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Marriage with a polish woman - Heaven or Forever Hell ?

sa11y  5 | 331  
8 Feb 2013 /  #31
Western Man's average income: 200.00 USD
Polish Woman's average income: 4,000.00 USD

I see you haven't done maths at school... So now your man lives for nothing, no food, accommodation, bills and woman "consumes" everything?
MarcinD  4 | 135  
8 Feb 2013 /  #32
Western society could very well be categorized as ''anti-male''. This being a prime example
pedromiguelppin  - | 17  
8 Feb 2013 /  #33
The fact is since ever the rights given to a men or to a women was not well balance, in a clear benefit of the men. Last years (maybe 20 or even more) the society tried to reach a good balance, creating some measures to protect the women rights, look for example for the creation of minimal limits in political positions and high places that should be held by women, in some countries... in this countries you can have 100% women government but never 100% men. I think the problem is that nowadays the balance is almost (or even reached) reach in some countries, but the measures are still existing and maybe soon it will start to be unbalance this time for the men side...
8 Feb 2013 /  #34
Western society could very well be categorized as ''anti-male''. This being a prime example

The thing is that now, in 2013, our society became a very men hating society.

Men have OBLIGATIONS and almost no rights anymore.

While women have no obligations, and just TONES of rights.

Discrimination of males is mainly based on "look how things where 300 years ago, when women were not allowed to vote!"
which is as good as "let's just punish all the germans because of hitler"...

SeanSmartsNY  1 | 17  
8 Feb 2013 /  #35
Men should stay in packs, work, stay outside the home, and only go to a woman to procreate and continue their bloodline, and go back out working there is no reason to be obligated to one woman now-a-days. You have a system that encourages this. Here is the sickness. Its okay for you, as a man, to go from one woman to the next firing out as many kids as you want without consequence, all paid for by the state. Its also okay for you to marry and divorce as many woman as you want, and leave as many children behind with these women as long as you can afford the alimony. Unfortunately woman pay the ultimate price in this, being a single mother, trying to raise kids with no man in her life. Then you have areas where these systems aren't in place, and people view children in a entire different light, no one is encouraged to have a kid without consequence based on the resources or avenues not in place to do so. No hand outs, your on your own. Not encouraged, far different outcome. We have mediators in all aspects of our life, but no one will mediate a resolution between a married couple in terms of a bitter divorce and loss of assets. Its the courts that mediate the outcome, which just settles who gets the kids, and how to divide up the assets. The name of the game is to run interference in our everyday lives, make it harder to get ahead, put more red-tape in the way of success, make a mockery of marriage deem it antiquated and look at what we are left with. We are now all equals.

This is the growing trend, its easier to just have a kid with someone and walk away and just pay the child support. The sanctity of the family has been broken, the same goes with marriage. Know directly some individuals who never got married just to exploit this system, having kids paid for by the state, free child birth, food-stamps and they still live together but otherwise are deemed separated and the status of the woman living as a single mother with two kids under these circumstances. Not saying what they are doing is right, but it is was it is. Welcome to your modern day relationship.
jon357  72 | 23528  
8 Feb 2013 /  #36
The sanctity of the family has been broken, the same goes with marriage.

Nothing but vaginal intercourse between a married man and his married woman with the man placed ABOVE the woman so as to demonstrate the subordination of woman is blessed by God. Oral and anal intercourse are abominations and so is masturbation and other positions than the one described above. A man who wishes salvation must accept these teachings and try to live accordingly, confess sins against these commandments and practice ascetism so as to control sinful sexual wishes. Why do not you accept traditional christian teachings on sexuality? Not to accept traditional christian teaching is of course heresy.
SeanSmartsNY  1 | 17  
8 Feb 2013 /  #37
Marriage is a legal document, that allows the courts to intrude on your life, most people wipe their ass with it. Better off setting up your own contracts with a woman, right from the start, buy her a house, give her money everymonth, and be done with it. 60% chance she will take it from you anyway and its going to happen. Atleast this way you have control over the situation, as a man, and not stripped of this right by the courts and legal proceedings that will follow down the road when chances are its going to happen anyway.

I don't know why any one gets married these days, its more a business agreement than anything. It has nothing to do with love. Person loves you? What does getting married prove? Know a couple who had a $80K USD wedding and were divorced within that year.

The contract implies you have to be faithful, or else the court steps in and takes all your assets, and you get to see your kids once a month. Its not about god.
jon357  72 | 23528  
9 Feb 2013 /  #38
60% chance she will take it from you anyway and its going to happen

That sounds very much like someone who's failed in their marriage.
9 Feb 2013 /  #39
I don't know why any one gets married these days, its more a business agreement than anything. It has nothing to do with love. Person loves you? What does getting married prove? Know a couple who had a $80K USD wedding and were divorced within that year.

