Unfortunate these opinions just happened to be similar in case of Irish men.
These opinions are not only of Polish women, but of women from other nationalities too.
I'm sorry, some of the stuff you wrote can honestly make one wonder whether Ireland happens to be the last fortified position of the Neanderthal human male in Europe.
I personally continue to see that a lot of women from various countries do consider Irish gents charming, resourceful, intelligent, witty and great husband material so I do find your revelations about foreign women sitting down together and complaining how bad Irish males are a tad ridiculous.
Aren't you by any chance projecting a personal negative experience?
Most of Polish women who I know (I know 15 here in Ireland) are with Polish men, only 1 I know is with an Irish man (I must admit he is a lovely person). The same figure appreas among women of other nationalities who I know here.
Sean has been kind enough to point towards the statistics.
In terms of marrying a foreigner, Polish women are statistically very likely to marry an Irishman, which directly contradicts what you wrote. These statistics indicate that a hell lot of Polish women simply LOVE Irish men.
I've got plenty of Irish friends who live in Ireland ( good people, all of them ) and they had often told me that once the "Polish invasion" started Polish women freshly arrived in Ireland were practically fighting one another for a chance of getting with an Irish guy and regarded being with a guy from Poland as some sort of a disgrace.
And now here you come and tell us that Irish men are scum? Whom are you kidding?
To be fair, I think RevokeNice has a bit of a point. Also I can't help but to notice that your odd opinion is expressed at a time when economic prospects for Ireland aren't exactly looking as stellar as they did before.
Could it be that the moment Irish blokes ( due to no fault of their own, bad economy and all ) stopped bringing in as much dinero as they did in 2004 or 2005 you suddenly began to consider them unworthy, undereducated apes? Is Marian from Poland looking a bit more sexy now with his moustache and no mortgage in Dublin that's under the water? Paddy O'Connor's no longer a witty daredevil because he's been laid off?
I do hope I'm not crossing the line here, but to be fair I haven't read such rubbish about Irish men in a long time.
If anyone had to listen to their country/themselves being insulted as much British people do...they wouldnt like it.
I simply love people from all over the world taking a dump on Ireland/UK and then complaining that the locals "are touchy".
Assuming Poland discovers tomorrow it is sitting on one huge shale gas reserve and turns into the next Norway overnight I seriously doubt Poles with their newfound wealth would show one third of the tolerance granted to foreigners in Ireland or the UK once it became apparent that there'd be loads of qualified foreign people coming over to compete on the job market.