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THE POLISH DISEASE, wanna marry a Polish girl ? read on...

LAGirl  9 | 496  
28 Sep 2010 /  #31
Boy you did a big Mistake LOL. not all Polish women are bad but alot of them do and act like they are miserable. go with some other nationality if you arnt happy.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Sep 2010 /  #32
stantheman, there is no sense in posting truths as defensive types will either brand you as a troll or as one that exaggerates. Know it for yourself and make mental notes. I personally agree with a lot of what you said as I know such types. In fact, you are incredibly spot on with much of your insight :)

However, it makes the challenge of finding those nice ones all the better. Us, as men, encourage their behaviour by plying them with cash. Know that their humor is short-lived before moving onto the next short-term gratification. The next humph and grumph is just around the corner.

Be yourself and rise above it!!
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
28 Sep 2010 /  #33

the name says it all. why call him stan the man? cause he is a ladies man? or because
he fixes cars really really well? or he bowls a 200?

as one that exaggerates

consider him branded!! LOL

I personally agree with a lot of what you said as I know such types. In fact, you are incredibly spot on with much of your insight :)

it can be any woman.. he just found a BLANK>>

people change, i am sure he isnt what she thought he was either..
two sides to the story. has nothing to do with polish, if it did then she could use that
against him and say hes polish and lazy as heck..

anyways, look at yourself before you go throwin stones.. you didnt marry a
arm ornament now did you?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122  
28 Sep 2010 /  #34
i must say, if your materialistic, dont need alot of intamicy, dont mind being told what to do and your a general overall wuss,, then they may be the right fit
i welcome anyone to write to me

like i said i have a huge polish family here and over there
take this truth and go with it


Soooo, one of your sisters are jealous of you having an happy family and you made up this story to find an perfect match for your sister... Clever

But I won't fall for that trap! HAHA!
Paulina  16 | 4403  
28 Sep 2010 /  #35
Hey, don't tar us all with the same brush!

Men on this forum do this to Polish women all the time :)
28 Sep 2010 /  #36
I'd forgotten that. In my humble experience, Polish women are the gift of a benevolent Creator to his otherwise undeserving creations. A co ja wiem?
THE HITMAN  - | 236  
28 Sep 2010 /  #37
Men on this forum do this to Polish women all the time :)

Yeh, yeh, yeh !!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Sep 2010 /  #38
It just depends what we have in mind. The Polish staff I work with are not that way as they are educated and fair. But the people who say the worst things about many Poles? Poles themselves.

The hardest thing is the Princess Syndrome. That's sth that's can't be overcome.

Morrissey summed some women up with his comment 'They take what they need and just leave'. I think it was Hand in Glove. He had a few interesting comments :) Or was it 'A Rush and a Push and the Land is Ours'?
OP stantheman  1 | 2  
29 Sep 2010 /  #39
lol , i knew id get some flack for making this post, LMAO its just too honest, the women start calling you fat, unintelligent, lazy, etc, blah blah blah when the exact opposite is true but thats ok, im not here to battle them ,, i expected the heat from thier perspective, and its only natural,,and i perhaps gave the impression that its a 100 percent average < which its not of course > its the ones from the wussy men that are the most amusing , and its those that i hope do not learn, ,< smiling > from a seasoned vet such as myself, and the many many other polish men who understand that what i say is in fact real, and has nothing to do with who you are as a person but the engrained , programmed mentality that is almost impossible to erase, many polish women THRIVE on negativity, its in thier DNA ,
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
29 Sep 2010 /  #40
lol , i knew id get some flack for making this post, LMAO its just too honest

