eports are coming forth with witnesses stating they saw 2 bright flashes accompanied by what sounded like blasts.
I think there is a very real possibility of a bomb...However, I don't think the Russians did it.
To understand more about the 'geo-political' intrigues going on in Russia and the Caucasus, I will post a couple of links to extremely readable and explanatory articles about Russia and the Caucasus...I hope some forum posters will take the time to read them, because the situation in Russia, as always, is very enigmatic.
The Orthodox Medievalistrusjournal.com/nationalism7.html
Putin vs. the 'Regime'rusjournal.com/jewish_mafia.html
Global Reach of the 'Russian' MafiaBTW, Olga is at the least asking questions, and the other thread has been shut down...I am ashamed at people not at least asking serious questions...Why?...Because we have been lied to so much by our 'leaders' about so many things, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan being just two glaring examples.
This NWO thing has nothing to do with 'conspiracies'...It is simple the collection of the global super rich plutocrats and their functionaries, or 'marrionetki' using our own naivete and unwillingness to ask questions against us...This is why bad things happen over and over...We don't learn.
You will view such situations in a school classroom where children who thirst for answers and ask 'difficult' questions are often looked at as 'pain in the asses' or even ostracized.