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THE POLISH DISEASE, wanna marry a Polish girl ? read on...

stantheman  1 | 2  
28 Sep 2010 /  #1
ok ive just joined this site and ive seen lots of men talking about polish women and what they are like , now, not to generalize too much but heres the facts:

im an American born polish guy ,very Polish, speak read etc, all of it from a big Polish family,
i dated lots of women from all kinds of backgrounds, Italian, French, americans with varied backgrounds, i grew up watching the American people saying 50%of all marriages end in divorce etc. etc.. so i figured when it was time to settle down id get a polish gal, they seemed to have a much smaller divorce rate, ive know many who seemed to last ,

so at 39 i found one , cute ,blonde , i figured id take the plunge,i bought the line " you gotta marry a nice polish girl , youll be happy "

big mistake,
i also have a sibling who very aptly came up with the name i put up on this post , apparently he knew better than i,

he warned me,,, the **********, the materialistic-ness, the hunger for money, the expectations, of always expecting you to never enjoy your life, the arguing,how you dont work hardenuff and how everything always seemed to lead back to the man being the problem,,the lack of intimacy.etc. etc.

Aww cmon i figured,, not mine, shes cool ,a bit tempered , but shes ok ......B.S. !!!
rule number one :
everyone is always trying to be the perfect person in the beginning of any relationship< i was in a few i shoulda known this more clearley>

after the bloom is off the rose the real person deep inside always comes out
she is a royal pain in the ass, moody. walks around with a nasty F**N attitude,
listen man, i know what your thinkin, " all women can be moody and a pain in the ass, esp come menstrual time" yeah yeah yeah i KNOW THIS WE ALL DO BUT,,,

mines is a god dam jekyl and hyde, it goes form moody to down right nasty !
in the beginning shed cover it up with quietness and laying down, but now that shes got me , it all hangs out just a nsasy nasty *****

my sibling was right on !!!
Listen , guys, im telling you this out of experience,
polish gals, maybe not all,, but a HUGE , OVERWHELMING PERCENTAGE are a super duper pain in the ass,they may be cute, but trust me you WILL ruin your life with them,, the ones ive seen that last the men are always miserable, some just bow down and become dick-less and just hang on,,

and in case your wondering,. what kinda guy am i ? im a witty laid back, enjoy life while it lasts kinda guy,,im the one whos always saying.. relax,, itll be ok,, dont worry so much,, etc etc.. so guys heres the FACTS polish gals are:

ALWAYS seeking to impress other polish people.
they always seek control of the finances
they have NO sense of humor,
always putting on a face of being proper and prim
they spread rumor and innuendo that woulda made joseph goebbels proud
if you let them they will work you like a dam mule
they are completely wound up about life and you will NOT enjoy your life with them
if your american born like me youll find that after the bloom falls off, youll be stuck with a person that you have NOTHING in common with be it sports music, whatever,,

the sex will dry up like you cant believe
and if you have a bit of a wild streak in you and are adventurous in your intamicy and like to keep it fresh and hot,,

life is meant to be a a constant journey of misery, hard work, arguing, and the collection of material wealth,
trust me guys, in time youll find out im right about what im saying
i kid you not,
the other men who are posting this wisdom are not blowing smoke up your azz
yeah they are cute,
yeah those long leggs look good
the blonde cute face,, yeah i know,, i know,,,
hey if you get a rare one that sweet and loves life ,, good for you,,but im warning you,,,,
dont fall for the line,
i must say, if your materialistic, dont need alot of intamicy, dont mind being told what to do and your a general overall wuss,, then they may be the right fit

i welcome anyone to write to me and ill share my in depth, first hand knowledge of this topic like i said i have a huge polish family here and over there

take this truth and go with it guys, id spare some of you the crap some of us are going thru, but in my case on day shall not

good luck,
its a DISEASE , and thats the truth
its in bred,
they cant help it, maybe it genetics,
its real and its all true, just ask around
Ironside  50 | 12928  
28 Sep 2010 /  #2
Ain't you a witty one ? Just relax a bit will ye ?
Take your hoss and ........
f stop  24 | 2493  
28 Sep 2010 /  #3
I actually know few of those Polish women! LOL
I think you have to have special um.. constitution for a Polish woman. You have to be able to take control. Otherwise she's always going to be looking for what is wrong and trying to fix it.

I don't mean you got to slap her around, you just have to remember that you've got the *ick.
That said, this is a huge generalization - every woman is different. The best way is to establish early on what you can and cannot live without.

Which is easier said than done. That's why me and my bf live in two different houses.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Sep 2010 /  #4
I think it's worth pointing out here that the "Polish girl" mentioned is actually most likely American.
George8600  10 | 630  
28 Sep 2010 /  #5
its real and its all true, just ask around

dude...shut up and go away....at least publish that into a novel if you want me to read it...sheesh
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
28 Sep 2010 /  #6
jesus, when people will learn not to use space between words and commas, question marks et al.?
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
28 Sep 2010 /  #7
at least publish that into a novel if you want me to read it...sheesh

I wouldn't buy a crap novel like that. The guy effed up and married the wrong gal. Punkt.


beckski  12 | 1609  
28 Sep 2010 /  #8

Sounds like Stanislaw has been bitten, by the Polish bug big time!
George8600  10 | 630  
28 Sep 2010 /  #9
I just read some of it, you got married at 40. I would say this plays some significance.
Bolle  1 | 144  
28 Sep 2010 /  #10
I think it's worth pointing out here that the "Polish girl" mentioned is actually most likely American.

