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Polish women USED TO BE much more attractive:

southern  73 | 7059  
1 Aug 2011 /  #31
From a medical point of view, obesity is more dangerous in men than in women.

From an esthetic point of view is more dangerous on women.Hopefully westernization of Poland has not proceeded o the whales level.
modafinil  - | 416  
1 Aug 2011 /  #32
Eating too much sugar -the excess turns into fatty acids and is stored as fat in the body.

You meant to say too much sugar or any carbohydrate turns to fat, I'm sure. Fatty acids such as omega-3, are very beneficial (essential in the sense they are not synthesised by the body) and is conclusively tested to show a improvement in children's academic performance, as well as preventing heart disese and some cancers.

Please, parents, don't avoid giving your kid's fatty acids. if you can afford to, go out of your way to supplement their diets with omega3, . They essential fatty acids are as important in one's diet as vitamins and minerals.
f stop  24 | 2493  
1 Aug 2011 /  #33
I still think you are exaggerating about the size of Polish women - whilst their may be a rise in numbers of fatties, doesnt mean Poland is going to turn into some fat nation..

while I see some fat people at Walmart and the like, the first hand observation of my son's friends is that all the girls are all painfully thin, all with various eating disorders, basing their self esteem on being size zero. Obesity is one thing, but the ideal woman's body as portrayed by media is not realistic, and it messes with girls' heads. I hope that Poland's 'westernization' does not include accepting the ideal of underweight or downright anorexic female.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
1 Aug 2011 /  #34
Sugar has ZERO nutritional value

This is true.

I mean glucose, fructose, corn syrup. I am not talking about natural sugars found it fruits and vegetable

These are natural sugars and they all breakdown into glucose which stimulates insulin secretion. Hyperinsulinism is the problem. Cut your sugar consumption!
pip  10 | 1658  
1 Aug 2011 /  #35
You meant to say too much sugar or any carbohydrate turns to fat, I'm sure.

we are not talking about the same thing. I am talking about the sugars and refined carbs in processed foods. I am not talking about the natural occurring sugars and carbs in whole wheats, brown rice, beans, and fresh fruit and veg.

I don't think there is any health benefit to mcdonalds or pizza in a box- which is what the west is giving Poland.
milky  13 | 1656  
1 Aug 2011 /  #36
Slavic beauty has been uncovered to be a case of just not being fat

nonsense, its just a good well mixed gene pool,,,Back home when women are skinny, they are still mainly ugly and shapeless.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
1 Aug 2011 /  #37
Well My daughter lives on carbs.. she cannot process long chain fatty acids
we did buy however medium chain triglycerides to boost her energy , she says it helps

But I dont think its about just women getting fat, its about health in general and what
the food is doing to people.. genetically we are all pre-disposed to something.

There is so much preservatives in food, how can that even be good for Anyone?

lol did I kill this thread with truth?


sorry guys.. bottom line is, its not all to blame on food. it can be genetics and it doesnt
mean they will get bigger..

my daughter has to eat the carbs, she is just fine, each individual is different , its funny though
to see how men can be this way.. I made sure i educated my daughter on this.. that you will
run into some men who think that your supposed to look a certain way, but because of her
genetic disorder.. if she were to Stop eating she could die!!

so I think all of you really need to just calm yourself down and realize that unless your out to
help people, you need to really STHU and stop making it out to be a man preference rather
then health issues, if you care enough about people you will stop making snide comments
and just help them. if they dont want help at that moment, then say , well, when you need my
help I will be there..

How about starting a thread with some healthy suggestions on it instead of complaining..
what do you do for your meals.. do you eat out, do you dine in do you use certain spices?

do you eat more veggies, what kinds of soups are more healthy? what kinds of cakes can
the ladies eat without feeling guilty?

what do you find more beneficial for meal planning?

SHYZT people.. all kinds of ways to just say lets eat better and lets all be more healthy
together?? EHHH EHHHH

and it can happen in Poland and the US and THE UK.

it is about choice.. I will agree.. there are a Number of fast food places now going healthy
with oatmeal and fruit..

french fries are not bad for you if you cut them yourself and bake them.. how can that be bad?
if you soak them in Oil.. depending on which kind of oil.. <~some oils are good for you
because they are the essential fatty acids needed to break down into energy

there are ways to help.. it can be changed.. I think that the worry is valid.. but how its
presented sucks.. thats one thing I noticed about the European mentality, you dont beat
around the bush , and say things without giving any thought to how to say it.. maybe its
just a certain few who are like this, but my observations keep telling me this is how it is.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
2 Aug 2011 /  #38
while I see some fat people at Walmart and the like, the first hand observation of my son's friends is that all the girls are all painfully thin, all with various eating disorders, basing their self esteem on being size zero.

for the most part, the weight problem these days is due to laziness, not which diet you follow or what your fat/carbs/protein intake percentage is.