[b]The court steps in and takes all your assets, and you get to see your kids once a month. Its not about God.

Even if you are totally faithful as a husband, and the wife sleeps around with every guy, all the courts will STILL
give her YOUR CHILDREN, and also 10% child alimony that you as a husband will be paying for the rest of your life,
money which usually your exwife who took your life and your children, will use for exotic trips to have sex with more arabian guys[/b]
SeanSmartsNY  1 | 17  
9 Feb 2013 /  #40
That sounds very much like someone who's failed in their marriage.

Separation of church and state. It should be separation of marriage and state. You go into a marriage taking vows in front of a priest, under the covenant of God, then on the way out you get divorced in a court of law and its not a priest or the church that makes the decisions at that point. Its cut throat lawyers, and judges that make the decisions at that point and if your wife decides to run up massive debt on credit cards your responsible for half of that, even if she is being irresponsible.

Poland apparently has a divorce rate of 10%, The United States 60%, and Russia divorce rates are 60%. Coincidence?

You have a situation where divorce in small town Poland is looked down upon, everyone knows one another, they go out to the town square saying their hello discussing issues on the street with one another while out buying things for their everyday lives. They have little to no police or authoritative figures in some of these areas, its almost non-existent at times. Divorce is looked down upon, and when people in the town hear about it, everyone knows. Its to be honest, just not accepted, possibly due to family values being stronger, less outside intrusions on people's lives, possibly little to no land taxes. You don't hear about people getting foreclosed on in Poland, people also do not get thrown out on the street by a sheriff. Maybe in rental situations but in terms of land ownership things are plain and simple different.
sa11y  5 | 331  
9 Feb 2013 /  #41
What??? Poland has 10 % divorce rate? When, in the 60's? Divorce rate in Poland now is over 30% (which is still significany less than USA and Western Europe), but days of 10% are looong gone...
alex67  1 | 14  
9 Feb 2013 /  #42
Why do not you accept traditional christian teachings on sexuality? Not to accept traditional christian teaching is of course heresy.

Is this your actual belief?
jon357  72 | 23528  
9 Feb 2013 /  #43
It's actually something an acquaintance sent that he wrote recently. Interestingly he's a celibate RC priest involved in something called 'Catholic Marriage Guidance'. His works are available in Polish translation. That's by no means what most Polish women expect or believe. It is however an extreme example of the sort of thing that many are told about married life by figures with so-called moral authority.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
9 Feb 2013 /  #44
Societal respect for women has been going downhill for generations now. What planet do you live in? Considering where we started (the age of chivalry) and how the conception of the 'lady' as degenerated to a point where western males have been forced to seek out companions from less developed countries because western women have made themselves completely unlovable and objects of sheer contempt, rather then respect, i'm not sure where exactly do you see this big improvement.

You went from writing poems and singing songs to jerking off in their faces, yay for societal evolution.

And speaking of history, have you ever heard of Edward Gibbon? He wrote a book about the rise and fall of the Roman empire which shares many interesting parallels with our current social and political situation. Fascinating stuff, this history...
alex67  1 | 14  
9 Feb 2013 /  #45
he's a celibate RC priest involved in something called 'Catholic Marriage Guidance'.

Crikey ! Remind me never to go to him then !! And as for him being celibate....How lucky for the women !!

The subordination of women is blessed by God? ........I'd say that's more misguidance than guidance !!

If that's his true belief in marriage guidance then I wouldn't be surprised if divorce statistics do rise !

What a horrible way of thinking.........
kondzior  11 | 1026  
9 Feb 2013 /  #46
The subordination of women is blessed by God? ........I'd say that's more misguidance than guidance !!

It was introduced by the Church through out the middle ages in a society which was essentially matrist (and by extention, uncivilized). Without it, i doubt western civilization would have flourished so quickly and so intensely.
jon357  72 | 23528  
9 Feb 2013 /  #47
Isn't it. What strikes me about is how earnest he is. I wonder how many people in PL get fed a diluted version of that, especially in rural districts where people believe what they are told in the pulpit or the confessional. I wouldn't go so far as to say it explains people's mindset about relationships, but it must have influence.
alex67  1 | 14  
9 Feb 2013 /  #48
I wonder how many people in PL get fed a diluted version of that,

........Enough to feed the fat cats of The Vatican.....
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
9 Feb 2013 /  #49
Western women are the most selfish, spoiled, intolerant people on earth. (Apologies to those rare western women who are not). They have been brought up to distrust and criticize men while placing themselves on pedestals.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
10 Feb 2013 /  #50
Western women are the most selfish, spoiled, intolerant people on earth.

