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Polish women USED TO BE much more attractive:

Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
31 Jul 2011 /  #1
The numbers are in and it's not looking good.

What was once referred to as Slavic beauty has been uncovered to be a case of just not being fat. That has changed and I'm afraid to say, it will get worse until the economy goes down the crapper again or people become much more active.

But what happened to the Most beautiful women in the world crown?
Based on what I've seen in my own homeland and based on the what I've seen here (since 2001), Polish women will not regain this coveted title until the apocalypse has descended upon us.

Want proof?
Cinnabon. These things are Satan's temptation and while delectable and filling they are the herald of the four horsemen: obesity; complacency; entitlement; ignorance. Now that these things have descended on the population of Poland, there is no going back.

That's right, based on my own experiences growing up in a cinnabon culture, I know it's going to get ugly, and I mean Fuggin Ugly (that's a little play on words with a swear and Ugg boots for you slower members).

Seriously guys there is no messing about here, I had to leave my homeland because of too many fat broads. You got to crack that whip and lead Fatty McFattins away from the trough. All women will get fat if they think they can get away with it. Don't want to be surrounded by fat broads? Lead by example and be hyper critical, I mean be critical to the point of instilling multiple complexes in any chick you see stuffing her face.

Shame on you for feeding your kids this endless supply of sugar, these girls and boys don't stand a chance at looking and feeling as healthy as you once did because you stuff them full of sugar at such a young age.

God Damn your ignorance!

It's weird but I'm making the call that men are going to become much more fit relative to women in Poland. Sport is more accessible for males and it's more accepted that males of any age will get together to do something active.
southern  73 | 7059  
31 Jul 2011 /  #2
Prey for communism.Low calorie portions and standing in queues guarantees perfect bodies.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
31 Jul 2011 /  #3
?? Yeah beauty secrets of the gulag. Plus, when they hit 35 they looked like they were 65.
OP Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
31 Jul 2011 /  #4
Prey for communism.Low calorie portions and standing in queues guarantees perfect bodies.

Stop thinking like a light switch (the bad kind), critiquing the oncoming of one extreme is not endorsement of the opposite (extreme).
pip  10 | 1658  
31 Jul 2011 /  #5
have you not seen the gut on the Polish male? I agree with the feeding the children horrible food, however it is not just the fault of the mother. In my opinion it is a form of child abuse.
pawian  226 | 27364  
31 Jul 2011 /  #6
Why do you think that cinabon culture is just arising in Poland and it hasn`t been here before? Such sweet baked goods were available in private or state points, called cukiernia, in communism, too.

Salty snacks are more harmful, I believe.
OP Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
31 Jul 2011 /  #7
however it is not just the fault of the mother.

No one commented here that it's only the mother's fault.

yeah polish adult males are pretty fat around the waist now but when I look specifically at the kids in their later teens, I see a contrast to that older generation. I am predicting that unless things veer off course from where they're going now, in 5 years the average 25-35 Polish male will be holding up much better physically than his female counterpart.
sister act  2 | 88  
31 Jul 2011 /  #8
Yes I was suprised to see in my husbands village most of the children were heavy or slightly over weight if they are heavy when they are 8 years old I would say they will be even more heavy at 18 years old. I put it down to the fact the parents have cars and the children do not have to walk to school anymore and now they sit at home in the village with nothing to do but play video games where as when my husband was a child he had to work on the farm now his nephews just surf the net and get fat.

So I wonder will the next generation of poles be as hot as the last I don't think so.
OP Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
31 Jul 2011 /  #9
pawianThreads: 51Posts: 2,924Joined: May 30, 08

True but there's something different now in the attitudes of consumption. Massive portions (cinnabons are the size of a car tire) and the increasing feasibility of businesses offering such things denotes such a change.

Tell me you don't see a change in people's physiques here.

sister act

Don't get me started on video games. They turn a kid's (more often boy's) brain to mush, unable to focus on anything for more than 5 minutes.
pawian  226 | 27364  
31 Jul 2011 /  #10
=Foreigner4]pawianThreads: 51Posts: 2,924Joined: May 30, 08

Hey, I didn`t say this! I don`t brag about my forum achievements.

Tell me you don't see a change in people's physiques here.

Yes, I do, but not due to sweets. Fast food and salty snacks are much more dangerous.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
31 Jul 2011 /  #11
The average Polish girl is still much slimmer than the average Western European girl.

Overweight is probably a bigger problem among Polish men.

I had to leave my homeland because of too many fat broads.

