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What is the reason for POLISH jokes ?

z_darius  14 | 3960  
16 Mar 2009 /  #61
It is my understanding that the Polish jokes originated during/after WWII when returning American GIs told stories of perceived Polish cowardice in the war.

Your "understanding" appears to be ill founded. Why don't you do some serious reading on the history of WW2 instead of relying on stories heard while paying for a six pack in a corner store where people have only a vague idea what WW2 even stands for.

You can't create the 4th largest army in the European theater of war out of cowards, who btw. volunteered to fight.
Juche  9 | 292  
16 Mar 2009 /  #62

very interesting sociological question pertaining to Polish who are no longer socialistic. major wave of Polish immigrant before WOrld War I up until WWII was when Poland was not very good socialisitic, Polish coming to USA were the most backward and illiterate of all Polish, they were the most miserable wretches - those who could read and write stay in Poland, the most rusticated only come to USA. because in USA then at this time was already huge German populations, these ethnic Germans, loyal to the descendent of the Huns told jokes about the Polish to make up for Hitler's stupidity. Very obvious!

Also famous incident of Polish cavalry charging German tanks on horseback is popular misconception - they were not attacking but try to break out of an area where they were surrounded, sword were still popular accessory of army offcier in the 1930s. But stupid Amerrican propaganda expanded on sterotype and this myth snowballs to this day. Very stupid!

This misconseptions is exactly why we North Koreans build monuments.

don't forget about American reputation for stupidity

reputation for terrible socialistics!
z_darius  14 | 3960  
16 Mar 2009 /  #63
reputation for terrible socialistics!

Tha may change.
Now they have populist at the steering wheel. We may even see mucho new monuments to the victims of sub-prime loans fiasco. It will be just like your beloved and oh so great N.Korea.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11672  
16 Mar 2009 /  #64
Very obvious!

Not so obvious!
As everybody and his grandma (even in Korea) knows Germans are naturally unable to tell a joke (or to get one) because of their "inborn genetic humour failure" the so called IGHF syndrome...it's proven!

So how could they had come up with such a mass of jokes, huh?

I rest my case!
17 Mar 2009 /  #65
The English don't like anybody, but they're usually kind of passive aggressive about it.

Not true... they just know they are superior to everyone else. The English consider themselves a self-made race (which relieves God of the responsibility)

Similar scenario occured in the UK, where Irish and Scottish jokes presented the Irish and Scotts as fools and drunks, rather as those who were dominated by invading English forces.

Not sure I agree wholeheartedly. Perhaps consider both countries have a tradition of making whisky (they aren't speaking Gaelic, they're just pissed) and both had a heavy rural tradition which was not as developed as the English systems (for a number of reasons, not all connected to the English). Ironically, Scottish (lowland) education in 19th Century was way ahead of England.

Many of the Irish jokes, like the Polish jokes, come from poor, under-educated rurals coming to a new country, doing menial tasks, living in poor conditions and being unable to read or write (or speak) in the new language (if they could even read/write in their own).
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
17 Mar 2009 /  #66
When I was a kid (hundreds of years ago), I grew up listening to Bohemian jokes. When I met someone who was Czech I took a good look at him and wondered what was different.

Nothing was but children are impressionable and that's where the ethnic joke is sociologically dangerous.

I rarely hear "Polock jokes" today. About 20 years ago in Las Vegas, I was listening to a comedian who started telling them. I shouted from the audience "tell me the same joke about yourself". The audience was quiet and the comedian asked if I was Polish. I told him "yes, now let's see how funny you are". I was surprised when he apologized.

A few people in the audience applauded (don't know if they were Polish or not).
z_darius  14 | 3960  
17 Mar 2009 /  #67
quite a bold move!
Takes some balls to do what you did.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11672  
17 Mar 2009 /  #68
Gah....laughing about yourself makes you much more sympathetic than always getting angry and demanding apologies...the Jews do that and look how people are being annoyed by it...it makes you look like a nutter in peoples eyes and they don't might make any jokes into your face anymore but they do it for sure behind your back and THAT bad image you earn all by yourself!

I don't know one event when Germans ever complained about german jokes! We just ignore it or laugh with them and we are supposed to be humorless, go figure...
z_darius  14 | 3960  
17 Mar 2009 /  #69
the Jews do that and people are annoyed by it...

annoyed or not, but they still pay through their noses :)
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11672  
17 Mar 2009 /  #70
"...pay through their noses"??? What's that? :)
z_darius  14 | 3960  
17 Mar 2009 /  #71
What's that? :)

It's a slang expression in English.
It means to pay a lot, to pay too much, to get swindled out of money and similar.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11672  
17 Mar 2009 /  #72
It means to pay a lot, to pay too much, to get swindled out of money and similar.

Thanks! *sits down and takes notes* :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Mar 2009 /  #73
We also say it costs an arm and a leg
17 Mar 2009 /  #74
There are stereotypes about all nationalities in America. None of them are good, of course!!! The jokes about Polish people as being stupid can be easily disproved simply by looking at the many Polish-Americans who have done very well in this country. Alot of Polish people who came here with nothing and lived in poverty at the beggining ended up becoming successful business owners. They obviously didn't have the opportunity to go to college because they had to work so hard, but their kids did! My neighbors came directly from Poland about 32 years ago and they established themselves very well. All three of their kids graduated from ivy league universities and are now making six figure salaries. There isn't a shortage of examples like this!!!
Randal  1 | 577  
17 Mar 2009 /  #75
Everyone just needs to lighten up with the hypersensitivity and PC. There is no racism or any other ism in humor. There is no reason someone must be of a particular nationality/ ethnicity/ race in order to tell a silly joke. That is nothing more than PC. And dictating who can and who cannot tell a joked based on the teller’s nationality/ etc is the real racism/ otherism.