From my experience living in poland, i would say polish women appear slightly better early in the relationship (they hide their true colors) whereas with american women it is 'what you see is what you get.' The end result, however, is that both polish/american women are the same.

Polish women being better partners than (__ insert nationality __) women is a MYTH.
Wroclaw Boy  
28 Sep 2010 /  #11
Dude just pick up a copy of "Men are from Mars women from Venus" that should straighten out most of your issues.

I actually browsed through a few pages yesterday and theres some pearls of wisdom in there. Most married couples need to take a look at that book every now and then imo.
southern  73 | 7059  
28 Sep 2010 /  #12

Polish disease is the new epidemic.Hopefully I was not vaccinated.
28 Sep 2010 /  #13
so at 39 i found one , cute ,blonde , i figured id take the pulnge,

Dude - she saw you coming. Just out of interest - what's it like to be 39 and still have the interpersonal awareness of a 17-year-old?
KLove  1 | 8  
28 Sep 2010 /  #14
I just read this... and some of what you say rings true ... Im American, married to a Polish girl... I feel your pain.

But I cant agree with everything you say. While there are some days when EVERYTHING you posted here seems to be true (days when we are fighting)... you have to realize that everything is not lost if... IF she really loves you.

Every once in a while I have to remind my wife, when things are at their worst, that A) Im not happy like this... and B) I WILL FIND ANOTHER WAY TO BE HAPPY IN MY LIFE. i.e. - I will find another person to f#$k, travel with, laugh, listen to music etc. That although I love her and it will kill me inside... life is too short to be miserable.

This usually chills her out, maybe not right-away, but soon after.

The only flaw in this tactic is that, if she doesnt really love you, then she might tell you to f$%k off and do it. Either way, you re-affirm where your balls are.
jamesams1357  - | 35  
28 Sep 2010 /  #15
which parking lot you pick up your hoes at
urszula  1 | 253  
28 Sep 2010 /  #16
Polish guys are not much different. They keep stuff inside, aren't honest, only nice to you if you are American because they think you got money. So it's not just Polish women who are psycho, it's Poles themselves. Of course there are exceptions
southern  73 | 7059  
28 Sep 2010 /  #17
They keep stuff inside

This is suspicious when referring to polish girls.
f stop  24 | 2493  
28 Sep 2010 /  #18
I'm still curious as to what makes his girl so unhappy.
Sometimes "easy going" is a euphemism for lack of ambition.
Maybe she thought they would be conquering the world together, while his perfect weekend plan is a 12-pack and couple of games?
Two small kids and a football season?
Ksysia  25 | 428  
28 Sep 2010 /  #19
shed cover it up with quietness and laying down

that's clear then - you got fat and expect her to pay your beer bill and smell you in bed.
get a job.
Paulina  19 | 4451  
28 Sep 2010 /  #20

So you wanted to marry this:

And you got a real woman instead! Wow! :D

youll be stuck with a person that you have NOTHING in common with be it sports music, whatever

Judging by what you've written you decided to marry a stereotype and you married a girl because she was "cute, blonde and Polish" and then you realized that you have nothing in common with her? What a surprise! Way the go, genius! :D

Oh yeah, and you're so witty too ;D

Stantheman, it seems you're paying for your stupidity now. If you're so miserable in this relationship then get a divorce. If the woman you married isn't the so called gold-digger then she's probably as unhappy in this marriage as you are. So you'll do both of you a favour.

Btw, I've found perfect T-shirts for you:



i grew up watching the american people saying 50%of all marriages end in divorce

How come if American women and men are so perfect?? :D Do they all marry Polish people from Poland? xD

I just read some of it, you got married at 40. I would say this plays some significance.


Dude just pick up a copy of "Men are from Mars women from Venus" that should straighten out most of your issues.

True :)

Just out of interest - what's it like to be 39 and still have the interpersonal awareness of a 17-year-old?

I was wondering about that too ;)
I'm also curious how old is she...
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
28 Sep 2010 /  #22
im an american born polish guy ,very polish, speak read etc, all of it from a big polish family,

This actually reads more like a warning to women not to marry Polish/American guys.
Paulina  19 | 4451  
28 Sep 2010 /  #23
I would say it's a warning to Eastern European women not to marry Western men in general, not only Americans or Americans of Polish descent ;)

Stantheman's post is more or less PolishForums.com in a nutshell.
28 Sep 2010 /  #24
I would say it's a warning to Eastern European women not to marry Western men in general

Hey, don't tar us all with the same brush! I can provide excellent references :)
28 Sep 2010 /  #25
Im very happily married to a polish girl, Have been for 10 years. Spineless In my book is being afraid of being alone and Just marrying anyone with a pretty Mug. Its insulting to generalise like this. You may live in a country with a couple more gold pieces than Poland, But you are still a slav, how would you feel if this was about your mother or gran?
THE HITMAN  - | 236  
28 Sep 2010 /  #26
big mistake,

, says it all.
Fair shout though, you,re not the only one to experience this trait. I,ve heard it from many other guys of different cultures, poles included.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
28 Sep 2010 /  #27
you're a troll... i don't think it's a 40 year old man's writing style..nor mentality... lol
f stop  24 | 2493  
28 Sep 2010 /  #28
Just a guy going through a divorce. Venting. Wishing he didn't sign that piece of paper, no? ;)
pgtx  29 | 3094  
28 Sep 2010 /  #29
Wishing he didn't sign that piece of paper, no? ;)

yeah... many of them on PF... manhood fighters... ;)
monika87  - | 55  
28 Sep 2010 /  #30
Paulina I agree with you in everything, I loved this Post :-) The one with the T-shirts was legendary

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