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ShawnH  8 | 1488  
26 Mar 2010 /  #31

Let me say this about that. Firstly, I don't think that any woman that would put herself up to such manual labour would be feminine enough for most men. Potentially too many rough edges, and I don't just mean on their finger nails. Secondly, I am not that interested in dating miners. I have heard that if you actually seduce a miner, you may be in for some serious jail time. So take my advice.... Stay away from Polish Gold Diggers!!
Prusakowski  - | 25  
26 Mar 2010 /  #32

Based on experience, no they are not.
king polkagamon  
26 Mar 2010 /  #33
Too much experience.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
27 Mar 2010 /  #34
Too much experience in sex by/for money is a result of lost minds.. in marsh.

Supply and demand logic based on so-called free market has not been so as you have seen. Female world have not been really free. See 90% of gold or capital or money or whatever you value are owned or directly controlled by male world. All these values have been used against the female world and all females have been put into such a labirent in their lifes:

"Die or Live by becoming my wife slave slut only or by becoming slave slut of many males."

This is the present male world mentality. Face the reality.
king polkagamon  
27 Mar 2010 /  #35
You don\'t know these girls\' mentality.It is like \'do you have it?Let\'s fire then.\'
nomaderol  5 | 726  
27 Mar 2010 /  #36
Notice. i didnt say specific girls or women or polish women, etc.
I used the term "whole female world."
It is shame to want money/capital/gold/etc whatever is valid to buy the bread?
king polkagamon  
27 Mar 2010 /  #37
As we know in communist countries there were no gold diggers women had jobs and rode tractors.
Alx123  - | 180  
28 Mar 2010 /  #38
All women desire financial security especially in poorer countries. But I think that the money issue is exagerrated when it comes to Polish girls. Certainly 10 years ago part of their fascination with foreign guys was money (or rather the perception of money). But times have changed. I've met some of the cheapest, most tight-fisted guys you can imagine in Krakow. And they're happy here because they can date attractive, low maintenance girls. Of course there are hardcore gold diggers too, but it's not as bad as in some other countries I can think of.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
28 Mar 2010 /  #39
Alx123: All women desire financial security

So, all people are women.
king polkagamon  
28 Mar 2010 /  #40
No,men prefer to be tramps.
Anyway what Alx fails to understand in my opinion is that in Poland girls tend to choose these stingy men because there are no other options available.When they come abroad it is a different story as a river of pienadze flows under their feet.(although Russian girls as smarter are already bowing with their mouths inside the river).
Alx123  - | 180  
28 Mar 2010 /  #41
king polkagamon: Anyway what Alx fails to understand in my opinion is that in Poland girls tend to choose these stingy men because there are no other options available.

I cannot refute this opinion because when I am outside Poland I don't tend to seek out Polish girls, so I don't see what they are going for. I can only speak for Poland. But if they are inherent gold diggers as you say they are, it seems they are pretty bad at it if they are going for all these ethnic minorities, who tend to be poorer than their wealthier indigeneous counterparts.

In Poland, society is better off than it was 10 years ago, and as a result the gold digging is less blatant than it used to be. Just compare Poland to Ukraine, a much more backward country. When you meet the average girl in a Ukrainian club, you don't need to squint to see the dollar signs in her eyes. With the average Polish girl, unless you go out to specific clubs, you don't always feel you are a walking, talking wallet. To me, it's logical that the degree of 'gold digging' is relative to the backwardness of the country, the attractiveness of the girls and the presence of wealthier males.
Bournemouth88  - | 1  
28 Mar 2010 /  #42
I believe that in every culture and country you will get a mix of everyone after different things, so some Polish girls might be gold-diggers, but the chances are that the majority aren't. But the same happens in Britain as well, a few British girls are gold-diggers, but that doesn't mean all of them are, so it's irrational and illogical to fix a stereotype unto (finally, a chance to use my all time favourite English language preposition) all Polish women as being gold-diggers as the chances are they probably aren't.
Alx123  - | 180  
28 Mar 2010 /  #43
More in some countries, less in others, depending on cultural and economic factors. The question is whether all attractive women are inherently gold diggers. If you strip them of whatever financial well-being they already have, would they all put money at the top of their list of criteria for selecting men?
king polkagamon  
28 Mar 2010 /  #44
Western mentality is different from eastern.One theory is that eastern European women have only one property and this is their pusssy the only thing they can sell contrary to western women who have several assets.Of course this is folks opinion but justification presents when even rich Russian women tend to wh0ring.

Of course reality is more complex and there are several other factors which come into play but we should keep our eye on the core and the core is that due to cultural differences an eastern European girl is more likely to be sponsored than a western European girl of similar economic status.

As for them choosing unattractive third wordlers I gave you an explanation.In economic terms english should also marry Indians and pakis in larger extent than they do since some of them have properties,English however do not marry them due to white superiority reasons.Contrary to that Polki rushed to take advantage of the situation that several third wordlers with disposable income were single in UK due to inside limitations of their culture(girls need to be virgin to marry) and due to white superiority treatment by poorer English girls(who would date white guys of similar financial status).

This situation is extended due to the disgust any former contact of his gf with a black or brown man brings to the average white man so white English men are likely to view polish girls as not white at all or in any case inferior with the absolute proof that since they are "attracted by non whites" it means they are not whites themselves per se a notion which leads to further degradation of Polki who will never get out of the vicious poverty circle especially as resistance to third world immigration arises globally.
Alx123  - | 180  
28 Mar 2010 /  #45
Contrary to that Polki rushed to take advantage of the situation that several third wordlers with disposable income were single in UK due to inside limitations of their culture(girls need to be virgin to marry) and due to white superiority treatment by poorer English girls(who would date white guys of similar financial status).