I hope that it was not the major reason to move. In that case, it says more about you, than about Polish girls.
southern  73 | 7059  
31 Jul 2011 /  #12
If you visit Poland and Belarus it is like an apocalypse.Belarus still under the firm grip of Lukashenko shows no signs of obesity.In Poland Mc Donalds have started to put out their devastating consequences on women figure.It is a pity to see beautiful faces in rounded bodies only the face reminds now of the former slavic beauty.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
31 Jul 2011 /  #13
Isnt all this a slight exaggeration - its been a while since I was in Poland (5 years) but saw no evidence of an abudance of fat kids or even chubby, they all looked healthy and normal.

I had to leave my homeland because of too many fat broads.

Im sure there were plenty of slim ones too, maybe you just dont reach the mark to get a nice girl in your homeland though, not trying to be nasty here, just surmising (bit like fat bald middle aged Brits who go to Thailand for a bride :) )
OP Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
31 Jul 2011 /  #14
Isnt all this a slight exaggeration


Im sure there were plenty of slim ones too, maybe you just dont reach the mark to get a nice girl in your homeland though, not trying to be nasty here, just surmising (bit like fat bald middle aged Brits who go to Thailand for a bride :) )

Judging by your reply, you're sure of a lot of things you've not an iota of sense about.
Perhaps all those children all looked "healthy" to you because you compared them to yourself. Not trying to be nasty, just surmising (fat people often do that, you don't see yourself as fat so by virtue, anyone slimmer than you can't be either:)

The average Polish girl is still much slimmer than the average Western European girl. Overweight is probably a bigger problem among Polish men.

Put away the white knight suit of armour and stop being a beta male. Being slimmer than some of the fattest women in world (UK ladies) is masking the problem.

That's like saying compared to Central London, property prices here are reasonable.

I hope that it was not the major reason to move. In that case, it says more about you, than about Polish girls.

Let's say that IS the reason I moved, what would that say about me and what pray tell do you think I was trying to say about Polish girls as a consequence.
pip  10 | 1658  
31 Jul 2011 /  #15
Salty snacks are more harmful, I believe.

actually- you are wrong. Sugar has ZERO nutritional value. It also effects behaviour- particularly children and specifically boys.
OP Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
31 Jul 2011 /  #16
Pip might be right, one of my friends is an anesthesiologist and told me some researchers have recently concluded that there are a lot more benefits to salt (darned if i can remember the specifics). We spoke (he spoke and I listened) about the 180's that have happened in medical discovery.
Midas  1 | 571  
31 Jul 2011 /  #17
The time I spent in Poland in this century and in various decades of the previous century make me more than qualified to speak out.

And here's my take on this:

It isn't fair to say Polish women USED TO BE much more attractive. However, if anyone spent any significant amount of time in Poland in the 1980's or the early 1990's one thing does stick out - people in general ( both genders ) are now MUCH more obese then they used to be back then. I suppose it has something to do with the food - back in the 1980's if one had dinner at a decent restaurant in Warsaw there was a noticeable difference in the quality of food between Poland and the UK. I guess it is fair to say Polish food back then was, how to put it, more real, without all the chemical stuff that was routinely pumped into the food back in the West. There were no fast-food restaurants, at least as far as I recall, either.

Nowadays things have pretty much evened out, hence the rise in the number of Polish fatties ( both genders ) which in turn might translate into the female population becoming slightly less attractive.
modafinil  - | 416  
31 Jul 2011 /  #18
actually- you are wrong. Sugar has ZERO nutritional value.

No. Sugar is a pure carbohydrate. One of the six classes of nutrients.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
31 Jul 2011 /  #19
Amathyst. Isnt all this a slight exaggeration - its been a while since I was in Poland (5 years) but saw no evidence of an abudance of fat kids or even chubby, they all looked healthy and normal.

I'm afraid not. The last five years have seen an enormous rise in obesity. Ten years ago a fat kid was an unusual sight in Poland; now they are everywhere.

Apart from the new abundance of processed foods available now, the kids simply have more money in their pockets. In the small (30,000 people) town near my village there four pizzerias, and their main patrons are young folk.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 Jul 2011 /  #20
The last five years have seen an enormous rise in obesity. Ten years ago a fat kid was an usual sight in Poland; now they are everywhere.

You know, I can't help but wonder if it's not due to the kids, but rather the increased "awareness" of Polish parents - who were overprotective to begin with.

I mean, the amount of kids that I see in buggies is ridiculous - I always see babcias pushing kids of 3/4 around - which is ridiculous, especially when in the middle of the park! Again - much easier for babcia, but dreadful for the child. I mean - even today, the weather isn't great, but it's not cold - why the hell aren't parents out in the park with their children?

I'm convinced that among small children, the more overprotective the guardians are, the fatter the child.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
31 Jul 2011 /  #21
Perhaps all those children all looked "healthy" to you because you compared them to yourself.

