to commemoration of the Smolensk disaster, led by Kaczyński, are "pure politics, without religious character, During the speeches there are no words for the victims of the disaster. It's no longer about the dead. It's about politics."

Worth mentioning that a survey published this week found that 74% of Poles would like the marches to end; only 14% want them to continue.
mafketis  38 | 11167  
18 May 2017 /  #2
74% of Poles would like the marches to end; only 14% want them to continue.

As an iron clad supporter of free speech I certainly think they should be allowed to continue as long as they want (within the bounds of the law = can't prevent others from gathering at the same time) and actually hope they do as it certainly doesn't help PiS but merely reinforces its image as the crazy conservative conspiracy party...

A lot of the Smolensk cult of martyrdom is basically JK trying to expatiate his guilty feelings for planning the who ill advised venture and trying to find someone else to blame for his brother's death beside himself...
OP jon357  72 | 23492  
18 May 2017 /  #3
it certainly doesn't help PiS but merely reinforces its image as the crazy conservative conspiracy party...

This much is true.

cult of martyrdom

We should worry about all the statues going up everywhere.
Ironside  50 | 12954  
18 May 2017 /  #4
Yes, everyone is high regarded for you who agree with your commie ideologically. I guess he is highly regarded by you and your ilk. He should shut his commie gob.

What about your quest for a secular state? Doesn't a bishop talking politicks is big no no for you?
I guess, if the Church and bishops can involve into politicks as long as they are doing it furthering your goals, supporting your commie aims.
Sparks11  - | 333  
18 May 2017 /  #5
what does this have to do with communism?
OP jon357  72 | 23492  
19 May 2017 /  #6

Quite significant when such a prominent figure comes out publicly against the PiS junta.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
20 May 2017 /  #7
He should shut his commie gob.

That's so funny. Thanks for the laugh.
Ironside  50 | 12954  
20 May 2017 /  #8
what does this have to do with communism

A fact that you need to ask, tells me you need to connect the dots on your own.
Few question you might like to find an answer to.

1,Why THIS Bishop found himself talking about it today. That thing is going for years, Why now? Why at all? Is not as if that has anything to do with doctrine of the religion.

2,Which ideological option gain by this? (there is mayor struggle today between neo-Marxists - commies, called sometimes progressives and normal people)
3, Has the clergy in Poland cleared from soviet plants and agents. ( no group on Poland has been cleared from that category of a slime people, quite the opposite)

You're free to drawn your own conclusions.


I'm baffled by your stance jon. The preponderance of your ideological brethren hold a firm view that clergy, church and religion should say out of the politics? What had happened to you?
Bieganski  17 | 888  
20 May 2017 /  #9
I'm baffled by your stance jon. The preponderance of your ideological brethren hold a firm view that clergy, church and religion should say out of the politics?

This entire thread was created by the trolling OP in a vain attempt to sow discord by hoping to pit the RCC which he loathes against what he described as "Kaczynski and the PiS junta" which he loathes even more.

A so-called "junta". That is how this Marxist Islamist British carpetbagger describes the freely elected government in Poland.
OP jon357  72 | 23492  
20 May 2017 /  #10
a firm view that clergy, church and religion should say out of the politics?

Looks like you misunderstand - perhaps deliberately. Bishop Pieronek is very highly regarded here - something which gives his very justified condemnation of the Smolensk Cult and the PiS junta a lot of impact.

And he, like the late Fr Tischner, has a habit of saying exactly what everyone else is thinking.
Ironside  50 | 12954  
21 May 2017 /  #11
Bishop Pieronek is very highly regarded here

He is highly regarded by commies, soviets, progressives what have you. Normal people including priests think him a clown.

something which gives his very justified condemnation

Look like you misunderstood deliberately. I asked about your view on the desirability of participation of the clergy and other religious authorities in a "political" process. Not whether or not you agree with his words or share his sentiments in regard to L&J. (Law and Justice)
OP jon357  72 | 23492  
21 May 2017 /  #12
I doubt you're particularly in touch with what people, including clergy, think here now. He's a very good man and a rest authority here. The nearest thing we have now to Ks. Tischner.

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