That's merely the tip of the iceberg, and it's besides the point really.

What's important is the role of the sexes within the institution of the family, which is the building block of civilization, and the family must be invariably male dominated in order to assure it's primary function.

One reason for this is that males are basically selfless within the context of a larger group. For a male, the group comes first, and his worth as an individual is measured by his sense of duty towards said group. Women on the other end are inherently selfish. The individual comes first, and what's good for the self defines everything.

The second important factor is that only male dominated families can work towards the disciplining of other males. Feminists always say that patriarchal families are a tool of female oppression, but the truth is that primary concern of a male dominated household is the rearing of male children towards a duty oriented model. Female dominated households are only concerned with what's good for the mother, which means children, particularly male children are allowed to indulge in their own impulses, which leads to unruly and defiant behavior.

Thus, why the influence of the Church as the main civilizing force in the essentially matriarchal European tribes.
sa11y  5 | 331  
10 Feb 2013 /  #51
Kondzior, disciplining children by father has nothing to do with male dominance in family. I would give my own family as example (I know, I'm far from being objective and my family may not be representative, but that's not the point). My husband is far from being dominant towards ME, although he is a very masculine type.

We both discipline our son, but our son is still small. I think this has a lot to do with the fact that men is usually stronger built and has more physical power, which can play a role when disciplining teenager.

I will be very happy for my husband to deal with the teenage tantrums of our son when the time comes...
But only part of disciplining is related to physical dominance.
Rest is mental strength and consequence, which is not gender related, but rather driven by confidence and position within the household.
An independent women, a provider, will be more confident and mentally strong than a housewife.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
10 Feb 2013 /  #52
Kondzior, disciplining children by father has nothing to do with male dominance in family.

Maybe, maybe not. My assertion was more on the lines that those elements were strongest during our patriarchal history, an history which we've been taught to look with shame and resentfulness (female point of view). This has led to an irrational rejection of our own cultural identity which is corroding our civilization.

The rivalry between Athens and Sparta offers a perfect and irrefutable example of my argument.

In Athens, women were essentially denied even the most basic of rights. They were discouraged from learning how to write and read, weren't allowed to partake into politics, the arts or the sciences and their role was essentially that of support and nurture.

In Sparta, women were given much greater freedom. They were taught reading and writing, they partook in many of the same activities as men (combat training and sport competitions included) and were even allowed to own private property.

Now, look at the results. Athens is the shining beacon of classical culture. Their contribution to the arts and sciences is unparalleled and their genius without peer. Sparta however was nothing more then a congregation of thugs.

Under the patriarchal model of Athens, male energy was controlled and channeled.

Under the Spartan matriarchy, male energy was lose and easily diverted into violence.

You can't get more clear cut then this.

The same process can be seen at work among African-Americans. In the first half of the 20th century, the black community existed under male dominated households. Young black males were disciplined and controlled by their fathers, which set the stage for the explosive artistic and political renaissance that followed their social liberation. After several decades of welfare policies and the resulting annihilation of the black patriarchal family model, blacks are caught in a never ending cycle of extreme violence and social regression.
SeanSmartsNY  1 | 17  
10 Feb 2013 /  #53
Well if you look at where governance stems from it is the family in its entirety, this fallacy avoiding responsibility going off to work while someone else takes care of your kids, is in my eyes the worst thing going for modern families. You have a scene from a morning show here in NY, the women are out in the early morning talking on this show, the video shows kids playing in the snow in central park. They are saying on TV, I wish I there, look how much fun these kids are having. Seriously, its a sickness, who is taking care of these women's kids? Cost of childcare in NYC is $25k a year, they buy out of their motherly responsibilities and pass the buck onto some other poor soul to raise and nurture their children. In the name of what? Most of these rich families have some 3rd worlder bringing up their kids, its comical to say the least. The disconnect is apparent and obvious with modern day women. Kids are nothing more than an accessory or possession.

Standards of the family are the basis for everything we are currently immerse ourselves in today, it is the life blood of our society. The more we see it broken, the more this will reflects today and the things to come in our future as a society.

I fear when Poland adheres to immigration reform, and the plan for future United-States influenced military installments their tight nit culture will be a thing of the past. At this point I think the only thing protecting that country, is the fact they hold onto their roots and culture, and that their language is the 3rd hardest in the world to learn. Also women for the most part in small town areas know their role in life and family is number one priority, but most young women leave these small town areas seeking out a better life in big city areas. Its only a matter of time, before lesser and lesser women find themselves settling down willing to start family seeking out their independence.