if someone wants to look good, they should exercise a lot. simple. you want to eat dessert at night? exercise. thing is, most people don't like to do it and don't like that it takes time out of their day or that they have to get up earlier or go to bed earlier in order to do it. exercising regularly is a lifestyle change and people generally aren't willing to make that change.

as for polish girls not looking as good, yes and no. sometimes being better fed leads to better looking skin, hair, color, etc. Being thin makes any woman look better as long as she maintains a healthy appearance. some women in poland look like they are lacking some serious vitamins and minerals and it looks awful.

women that eat healthy food and plenty of it, coupled with a lot of exercise will always look the best.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
2 Aug 2011 /  #39
for the most part, the weight problem these days is due to laziness, not which diet you follow or what your fat/carbs/protein intake percentage is.

I really disagree with this claim. I have known women who never did a lick of exercise but they were svelte. The true culprit in the Western world's growing obesity problem is processed foods. When people eat them they take in an abundance of calories, but they fail to receive the nutrients their bodies crave, and so they eat more, and more, in a futile attempt to satisfy this craving, and they thus consume too many calories and get fat.
f stop  24 | 2493  
2 Aug 2011 /  #40
for the most part, the weight problem these days is due to laziness

I don't agree. I sit at work, 8-10 hours a day. I try my hardest to stick to 1500 calories diet, I swim for miles, kayak for 10s of miles.. and my ass is still getting bigger and bigger. It's a combination of sedentary lifestyle, overabundance of rich foods, and the love of cooking. In other words: the good life.

I used to make relentless fun of fatties, and now, (karma is a b!tch), I'm well on the way of becoming one. Just you wait, kiddies.
Marynka11  3 | 639  
2 Aug 2011 /  #41
You are forgetting about the genes. They say a girl is eventually going to turn into her mother, and I think it's usually true weightwise. Some people have it easier to keep the weight down just by eating healthy and excercising, some still find it very hard.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
2 Aug 2011 /  #42
problem is processed foods.


if it can stay in a box longer then a year, imagine how long it stays in our bodies?

whats the date of expiration?? hmmmmmmmm july 25th 2525 if man is still alive.. lol

hey, I wonder if that is a lottery number?? I think I am going to play it tonight..

I try my hardest to stick to 1500 calories diet,

sometimes thats worse then just eating more.. because you body is needing more depending
on how active you are , if you are more active your not taking in enough cals to substanciate
it so your body is in hiber mode and its storing fat for later.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
2 Aug 2011 /  #43
f stop wrote:

I don't agree. I sit at work, 8-10 hours a day. I try my hardest to stick to 1500 calories diet, I swim for miles, kayak for 10s of miles.. and my ass is still getting bigger and bigger.

because you sit at work all day, "try your hardest" but fail to stick to 1500 calories a day, you don't swim/kayak regularly....hence, the growing pupa. if you wrote down everything you ate last month along with every mile you swam (or didn't swim) you'd have your answer to why you can't fit into those skinny jeans anymore.

stop lying to yourself or to anyone else on this forum.
southern  73 | 7059  
2 Aug 2011 /  #44
Polki tend to follow extreme diets which keep the western monster away.
Ogorki  - | 114  
2 Aug 2011 /  #45
sorry guys.. bottom line is, its not all to blame on food.

More girls in Poland are - and will be getting fatter. Genetic disorders do not just materialise en mass.

Processed food manufacturers are at fault. GOD damn them all to hell.
f stop  24 | 2493  
2 Aug 2011 /  #46
you wrote down everything you ate last month along with every mile you swam

I actually do. :)
An iphone app is keeping me honest now. Still, life is not as good as it used to be... it's more of a pain in the ass.

I swim minimum 2 miles a week. Kayak for hours every weekend. Measure all my intake including (the horror!) alcohol.
BTW, It's really annoying being acused of lying by some faceless jerk out there.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
2 Aug 2011 /  #47
fstop wrote:

I swim minimum 2 miles a week. Kayak for hours every weekend.

as predicted.

here, try this website:


it has hundreds of activities to choose from. plug in your weight, how many minutes you do a certain exercise per week and you'll get your total calorie burn.

i put in 150 lbs and entered 60 minutes of moderate swimming (this means 60 minutes of constant swimming, no breaks, no hanging out, pure swimming). 30 minutes per mile seems reasonable. total calorie burn = 414 calories.

kayaking is not an activity to burn calories, plain and simple. Do you know why you're physically capable of kayaking "for hours" every weekend? nuff said.

my estimation, you're burning around 700-800 calories a week. you know as well as i do, that's not nearly enough to melt your growing rear end.

