Teffle 22 | 1318 1 Nov 2010 / #151What's Ironic?Saying "we brits" and then referring to the quote of an Irishman to illustrate the point, that's all.
Amathyst 19 | 2700 1 Nov 2010 / #152Even more ironic that the said Irish man spent a great deal of his life (freely and happily) in England ;0) His works are probably more read here than they are in the country he was born...So no, I dont personally find it ironic quoting Oscar Wilde. :D
Teffle 22 | 1318 1 Nov 2010 / #153Even more ironic that the said Irish man spent a great deal of his life (freely and happily) in EnglandBut now there is an example of something that has no trace of irony about it at all ; )
aphrodisiac 11 | 2427 1 Nov 2010 / #154I though he was arrested at one point and spend some time in jail for his writings. He was not as happy as some might have assumed.
Teffle 22 | 1318 1 Nov 2010 / #155He was and he did, yes - didn't think you were getting at that to be honest.It's too complex and boring to explain what I thought you were alluding to!- anyway, point made - no matter whose quote expresses the sentiment and how wittily: "The brits don't give a monkeys": )
DreamOn 10 Nov 2010 / #156I am a Polish woman born there living in Canada now, to answer the question: Irish men are the sexiest men on Earth, the only ones i went after in my "younger days". Very sexy accent, sweet, kind and ******* amazing in bed meaning they will do whatever you ask them to do and LOVE it! LOL I adore Irish men!
southern 73 | 7059 10 Nov 2010 / #157and ******* amazing in bed meaning they will do whatever you ask them to do and LOVE it! LOL men!Do they also take it up the ass?
DreamOn 10 Nov 2010 / #158HA HA HA... actually i never tried that, something to consider next time im doing one..
Krynski - | 82 10 Nov 2010 / #159Re: What do Polish guys think of Irish girls?I think Irish women, just like Polish women, are among the most beautiful in the world. I mean real Irish women - from the Irish Republic. One of them, a lady from Cork, I shall never forget - beautiful, smart, tough, artistic and spiritual. 100 % my type.
southern 73 | 7059 10 Nov 2010 / #160A HA HA... actually i never tried that, something to consider next time im doing one..Yes,feminine irish accent can be sexy.
Teffle 22 | 1318 10 Nov 2010 / #161something to consider next time im doing one.Yeah you should put it in your mobile under "to do list when doing women from other countries"
DreamOn - | 3 10 Nov 2010 / #162I was talking about men and just noticed the big Q was about Irish women ...sorry:)Yes,feminine irish accent can be sexy.LOL!!!
Teffle 22 | 1318 11 Nov 2010 / #163I was talking about menPlease, do continue, I'm all ears : )...and I've yet to be asked to do something that I wouldn't normally be doing anyway so I'm kind of intrigued ; )NO! Come back DreamOn !!
Ashleys mind 3 | 446 14 Nov 2010 / #164Beauty really depends on health and happiness... it's like an instant makeover...And i'd even go as far as to say that the Polish lasses may be healthier but the Irish lasses are happier. Each H has its own appeal, but together they can be stunning. :)
bukachino - | 2 14 Nov 2010 / #165Not sure why so many people think Ireland is in the UK. That's sort of like saying Poland is part of Germany...My opinion on Irish women? On average, they are probably not as good looking as Polish women, but there are many beautiful Irish women, and there are many ugly Polish women. In other words, stereotyping isn't very fair.
peterweg 37 | 2305 15 Nov 2010 / #166Not sure why so many people think Ireland is in the UK. That's sort of like saying Poland is part of Germany..True but Ireland is part of Britain.The English get just as confused about Britain and England being one and the same (when they are not).
Teffle 22 | 1318 15 Nov 2010 / #167True but Ireland is part of BritainNo it bloody isn't! What are you talking about?Britain = England, Scotland, WalesUK = England, Scotland, Wales & Nothern IrelandIreland = Ireland, republic of.
Ogien 5 | 237 11 Dec 2010 / #168Irish men are the sexiest men on EarthI wish all women thought this way because people constantly say that I look Irish. People sometimes get surprised when I say I don't have a shred of Irish in me.
Nowicka - | 2 13 Dec 2010 / #169Every person is different. This is an utterly stupid question.Not all Irish girls are the same and not all Polish guys are all alike. They are all people, they are different by looks, character, temperament, things they like/dislike, opinions on politics, religion etc. You are making a generalization here, which might be offensive to some people.
milky 13 | 1656 13 Dec 2010 / #170oh bla bla bla, get a life, will ye...Polish women are babes and In general Irish woman are far from it...life goes on .live with it.
musicwriter 5 | 87 14 Dec 2010 / #171What you call "Irish accent" is known as brogue. I think it sounds classy and unique.
Lodz_The_Boat 32 | 1522 14 Dec 2010 / #172I think the simple answer to this topic is ... they think Irish women are nice too!Infact, the factor of any uniqueness is not exactly there. It all depends if the person has fallen in love ... and love really doesnt need too many logical explanations ... does it.Infact ... you should never ask your love "why you love me?" ... this is a very wrong question - because if he really is in love with only you ... he probably will not know the exact reason ... but will love above reasons and rationality =)
edie5 30 Dec 2010 / #173Ireland is a republic,You Dumbass.Look up the word if You don`t know what it means!
MediaWatch 10 | 942 30 Dec 2010 / #174Here in the US there are many pretty Irish American ladies.I like em.
irish1 - | 7 30 Jan 2011 / #178oh i hope they don't think of them as the same... the english are oppressors of the irish!I think you'll find the english tried to oppress the irish but didn't get away with it...this revolutionary streak may be in common with polish history of oppression by germany and the polish resistance...
johnjay - | 1 9 Feb 2011 / #1791) the irish have been repressed by the english for god knows how long. england is mostly Protestant.2) the irish gene pool has 4 sources,a)the aboriginal inhabitants "fir blog" black hair, pale skin and small stature.b)The gaelic who moved there from the basque region of spain/france/portugual. second to come to ireland, mostly on west coast and southern ireland.c)the anglo saxon (north)andd)british(middle east coast, called the pale of ireland). yes british and germaic/anglo saxon are diffrent gene pools.and3) every country has beautiful womeni wish the net would show more gaelic/fir blog women. look up ms universe/ms ireleand 2009
smurf 38 | 1940 9 Feb 2011 / #180ms universe/ms ireleand 2009rosanna davison? yuk, dude the only reason she won is because she's Chris de Burgh's daughter and he threatened to sing if they didn't let her win :PThere way finer girls in Ireland than her man.thread on an Irish forum about Irish sexiest women, bit.ly/fCCVa1