Do a zumba class, a circuit training class and go running a couple of times a week...also have a balanced diet...nowt wrong me matie, Ive also never had to move across the globe so I can pull a "normal" sized attractive bloke! No offence take by your comment, it would seem you dont have a clue about me :) There's also a picture of my body post in the show you face thread..Im toned and holding my own!

I still think you are exaggerating about the size of Polish women - whilst their may be a rise in numbers of fatties, doesnt mean Poland is going to turn into some fat nation..
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
31 Jul 2011 /  #22
The fattest people on earth are American(s).

Both men and women are vastly overweight. Broken down, here is my perspective. Black African females have the highest rate of being obese. They seem to be everywhere. The next people down-the-ladder are overweight Mexican women but they are usually squatty and thick thru the middle and not generally obese. After that comes everybody else; White males and females; black males, and Hispanic men all have high percentages of being overweight. This is not a criticism per se, but an observation.
OP Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
31 Jul 2011 /  #23
Amathyst, you could post any picture and say it's you. I'll take you at your word because because truly doesn't affect me in the least. My point is it is clear neither of us have a clue about the other let's stop making ridiculous assumptions based on the flimsiest bits of information and let's stay on topic.

Seriously, the average woman is getting mighty plump over here and it has revealed that Polish women (except for my lovely lady:) never were anymore attractive than their European counterparts, they were simply slimmer.

There are some very serious repercussions to this trend though. The public health care system is going to be under even more scrutiny and demand in the coming years. Children are also going to have a lot of problems too. I will be interested to see how people react in the coming years both economically and socially.

You can believe what you want on the matter but if you haven't been here for 5 years then my question is why you are arguing the matter?

I mean, the amount of kids that I see in buggies is ridiculous - I always see babcias pushing kids of 3/4 around - which is ridiculous, especially when in the middle of the park! Again - much easier for babcia, but dreadful for the child. I mean - even today, the weather isn't great, but it's not cold - why the hell aren't parents out in the park with their children?

Good point, and come to think of it, I have seen a lot more children that age in buggies than I used to.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
31 Jul 2011 /  #24
Or maybe the novelty has worn off for you, For4?
OP Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
31 Jul 2011 /  #25
No, the fatties are becoming more common place.
pip  10 | 1658  
31 Jul 2011 /  #26
No. Sugar is a pure carbohydrate. One of the six classes of nutrients.

ok- but what people are eating are totally refined and full of chemicals. I mean glucose, fructose, corn syrup. I am not talking about natural sugars found it fruits and vegetable.

A diet high in refined foods is causing the obesity epidemic. People don't get fat from eating too much fruit. To many chocolates, frozen pizzas, white bread- this is what makes people fat.

How many children do you see with black teeth? This is not specific to income- in fact in my experience those that make more money, particularly Poland B, in Warsaw, have the fattest kids with black teeth.

Eating too much sugar -the excess turns into fatty acids and is stored as fat in the body.
Too much salt will dehydrate you.
A diet consisting of chocolate cereals and nutella for breakfast, followed by a stop at McDonalds and then white bread, frozen pizzas is what is making Poland fat. Poland only needs to look to the west to see what happens if you eat too much KFC, Burger King and McDonalds.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
31 Jul 2011 /  #27
I have seen a slight increase in the size of girls here but not really much to speak of. Given the abundance of fast food around them, they have still maintained their shape quite well.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
31 Jul 2011 /  #28
From a medical point of view, obesity is more dangerous in men than in women.

Cardiovascular disease is much more common in obese men than in obese women.

High risk = people with fat around the abdomen. It is a strong risk factor for cardiovascular disease and diabetes type 2. And almost all obese men have a lot of fat around the abdomen. Most obese women have much more fat on the butt and thighs, than on the abdomen. That is one of the reasons why obesity is less dangerous in women.

Smoking is a much stronger risk factor for cardiovascular disease (and cancer) than moderate obesity, in women.
southern  73 | 7059  
31 Jul 2011 /  #29
Polki have to exercise their famous diets with even more persistence in this unfavorable environment.
OP Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
31 Jul 2011 /  #30
From a medical point of view, obesity is more dangerous in men than in women.

yes and no.
From the isolated perspective of the where fat has a tendency to deposit on men and women, yes.

BUT what I specified is it is young people in which I am seeing the largest disparity (compared to 5-10 years ago). What's especially dangerous about this for girls is that the hormones which direct where fat goes don't activate until late childhood and girls fat cells will grow at a faster rate than boys' do. IF a young girl gets fat at a young age then she will have a tendency to gain weight in a more male-like pattern.

Men are more physically active and the outlets for men to exercise are much greater than for women. This has begun to show in females aged 15-24 from what I've seen and I do fear how it will play itself out especially for the girls if things don't move in a different direction.

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