NOW, change the activity to running. if you ran for 40 minutes a day, 4 days a week, at 6mph (slow but i'm trying to be realistic) you'd burn 1,824 calories. that's more than DOUBLE what you're burning now. if you eventually worked up to 7mph, you're now at 2,088.

your problem, like so many others, is you think you exercise, but you really don't. do something that really makes you breath heavy, really kicks your a$$ several times a week....and poof!....the fat disappears and your tail be lookin' fine again.
2 Aug 2011 /  #48
I`m gonna add my few words into this discourse . In my opinion for staying in shape, the most responsible is your own metabolic system . Every person has got its own , very individualistic , inherited in genes . It goes from parents to children . So, look at your parents and you will see how you will look when you get older . But keeping a healthy diet is very helpful , which means eating as much unprocessed food as you can( this means eating raw vegetables not cooked for example ). I have never had a problem with my weight , but it doeasn`t mean that I can eat whatever I wish . I watch my calories constantly . You can`t also put yourself on a strict diet, because on a long run your skin and hair will look terrible .
Seanus  15 | 19666  
2 Aug 2011 /  #49
Great post, Monia. Metabolism is a major factor. My wife eats quite a bit more than I do, as does her father. They are slim. I am overweight yet don't eat that much. Exercise plays its part but my metabolism could be much better.
f stop  24 | 2493  
2 Aug 2011 /  #50
NOW, change the activity to running.

no freaking way! I think all you runners out there are doing some serious damage to your ankles, knees and hips. I'll stick to the activities I actually can enjoy, not torture myself with, like spinning in place, for example.

I know exactly how many calories I eat and how much I burn (I already mentioned the app I'm using, so I don't need yours, thank you). I burn about 350 cal/hr paddling, 700/hr swimming.
Ogorki  - | 114  
3 Aug 2011 /  #51
When McDonalds first arrived in Poland 99% of females looked amazing and slim.
I saw all those children lured into McDonalds.
I said - in 5-10 years, half of those kids will be fat.
Now they are. Simple.
sanyam  - | 7  
3 Aug 2011 /  #52
What do Polish women look like? Men too? I have no idea. The whole human race is a blur to me.
Lenka  5 | 3484  
3 Aug 2011 /  #53
Polish women USED TO BE much more attractive
If you are talking only about their size then ALL European women are less attractive.The whole world is getting less attractive. So I'm sorry but you will have to get used to the fact that you are surrounded by ugly women. So sad...
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
3 Aug 2011 /  #54
When McDonalds first arrived in Poland 99% of females looked amazing and slim.

Were there McDonalds 100somethings years ago?

100+ years ago, women with more weight were seen beautiful while slim women were not. and, those days, women were trying to gain weight.
I remember two decades ago, slim skinny women were popular.
Rather than weight, I view fat percentage in the body is more important.
As f-stop said, lazyness/deskworks/etc are making people with more fat. but, salaries of deskwork jobs are much more than field work jobs and deskworks are easier. but, it causes such problems like health, shape, etc.
Lenka  5 | 3484  
3 Aug 2011 /  #55
Rather than weight, I view fat percentage in the body is more important.

And I think that women are attractive when they have "to coś",something special in their appearance. How is it that some women are not quite pretty but men are crazy about them? It doesn't have anything to do with size or fat percentage.
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
3 Aug 2011 /  #56
"to cos", something special, can change from person to person, somethings like matter of taste.. but, i don't think fat (not saying weight) is found beautiful by big majority of men, maybe, by few fat fetish ones. Unhealthy woman isn't beautiful and the more fatty the less healthy.
southern  73 | 7059  
3 Aug 2011 /  #57
Generally slavic features add enough spice even to a soup.
Lenka  5 | 3484  
3 Aug 2011 /  #58
"to cos", something special, can change from person to person, somethings like matter of taste..

That's obvious.

but, i don't think fat (not saying weight) is found beautiful by big majority of men, maybe, by few fat fetish ones.

Calling someone fat is also a matter of taste-some ppl will call girl that weights 55 kg fat and some a girl that weights 77.

Unhealthy woman isn't beautiful and the more fatty the less healthy.

The "health" argument was also why ppl used to like bigger ppl-slim wasn't healthy.
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
3 Aug 2011 /  #59
Calling someone fat is also a matter of taste-some ppl will call girl that weights 55 kg fat and some a girl that weights 77.

I said it above, I didn't mean weight by fat. Fat, not meat, not muscle.. Fat = grease, oil (i don't know another word to express the fat.)

55 kg and 77 kg, both can be healthy, hence beautiful if their fat percentage is not above the limit. Not only women, but also, many men today are fats whether they are less or more weights.. And, one of main reasons for that, as I said above, is desk-work jobs which are paid more salary. If desk work jobs are paid less than field work jobs, people will prefer to do more field works, therefore, they will have less fat.
southern  73 | 7059  
3 Aug 2011 /  #60
Skinny men are usually attracted to fatter women because they need some meat for the winter.

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