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What do Polish guys think of Irish girls?

okgirl66  3 | 88  
20 Jan 2009 /  #31
the english are oppressors of the irish!

Actually, the Irish just feel sorry for themselves - if they bothered to make an effort with their appearance and stopped blaming others for their own problems - they would be a lot happier. But then this thread is not about what I think - but couldn't resist putting my opinion - this Catherine Tate sketch is brilliant ....

broken link removed
moonlight  6 | 103  
20 Jan 2009 /  #32
Actually, the Irish just feel sorry for themselves - if they bothered to make an effort with their appearance and stopped blaming others for their own problems - they would be a lot happier.

What a load of sh*t
The people I know are intelligent, confident and successful - we dont need to feel sorry for ourselves, we are more than happy :) as for apperance - I dont know where you are looking.

I have one name for you Vicky Pollard!
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
20 Jan 2009 /  #33
I love it, youz are off your headz.
It is interesting how "your truths" come out in the wierdest places,
This thread is about What do Polish guys think of Irish girls?
And youz are on about the Irish feeling sorry for themselves and the IRA?.
Youz need to look at yourselves, seriously.
I am not going to engage these prejudices on an unrelated thread but if youz wish you can start one and tell us all about "The Irish".


Now back on topic,
I have not come across a Polish guy with an Irish girl but that means very little as I live in Poland and there are not that many Irish girls there well non that I know.

And I will be very general here but I think Irish women are very strong (im not calling polish women weak).
Irish women are great craic!
moonlight  6 | 103  
20 Jan 2009 /  #34
I have not come across a Polish guy with an Irish girl

Im still in Ireland, but I have a Polish boyfriend.

how come ?

just mean if an assumption is made in a sterotypical way about Irish girls appearance, then if you were to sterotype an english girl would vicky pollard be an adequate comparison?? the answer is no but I was just trying to make a point...

I dont even know why I bothered to respond to the comment as I hate this kind of sh*t!!!
Im just in a bad mood today :/
time means  5 | 1309  
20 Jan 2009 /  #35
you were to sterotype an english girl would vicky pollard be an adequate comparison?? the answer is no but I was just trying to make a point...

fair point but it says belfast for her city.

horse jaws of the brit chicks either.

how do you mean?
moonlight  6 | 103  
20 Jan 2009 /  #36
says belfast

yes but Belfast is part of Britian. Some people from Belfast consider themselves Irish but I assumed by her comment that she does not.
time means  5 | 1309  
20 Jan 2009 /  #37
ah yes but you said english :-))) just been picky lol hope the bad moods gone, it does not suit you :-) i am familiar with ulster/ni.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
20 Jan 2009 /  #38
how do you mean?

The vast majority of british women have bloody huge horse jaws and by horse jaws i mean that their facial and dental features remind of a bloody horse.

As for irish girls never bothered for them, smoking screaming lot that reminded me more of a bloody ape than of a female human being.

Women should not chain smoke.
Women should not dress like they were miss universe unveiling 200% of their body when they're a fucking tub of lard.
Women should not cuss and swear like a sailor who just discovered he contracted herpes from a local harbor hooker.
Just because we have equal rights does not make it cool for women to act like they want to prove to me they have a bigger dick than i do.

That sums up my experience with the vast majority of british women, no i am not prejudiced and no i'm not generalising, british women are pretty horrible and beaten only by german women who are frankly freaks of nature.
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
20 Jan 2009 /  #39
british women are pretty horrible and beaten only by german women who are frankly freaks of nature.

PMSL more
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
20 Jan 2009 /  #40
Ahh Sokrates. Nice to see someone bringing back politeness to the conversation.

As for the topic, I had a serious crush on the corrs once. Ohh they truly are proper PIG's. I mean proper Pretty Irish Girls of course. :)

I don't know about youz folks, but I've noticed that most men who complain about the looks of some certain group of women are the ones who wouldn't have the chance to date them in the first place.
EraAtlantia  2 | 106  
20 Jan 2009 /  #41
This thread is getting sh*t.
Irish women are pretty hot from what I've seen, but in general pretty thick to, any irish girl with some cop on often has more male friends than female. But its a subjective matter.
time means  5 | 1309  
21 Jan 2009 /  #42
don't know about youz folks, but I've noticed that most men who complain about the looks of some certain group of women are the ones who wouldn't have the chance to date them in the first place.

could not have put it better myself (fao sokrates aka the polish brad pitt)
wola  - | 9  
21 Jan 2009 /  #43
That sums up my experience with the vast majority of british women, no i am not prejudiced and no i'm not generalising, british women are pretty horrible and beaten only by german women who are frankly freaks of nature

I think that maybe you are of low-intelligence, possible manual worker. Anyone who displays such views as above obviously fits into this catagory.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
21 Jan 2009 /  #44
You are absolutely right. I've been washing dishes in UK.

Now while washing dishes i was apalled by the fact that british women get notoriously drunk, are chain smokers and cuss all the time, i have nothing against occasional swearing but vulgarity of this level is something else, especially in a woman.
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
21 Jan 2009 /  #45
apalled by the fact that british women get notoriously drunk, are chain smokers and cuss all the time, i have nothing against occasional swearing but vulgarity of this level is something else, especially in a woman.

whereas polish men are well known teetotall, no smoking ,clean talking, generally lovely well balanced and fragrant angels...,,mmmm..:)
wola  - | 9  
21 Jan 2009 /  #46
Now while washing dishes i was apalled by the fact that british women get notoriously drunk, are chain smokers and cuss all the time

British women should not be washing dishes and smoking at the same time, it is both a health and social hazard, Getting drunk, whilst washing dishes is a matter which should be reported to social services, they have a "duty of care" as a citizen to make surethat all dishes, irrespective of their colour or nationality area treated in the same way.