no buddy, your post is sad and desperate and shows how vulnerable and hurt you really are. have you been crying whilst typing it? i don't really know why some people think that bashing a whole group of women/men because one of them hit you where it hurt most will make things better. go and tell this woman you're with what you think of her and end this miserable, pointless relationship, look what it's doing to you. all the LOL's, LMAO's and <smiling> won't disguise the fact that you are indeed deeply affected and need some kind of a solution soon, bad mouthing a whole nation instead of addressing your issues and feelings in a healthy grown up way will get you absolutely nowhere.
OP stantheman  1 | 2  
29 Sep 2010 /  #41
your observation on how they tear each other down is another sad fact, lots of people gossip but pols? theyd bury each other if they could get an advantage ,<, again not everybody , but too many do > history proves it, poland was divided for the last time in 1797 the king was in bed with the czarina of russia, the nobles of the south were in the pay of the austria hungarians, the nobles of the west, to the germans.. why? because they cared more about thier land, money, greed,and the wealth of thier lands and what they could get out of it for themselves,and thier families, and they sold out the entire nation,, kept the pesants in debt , and never supported kosziusko one of the few who tried to unite the entire nation,,,pure greed...

WW1: jerk offs like roman dmowski who were in the pay of the commies in the east
brilliant men like jozef pilsudzki were arrested with the help of people like him,,
its a cultural thing,
and it sucks
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
29 Sep 2010 /  #42
its a cultural thing,
and it sucks

it doesn't affect every single Polish person which you said yourself. blame your mistakes and sorrows on your own poor judgement instead of history or culture. and if you want to marry someone then marry them for the person they are and because you love them, not because of their nationality or what your family tells you. it must be difficult for you to admit failure, after all someone your age should know better, right.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
29 Sep 2010 /  #43

oi ! I don't care what you're saying about poles but please do not mix up history with it because your conclusion really sucks and make you a pathetic looser with no clue about history.

Ah! I guess it make you clueless about polish women as well if you have thought for a second that polish women would fit in your cosy fantasy land - time to wake up!

Advise - stop blaming others for your own short-comings!
shewolf  5 | 1077  
29 Sep 2010 /  #44
ok ive just joined this site and ive seen lots of men talking about polish women and what they are like

trust me you WILL ruin your life with them,, the ones ive seen that last the men are always miserable

like i said i have a huge polish family here and over there
take this truth and go with it guys, id spare some of you the crap some of us are going thru

Well, if all of these things are true, then I think all men who are married to Polish women should leave their wives at once, and all unmarried men should refuse to marry Polish women, and they should all stop having children with them and allow the entire Polish race to cease to exist. They should marry women of other races who don't cause any problems. This will stop all of these innocent men from suffering ever again. ;)

yeah those long leggs look good
the blonde cute face,, yeah i know,, i know,,,

Wait. Is it only tall, blonde Polish women who are like this? Then I guess the short brunette ones are safe.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
29 Sep 2010 /  #45
This will stop all of these innocent men from suffering ever again. ;)

I only stay in my marriage as a service to other men. I hope to be named a saint when I shed this mortal coil.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
29 Sep 2010 /  #46
May the force be with you, ShawnH.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
29 Sep 2010 /  #47
There is a certain thriving on negativity, he is not wrong here at all. It's blatant!
Wroclaw Boy  
29 Sep 2010 /  #48
history proves it, poland was divided for the last time in 1797 the king was in bed with the czarina of russia, the nobles of the south were in the pay of the austria hungarians, the nobles of the west, to the germans.. why? because they cared more about thier land, money, greed,and the wealth of thier lands and what they could get out of it for themselves,and thier families, and they sold out the entire nation,, kept the pesants in debt

Hell man lets start boxing of entire nations based on their countries history, thats absurd.

Youre looking for blame and trying to ascertain this from heritage, youre barking up the wrong tree. The old some are some aren't comes into play. Ive tried to avoid using that statement but its just unavoidable with so many idiotic posts on this forum.