Don’t let PC Lib hypocrites ruin everything.

Over here the Racial Double Standard is firmly in place even in the realm of comedy. Blacks are free to spout any funny or offensive thing they want to about blacks or whites (many of their comedy routines depend almost solely on racial jokes) while whites must be much more careful because they are held to a different standard as to what is permissible.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Mar 2009 /  #76
I don't think Blacks are free to spout anything offensive they want. Haven't you heard of defamation, libel or slander? It applies to everyone.
Randal  1 | 577  
17 Mar 2009 /  #77
anything offensive they want

Anything racially offensive they want to.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Mar 2009 /  #78
Well, maybe you are right. I don't live in America so I wouldn't know. I know that you acknowledge the above 3 ideas as any civilised country does.

Just treat those remarks as water under the bridge.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
17 Mar 2009 /  #79
I don't think Blacks are free to spout anything offensive they want. Haven't you heard of defamation, libel or slander? It applies to everyone.

Black comedians in particular can and have spoken in the most insensitive way. Whether it's sex, or the "N" word, or characterizing people, there has been an allowance for them.

Only relatively recently have rappers come under (some) attack.
17 Mar 2009 /  #80
jokes release social tensions

18 Mar 2009 /  #81
Also famous incident of Polish cavalry charging German tanks on horseback is popular misconception - they were not attacking but try to break out of an area where they were surrounded, sword were still popular accessory of army offcier in the 1930s. But stupid Amerrican propaganda expanded on sterotype and this myth snowballs to this day. Very stupid!

I'd heard it was fascist Italian propoganda which published that story first. Also, there are accounts, allegedly, of mounted units attacking German armoured patrols (not tanks but armoured cars) and winning. As for the swords, well panzers are always supported by infantry, who could prove a bigger problem than the tanks at close quarters, also only John Wayne can fire accurately from horseback with a rifle in each hand.
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
18 Mar 2009 /  #82
Also famous incident of Polish cavalry charging German tanks on horseback is popular misconception - they were not attacking but try to break out of an area where they were surrounded, sword were still popular accessory of army offcier in the 1930s. But stupid Amerrican propaganda expanded on sterotype and this myth snowballs to this day. Very stupid!

Even propaganda movie made showing the "charge", old style cut and paste, shown to Western youth in history lessons for brainwash purposes
gumishu  16 | 6182  
19 Apr 2009 /  #83
Just look at how Jewish jokes are usually told by Jewish people.

the ones I know would definitely offend anyone Jewish - well they did most of the time

Why did the Polish chicken cross the road?
To meet his droga friend.

a good one osiol, inventive :)
19 Apr 2009 /  #84
Maybe it has somethings to do about Poland. I heard other countries killed all Polish people because Polish people were mental and not stables to rule Poland. So Sweden, Russian, French, Italy and German ruled Poland and more populations got bigger and I really don't know if Polish people went hiding, came back to claims Poland for good. Some of them married different nationalities.

Good News we still have Poland.

Now they are have Spanish Joke.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
19 Apr 2009 /  #85
In Sweden we have the same kind of jokes about Norwegians, and in Norway they tell the same jokes, but about Swedes. And still we like each other very much. :) I think this occurs worldwide. And we don't take them seriously, and I guess their are not taken too seriously in other parts of the world as well.
gumishu  16 | 6182  
19 Apr 2009 /  #86
Now they are have Spanish Joke.

they are have bad hardly comprehensible English

and talk rubbish perhaps

maybe they inform better before spanking the Polish monkey
19 Apr 2009 /  #87
Well, just listen in one ear and other ear it get out.

You know what I mean.

Polish people are good no matter what kinds of jokes we heard. Just ignored them.
20 Apr 2009 /  #88
why polish jokes?
sombody got bored & made fun of their nabor & it caught on
adrian11224  7 | 41  
20 Apr 2009 /  #89
The reason for Polish Jokes is because Poles continue to validate them.

When someone tells me a Polish joke I assume they're trying to make fun of me so I point out the fact that they are much dumber than me.

For example couldn't pass high school , didn't get into college their mom is a drug addict their father cheats on his wife mom etc.

Nobody walks on my Culture

I usually don't acknowledge that anything was said which I advise you to do also.

They will eventually realize that it takes a dumb Polak to actually laugh at a Dumb Polak joke.

I for one don't fall into that category.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
9 Jul 2009 /  #90
The origin of Polish jokes came from Nazi German propaganda.

And yes the Germans did know how to make jokes and laugh. They loved mocking and laughing at people who they hated. The Nazi German public had a good laugh when they watched German movies like "The Eternal Jew" or the "Jew Zeus". Where Jews were parodied and mocked as having "rat like" qualities.

Go on youtube and search for "Hitler Comedy" where it shows Hitler laughing with his German audience when the British requested that Germany not invade other countries.

Hitler comedy

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