Just to make another point, and how benign a lot of this is, the smart people look at kids as something in their way of success. Where the lesser intelligent are the ones truly populating this world, and through state sponsored welfare its apparently promoted.
ginnydhanjal  - | 1  
10 Feb 2013 /  #54
dont know abot marriage coz m single but last tym wen i was visit uk ...i meet many polish friend ...den i like polish culture and girls and nw em lukin for polish girl ......and its nt hell it is part of heaven....xx
10 Feb 2013 /  #55
A big mistake! I find dudes who are looking for a wife in a foreign countries - shifty - and their motivation suspicious. Also a good guy in his haste can make a mistake. He should ask himself - what kind of woman would leave her country and her family for a guy she know a month or so? Life is no a movie as you have learned the hard way.

Motivation has nothing to do with me bringing her up here , we have known each other for a while before marriage , everything seemed to be there ...chemistry , interests , likes and dislikes and so on ... I guess I figured ,hey what do I have to lose , went there got married , put the papers through , year later she was here , thats all there is to it , no underlying motivation issues . I learned the hard way just as you put it , but sometimes life will force feed you the sht sandwich and you will pay the price for it even though you are not guilty of anything . No more wives for me ,local or foreign ...ever!Lesson learned .
SeanSmartsNY  1 | 17  
10 Feb 2013 /  #56

I'm in this same situation, thought this girl loved me, but she reserves a lot of energy towards self-interests. Very crafty and shrewd, cold and calculated, manipulative, controlling and out right mentally unstable. I'm seriously going to attempt to file for divorce just to protect myself from this girl before she can afford to get a lawyer. Uncontested divorce. I just dropped off the rest of her belongings at her friends house. Which is insane, its like the three amigos + one supportive mother on the weekends. All of them Polish, they are pathetic in a lot of respects. They give up this beautiful country to come here to the United States and they think its great but in all reality it isn't. They sacrificed family, traveling rights some of them, and potentially will wind up alone for the rest of their lives. Just confused, and disturbed as they came into this country, they are like gypsy's and there is a lot of gypsy's in Poland apparently. A lot of these people are also from Jewish roots, and I hate to stereotype, but sometimes you meet one you have met them all. Just selfish and self-centered, and all about pocketing that penny at someone else's expense. So this one girl was married to a Turkish guy, American, he was abusive in terms of not being faithful but I'm sure she told him I only married you for papers. Just like I was told on various occasions. So she got papers and now is living comfortably outside NYC divorced, her mother is also separated divorced father is in Poland she got her green-card based on her daughter getting citizenship. The other Polish girl is trying to marry for papers, dating a guy that works in NYC, he told her straight to her face I'm not marrying you so you can get papers. She now seeks out a guy to marry paying him ($10k) money just to get a green-card. Now my wife, resides with these two girls, the 3-amigos. All to common huh? She had another friend, also married this one beta-male and she eventually divorced him. GET THE PICTURE. Stay away from these girls. Its not worth the trouble.
10 Feb 2013 /  #57
I'm seriously going to attempt to file for divorce just to protect myself from this girl before she can afford to get a lawyer.

It would be wise for you to get a lawyer thats for sure , however if she can not afford a lawyer due to low income ,or worse due to no income ,the state most likely will provide her with free lawyer to represent her ,meaning that it will be rather you who is not going to be able to afford lawyer anymore after you already spent $$$$$ on your legal bills , while she is still getting free legal help ( just something to think about ) . If you are going that way anyways , try to be as civil about it as possible , otherwise the divorce process will drag forever , cost you a fortune and there is no guarantee that you will get what you want at the end of it .
SeanSmartsNY  1 | 17  
10 Feb 2013 /  #58
If you can prove the marriage was fraudulent. With in a certain time frame you can have the marriage annulled.

An annulment (or “nullity of marriage” or “nullity of domestic partnership”) is when a court says your marriage or domestic partnership is NOT legally valid. After an annulment, it is like your marriage or domestic partnership never happened because it was never legal.


That is why the divorce has to be uncontested, both parties mutually agree, that they will not take each other into court. Contesting the divorce will give the courts the ability to interject. This is what this girl owes me at this point, after all the crap I went through over the years helping her get where she is today. She atleast realizes this.
10 Feb 2013 /  #59
If you can prove the marriage was fraudulent. With in a certain time frame you can have the marriage annulled.

An annulment (or “nullity of marriage” or “nullity of domestic partnership”) is when a court says your marriage or domestic partnership is NOT legally valid. After an annulment, it is like your marriage or domestic partnership never happened because it was never legal.

Fraudulent marriage if proven ,may hold both parties responsible and both can be prosecuted , just so you know .
22 Feb 2013 /  #60
that's only officially.

in practice, many times even pre nuptial agreements get disbanded and the exwife STILL TAKE HALF OF YOUR
HARD EARNED MONEY ANYWAY, and your kids, plus 20% aligmony every month, for the rest of your life

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