What if another nationality girl shafted you? what would you say then?
southern  73 | 7059  
29 Sep 2010 /  #49
in 1797 the king was in bed with the czarina of russia

Yes,but in chains.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
29 Sep 2010 /  #50
Set and setting also plays a large part. I teach at the largest publishing company in Poland and the atmosphere, I have to say, is cordial. The vibe is kept positive as the they appear to be satisfied with what they are doing. Granted, the men seem to be happier but it's rare to hear a woman complaining there. So, there is hope :) :)
29 Sep 2010 /  #51
Maybee you should escape, if she unchains you from the computer, Run, Watchout ALL Polish people are bred to be fast runners. This is why they had to put chains on the king. My wife keeps on catching me and spanking me, it hurts, i dont like it.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
30 Sep 2010 /  #52
Polish women are sexy and beautifull , and great fun..but there is a certain hidden poisen within many of them , just waiting to come out if they feel you did them wrong , and you don,t have to do much before they decide to get revenge...

They are not happy simply to end a relationship if its not working..they want to turn all your friends against you , destroy your life , and rip you for everything you have....

Of course this can be said of women of any nation , but it seems much more common among Polish women...

Both the Polish girls i dated turned out to have boyfriends , and even when i found out about it they insisted the relationship with their boyfriend was more or less over...The boyfriends were unaware of this of course...Another one i met was married , but could not leave her husband because they shared a business....

I have lived in Poland five years...i am Marrying a Russian....!

I am not anti Polish.. any of you that know me will know this , i love Poland , i have some great friends here....but the women....spawn of the devil...!
Wroclaw Boy  
30 Sep 2010 /  #53
I have lived in Poland five years...i am Marrying a Russian....!

Stepping up or down a division?
wildrover  98 | 4430  
30 Sep 2010 /  #54
Definatly stepping up...My Russian lady is the most lovely person i have ever met in my whole life...and i have been around a bit..if you know what i mean....

damn you sure know how to pick 'em!

I don,t think anyone picks a horrible woman...they are all very cute and lovely...in the begining....
Paulina  16 | 4403  
30 Sep 2010 /  #55
They are not happy simply to end a relationship if its not working..they want to turn all your friends against you , destroy your life , and rip you for everything you have....

What a bullsh1t... I'm still friends with my ex-boyfriend and we often chat on Gadu-Gadu. What kind of people do you meet...? Geez...

but the women....spawn of the devil...!


I haven't honestly heard or read in my entire life so much whining about women, so much generalising or simply chauvinistic comments, as I've read on this forum.

The funny thing is that for example Russian men speak very well about Polish women. So maybe there's something wrong with you guys? Just a thought :)

Two Polish girls I knew in the past 2 years made me more miserable than I have been for years.

Jesus, Barr, you've been writing the same comments about those two Polish girls over and over again in every thread somehow concerning Polish women. Maybe meet more Polish women and then make an opinion?

FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
30 Sep 2010 /  #56

And let this be a lesson to you, in fact not only to you but to any male interested in amour polonaise. The trick is to wear ski boots at all times, especially on the wedding day (and night), so now you know it.

No there is nothing wrong with ski boot fetish, a passion to be shared and cherished with your loved one and her offspring until old age...
wildrover  98 | 4430  
30 Sep 2010 /  #57
I suspect all of these guys dated those same two girls.

You might have a point there....

Where were you when i was single you naughty lady wolf....????

You could have saved me from all this grief...!
Wroclaw Boy  
30 Sep 2010 /  #58
All the successfully married guys to Polish women are stum, my gal is great and she's Polish.

Bad luck to all those that have been bitten.

dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
30 Sep 2010 /  #59
I was stating facts. Didn't I say I'm open-minded, for one to prove me wrong?? Yes, yes I did.

Why do you feel they should prove you wrong?
shewolf  5 | 1077  
30 Sep 2010 /  #60
Where were you when i was single you naughty lady wolf....????

Didn't you hear me howling? ;)

Archives - 2010-2019 / Love / THE POLISH DISEASE, wanna marry a Polish girl ? read on...Archived