You have a good case here
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
21 Jan 2009 /  #47
whereas polish men are well known teetotall, no smoking ,clean talking, generally lovely well balanced and fragrant angels...,,mmmm..:)


British women should not be washing dishes and smoking at the same time, it is both a health and social hazard

Gee that must mean that i...wasnt a dishwasher ?
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
21 Jan 2009 /  #48
yes Socrates, it was all a nasty dream!!!:_
fredex  2 | 30  
21 Jan 2009 /  #49
I think you are trying to Stero Type a whole country of Female's ! there will be some you like and some you dislike , no matter what country of origin !
OP _Fiish_  2 | 9  
26 Jan 2009 /  #50
All I asked wa question about polish people and I rish people and people are on her speaking about the civil rights movement, Home Rule from The british history etc.

I onlt asked A simple question, but Yes I do agree aboutEnglish girls, they do present themselves as a little cheap somtimes, but that really only in some areas of the big cities maybe. I don't know.

Personally I hink the Bits where actually quite harsh on the Polish from what I heard of it, I might be very wrong, but personally I think Polish people are lovely, there are two Polish girls at my school and thier both really sweet ^.^

I spent the weekend beore last with some Polish people and thier really lovely. I think I get on with them better than most Irish people, thier more mature and grown up. Irish guys and most girls seem obnoxious to me, but I don't think I have yet so far met a Polish (or any forieghn national to be honest) that wasn't really nice and friendly. I myself was born in Salzburg but I still get jelous of the eastern europeans because they are truthfully waaaay better looking than most of the Irish! I don't look Irish but I don't feel eastern european or anything because I have been absorbed into this culture so long.
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
26 Jan 2009 /  #51
And I think some Irish girls are 10x prettier than Polish girls.

- And how do you perform this measurement, Fiish from Salzburg, Austria?

By the way, I visited Austria (Vienna) once. Austrian women, like german women in general, appeared to me quite ugly. Perhaps the ugliest women in Europe?

tina 2009  - | 4  
6 Mar 2009 /  #52
Thread attached on merging:
what do polish men think about irish girls

what do polish lads think of irish girls?
Juche  9 | 292  
6 Mar 2009 /  #53
what do polish lads think of irish girls?

they are often pale and freckly. also red heads - in Polish mythology red heads are prone to telling fibs. generally not socialistic minded enough.
Mariap  - | 1  
7 Apr 2009 /  #54
Apr 7, 09, 23:31 - Thread attached on merging:
what polish men think or irish women?

im new to this forum and i was reading a few comments on what polish and what appears to be irish men also think of irish women. to be honest im quite offended at some of the comments as i think it is prejudice to class one of race of women as ugly loud and obnoxious. im an irish woman who happens to 5ft 9 long blonde hair with blue eyes and all my life my fellow country people and foreigners who visit our beautiful country have often asked me whether im norwegian, swedish, danish and more recently the comments i get are, am i russian or polish. more than anything in the world i would love to look completely irish because i think Irish women are really beautiful and are as equally as beautiful as any other type of woman from other countries. my husband is Italian and when he met me first he also thought that i was danish and i quickly told him that im a confident,bilingual irish woman and very strong in my culture and tradition. the fact i had marry a foreigner so that i could raise our children through both of our languages irish and italian as any irish man i dated was not interested in raising future children through irish which i found very disappointing as i find most irish men to be very handsome and charming. i do agree on one point though that i find more recently that my fellow irish women do not dress appropriately to their bodyshape and do tend to drink more and eat very bad food and dont hold themselves very well i think this is from a lack of confidence and low self esteem and sites were other people insult their looks, body shapes and personalities is not very positive, but these women need to turn their lives around and if they did you would probably see the rebirth of the Irish beauty that American men and other men in the world for that matter wanted to fall in love with or marry only approx 7-8yrs ago. i would encourage you please as men to go out and try to be a little less critical as the love of your life could well end up be part of the group you are disrespecting with the awful words you use in your threads.
shelly  1 | 45  
10 Apr 2009 /  #55
hi im marrid to a polish man i think some polish girls are ******* they only want man with cars and money irish girls are not like that.some polish girls are very pritty

i think polish man is lovely i like there boddys there so hot and there have respecked for girls.irish man no pitty that they cant be like polish
bluebird  - | 36  
10 Apr 2009 /  #56
The Irish do great alcoholic drinks!

Some of the Women are very pretty, with many having green eyes and a lot of red heads.

Most of the ones I have met have been bats*it insane though.
steer4omdarear  1 | 14  
10 Apr 2009 /  #57
sorry im irish guy!! i got polish girlfriend sorry to say most irish women are very snobby and they not really that good looking but this not every irish girl some very friendly!!! polish girls have more class look after them selves better
freebird  3 | 532  
10 Apr 2009 /  #58
and Polish men a bunch of smelly alcoholic sad sacks .;)

Don't get me wrong, it's not my opinion but I heard quite a few Polish girls saying it. They mention also that Polish guys are boring.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
15 Apr 2009 /  #59
I think that anything one can think about a particular nationality would only be a stereotype, as nationalities don't define individuals

I agree although in general they have nice butts at last those with waist.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
15 Apr 2009 /  #60
Have you see the state of your average bloke these days, waist? most are lucky if they can see their own feet!

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