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How do I make a Polish girl cry?

Seanus  15 | 19668  
15 Jun 2010 /  #31
Tell her that you don't love her and say that she doesn't meet the criteria for a princess ;) ;)

Seriously, why would you want to be that cruel?
pgtx  29 | 3094  
15 Jun 2010 /  #32
Tell her that you don't love her

that's the worst thing you can hear from a guy you love... :/
Seanus  15 | 19668  
15 Jun 2010 /  #33
Exactly, pgtx, that's why I would never say sth as cruel and calculating as that.

Oh, was it cry of joy? Well, there are quite a few ways of doing that ;)
darkthejesus  - | 5  
15 Jun 2010 /  #34
tell her that last night you were sleeping with Perfect girl ;)
it works X) lol
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
15 Jun 2010 /  #35
How do I make a Polish girl cry?

Tell her you think her brother's hot?
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
16 Jun 2010 /  #37
How do I make a Polish girl cry?

Just beat the crap out of her. Then she will cry.


M-G (stupid topic anyway - why would you want to make a woman cry?)
Ironside  50 | 12374  
16 Jun 2010 /  #38
M-G (stupid topic anyway - why would you want to make a woman cry?)

in ecstasy, in ecstasy M-G

I-S (stupid posts rather )
Seanus  15 | 19668  
16 Jun 2010 /  #39
Take away her cabbage :) :)
wildrover  98 | 4431  
16 Jun 2010 /  #40
put her handbag on the ground...!
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
16 Jun 2010 /  #41
Just look at the way the South African police treated those Dutch young ladies for wearing an orange dress...Then you know how to make a girl cry.


M-G (still thinks that action is more than ridiculous - who could have sth against 30 gorgeous young ladies supporting a team?)
pgtx  29 | 3094  
16 Jun 2010 /  #42
put her handbag on the ground...!

no!!! a purse/handbag cannot... i repeat! cannot lay on the ground! are you crazy...????
Crow  154 | 9177  
16 Jun 2010 /  #43
How do I make a Polish girl cry?

how about wild and passionate sex?

Let she smile and cry in the same time
wildrover  98 | 4431  
16 Jun 2010 /  #44
are you crazy...????

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
16 Jun 2010 /  #45
Don't say that. I am heavily in love with pgtx :)))


M-G (go North Corea!)
pgtx  29 | 3094  
16 Jun 2010 /  #46
how about wild and passionate sex?

Let she smile and cry in the same time

don't be lame, Crow...
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
16 Jun 2010 /  #47
(go North Corea!)

??? This is redundant.. if they don't "go" they will have their balls electrocuted.

P-P (Ouch)
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
16 Jun 2010 /  #48
don't be lame, Crow...

No reaction at all? Tsk!

??? This is redundant.. if they don't "go" they will have their balls electrocuted.

I said I will support NC for the rest of their games, and so I am doing this.


M-G (will think twice next time he declares his love...Go North Corea!)
Ironside  50 | 12374  
16 Jun 2010 /  #49
Take away her cabbage :) :)

or stuff you with it!
do you have an obsession ?
pgtx  29 | 3094  
16 Jun 2010 /  #50
I am heavily

ah i found it! :)
how can you be 'heavily in love'? what does it mean? ;)
beckski  12 | 1609  
16 Jun 2010 /  #51
Or you can kill her cat.

Poor kitty :(
bombelku56  1 | 20  
2 Jul 2010 /  #52
how can you be 'heavily in love'? what does it mean?

Married! (note ball-and-chain attached firmly to ankle) ;-)
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
31 Aug 2010 /  #53
How do I make a Polish girl cry?

i have a few ideas:
Tell her you don't have any money.
Pour all her vodka down the sink.
Tell her you're a Jew.
Send saucy txts to her sister/mother/best friend.
Make fun of her native tongue and mock the way she speaks English (repeat all the mistakes she ever made and laugh out loud).
Tell her her dad looks like Borat.
Make her eat steak and kidney pie.

;D ;D
31 Aug 2010 /  #54
Pour all her vodka down the sink.

Are Polish girls heavy drinkers? Weird. My best friend is Polish I will have to tell her that sh'e not LOL
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
31 Aug 2010 /  #56
Are Polish girls heavy drinkers? Weird. My best friend is Polish I will have to tell her that sh'e not LOL

no more than any other girls, but then i dunno what i would do if somebody poured my cytrynowka down the sink ;D. i'm just mocking the stereotype of Polish people being heavy drinkers, don't worry, your gf's not a closet alccy lol.

another thing that will make a Polish girl cry: Tell her you hate Polish food lol.
31 Aug 2010 /  #57
How do I make a Polish girl cry?

suggest that she is not good looking, smart, and try to disagree with her with something strongly in a sensitive moment ;)
pgtx  29 | 3094  
31 Aug 2010 /  #58
so what is the point being with her in the first place?

31 Aug 2010 /  #59
my cytrynowka

What is this ? Anything good ;)

suggest that she is not good looking, smart, and try to disagree with her with something strongly in a sensitive moment ;)

Nah, thats universal thingy me thinks
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
31 Aug 2010 /  #60
Just be yourself - i.e. sit on her face and fart then calmly ask her if she could lend you 100 quid.

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