Sadly, I think there is some truth to this. For many westerners, having an attractive Polish gfr is an ego boost and they refuse to look at the big picture fearing that their bolstered ego will come crashing down. They would never entertain such a notion. Though I find a lot of your generalisations a bit over the top, there seems to be some truth in many of them. I must admit that I get turned off a bit when a Polish girl tells me she's had foreign boyfriends before me from some particular countries.
king polkagamon  
28 Mar 2010 /  #46
It is a lose-lose situation for polish girls.The more they ask for money and the more they sleep with third wordlers the more you lose respect for them,I now behave to them mote like a Russian man would like they are dogs or cats.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
28 Mar 2010 /  #47
i met only one polish in my life and she was a pigeon.
king polkagamon  
28 Mar 2010 /  #48
In my opinion only Slavic men treat polish women the way they deserve to be treated and do not succumb to their fairy tales.If the western man wants to get liberated he should develop Slavic man behaviour towards them and his local women and enjoy the results.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Mar 2010 /  #49
What absolute garbage, KP!! Every relationship has its own dynamic and an understanding of give and take transcends national boundaries.
king polkagamon  
28 Mar 2010 /  #50
Instead of learning from Slavic men how to control women and turn them into obedient Hausfrauen and metressas we spoil them unecessarily they cannot believe there are so many suckers in the West.

The western man thinks he is better but in reality he does a great damage by expanding his pusssy slave ways.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Mar 2010 /  #51
Talk about generalisations ;) ;)

Many Western men can impose discipline and lay down ground rules, believe me.

It seems like a garbage source. Don't you know that many are paid to write such nonsense by interest groups? Also, they sometimes just want a story and any old rot will do.

I put an end to the discussion a long time ago by saying that some are and some aren't.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
28 Mar 2010 /  #52
Seanus: Don't you know that many are paid to write

I know. If they were paid in advance, they would not have written any absurd thing. I also know that if golds we men already digged and keeping in our big boxes were given unconditionally in advance (to females), what could happen? We could have seen brothels with men whor*s only? Yes.. But, a man can't do many a day. So, I am sure brothels wouldn't have existed. So, see why brothels exist toda..? Because of us males. (not because of these females who are wrongly named gold-diggers.)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Mar 2010 /  #53
Brothels are a different thing, nom. Gold digging is a separate issue.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
28 Mar 2010 /  #54
brothel is the sink of gold river.
when the gold is much you can think of existence of pimp males invisible behind these so-called gold digger women who actually are able to get a minimal share of gold. so, real gold diggers are male world.
Peter KRK  
28 Mar 2010 /  #55
It is not a question of money. It is a question of imaginary social position. You could be poor idiot but with foreign passport and you were somebody because of the stereotype. You could be rich, as many Poles became after 1990, and you were still nobody because you were still low positioned Pole. It was a very irritable experience for Polish males. Now it seems to be a little better. Stereotypes change slowly.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
29 Mar 2010 /  #56
indeed so.. for ex., a common wrong stereotype not only in poland but also here and everywhere is that an american passport is rich. they know usa from movies only. there are 30 million homeless and hungers in usa and 100 million are in poverty level. last decades with economy crisis, western europe are not much different. but, ordinary people of world still believe such stereotypes and poor people of such 'rich' places are using their passports efficiently in countries like poland. it is like a poor introducing himself/herself as rich to a poor girl/boy. and hopes of ordinary people of middle level countries like here, poland, etc with usually inferior complexity make their eyes blind to see these realities.

but, it is again, all about money.. who has money. this is unknown these days. and risky to be known.
Alx123  - | 180  
29 Mar 2010 /  #57
Peter KRK: It is not a question of money. It is a question of imaginary social position. You could be poor idiot but with foreign passport and you were somebody because of the stereotype.

This is a very good point. I remember when Polish girls were really fascinated with foreign men back in the day. Many foreign guys in Poland at the time were poor or stingy, but they were perceived as being rich and of course took advantage. It wasn't necessary to treat girls to expensive dinners, buy gifts, etc - the perception of high social status was enough.
KWnorow  - | 22  
29 Mar 2010 /  #58
Polish girls are very intelligent and if you can snag a guy with money, why not? But to categorize them all as gold-diggers is ridiculous. Like in any society, there are bound to be those that will get what they can at any expense. Still, I would hate to think that the old values of love and family and higher morals are now antiquated. I don't believe the ability to use somebody is relegated to just the Polish. I know a guy who married a Polish girl and he's never been happier (then again, he is successful and has money). :) But, in fairness, she is dedicated to him. Western society has made the man weak, thus, I think it's more pravalent there. Are Polish girls gold-diggers? I don't think so, or, at least, I don't see them that way. Besides, why would they be different that any other human being anyway?
Alx123  - | 180  
29 Mar 2010 /  #59
I think you have missed the main points of this thread, which can be summed up as follows:

1) Do Polish girls go for fairly well-off guys who are otherwise undateable to western girls?
2) Financial security is a bigger priority in Polish society because it is a poorer country.
3) Polish girls, like many girls, are attracted to social status rather than money (meaning that a loser with a foreign passport has a higher social position in Poland than in his own country)

I wouldn't categorise them all as gold diggers either. But it's hard to say if given the opportunity how many would go for money or 'perceived social status' at the expense of everything else (looks, character, extreme cultural differences, etc.).
king polkagamon  
29 Mar 2010 /  #60
1.Yes but the guys you mention are usually taken by Russian girls who are more sly and adjust better
2.Yes,but security means different things in Poland and different in the West.
3.Social status is disputable.Polish girls cannot understand the real status because they are outsiders they do not become insiders.

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